Snowden vs. Manning.

Big differences between the I stipulated in the other thread.

As @B. Kidd correctly pointed out...Manning simply data dumped 250,000 pages of classified data...with zero regard for the consequences in terms of lives placed in danger by his actions.

Just for clarification, but I believe it was all labeled Secret, but not Classified. I don't think he released any Classified info. I may be incorrect.

Yes, you are.

Classified refers to information that has been restricted to people with clearances on certain levels.

When I was in the military, the classifications went like this:

EFTO encrypted for transmission only.

For Official Use Only



Secret Crypto

Top Secret

Top Secret Crypto

They may have changed by now. I expect everything is encrypted automatically nowadays.

Top Secret information was held at the Top Secret Repository which was instantly referred to as the Top Secret Suppository by the troops.

Most people with combat specialties hold a secret clearance. A lot of admin people hold that clearance, too, since handling classified info is part of their jobs.

Top Secret clearances required a heavier background check and were pretty much restricted to officers, spooks, missile geeks, special forces types and other scary people.

A lot of workers in the defense industry hold secret clearances.
So you have no link showing us that Manning released classified intel?

Come back when you have one.
Aw, here comes the lunacy...

WASHINGTON -- Former Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) warned Tuesday that the U.S. government may use a drone missile to kill Edward Snowden, who recently leaked classified information on National Security Administration surveillance programs.

"I'm worried about somebody in our government might kill him with a cruise missile or a drone missile," Paul said during an interview on Fox Business News. "I mean, we live in a bad time where American citizens don't even have rights and that they can be killed. But the gentleman is trying to tell the truth about what's going on."

More: Ron Paul: Edward Snowden May Be Target Of U.S. Drone Strike
Just for clarification, but I believe it was all labeled Secret, but not Classified. I don't think he released any Classified info. I may be incorrect.

Yes, you are.

Classified refers to information that has been restricted to people with clearances on certain levels.

When I was in the military, the classifications went like this:

EFTO encrypted for transmission only.

For Official Use Only



Secret Crypto

Top Secret

Top Secret Crypto

They may have changed by now. I expect everything is encrypted automatically nowadays.

Top Secret information was held at the Top Secret Repository which was instantly referred to as the Top Secret Suppository by the troops.

Most people with combat specialties hold a secret clearance. A lot of admin people hold that clearance, too, since handling classified info is part of their jobs.

Top Secret clearances required a heavier background check and were pretty much restricted to officers, spooks, missile geeks, special forces types and other scary people.

A lot of workers in the defense industry hold secret clearances.
So you have no link showing us that Manning released classified intel?

Come back when you have one.
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Big differences between the I stipulated in the other thread.

As @B. Kidd correctly pointed out...Manning simply data dumped 250,000 pages of classified data...with zero regard for the consequences in terms of lives placed in danger by his actions.

Just for clarification, but I believe it was all labeled Secret, but not Classified. I don't think he released any Classified info. I may be incorrect.

Yes, you are.

Classified refers to information that has been restricted to people with clearances on certain levels.

When I was in the military, the classifications went like this:

EFTO encrypted for transmission only.

For Official Use Only



Secret Crypto

Top Secret

Top Secret Crypto

They may have changed by now. I expect everything is encrypted automatically nowadays.

Top Secret information was held at the Top Secret Repository which was instantly referred to as the Top Secret Suppository by the troops.

Most people with combat specialties hold a secret clearance. A lot of admin people hold that clearance, too, since handling classified info is part of their jobs.

Top Secret clearances required a heavier background check and were pretty much restricted to officers, spooks, missile geeks, special forces types and other scary people.

A lot of workers in the defense industry hold secret clearances.

I had a Top Secret SCI White House level clearance when I was a Private.


Most SF soldiers only hold a Secret.
How Did A Guy With A GED End Up With Top Secret Clearance At The NSA?

Also by his own account, he had been a poor student in high school, did not complete course work at a community college in Maryland, and ended up earning nothing but a GED.

Edward Snowden’s decision to leak top-secret National Security Agency documents has raised questions about the extent of the government’s surveillance capabilities. But it has also led to questions about how someone with Snowden’s experience and background — he is just 29 years old — ended up with seemingly easy access to the nation’s most sensitive secrets.

