So a Chinese/American woman won 1st place in the Olympics.....

She punked out when her team needed her most. She is a bitch and a coward. I hope her tribe boil her in a pot and consume her
Can I assume this means that I’d Biles had competed and permanently injured herself that you would have helped pay for her care for the rest of her life? If not you’re an even bigger POS than I think you are right now.
Cannibalism has existed in the DRC for generations and still takes place in the bush. The indigenous pygmies of the Democratic Republic of the Congo are literally being eaten out of existence.

It's an African reality, Free ass man.
Isn't she from Houston?
Oh, is that what "we" need? YOU are not part of any "we" while you sit on your fat ass passing judgement on world class athletes.
I was speaking at the position of a teammate, or team leader. I have built, led, and membered many teams in civilian and government service. One thing that will destroy team cohesion are whiners, and those who insist on infecting the team dynamic with their own personal issues.
To be frank, you seem like the type I am speaking of. A grown man, with a mental vagina.

I was born there.

I'm sitting there right now, in fact, although I currently live on the other side of the Brazos river.
Well then I think you can appreciate the fact that it is a profound shithole in many parts.
Dare I say, extremely 'African' in many parts. The Fifth Ward for example.
Well then I think you can appreciate the fact that it is a profound shithole in many parts.
Dare I say, extremely 'African' in many parts. The Fifth Ward for example.
I get around, but I haven't seen any cannibals around here.

Just saying.
At which Olympics, Frank?
I think team dynamics transcend Olympic teams. Techniques, personality identification, and leadership, if implemented effectively, can maneuver any group toward any objective successfully. Know your team, communicate your goals, set guideposts, keep open lines, and drive success.
Do you wear women's undergarments? Or are you just a cryer?
That's not an answer, Frank.
Are we in court or something Francis? Is this some type of committal with cross?

No councilor, I have never led an Olympic team.

However, I once found myself in Equatorial Africa, and I have seen a pygmy first hand.
Are we in court or something Francis? Is this some type of committal with cross?

No councilor, I have never led an Olympic team.

However, I once found myself in Equatorial Africa, and I have seen a pygmy first hand.
And what the fuck does that have to do with your stupid attitude?
And what the fuck does that have to do with your stupid attitude?
Sorry, my attitude is not the questions here. The question he is that Pygmy Biles. Why does the title of this thread call Suni Lee Chinese? Finally, have you ever purchased women's undergarments to cry in?
This is circular. Trust me, I care about a lot of things.
Was there a strong male figure in your home growing up? Many men who are overly emotional lacked a male role model growing up.
Perhaps that may be at the root of your feminine issues?

According to your user name, you are either gay or female because you lack a man!

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