So a felon can run for president

I will point out that Jesus Christ was convicted and executed for sedition. That, too, was a show trial by the dishonest state. You people condemning Trump were the same screaming "Cruficy Him" 2000 years ago.
Are you seriously drawing parallels between Jesus and tRump?

Are your brains that addled?
The point is centered around the group/kind of people who attack both Jesus and Trump.

That you missed it is not surprising though.
So yes, then? That's all you needed to say.
Why can't one vote for president?

Republicans, why the inconsistencies?
The qualifications for president are that by the time they take office, they must be 35 and be a natural born citizen of the United States who has been residing in the United States for at least ten or fourteen years (I don't recall which). Having been convicted of a crime and served time, doesn't disqualify, if a person meets the basic requirements.
There does need to be an amendment to the Constitution that requires the following:
1. Any candidate must have served at least one tour of duty with an honorable discharge, regardless of rank, thus giving that individual some knowledge of the military.
2. Any candidate's age must not exceed 65 years of age at the time of accepting office.
3. Any candidate must adhere strictly to the United States Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
This last requirement should another amendment in which all personnel that swear an oath to the support and uphold the Constitution, be immediately dismissed from office if found to have undermined the oath of allegiance they took and not be allowed to run for public office again.

So a felon can run for president​

YEEEEEP... deal with it jackass.....
Um, there's nothing "random" about tRump's charges. They're mostly all related to the same few incidendts.

false statement counts? 1st Amendment on trial maybe. Documents storage and no evidence he had given classified information away to anyone? seems pretty obvious to me that he is being indicted by an opposing political party. In reality.

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