“How could a guy who was at Booz Allen for three months have Top Secret compartmented clearance?” Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), a members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said to reporters in Washington on Monday, according to Bloomberg. “There are a lot of questions about whether these were in his purview or part of an effort on his part to accumulate as much as he could to release it.”

More: Edward Snowden: From GED To NSA? | TPMMuckraker

Something just doesn't pass the smell test with this guy........
How Did A Guy With A GED End Up With Top Secret Clearance At The NSA?

Also by his own account, he had been a poor student in high school, did not complete course work at a community college in Maryland, and ended up earning nothing but a GED.

Edward Snowden’s decision to leak top-secret National Security Agency documents has raised questions about the extent of the government’s surveillance capabilities. But it has also led to questions about how someone with Snowden’s experience and background — he is just 29 years old — ended up with seemingly easy access to the nation’s most sensitive secrets.

“How could a guy who was at Booz Allen for three months have Top Secret compartmented clearance?” Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), a members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said to reporters in Washington on Monday, according to Bloomberg. “There are a lot of questions about whether these were in his purview or part of an effort on his part to accumulate as much as he could to release it.”

More: Edward Snowden: From GED To NSA? | TPMMuckraker

Something just doesn't pass the smell test with this guy........

I agree...
First off Manning is guilty as hell........

2nd The Government has misused the Pat Act at the very minimum, and broke the law possibly. For certain congress needs to pull a few all nighters to get some definitions in place to prevent this shit from going on.

3rd, no matter what you think of the government program, Snowden is still wrong and should face the courts....
First off Manning is guilty as hell........

2nd The Government has misused the Pat Act at the very minimum, and broke the law possibly. For certain congress needs to pull a few all nighters to get some definitions in place to prevent this shit from going on.

3rd, no matter what you think of the government program, Snowden is still wrong and should face the courts....

Which is why he's in China.
She describes herself on her blog as a ‘world-traveling, pole-dancing superhero.’ But Lindsay Mills is something else: the girlfriend of NSA leaker Edward Snowden. Caroline Linton examines her digital footprint.

As for Snowden and Mills’s relationship, she describes her boyfriend only as “E” or “mystery man,” and his face is never directly featured in any of the photos.

More: Lindsay Mills, Edward Snowden's Girlfriend, Writes 'All I Feel Is Alone' - The Daily Beast

Edward Snowden's Pole-Dancing Girlfriend Lindsay Mills Blogs Of Heartbreak After NSA Whistleblower Flees (VIDEO, PICTURES)

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How Did A Guy With A GED End Up With Top Secret Clearance At The NSA?

Also by his own account, he had been a poor student in high school, did not complete course work at a community college in Maryland, and ended up earning nothing but a GED.

Edward Snowden’s decision to leak top-secret National Security Agency documents has raised questions about the extent of the government’s surveillance capabilities. But it has also led to questions about how someone with Snowden’s experience and background — he is just 29 years old — ended up with seemingly easy access to the nation’s most sensitive secrets.

“How could a guy who was at Booz Allen for three months have Top Secret compartmented clearance?” Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), a members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said to reporters in Washington on Monday, according to Bloomberg. “There are a lot of questions about whether these were in his purview or part of an effort on his part to accumulate as much as he could to release it.”

More: Edward Snowden: From GED To NSA? | TPMMuckraker

Uh? Why does it matter?
Because it's another two bits for Spmahontas. :lol:

For some reason Snowden reminds of Timothy McVeigh. They both have that pale face and vacant stare.

For some reason Snowden reminds of Timothy McVeigh. They both have that pale face and vacant stare.

How? YOU say YOU were part of vietnam. where you timothy mcveight like and after being dumb down with major media events over the years you bring your narcissism to the stage?

For some reason Snowden reminds of Timothy McVeigh. They both have that pale face and vacant stare.

How? YOU say YOU were part of vietnam. where you timothy mcveight like and after being dumb down with major media events over the years you bring your narcissism to the stage?

Do you always have to be drunk or stoned before you post? it just natural?

For some reason Snowden reminds of Timothy McVeigh. They both have that pale face and vacant stare.

