Snowden's Statement against the Regime: Obama fears and informed people


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Eric Snowden has spoken out against the Obama regime. His main points are the Obama's seeks revenge against whistle blowers and that an informed public is the last thing that Obama wants.

One week ago I left Hong Kong after it became clear that my freedom and safety were under threat for revealing the truth. My continued liberty has been owed to the efforts of friends new and old, family, and others who I have never met and probably never will. I trusted them with my life and they returned that trust with a faith in me for which I will always be thankful.

On Thursday, President Obama declared before the world that he would not permit any diplomatic "wheeling and dealing" over my case. Yet now it is being reported that after promising not to do so, the President ordered his Vice President to pressure the leaders of nations from which I have requested protection to deny my asylum petitions.

This kind of deception from a world leader is not justice, and neither is the extralegal penalty of exile. These are the old, bad tools of political aggression. Their purpose is to frighten, not me, but those who would come after me.

For decades the United States of America has been one of the strongest defenders of the human right to seek asylum. Sadly, this right, laid out and voted for by the U.S. in Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is now being rejected by the current government of my country. The Obama administration has now adopted the strategy of using citizenship as a weapon. Although I am convicted of nothing, it has unilaterally revoked my passport, leaving me a stateless person. Without any judicial order, the administration now seeks to stop me exercising a basic right. A right that belongs to everybody. The right to seek asylum.

In the end the Obama administration is not afraid of whistleblowers like me, Bradley Manning or Thomas Drake. We are stateless, imprisoned, or powerless. No, the Obama administration is afraid of you. It is afraid of an informed, angry public demanding the constitutional government it was promised — and it should be.

I am unbowed in my convictions and impressed at the efforts taken by so many.

Edward Joseph Snowden

Monday 1st July 2013
Poor, poor Snowden

Gets to live out his life in an airport

Of course, if he decides to return, we have a nice jail cell for him
Poor, poor Snowden

Gets to live out his life in an airport

Of course, if he decides to return, we have a nice jail cell for him

Ironic that Snowden's in Russia and Obama's the one who wants to put him in the Gulag. Freedom fighters have no place in this country.
That's the letter from someone who feels betrayed. That's why I'm so glad that he's exposing obama's spying and gathering of data on citizens of other countries. Let the whole world see how duplicitious obama is.
It's great to see Obama and his cohorts exposed for what they really are. I am beginning to believe we actually can restore our constitutional republic. The tipping point is coming soon.
Snowden used to be a liberal. In many ways, he still is, he's just had a liberal dead fish slapped across his face.

He is totally courageous to sacrifice himself like this.
It's great to see Obama and his cohorts exposed for what they really are. I am beginning to believe we actually can restore our constitutional republic. The tipping point is coming soon.

I wish I was that optimistic. But, if some of us are beginning to awaken to what this nation has become, then that is a good thing.
I'm not optimistic. This country is never going to rise up against obama. We don't have it in us to do what the Egyptians are doing. Other countries might rise up, the way the Iraqi people never rose up against the other Hussein, it took a coalition of the willing to change that regime.
I'm not optimistic. This country is never going to rise up against obama. We don't have it in us to do what the Egyptians are doing. Other countries might rise up, the way the Iraqi people never rose up against the other Hussein, it took a coalition of the willing to change that regime.

Well; the Egyptians had things worse for longer. Our problem is that we're just too spoiled. Apathy is Obama's friend. I think Obama knows he has 3 plus more years to f up this country how he wants and he's gonna go balls to wall doing it. And it's going to be subtle, right under our faces. Spying programs, rigging elections, paying off judges, demilitarizing us, devaluing our currency, killing journalists who get to close, regulating businesses to death. We might as well have Morsi as president. It's the same thing.
Poor, poor Snowden

Gets to live out his life in an airport

Of course, if he decides to return, we have a nice jail cell for him

I'm very certain that if Snowden had done the exact same thing during the Bush era, you'd be hailing him as a hero.
I'm not optimistic. This country is never going to rise up against obama. We don't have it in us to do what the Egyptians are doing. Other countries might rise up, the way the Iraqi people never rose up against the other Hussein, it took a coalition of the willing to change that regime.

Oh, wait until the youth who supported Obama get stung with ObamaCare costs and fines. The 2014 elections can start the process of reversing course...
Poor, poor Snowden

Gets to live out his life in an airport

Of course, if he decides to return, we have a nice jail cell for him

Ironic that Snowden's in Russia and Obama's the one who wants to put him in the Gulag. Freedom fighters have no place in this country.


