So 32 dems & 64 gop vote for ANOTHER govt shutdown? what gives?

Anyone that supports the Sequester is a dumbfuck because it is designed to screw the US MILITARY and give a false sense that the GOV is cutting spending when obamacare is adding TRILLIONS to the debt.
First off I get that our debt is out of control and a disaster in the making. Okay

Second I also understand that if we (gop) want to stem the bleeding we have to win the Senate and retain the House.

Third I also understand that to REVERSE this train wreck we either need the presidency or a 2/3rds majority in congress.

So, please explain to me how pushing this to the brink, and likely ending up with another shutdown that would be masterfully blamed on the gop by the msm would help us attain my 2nd or 3rd point?
If we were to lose control of the house in the midterms because of public perception on any shutdown would make this poor debt deal pale in comparison to what the dems would do if they were to take complete control again. It would be like amputating a finger because of an ingrown fingernail.

Everyone always says elections have consequences. Well here is the proof. If you want further proof push this to the brink and watch our party implode. We would beg for 9% approval ratings is this bill failed and we took the subsequent blame.

And don't give me that party over country nonsense because we cant effect change if we keep shooting ourselves in the foot. If we had control purity of convistions would & could be acted upon and then the public could vote their will based on our progress. We don't have control however so we need to stop acting like we do.

Put a temporary bandaid on this shit till we get control THEN get the scalpel out.

Politicians who didn't vote for the sham showed that they put the welfare of the people above the political games that the establishment politicians in both parties play for the benefit of the emotional low information public who believe the propaganda. The only reason democrats gave in to a fake "compromise" is that the democrat party is on the ropes with Obama care and they want to appear to be "reasonable". The vulgar house minority leader showed her lack of leadership by instructing her followers to "embrace the suck". How's that for a Clintonian slang term?
Anyone that supports the Sequester is a dumbfuck because it is designed to screw the US MILITARY and give a false sense that the GOV is cutting spending when obamacare is adding TRILLIONS to the debt.

Spending needs to be cut everywhere.

If you can't find wasteful military spending to cut in the pathetically small cuts in the sequester, then you aren't looking.
First off I get that our debt is out of control and a disaster in the making. Okay

Second I also understand that if we (gop) want to stem the bleeding we have to win the Senate and retain the House.

Third I also understand that to REVERSE this train wreck we either need the presidency or a 2/3rds majority in congress.

So, please explain to me how pushing this to the brink, and likely ending up with another shutdown that would be masterfully blamed on the gop by the msm would help us attain my 2nd or 3rd point?
If we were to lose control of the house in the midterms because of public perception on any shutdown would make this poor debt deal pale in comparison to what the dems would do if they were to take complete control again. It would be like amputating a finger because of an ingrown fingernail.

Everyone always says elections have consequences. Well here is the proof. If you want further proof push this to the brink and watch our party implode. We would beg for 9% approval ratings is this bill failed and we took the subsequent blame.

And don't give me that party over country nonsense because we cant effect change if we keep shooting ourselves in the foot. If we had control purity of convistions would & could be acted upon and then the public could vote their will based on our progress. We don't have control however so we need to stop acting like we do.

Put a temporary bandaid on this shit till we get control THEN get the scalpel out.

You do realize W and the GOP created the financial disaster in the first place, right?
You do realize that obamaturd has spent more and increased the debt more then Bush, right? Obamaturd and the dimwits are the problem, and the fools who put them in office.

90% of the current spending is on W and the GOP's policies. Obama has done all he can to cut them, but the GOP absolutely refuses.

Obama also has expanded spending slower than any president since Ike, unlike the GOP that send the debt soaring.
You do realize W and the GOP created the financial disaster in the first place, right?
You do realize that obamaturd has spent more and increased the debt more then Bush, right? Obamaturd and the dimwits are the problem, and the fools who put them in office.

90% of the current spending is on W and the GOP's policies. Obama has done all he can to cut them, but the GOP absolutely refuses.

Obama also has expanded spending slower than any president since Ike, unlike the GOP that send the debt soaring.
Bulls^&%! Obamaturd has spent twice as much as Bush in half the time. Obamacrap owns it no others.
You never served and don't know shit about the DoD budget.

The DoD is cutting weapon systems because of these automatic cuts.

The DoD is taking the brunt of the overall budget cuts while entitlements keep on growing.

The DoD budget is around 2%-4% of GDP today when it used to be 50% going back to the JFK era.

China and Russia are building more weapons while we are regressing with our readiness. We are still spending money in Afghanistan so the DoD cuts have to come out of R&D and current readiness.

Tea Party nutjobs that believe in "isolationism" are just as bad as their liberal twins that loathe the military.

Anyone that supports the Sequester is a dumbfuck because it is designed to screw the US MILITARY and give a false sense that the GOV is cutting spending when obamacare is adding TRILLIONS to the debt.

Spending needs to be cut everywhere.

If you can't find wasteful military spending to cut in the pathetically small cuts in the sequester, then you aren't looking.
You do realize that obamaturd has spent more and increased the debt more then Bush, right? Obamaturd and the dimwits are the problem, and the fools who put them in office.

90% of the current spending is on W and the GOP's policies. Obama has done all he can to cut them, but the GOP absolutely refuses.

Obama also has expanded spending slower than any president since Ike, unlike the GOP that send the debt soaring.
Bulls^&%! Obamaturd has spent twice as much as Bush in half the time. Obamacrap owns it no others.

The amount of ignorance and downright stupidity from you right wingers is astonishing,... :cuckoo:

Daily Kos: Blame Bush For At Least 90% of that $5 Trillion Increase in National Debt
What fucking shutdown are you people talking about? When 87 percent of government is operational, to use the word shutdown is deliberately dishonest.
OP- All kinds of intelligence coming from the GOP these days....very refreshing. What we need iS the RECOVERY OF THE NONRICH AND THE COUNTRY. And no more imaginary crises...No more phony scandals and bs propaganda would be nice too...
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