Snowden's background check Investigator (USIS) under Investigation Itself


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
Snowden probably should never have been given access to classified information if the company that was supposed to investigate him had done a proper job. The idea that private industries don't need more scrutiny may need to be revisited.

There are many issues with the way the government conducts security background checks for federal employees and contractors — including questions about Edward Snowden’s background investigation.

Snowden, the former CIA employee and National Security Agency contractor, has admitted supplying classified information to The Washington Post and the Guardian news organization in Britain. That information concerns the massive collection of telephonic and electronic data of Americans and others.

USIS is a private company based in Falls Church that has done, under contract to OPM, a large portion of the background inquiries, including Snowden’s reinvestigation. USIS, itself, is under investigation.

Michelle B. Schmitz, OPM’s assistant inspector general for investigations, told the hearing that USIS has been under investigation since late 2011 in a “complicated contract fraud case.” Inspector general officials provided no details about that investigation.

Firm that did background check on Snowden is under investigation - The Washington Post

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