How? YOU say YOU were part of vietnam. where you timothy mcveight like and after being dumb down with major media events over the years you bring your narcissism to the stage?

Do you always have to be drunk or stoned before you post? it just natural?

Pot Meet Kettle.. Fucking Chief DrinkAlot of the Alcoholic Tribe asking another poster about being a slobbery drunk??? LMFAO!! Put down the firewater Shitting Bull.:alcoholic:
Really? How about that doctor who has been held all these years? And please note, I support Manning for part of what he did. I just dislike his methods and the fact that people ARE in harms way because of his actions.

The Patriot Act was dead wrong.

That doesn't give people who swore oaths to keep secrets license to break that oath and the law.

Why not?


We are a nation of laws..and even if those laws are wrong, they must be followed.

There are plenty of avenues to get laws changed.

But if no one follows the laws..we will wind up with something worse than bad laws.

We will wind up with anarchy.

Nope. I can refute almost everything. I just figure it's a total waste of time because I'm dealing with an inherently dishonest person when I'm talking to you.

Says the guy who makes all his money off government, and is amember of the TEA(bagging) party.

And I'm not whining about anything. I would enjoy the time off. I just feel that it never should have come to this and I seem to remember Obama saying during the debates that it would never ever happen in a million years.

I guess he misjudged how reckless and irresponsible Boehner and McConnel were.

Actually, that Mormon is a better man than Obama could ever be, so obviously you're a poor judge of character.

The last time I trusted a Mormon Cultist, I paid dearly for it. I wasn't going to make that mistake again.
First off Manning is guilty as hell........
Yeah, of reporting a war crime.

He should be a witness in a congressional investigation, not a defendant in a court sanctioned lynching.

That's not all that Manning did..
He showed a government, acting in our name, committing war crimes with absolute malice. He showed that what we're doing in these country's are more akin to Weimar, Germany, than they are to the US of A.

The Afghans, the Iraqis, the Yemenis, the Pakistanis and the Somalis know what American military forces do. They do not need to read WikiLeaks. They have seen the bodies, including the bodies of their children, left behind by drone strikes and other attacks from the air. They have buried the corpses of those gunned down by coalition forces. With fury, they hear our government tell lies, accounts that are discredited by the reality they endure. Our wanton violence and hypocrisy make us hated and despised, fueling the rage of jihadists and amassing legions of new enemies against the United States. Manning, by providing a window into the truth, opened up the possibility of redemption. He offered hope for a new relationship with the Muslim world, one based on compassion and honesty, on the rule of law, rather than the cold brutality of industrial warfare. But by refusing to heed the truth that Manning laid before us, by ignoring the crimes committed daily in our name, we not only continue to swell the ranks of our enemies but put the lives of our citizens in greater and greater danger. Manning did not endanger us. He sought to thwart the peril that is daily exacerbated by our political and military elite.

Manning showed us through the documents he released that Iraqis have endured hundreds of rapes and murders, along with systematic torture by the military and police of the puppet government we installed. He let us know that none of these atrocities were investigated. He provided the data that showed us that between 2004 and 2009 there were at least 109,032 “violent deaths” in Iraq, including those of 66,081 civilians, and that coalition troops were responsible for at least 195 civilian deaths in unreported events. He allowed us to see in the video “Collateral Murder” the helicopter attack on unarmed civilians in Baghdad. It was because of Manning that we could listen to the callous banter between pilots as the Americans nonchalantly fired on civilian rescuers. Manning let us see a U.S. Army tank crush one of the wounded lying on the street after the helicopter attack. The actions of the U.S. military in this one video alone, as law professor Marjorie Cohn has pointed out, violate Article 85 of the First Protocol to the Geneva Conventions, which prohibits the targeting of civilians, Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, which requires that wounded be treated, and Article 17 of the First Protocol, which permits civilians to rescue and care for wounded without being harmed. We know of this war crime and many others because of Manning. And the decision to punish the soldier who reported these war crimes rather than the soldiers responsible for these crimes mocks our pretense of being a nation ruled by law.
Anyone who sees that "Collateral Murder" video and is not out-raged by it, may be a citizen of this country, but they are certainly not an American. Because this country does not mow down innocent civilians and joke about it as they are doing it. Unfortunately, this country isn't this country anymore.

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