Snowden tells Chinese that we are hacking them.

Dunno the details on this

But I don't think it is much of a secret that we are hacking them.. That they are hacking us.. That the Israelis are hacking us.. That we are hacking the Russians.. blah blah blah...
How does that help America, exactly?

What possible difference does it make to tell the Chinese what they already know and would think was true even if we weren't? Don't you have anything that's not completely irrelevant to worry about?
Dunno the details on this

But I don't think it is much of a secret that we are hacking them.. That they are hacking us.. That the Israelis are hacking us.. That we are hacking the Russians.. blah blah blah...

I'd say this is about right. If there's any government in the world not hacking, or attempting to hack, every other government I'd be surprised.
How does that help America, exactly?

We have extradition treaties with china.

We ask for him, they will hand him over.

He found out, to late, about this and is now spilling his guts to the chinese to get to stay there and not face justice here.

But now he is a traitor.

unless you just made this up, since there's no link.
How does that help America, exactly?

We have extradition treaties with china.

We ask for him, they will hand him over.

He found out, to late, about this and is now spilling his guts to the chinese to get to stay there and not face justice here.

But now he is a traitor.

unless you just made this up, since there's no link.

No we don't have an extradition treaty with China. We do with Hong Kong but not with China. The treaty with Hong Kong exempts political asylum seekers anyway. We can ask and both China and Hong Kong can tell obama to pound sand. Edward Snowden is a genuine American hero. He ripped the scab off washington to let the pus flow.

Would obama declare war with China just to get Snowden back? Nope.
How does that help America, exactly?

We have extradition treaties with china.

We ask for him, they will hand him over.

He found out, to late, about this and is now spilling his guts to the chinese to get to stay there and not face justice here.

But now he is a traitor.

unless you just made this up, since there's no link.
Edward Snowden interview: 61,000 NSA hacking ops - Hadas Gold -

I don't make things up. I agree with what you've said above.
How does that help America, exactly?

We have extradition treaties with china.

We ask for him, they will hand him over.

He found out, to late, about this and is now spilling his guts to the chinese to get to stay there and not face justice here.

But now he is a traitor.

unless you just made this up, since there's no link.

No we don't have an extradition treaty with China. We do with Hong Kong but not with China. The treaty with Hong Kong exempts political asylum seekers anyway. We can ask and both China and Hong Kong can tell obama to pound sand. Edward Snowden is a genuine American hero. He ripped the scab off washington to let the pus flow.

Would obama declare war with China just to get Snowden back? Nope.
checking....nope, you're still here.
How does that help America, exactly?

We have extradition treaties with china.

We ask for him, they will hand him over.

He found out, to late, about this and is now spilling his guts to the chinese to get to stay there and not face justice here.

But now he is a traitor.

unless you just made this up, since there's no link.

No we don't have an extradition treaty with China. We do with Hong Kong but not with China. The treaty with Hong Kong exempts political asylum seekers anyway. We can ask and both China and Hong Kong can tell obama to pound sand. Edward Snowden is a genuine American hero. He ripped the scab off washington to let the pus flow.

Would obama declare war with China just to get Snowden back? Nope.

He's an idiot not an hero, and he's in Hong Kong, a place run by china.

Hong Kong will check with Bejing on what to do with him. So unless you think HK will face down china....
Snowden just gets better and better.

I am glad he's a hero to conservatives.
How does that help America, exactly?

We have extradition treaties with china.

We ask for him, they will hand him over.

He found out, to late, about this and is now spilling his guts to the chinese to get to stay there and not face justice here.

But now he is a traitor.

unless you just made this up, since there's no link.

Nope, still not a traitor even if it's true.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." - Article 3, Section 3, U.S. Constitution
Snowden just gets better and better.

I am glad he's a hero to conservatives.

He's also a hero to libertarians. I'm also proud he worked at Booz Allen & Hamilton. Though I was in the Commercial practice.

On the other hand, you're only against him because a Democrat is in the White House. If W were still in office collecting phone records without a warrant, you'd be foaming at the mouth.

Actually, even through your thick fog of partisanship, you should remember you DID foam at the mouth over W and not getting subpoenas. And that was even dumber as it was calling foreign countries with no expectation of privacy in the first place.

At some point you just have to grow up and stop swallowing.
How does that help America, exactly?

We have extradition treaties with china.

We ask for him, they will hand him over.

He found out, to late, about this and is now spilling his guts to the chinese to get to stay there and not face justice here.

But now he is a traitor.

unless you just made this up, since there's no link.

Nope, still not a traitor even if it's true.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." - Article 3, Section 3, U.S. Constitution

he told them we were hacking them

that's aid
We have extradition treaties with china.

We ask for him, they will hand him over.

He found out, to late, about this and is now spilling his guts to the chinese to get to stay there and not face justice here.

But now he is a traitor.

unless you just made this up, since there's no link.

Nope, still not a traitor even if it's true.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." - Article 3, Section 3, U.S. Constitution

he told them we were hacking them

that's aid

When did the U.S. declare war on China?
Nothing he has done so far raises to the level of treason. China is not our enemy and even if she were he gave them nothing they did not already know about.

He is a petty criminal that chose to violate his oath and try to damage the US. He failed. I do hope though that something is done about the idea that it is legal to snoop on Americans inside the US.
Are they the enemy? Last i checked we have good diplomatic relations with China and they made the t-shirt, underwear, socks and shoes you're wearing. Along with probably another 2/3 of everything surrounding you. They're not our enemy.
Are they the enemy? Last i checked we have good diplomatic relations with China and they made the t-shirt, underwear, socks and shoes you're wearing. Along with probably another 2/3 of everything surrounding you. They're not our enemy.

Sound like pretty good friends to me.
Are they the enemy? Last i checked we have good diplomatic relations with China and they made the t-shirt, underwear, socks and shoes you're wearing. Along with probably another 2/3 of everything surrounding you. They're not our enemy.

Telling China we're trying to hack them is like telling Canada it's cold there. Unless he said more than that he told them nothing.

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