Snow go for NYC’s electric garbage trucks that can’t handle winter weather

Nobody is freezing in Europe...

It is called Energy management, something they are willing to teach Texas...

Exploring new technologies is a proper and prudent way to think... Using Electricity in a city like NYC saves on emissions and harmful gases...

The tech is getting there and they are just dipping there toe in the water...

The attitude that some people have here would have us all still living in caves...

Couple of minutes would get you enough power to give you about 20 miles...

Europe has fast chargers that can give 200km in 15 - 25min (depending on the car)

Tech is improving all the time... Europe is selling a lot of cars to families that have two cars... EV is the general short run drives but are becoming more and more used for long runs, mainly due to cost, it a lot lower cost per mile...

Just as a thought there isn't a bunch of abandoned EV cars in European highways... Biggest selling EV in Europe right now is probably the VW ID4, it has a range of 275 miles(extend package)... People just plug them in at night...
Rapid charger can give you 140 miles more in 30 min... They are in pretty common in European service stations...

I run out of gas in the middle of nowhere.......a tow truck can bring me a can of gas, I'm good to go....

Electric vehicle runs out of charge in the middle of have to tow the F****r to a charging station....

How long does that take do you think?

In the case of a gas car, a roadside service truck can usually bring you a can of gas, or tow you to the nearest gas station. Similarly, an electric car can simply be towed to the nearest charging station.

And if you forget to plug in your electric car at are F****d...........I can drive down the street and fuel up in about 10

And how do all the people in an apartment complex fuel all of those new EVs? How many stations will they need to build to supply all of those apartment dwellers and their EVs?

Correct. As a landlord, I'm not about to spend the tens of thousands to have everything re-wired so that my tenants each have a charging station connected to their electrical service. That's out.
Just as a thought there isn't a bunch of abandoned EV cars in European highways... Biggest selling EV in Europe right now is probably the VW ID4, it has a range of 275 miles(extend package)... People just plug them in at night...
Rapid charger can give you 140 miles more in 30 min... They are in pretty common in European service stations...

I have the best rapid charger. It's called the gasoline pump.
Britain, Germany, Japan.....are now going back to coal, oil and natural gas....and Japan is going back to nuclear.....the global warming religion is failing....
They are just temporally while they move from Russian Gas to other sources of power..

It is mainly Gas they are going too...

All you have shown us is that Europe are handling the transition pretty well considering there main supply of Gas was cut off...

You can create all the hyperbole you want but Europe has managed the Energy Crisis pretty well... They set out targets for storage and they all made them... Gas is now cheaper than before the war...

The whole world is looking at EVs and car manufactures in Europe are already for the end of selling fossil cars by 2035. But car manufactures are moving there deadlines before this Honda will only sell hybird or EV now... they know the filling stations are going to go and by 2035 it will be harder to find filling stations especially in cities...
They are just temporally while they move from Russian Gas to other sources of power..

It is mainly Gas they are going too...

All you have shown us is that Europe are handling the transition pretty well considering there main supply of Gas was cut off...

You can create all the hyperbole you want but Europe has managed the Energy Crisis pretty well... They set out targets for storage and they all made them... Gas is now cheaper than before the war...

The whole world is looking at EVs and car manufactures in Europe are already for the end of selling fossil cars by 2035. But car manufactures are moving there deadlines before this Honda will only sell hybird or EV now... they know the filling stations are going to go and by 2035 it will be harder to find filling stations especially in cities...

They are just temporally while they move from Russian Gas to other sources of power..

Yes...back to coal, natural gas and likely nuclear energy in the future...Like Japan....
Its sad that sometimes we on the left highlight the 65 days (usually much fewer than that) where shit doesn't go right.

The right lives there 24/7.

