Snowden vs. Manning.

Both betrayed the trust of the government while working in some very sensitive areas. Both put on display how really seriously the government has hid information about what they are up.

One, conservatives wanted to see put to death.
One, conservatives hail as a hero.

One, stayed in their country to face the music.
One, fled.

Of course one placed people in harms way and people have in fact been harmed by his actions, while the other has shown the people of the US that this POTUS who proclaimed his would be the most transparent and forthright is in fact THE most oppressive we've had since FDR.

Right at this time Russia is in fact more liberal than the US. They have a flat tax and they are thriving. Amazing how the libtards can't read the writing on the wall.

But then, all collectivist murderers are the same under the skin.
Both betrayed the trust of the government while working in some very sensitive areas. Both put on display how really seriously the government has hid information about what they are up.

One, conservatives wanted to see put to death.
One, conservatives hail as a hero.

One, stayed in their country to face the music.
One, fled.

Of course one placed people in harms way and people have in fact been harmed by his actions, while the other has shown the people of the US that this POTUS who proclaimed his would be the most transparent and forthright is in fact THE most oppressive we've had since FDR.

6 years later and not one person suffered from anything Manning did. Unless of course you count the Saudis and the military brass.

They both betrayed a trust.

I think there should be consequences for both.
It is hard to believe that some how that fact escaped the public discourse since when it was revealed it was originally done in secret, without a warrant.

Congress has been well aware of the program.

That's basically the conservative meme.

It's okay to have someone they approve of engage in this practice..but if they don't like the guy, it's bad.

Which is why, for the most part, their "arguments" are generally laughable at best.

Oh, I didn't know Bush used data-mining to rig an electión or used the IRS to attack 501c applicants.

I thought Bush only lied about WMDs. Maybe Bush set Obama up with all of these scandals. He made sure Obama had the technology and the authority and then he forced Obama to take it even further, spying on everyone instead of terrorist suspects.

Huh. Learn somethin new every day.

Who used Data Mining to rig an election?

Last election rigging took place during Reagan's time. When he made a deal with our enemies to hold the hostages until after his inauguration.

And no one attacked anyone.

So your bullshit isn't going very far.
Snowden released Top Secret material - whether it's a process or specifics, it makes no difference - it was Top Secret. Manning released a far lower level of classified material, though more indiscriminately. Both felt the government was committing grave wrongs that the public had a right to know.

Whether the government was violating anything or not remains to be seen.

We already knew about the NSA data mining program.

What the current administration is doing is much, much more extensive and intrusive, and there is probable cause to believe the information gathered has been used against political opponents, political advocates, journalists, Supreme Court justices, the list goes on and on.

I wonder how they found out about the details of Gen. Petreaus's affair?
How did they know that Ted Nugent had improperly tagged a kill during a hunting trip?
How did they come up with all of these stories about Mitt Romney?

The Obama Administration is spying on political opponents or anyone who just happens to piss him off at the moment. He thinks he can do anything he wants and get away with it. He doesn't believe the law applies to him.

It is hard to believe that some how that fact escaped the public discourse since when it was revealed it was originally done in secret, without a warrant.

Congress has been well aware of the program.
I see Swallow is still generalizing ...much like the moron Obabble...
Both betrayed the trust of the government while working in some very sensitive areas. Both put on display how really seriously the government has hid information about what they are up.

One, conservatives wanted to see put to death.
One, conservatives hail as a hero.

One, stayed in their country to face the music.
One, fled.

Of course one placed people in harms way and people have in fact been harmed by his actions, while the other has shown the people of the US that this POTUS who proclaimed his would be the most transparent and forthright is in fact THE most oppressive we've had since FDR.

6 years later and not one person suffered from anything Manning did.

I guess that makes it okay.
What if Snowden assassinated the president to make his point....would he still be a hero??
Name the top secret material Mr Snowden released. He only released a process.

It doesn't matter if it was "a process" or not - he leaked Top Secret documents and revealed a process that was not publically known.

Go back and read the Fourth Amendment I posted. It is written in clear and precise words that are not subject to interpretation. The government violated that with a generic order to seize the records of millions of people. Only a fool would think that the writers and signers of the US Constitution and Bill Of Rights would find this type of action acceptable.

I read it and stand by what I said - it remains to be seen.

Personally - I'm glad this is public. I've never liked the Patriot Act and am not surprised it has led to these type of "process".

I see no difference however between Snowden and Manning except I suspect Snowden learned from Mannings mistakes.
Mr Snowden proved the fact that the government was violating the 4th Amendment. I find that more patriotic than criminal.
In fact, what the government was doing was absolutely criminal as specified by the Bill Of Rights. That is probably exactly why you are glad this is public.
Yes, nation of laws. That's why it's up to the courts and Congress to sort it out - not disgruntled vigilantes.

The courts and Congress are the criminals here, dumbass. You think they'll convict themselves?

Well, are we a nation of laws or a nation of selfish vigilantes? Imagine if The Guardian and/or Washington Post chose to release all the documents Snowden provided them - including the names of specific people being spied upon? Actually, most of the damage has already been done.

Do you mean all 30 million + Americans that illegally had their personal affects seized in violation of the 4th Amendment?
Big differences between the I stipulated in the other thread.

As @B. Kidd correctly pointed out...Manning simply data dumped 250,000 pages of classified data...with zero regard for the consequences in terms of lives placed in danger by his actions.

Just for clarification, but I believe it was all labeled Secret, but not Classified. I don't think he released any Classified info. I may be incorrect.

You may be right, but my understanding is that he released top secret classified documents to The Guardian and Washington Post. That's why NSA is freaked out.
The NSA isn't "freaked out", the Obama administration is because they know they got caught violation the 4th Amendment. It's the getting caught part that freaks them out.

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