Snow go for NYC’s electric garbage trucks that can’t handle winter weather

Horseshit. While you spent your life on welfare, I was out driving those trucks for 35 years. I know what it takes to make them run efficiently. Electricity neither has the power or endurance of fossil fueled vehicles. Experts already addressed this issue. There isn't enough resources to replace all fossil fueled vehicles. Eventually what we will end up with is a shortage of cars.
And I have never been on welfare and I'm still happily retired, brainwashed functional moron hater. Mario Cuomo said Ronald Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable, and then made it much normal . God will not be amused by such idiocy...
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And all this stuff is free, huh? Well great. When you can get college professors to work for free, road construction workers to work for free, mental heath facilities to work for free, then let us know. Because if you're going to tax the rich to try and pay for all this stuff, the rich will take their money and business (like they always have) and move the hell out of this country taking their jobs with them.
Your love admiration and fear of greedy idiot swine is noted. They aren't going anywhere. You take so much crap from the rich it's pathetic, sheep.
So what good would taxing the rich do? The Communists are spending 40 billion on a war that doesn't benefit the US one iota, 4 million on creating a walking trail in honor of Moooochelle Obama, another few million for an LGBTQRSTUV museum for flakes, another 2 million for a black wax museum, 80 billion for 87,000 IRS agents nobody wants or needs, and we have no idea if the courts will allow the Communists to buy the votes of younger people paying off their college debts, and this is what we should tax the rich for?

I have a better idea: grow some balls to stand up to your leaders and tell them to spend money that benefits most Americans instead of leftist Americans and buying votes. Oh, we can't do that! That would make too much sense.
  1. Republicans call it an 'army' but IRS hires will replace retirees, do ...

    WebAug 19, 2022 · WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) hires over the next decade will mainly replace retiring Baby Boomers, answer taxpayer questions …
  1. Republicans call it an 'army' but IRS hires will replace retirees, do ...

    WebAug 19, 2022 · WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) hires over the next decade will mainly replace retiring Baby Boomers, answer taxpayer questions …

Of course they're going to lie to you. Leftists have no common sense. If they were just replacing agents, it wouldn't be costing us a dime yet alone 80 billion. You have to start using your own brain once in a while; I know, difficult for people like you to do, but try it sometime.
Your love admiration and fear of greedy idiot swine is noted. They aren't going anywhere. You take so much crap from the rich it's pathetic, sheep.

Right. All of our jobs were not replaced with automation or companies moving out of the country. Do you live under a rock or something?
And I have never been on welfare and I'm still happily retired, brainwashed functional moron hater. Mario Cuomo said Ronald Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable, and then made it much normal . God will not be amused by such idiocy...

You're a leftist. You have no belief in God. God helps those that help themselves.
So what good would taxing the rich do?
Frank would never understand that. From a communist's POV, the rich have stolen something hoarding it away from other people, but a capitalist understands that the rich are rich because they have CREATED wealth. Wealth for themselves, wealth for the country, revenue for the government, innovation, products and opportunity for more, jobs for many. Without the rich, there is no economy in the first place--- for the poor, the affluent, or even for the government itself to exist since they DEPEND on taxing ECONOMIC ACTIVITY. We need to THANK the rich, for they are a sign that we are a working, healthy society, because no one gets rich in a failed, socialist society! More to the point, only the rich, not the poor, HAVE the capital in order to reinvest into greater economic development.

I have a better idea: grow some balls
Well, that leaves Frank and other democrats out of the conversation. Like pigs in mud, they actually WALLOW in socialism now, feeding off of OTHER people's money until they simply run out of it while not producing anything of their own.
As a Buffalo native, screw you. Why don't we tax the rich again and invest in America again, like investing in electric infrastructure so high winds don't knockout all the electricity in the black areas lol?

your link is a load of crap of course. The problem in the article is the door handles freeze and you have to use the online unlocking app. Big FD

First, define rich.

Second, try addressing what I actually said in the post you responded to.

Sure. Enjoy your hurricanes tornadoes mud slides drought etcetera etcetera rising waters. A little snow is no problem if we would invest in infrastructure again for crying out loud so the blacks don't lose heat etc. And don't come asking for Great Lakes water, you warm climate lightweight slacker dimwit Florida (whatever) man lol

Wow, two replies to the same post and this one doesn't address what I said any better than the first.

Frank would never understand that. From a communist's POV, the rich have stolen something hoarding it away from other people, but a capitalist understands that the rich are rich because they have CREATED wealth. Wealth for themselves, wealth for the country, revenue for the government, innovation, products and opportunity for more, jobs for many. Without the rich, there is no economy in the first place--- for the poor, the affluent, or even for the government itself to exist since they DEPEND on taxing ECONOMIC ACTIVITY. We need to THANK the rich, for they are a sign that we are a working, healthy society, because no one gets rich in a failed, socialist society! More to the point, only the rich, not the poor, HAVE the capital in order to reinvest into greater economic development.

These people live under the delusion that all money belongs to government, and what they allow us to keep is a gift from them to us which we should be thankful for.

I've been saying for sometime we need to bring our spending under control through a consumption tax. Everybody gets taxed at (let's say) five cents on the dollar. That money would be exclusively earmarked for deficit spending. If our leaders spend more than the tax can cover, they simply increase the tax, to let's say seven cents on the dollar, or whatever it takes to balance the budget.