Correct. You on the left are checkers players where we on the right are chess players. We're always thinking five moves ahead of time just like with politics or carrying a firearm. We want to be prepared for anything even if there is only a slight chance something bad could happen to us.
Sorry Ted but you're no physicist or engineer, and don't understand that improvements from here on out will be incremental. It is physically impossible to make a battery 10X more efficient than they currently are, and even now, as it stands, fossil fuels have 5,000X the energy density of batteries.

Why else do you think it takes a 1,000 pound EV battery just to drive a car as far (under the BEST of conditions) as 80 pounds of gasoline?
Electricity is cheaper than Gasoline and Electricity looks like it is only getting cheaper as renewable infrastructure is getting better...

Most journeys don't need the a full tank and as I said Europe is showing that the infrastructure is going towards electricity.

Sorry but you can't seem to think forward... Why are you so determined to stifle innovation, what are you so afraid off...
They are just temporally while they move from Russian Gas to other sources of power..

Yes...back to coal, natural gas and likely nuclear energy in the future...Like Japan....

Germany moved back to coal for this winter ad maybe next... But they moved up there dealing to finish coal... Germany is highly depended on coal and scaling it out...

You are trying to equate short term moves because of war to more long term self suffice power supply... This is not about being 100% just being better...
EV tech is improving at incredible rate...

The Sodium Ion Battery goes into production this year... Sodium is 1400 times more plentiful...

And it just won't stop there...

Yes this will mean more Electricity production but that is been looked at in EU...

But think of how stupid this all is.

We have great vehicles now that we can start up in most any weather conditions and allow you to drive off. If it's not broke why fix it? Because it will make some believe we are saving the planet.

So we have to buy vehicles three times the cost of the ones we have now, and a charging station for an extra few thousand bucks. The end result is we don't have enough electricity to charge these cars, and also have to spend billions of dollars to make more electricity.

But wait! How are we going to make all this electricity without using fossil fuels? We'll have to use hundreds of acres of valuable land for solar panels and windmills. But wait! What happens when there is no sun or wind to produce this electricity?

Land is supply and demand like anything else. The less supply and more demand, the higher the prices go. If you want to build a home or factory for instance, it's now going to cost you a lot more money.

In the end, we spent all these billions of dollars, used up a bunch of our available land increasing the price of land, have less reliable vehicles, all to make some people feel better about themselves.

Don't you see how stupid this is?
What you fail to understand is that when you tax the rich......that money goes to politicians who steal, lose or waste the money....they don't spend it on anything close to what they say they will spend it on, then they use dupes like you to demand more tax dollars so they can steal, waste and lose that money as they all buy their 3rd and 4th homes on the coast.....

We don't have a tax problem, we have a government stealing, losing and wasting the money we already give them....
We are easily the richest country in the world with our natural resources and yet we are the only modern country without cheap college and training healthcare daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich, because we have the most brainwashed idiotic voters the Republicans. 35 years of giveaway to the rich tax rates have given us easily the worst upward mobility inequality and homelessness etcetera ever anywhere in the modern world. Thanks GOP great job!
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But think of how stupid this all is.

We have great vehicles now that we can start up in most any weather conditions and allow you to drive off. If it's not broke why fix it? Because it will make some believe we are saving the planet.

So we have to buy vehicles three times the cost of the ones we have now, and a charging station for an extra few thousand bucks. The end result is we don't have enough electricity to charge these cars, and also have to spend billions of dollars to make more electricity.

But wait! How are we going to make all this electricity without using fossil fuels? We'll have to use hundreds of acres of valuable land for solar panels and windmills. But wait! What happens when there is no sun or wind to produce this electricity?

Land is supply and demand like anything else. The less supply and more demand, the higher the prices go. If you want to build a home or factory for instance, it's now going to cost you a lot more money.

In the end, we spent all these billions of dollars, used up a bunch of our available land increasing the price of land, have less reliable vehicles, all to make some people feel better about themselves.