There is a nice prison cell waiting for Snowden......same as any other traitor
Eric Snowden has spoken out against the Obama regime. His main points are the Obama's seeks revenge against whistle blowers and that an informed public is the last thing that Obama wants.

Dick Chaney on FOX came out strongly against Snowden. He claimed that it helps the enemy to have the government's surveillance activities publicized. After all, he and Bush created the wiretapping program, and, unlike Obama, he didn't certify it with the legislature. This is why Ashcroft opposed Bush/Chaney and put a hold on the program, saying it was not Constitutional.

But here is my point. If someone like you ever called your party leaders out on anything, you'd get more support. In fact, I'd join you in calling for the sweeping repeal of the entire Bush surveillance apparatus, including the Patriot Act and Homeland Security.

But you're only interested in Obama, and not getting rid of the entire anti-constitutional structure your party put in place. So once your party gets back in office, they will continue to have access to the dangerously concentrated surveillance power of the Patriot Act, which Bush used not to track terrorists but to track the finances of political enemies like Eliot Spitzer. You believe Obama is the problem - but that your Washington leaders are good - whereas the rest of us don't trust the government surveillance powers your party created. We don't trust them in anyone's hands. Our problem is with giving big government anti-Constitutional surveillance powers, your problem is with Obama. Therefore, you will leave those powers in place because you trust your party, the very party that created the wiretapping program. This is what scares us.
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The government permits the police and military to be armed. We expect that these agencies won't go house to house killing everyone they find.

Protective surveillance techniques were put in place to locate terrorists who hide in plain sight in our communities, yet make their plans with foreign help. No one wanted or expected these surveillance weapons to be turned against the public. Worse, no one wanted or expected these surveillance weapons to be used against the public in countries that were supposed to be our allies.
Eric Snowden has spoken out against the Obama regime. His main points are the Obama's seeks revenge against whistle blowers and that an informed public is the last thing that Obama wants.

Dick Chaney on FOX came out strongly against Snowden. He claimed that it helps the enemy to have the government's surveillance activities publicized. After all, he and Bush created the wiretapping program, and, unlike Obama, he didn't certify it with the legislature. This is why Ashcroft opposed Bush/Chaney and put a hold on the program, saying it was not Constitutional.

But here is my point. If someone like you ever called your party leaders out on anything, you'd get more support. In fact, I'd join you in calling for the sweeping repeal of the entire Bush surveillance apparatus, including the Patriot Act and Homeland Security.

But you're only interested in Obama, and not getting rid of the entire anti-constitutional structure your party put in place. So once your party gets back in office, they will continue to have access to the dangerously concentrated surveillance power of the Patriot Act, which Bush used not to track terrorists but to track the finances of political enemies like Eliot Spitzer. You believe Obama is the problem - but that your Washington leaders are good - whereas the rest of us don't trust the government surveillance powers your party created. We don't trust them in anyone's hands. Our problem is with giving big government anti-Constitutional surveillance powers, your problem is with Obama. Therefore, you will leave those powers in place because you trust your party, the very party that created the wiretapping program. This is what scares us.

You haven't followed my posts. I've made threads based on Boehner and Cheney being corrupt as hell. I do get your point that not all conservatives have figured out the depth of corruption within the Republican ranks though.

But, here's my point. If Obama is corrupt as the day is long; then how would my motives be a "problem" anyhow. See, that's your own subversive defense mechanism.
Poor, poor Snowden

Gets to live out his life in an airport

Of course, if he decides to return, we have a nice jail cell for him

I'm very certain that if Snowden had done the exact same thing during the Bush era, you'd be hailing him as a hero.

Actually, I wouldn't

I take the leaking of classified information seriously.....especially to our enemies
[ame=]MSNBC Host Hits Dems on Patriot Act Hypocrisy - YouTube[/ame]
I support Edward Snowden and his courage to reveal to our nation that our very own government has been lying to us.

People pine for transparency. They say they want to be informed. Yet, some of these very same people castigate Snowden for giving them far more transparency than Obama or any other politician could provide. Maybe it is true that they can't handle the truth. While I generally like FOX News, shame on them for their attacks against Snowden. I judge these people by their actions, and I can see that conservative and liberal pundits, especially the Tea Party, are not quite who I thought they were.

All of this time they focus on punishing the man who told the truth, and not those in power who keep lying to us. People don't like being lied to. They're getting fed up, so they turn elsewhere.

I support you, Edward Snowden. Do not fear speaking truth to power. If I had the means, I would aid you as best I could.

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