Snowden has the personal files on ALL officials and threatens to release the files.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Be fine with me if every federal judge and congressmen was drug out of their mansions and beaten to death by outraged citizens!! They're all traitors to america and the constitution.:clap2:

BOMBSHELL: Snowden downloaded entire roster of U.S. government - all names, home addresses and other personal info of **all** officials and gov't employees -- including law enforcement -- plus bankers, corporate boards of directors and more!

February 2014 20:28
February 6, 2014 -- (TRN) -- Edward Snowden, the former contractor at the National Security Agency took with him multiple "Doomsday" packages of information when he departed the country and began revealing how intensely the US Government is spying on its own citizens. He has the personal home info for all Elected Officials, Law Enforcement, Judges, Bankers, Corporate Boards of Directors and more!

At a classified briefing for members of Congress which took place on Wednesday, members found out that Snowden took with him:

a complete roster of absolutely every employee and official of the entire US Government.
The names, home addresses, unlisted personal home telephone and personal cellular phone numbers, dates of birth and social security numbers of every person involved in any way, with any department of the US Government.

Snowden has made it clear that if he is arrested, if he vanishes, or if he "dies" from any cause whatsoever, ALL of the information in his possession will be published publicly.

Making the situation all the more dire for the government is that Snowden has made clear he will release some of the information under certain "other" circumstances. For instance, if Martial Law is declared in the US or if any elections are canceled for any reason, all the government employee info goes out. If the US Dollar collapses as a currency, or there is any type of "bail-in" for banks, where depositors money is seized to prop-up banks as happened in the country of Cypress, all the Federal Reserve and Banker info goes out. If an economic collapse takes place, all the Banker/Stock Broker/Commodities Trader information goes out. If Corporations start hyper-inflating prices, all the information about them, their officers and Boards of Directors will go out.
Fine, I agree to those terms. Now hang him for treason.
In time he'll have a structure like The Washington Monument erected in his honour. But only after regime change and restoration of The (former) U.S. Constitution.

That could take a while.
The guy is awesome.

Clearly the thugs we have a s government are reeling in rage, but can not do anything - at least so far.
In time he'll have a structure like The Washington Monument erected in his honour. But only after regime change and restoration of The (former) U.S. Constitution.

That could take a while.

and he should.

he is a real hero of the times.
He is a traitor to this country. Bet y'all would be singing a different tune if it it were your private info he was fixing to share to the world, while being nice and comfy in Russia.
He is a traitor to this country. Bet y'all would be singing a different tune if it it were your private info he was fixing to share to the world, while being nice and comfy in Russia.

our info has been in the disposal of the thugs for a very long time.

Or you think thugs are only ones speaking Russian?

The man is a major hero of the times. And an extremely smart one.
Hope HE wins.

As we all will with him.
Be fine with me if every federal judge and congressmen was drug out of their mansions and beaten to death by outraged citizens!! They're all traitors to america and the constitution.:clap2:

BOMBSHELL: Snowden downloaded entire roster of U.S. government - all names, home addresses and other personal info of **all** officials and gov't employees -- including law enforcement -- plus bankers, corporate boards of directors and more!

February 2014 20:28
February 6, 2014 -- (TRN) -- Edward Snowden, the former contractor at the National Security Agency took with him multiple "Doomsday" packages of information when he departed the country and began revealing how intensely the US Government is spying on its own citizens. He has the personal home info for all Elected Officials, Law Enforcement, Judges, Bankers, Corporate Boards of Directors and more!

At a classified briefing for members of Congress which took place on Wednesday, members found out that Snowden took with him:

a complete roster of absolutely every employee and official of the entire US Government.
The names, home addresses, unlisted personal home telephone and personal cellular phone numbers, dates of birth and social security numbers of every person involved in any way, with any department of the US Government.

Snowden has made it clear that if he is arrested, if he vanishes, or if he "dies" from any cause whatsoever, ALL of the information in his possession will be published publicly.