Don't you see how stupid this is?
Your love and admiration for greedy idiot swine and pollution is noted... All of the problems you mention are being fixed or already have been. In the case of these garbage trucks you need a bigger battery and/or a quicker change battery.
Electricity is cheaper than Gasoline and Electricity
A totally meaningless claim since you both don't bother to quantify how you mean that. Not only can't I buy a gallon of electricity to directly compare the two, but WTF does it mean to say that electricity is cheaper than electricity??? Someone dropped you on your head or are you just entering a new level of stupid for the New Year?

looks like it is only getting cheaper as renewable infrastructure is getting better...
Not only isn't renewable infrastructure not getting better, whatever the fuck "renewable infrastructure" is supposed to mean, but rather than getting better (show me that solar or wind power technology have significantly improved in energy density or cost in the past five years!), their main "improvement" has come only through the forced adoption by GOVERNMENT which has committed billions and billions into driving industry to try it adopting it now, far before its time has really come, by accepting government subsidies (bribes) to use it, and all of it has greatly fallen short of promise and expectation costing everyone a great deal of money.

And your claim that green energy is getting cheap? NOTHING is getting cheaper these days, Ted, and green energy is still FAR FAR more expensive than current methods! In fact, unless you accept man-made climate change and that somehow the world will come to an end soon unless we change, IT MAKES NO SENSE! And even if the alarmists are right, then that means we've already waited far too long for it to do enough good soon enough for it to save the planet! :auiqs.jpg:

Most journeys don't need the a full tank and as I said Europe is showing that the infrastructure is going towards electricity.
All that means is that EV cars are an option to consider if you can afford to have a little shitbox car that sits in the garage most of the time only used for rather infrequent, short vaunts, and needs about $25,000 invested into it every ten years! Meantime, I can get a far nicer used ICE car for a TENTH the cost that will outlast it and do the same job!!! :lmao:

Sorry but you can't seem to think forward... Why are you so determined to stifle innovation, what are you so afraid off...
Sorry, but you obviously don't think at all, worse, your head is filled with "facts" which simply are not true. Maybe if you understood the difference between innovation and PRACTICAL innovation truly ready to completely replace current technology, networks and transportation while major cities are already issuing orders on limiting the availability of times you can even recharge these cars and drive them, you might actually understand a little! What I'm afraid of is idiots like you which blindly promote radical change to vital sectors of society which is proven underdeveloped yet to meet the challenges it promises to do which can only end in my being far more greatly limited in the energy and travel and freedom I have now!
But think of how stupid this all is.

We have great vehicles now that we can start up in most any weather conditions and allow you to drive off. If it's not broke why fix it? Because it will make some believe we are saving the planet.

So we have to buy vehicles three times the cost of the ones we have now, and a charging station for an extra few thousand bucks. The end result is we don't have enough electricity to charge these cars, and also have to spend billions of dollars to make more electricity.

But wait! How are we going to make all this electricity without using fossil fuels? We'll have to use hundreds of acres of valuable land for solar panels and windmills. But wait! What happens when there is no sun or wind to produce this electricity?

Land is supply and demand like anything else. The less supply and more demand, the higher the prices go. If you want to build a home or factory for instance, it's now going to cost you a lot more money.

In the end, we spent all these billions of dollars, used up a bunch of our available land increasing the price of land, have less reliable vehicles, all to make some people feel better about themselves.

Don't you see how stupid this is?
And most of your fears ie reliability et cetera are just baloney. Yes it is time to tax the rich again and invest in infrastructure and Americans again.
And most of your fears ie reliability et cetera are just baloney.
Hey Frank, you ought to stick to History or something you know a little about.

Yes it is time to tax the rich again
Welp, that leaves YOU out, eh?

and invest in infrastructure and Americans again.
Too bad the infrastructure looks unchanged and at this rate it'll take about 100 trillion and 80 years to finish it all! Meantime, all the cash is just being laundered to blue states and to democrats who lobby for Biden, so nothing for infrastructure much less any Americans.
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And most of your fears ie reliability et cetera are just baloney. Yes it is time to tax the rich again and invest in infrastructure and Americans again.

