
Light dusting a few days ago. None yet today. I can wait. It will be 17 degrees tonight though.
so far no snow....calling for it tonight or early in the morning....i will update you tomorrow...suppose to be 17 degrees here....da man is out of town and worried about me being alone....i keep reminding him i have been alone for entire blizzards and made it....w/o eating the pets might i add
so far no snow....calling for it tonight or early in the morning....i will update you tomorrow...suppose to be 17 degrees here....da man is out of town and worried about me being alone....i keep reminding him i have been alone for entire blizzards and made it....w/o eating the pets might i add

Don't think for a minute the pets don't appreciate it. They would like you to check the dry pet food anyways. Might be reassuring to see a few of the Mac and Cheese boxes too.
i keep a month of so stash of people and animal foods....i am by nature a hoarder...i have two fridges and a chest freezer plus food that is canned and water is gravity fed....i have a wood stove for heat and cooking if the power fails....i have a sleeper sofa i can just heat the main part of the house if it gets real cold...
who's getting snow?

We're supposed to get a light layer of Global Warming later on tonight/early tomorrow starting around 1 am continuing until about 10 am for us. :D

Doesn't sound like much, really--but this is VERY unusual for us. It's extremely early for us to be getting any kind of "winter" precipitation of any kind.

So, enjoy everyone! It's an early Christmas present. :D
We're supposed to get a rain/snow mix tomorrow followed by all snow in the afternoon. As much as 2 inches in some areas, won't last though, it'll warm up quickly. Very unusual to get snow this early for us. It normally doesn't come in until Jan or Feb.
....i keep reminding him i have been alone for entire blizzards and made it....w/o eating the pets might i add

Look behind the fridge before chewing on Fido

They are skiing at Mammoth Mountain right now!! 1.5 hrs from Los Angeles in a Cessna 182....
They are skiing at Bear Mountain right now!! 1.5 hrs from Los Angeles by CAR.
I'd rather have snow than rain. The horses don't mind the snow, it doesn't soak them and make them cold, they sort of like it, though they're always glad when it goes. Provided it doesn't go in a wash of freezing rain and mud, like it usually does here.

It was 28 degrees here this morning, has been sunny and clear all day, pretty cold. My water barrels melted a little, so it must have gotten up above freezing today. This morning (as every morning) after dropping the kids off I spend about 5 minutes breaking ice and digging it out of their water containers, often with my bare hands (though I do use gloves sometimes....)so they have a little time to get a drink before it freezes again, if it's going to. Then I race to work.

Tonight, I didn't have to break or dig out ice. But we're down to single digits this weekend, supposedly, and possible snow by Sunday.

But that's like saying I might win the lottery over the weekend. Means nothing.
As a professional driver, what I hate are OTHER drivers in the snow. I have no problems generally speaking unless it's black ice. But other drivers? wow. If you're unsure, just stay off the damn road and leave it to people who know what they're doing.

It's a half an inch of dry snow people.... let's get a grip okay? Stop tailgating, put down the cell and for the love of GOD remember to break carefully! Use the brains you were born with, you dumbasses!

Well, that's my sentiment.
I am, and it is flippin cold here so the roads are freezing fast.
All the ski resorts opened early this year around here.
If Luissa is getting am I. Cold too, it was 24 on the way home from Spokane, suppose to get down into the mid teens tonight. Sunday is only suppose to get up to 19.
It was 17 here last night, so I am sure it was around that for you Meister.
I don't think we will be getting anymore snow, it is too cold.

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