Making the situation all the more dire for the government is that Snowden has made clear he will release some of the information under certain "other" circumstances. For instance, if Martial Law is declared in the US or if any elections are canceled for any reason, all the government employee info goes out. If the US Dollar collapses as a currency, or there is any type of "bail-in" for banks, where depositors money is seized to prop-up banks as happened in the country of Cypress, all the Federal Reserve and Banker info goes out. If an economic collapse takes place, all the Banker/Stock Broker/Commodities Trader information goes out. If Corporations start hyper-inflating prices, all the information about them, their officers and Boards of Directors will go out.

You remind me of myself. You have all that rage. As the terminator said (JED): "Your anger is more useful than despair".
I was not insulting Russia. I was insulting the traitor IN russia giving them personal info on the traitors own country. Yes, this government is corrupt. Yes, shit stinks. Yes, we have been spied upon. Ok. We need to deal with it. But for some schmuck to go to a country where we are not best of pals and give them everything he is giving them..that is being a traitor.

This i my opinion. Like it or not, that is where I stand. Nobody has to agree with me and I don't expect anyone to. But I shared my thoughts on this so take it or leave it.

Not addressed to anyone in particular.
Be fine with me if every federal judge and congressmen was drug out of their mansions and beaten to death by outraged citizens!! They're all traitors to america and the constitution.:clap2:

BOMBSHELL: Snowden downloaded entire roster of U.S. government - all names, home addresses and other personal info of **all** officials and gov't employees -- including law enforcement -- plus bankers, corporate boards of directors and more!

February 2014 20:28
February 6, 2014 -- (TRN) -- Edward Snowden, the former contractor at the National Security Agency took with him multiple "Doomsday" packages of information when he departed the country and began revealing how intensely the US Government is spying on its own citizens. He has the personal home info for all Elected Officials, Law Enforcement, Judges, Bankers, Corporate Boards of Directors and more!

At a classified briefing for members of Congress which took place on Wednesday, members found out that Snowden took with him:

a complete roster of absolutely every employee and official of the entire US Government.
The names, home addresses, unlisted personal home telephone and personal cellular phone numbers, dates of birth and social security numbers of every person involved in any way, with any department of the US Government.

Snowden has made it clear that if he is arrested, if he vanishes, or if he "dies" from any cause whatsoever, ALL of the information in his possession will be published publicly.

Making the situation all the more dire for the government is that Snowden has made clear he will release some of the information under certain "other" circumstances. For instance, if Martial Law is declared in the US or if any elections are canceled for any reason, all the government employee info goes out. If the US Dollar collapses as a currency, or there is any type of "bail-in" for banks, where depositors money is seized to prop-up banks as happened in the country of Cypress, all the Federal Reserve and Banker info goes out. If an economic collapse takes place, all the Banker/Stock Broker/Commodities Trader information goes out. If Corporations start hyper-inflating prices, all the information about them, their officers and Boards of Directors will go out.

Well, that means he has mine because I'm retired from the federal government. Somehow, I don't think anyone is interested in my personnel file.

There is an underground location in Pennsylvania, I believe, that houses the records of everyone who ever worked for the federal government. It is all hard copies and it is one file cabinet after another.
I think you can insult Russia all you wish as that is a thug in power there as well. However, this is not about Russia, it is about US and our freedoms which the thugs in power here have grasped and are brainwashing the people that is for our own good.

It's our government which is the traitor, not Snowden.
He is a traitor to this country. Bet y'all would be singing a different tune if it it were your private info he was fixing to share to the world, while being nice and comfy in Russia.

Imagine if he had done so as IED's were killing our troops and he exposed Bush & Company as liars who planned to invade Iraq even before 911.

Doubt that, look in the Project for a New American Century; and, if you can find the original document "Statement of Principles" see who signed said Document. One for sure may run for President in 2016 - Jeb Bush. Others included former VP Cheney and his Sect. of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld as well as other neo conservatives some of whom still show up on Sunday news programs

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