If Franko actually had to pay for all these things he wants, you'd see how fast he would take the stance we could do without. But as long as we have selfish people like him, it's "I want this, I want that, I want the other thing, and somebody else pay for all these things I want!"
But think of how stupid this all is.

We have great vehicles now that we can start up in most any weather conditions and allow you to drive off. If it's not broke why fix it? Because it will make some believe we are saving the planet.

So we have to buy vehicles three times the cost of the ones we have now, and a charging station for an extra few thousand bucks. The end result is we don't have enough electricity to charge these cars, and also have to spend billions of dollars to make more electricity.

But wait! How are we going to make all this electricity without using fossil fuels? We'll have to use hundreds of acres of valuable land for solar panels and windmills. But wait! What happens when there is no sun or wind to produce this electricity?

Land is supply and demand like anything else. The less supply and more demand, the higher the prices go. If you want to build a home or factory for instance, it's now going to cost you a lot more money.

In the end, we spent all these billions of dollars, used up a bunch of our available land increasing the price of land, have less reliable vehicles, all to make some people feel better about themselves.

Don't you see how stupid this is?
No it is not...

Fossil fuels are killing this planet... I know you want to ignore that but the adults in the room know to listen to science...

On top of that we are also running out of fossil fuels and have to greater lengths to get it...

I know you find that people talking about doing damage to the planet upsetting but the evidence is pretty overwhelming at this stage and it only gets stronger... Global Climate Change is happening at an alarming pace...

So the solution has to been to stop looking at ourselves and think of others... I know, how very Christian of us...

You are right to be concerned about Electricity supply but you can see how Europe are transitioning. It is not seamless but it creates a lot of jobs and creates great revenue... Governments in Europe had to cap the price renewables were receiving this winter, they would have made too much money..
No it is not...

Fossil fuels are killing this planet... I know you want to ignore that but the adults in the room know to listen to science...

On top of that we are also running out of fossil fuels and have to greater lengths to get it...

I know you find that people talking about doing damage to the planet upsetting but the evidence is pretty overwhelming at this stage and it only gets stronger... Global Climate Change is happening at an alarming pace...

So the solution has to been to stop looking at ourselves and think of others... I know, how very Christian of us...

You are right to be concerned about Electricity supply but you can see how Europe are transitioning. It is not seamless but it creates a lot of jobs and creates great revenue... Governments in Europe had to cap the price renewables were receiving this winter, they would have made too much money..

There is zero evidence man has anything to do with the It's not only a theory, but a myth as well.

Europeans are worried about freezing to death this winter, huddled by wood and coal burning stoves. I don't want to live like that. The only people that do in this country are the Amish and the Quakers, and even they are having a lot of younger people leaving the community for that reason.

You are not looking out for others, you are only looking out for yourself. You are looking to support your beliefs at the cost and suffering to other people, and there is nothing Christian about that.

The US alone has over 100 years of resources to sustain our current power supplies. We're not going to run out anytime soon. Furthermore by the time we would run out, we will be long away from fossil fuels anyway WHEN we discover something similar to replace it with, and solar panels or windmills is not that replacement.
Frank would never understand that. From a communist's POV, the rich have stolen something hoarding it away from other people, but a capitalist understands that the rich are rich because they have CREATED wealth. Wealth for themselves, wealth for the country, revenue for the government, innovation, products and opportunity for more, jobs for many. Without the rich, there is no economy in the first place--- for the poor, the affluent, or even for the government itself to exist since they DEPEND on taxing ECONOMIC ACTIVITY. We need to THANK the rich, for they are a sign that we are a working, healthy society, because no one gets rich in a failed, socialist society! More to the point, only the rich, not the poor, HAVE the capital in order to reinvest into greater economic development.

Well, that leaves Frank and other democrats out of the conversation. Like pigs in mud, they actually WALLOW in socialism now, feeding off of OTHER people's money until they simply run out of it while not producing anything of their own.
There are plenty of rich people in France Germany Italy Sweden etcetera etcetera. And of course you don't know what socialism is. It is always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. Every modern country has its, although the English speaking ones have to call it something different because of their century of crap propaganda. Thanks for the worst inequality upward mobility and homelessness ever anywhere by far. Great job! Ignoramus... Communists need a revolution and a dictatorship to install their crap and no one is a communist except for people with a gun to their head in China Vietnam and Cuba. The reason I don't respond to your idiocy is self-explanatory.
These people live under the delusion that all money belongs to government, and what they allow us to keep is a gift from them to us which we should be thankful for.

I've been saying for sometime we need to bring our spending under control through a consumption tax. Everybody gets taxed at (let's say) five cents on the dollar. That money would be exclusively earmarked for deficit spending. If our leaders spend more than the tax can cover, they simply increase the tax, to let's say seven cents on the dollar, or whatever it takes to balance the budget.

If Franko actually had to pay for all these things he wants, you'd see how fast he would take the stance we could do without. But as long as we have selfish people like him, it's "I want this, I want that, I want the other thing, and somebody else pay for all these things I want!"
tax the rich again, ignoramus, and change the channel. You are a brainwashed functional idiot.
Lithium mines a great for Mother Earf!

You're a leftist. You have no belief in God. God helps those that help themselves.
Everywhere else in the world I am a centrist. And you are a brainwashed functional hater dupe. You snap back into ridiculous hate memes that are despicable. Poor America.

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