So what good would taxing the rich do? The Communists are spending 40 billion on a war that doesn't benefit the US one iota, 4 million on creating a walking trail in honor of Moooochelle Obama, another few million for an LGBTQRSTUV museum for flakes, another 2 million for a black wax museum, 80 billion for 87,000 IRS agents nobody wants or needs, and we have no idea if the courts will allow the Communists to buy the votes of younger people paying off their college debts, and this is what we should tax the rich for?

I have a better idea: grow some balls to stand up to your leaders and tell them to spend money that benefits most Americans instead of leftist Americans and buying votes. Oh, we can't do that! That would make too much sense.
So what good would taxing the rich do? The Communists are spending 40 billion on a war that doesn't benefit the US one iota, 4 million on creating a walking trail in honor of Moooochelle Obama, another few million for an LGBTQRSTUV museum for flakes, another 2 million for a black wax museum, 80 billion for 87,000 IRS agents nobody wants or needs, and we have no idea if the courts will allow the Communists to buy the votes of younger people paying off their college debts, and this is what we should tax the rich for?

I have a better idea: grow some balls to stand up to your leaders and tell them to spend money that benefits most Americans instead of leftist Americans and buying votes. Oh, we can't do that! That would make too much sense.
What we need is cheap college and training and great infrastructure and vacations and daycare help and a mental health system like every other modern country. And I don't think you have any idea what the great majority of the money goes to, just baloney like that....
Your love and admiration for greedy idiot swine and pollution is noted... All of the problems you mention are being fixed or already have been. In the case of these garbage trucks you need a bigger battery and/or a quicker change battery.

Horseshit. While you spent your life on welfare, I was out driving those trucks for 35 years. I know what it takes to make them run efficiently. Electricity neither has the power or endurance of fossil fueled vehicles. Experts already addressed this issue. There isn't enough resources to replace all fossil fueled vehicles. Eventually what we will end up with is a shortage of cars.
So what good would taxing the rich do? The Communists are spending 40 billion on a war that doesn't benefit the US one iota, 4 million on creating a walking trail in honor of Moooochelle Obama, another few million for an LGBTQRSTUV museum for flakes, another 2 million for a black wax museum, 80 billion for 87,000 IRS agents nobody wants or needs, and we have no idea if the courts will allow the Communists to buy the votes of younger people paying off their college debts, and this is what we should tax the rich for?

I have a better idea: grow some balls to stand up to your leaders and tell them to spend money that benefits most Americans instead of leftist Americans and buying votes. Oh, we can't do that! That would make too much sense.
And after 40 years of giveaway to the rich and corrupt GOP crap, we need that many IRS agents to figure out how they cheated on their taxes. At any rate that is for IRS agents that are just taking the place of those who retire etcetera to a great extent, just more baloney for the rubes.
What we need is cheap college and training and great infrastructure and vacations and daycare help and a mental health system like every other modern country. And I don't think you have any idea what the great majority of the money goes to, just baloney like that....

And all this stuff is free, huh? Well great. When you can get college professors to work for free, road construction workers to work for free, mental heath facilities to work for free, then let us know. Because if you're going to tax the rich to try and pay for all this stuff, the rich will take their money and business (like they always have) and move the hell out of this country taking their jobs with them.
And after 40 years of giveaway to the rich and corrupt GOP crap, we need that many IRS agents to figure out how they cheated on their taxes. At any rate that is for IRS agents that are just taking the place of those who retire etcetera to a great extent, just more baloney for the rubes.

Are you that fucken stupid or what? If my employer was paying me $30.00 an hour to work, I retire, all he has to do is pay the next person to do my job $30.00 an hour and it won't cost him a dime more. This is money to hire additional IRS agents because the more government workers, the more likely Democrat voters. And until you can provide me with a report that our current IRS agents are working six days a week ten hour days, the Communist party is doing nothing more than feeding you a line of shit stating we need more workers.

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