If Trump Isn't a Felon, Why are There So Many Felons Around Him?

Democrats are the enemy and we are at war. When an enemy creates a target they not only pursue the target but anyone associated with the target. They attacks, friends, family, associates and business colleagues. Partly this 8s to whittle away support. Partly it's an outright threat that showing support will bring an independent punishment.

Trump isn't the only one targeted for destruction. The nation, as a whole is a target. Display patriotism, Display recognition that the nation is in trouble and a political persecution is certain to follow.
Trump's a felon. His campaign chairman was a felon. His deputy campaign chairman was a felon. His personal lawyer, etc., etc., etc.

Maybe you should be judged by the company you keep.
Sounds like a (dis)organized crime syndicate. Maybe the next charge should be a RICO one?
and... Biden's a criminal to senile to testify, but should still be tried, his son is a convicted criminal. Obama murdered his gay lover. Hilary used bleach on a computer to hide her crimes, so yep you right...

Criminal birds of a feather to flop together.
One of those words should be "too". Guess which one!
It Toto isn’t a retard, then why does he surround himself with other retards like the libturds who pollute this board?
No the wheels of justice turn slowly but they do turn. Just ask Trump.
If investigations were deep say into every Prog city political structure, a good percentage of those in office at every level would be indicted. The Party, race and gender are major protections. Current indicted Progs are just offered up as sacrifices to make it look like we have an equitable system.
If investigations were deep say into every Prog city political structure, a good percentage of those in office at every level would be indicted. The Party, race and gender are major protections. Current indicted Progs are just offered up as sacrifices to make it look like we have an equitable system.
Right, because only Progs are corrupt.
That's why Trump admires Putin. Over there, you get arrested, you're found guilty, you go to jail, you die in jail.
Putin is to be admired because he is a better human being than enemy democrats. Though short in stature, he stands head and shoulders above the evil Biden Munchausen.
Putin is to be admired because he is a better human being than enemy democrats. Though short in stature, he stands head and shoulders above the evil Biden Munchausen.
I thought you were delusional but didn't suspect you were a foreign agent. I see you are both.

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