So a private citizen can’t pick and choose who they want to live with?

A civil rights complaint has been filed against a Grand Rapids woman who posted an advertisement at her church last July seeking a Christian roommate.
“The statement “expresses an illegal preference for a Christian roommate, thus excluding people of other faiths,” according to the complaint filed by the Fair Housing Center of West Michigan.
“It’s a violation to make, print or publish a discriminatory statement,” Executive Director Nancy Haynes told Fox News. “There are no exemptions to that.”
Haynes said the unnamed 31-year-old woman’s alleged violation was turned over to the Michigan Department of Civil Rights. Depending on the outcome of her case, the Christian woman could face several hundreds of dollars in fines and “fair housing training so it doesn’t happen again.”
“This is outrageous,” said attorney Joel Oster, with the Alliance Defense Fund. His organization is representing the woman free of charge. “Clearly this woman as a right to pick and choose who she wants to live with.”
Oster said he’s sent a letter to the state asking them to dismiss the case as groundless.
Christians shouldn’t live in fear of being punished by the government for being Christians,” he said. “It is completely absurd to try to penalize a single Christian woman for privately seeking a Christian roommate at church–an obviously legal and constitutionally protected activity,”
But Haynes said they plan on pursuing the matter.
“We want to make sure it doesn’t happen again,” she said.
The person who filed the initial complaint apparently saw the ad on the church bulletin board.
It included the words, “Christian roommate wanted” along with her contact information. Had the ad not included the word “Christian,’ she said it would not have been illegal.
“If you read it and you were not Christian, would you not feel welcome to rent there?” Haynes asked.
Rest here>>>

I'd say tell the fair housing center to fuck off, but then, this isn't just more of that slippery slope that doesn't exist telling employers who they have to hire.

I'm damned sure picking the person that's using my bathroom and kitchen.
? Was the residence in question a private home, or a home paid for in part by the housing authority (secton 8)?

So WC confirms the Lefty Reality that if our lives are subsidized by the Feds, we have no Constitutional Rights.

Not exactly what he said, but you MUST know that along with federal subsidies come strings. Remember how the wingnuts wanted to have people receiving TANF to be drug tested. Well, if it were to pass, that would be a 'string'. Don't get pizzed when the strings hit somewhere where you are sensitive.
I think this lady was exercising a fundamental right to discriminate in whom she allows in her home and chooses to live with.

I think the Statists defending this blatantly anti-Christian move against her should be shot.

If it was "seeking Jewish woman" or "seeking Hindu woman" the law would be the same.
Nothing to do about "anti Christian". Quit acting like a liberal victim.

Except they're not going after those who ask for female roommates or any other group. Only a woman who advertised in her church for a Christian roommate.

Now why do you think that is?

Says who? You?
You do not know who they make cases against. Are you the solicitor of this jurisdiction?
Wham it zero on set. Extra point team on ready.
Yes, standing for a woman's right to choose whom she wishes to share her home with is 'spectacularly wrong'...

Fuck off and die, Statist.

Perhaps you're too wrapped up in your own nazi rage to remember we already covered this:

She is free to choose whom she shares her home with. She can discriminate at will in that choice. She simply can not advertise that discrimination unless it is based on a gender preference. But we already covered that between your claims that I and others should die.

Give it up. If this was a Muslim woman doing the same thing they would not argue it.
This entire media side show is a Jerry Springer Christian victim special and these folks here want a seat. "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry,"
A civil rights complaint has been filed against a Grand Rapids woman who posted an advertisement at her church last July seeking a Christian roommate.
“The statement “expresses an illegal preference for a Christian roommate, thus excluding people of other faiths,” according to the complaint filed by the Fair Housing Center of West Michigan.
“It’s a violation to make, print or publish a discriminatory statement,” Executive Director Nancy Haynes told Fox News. “There are no exemptions to that.”
Haynes said the unnamed 31-year-old woman’s alleged violation was turned over to the Michigan Department of Civil Rights. Depending on the outcome of her case, the Christian woman could face several hundreds of dollars in fines and “fair housing training so it doesn’t happen again.”
“This is outrageous,” said attorney Joel Oster, with the Alliance Defense Fund. His organization is representing the woman free of charge. “Clearly this woman as a right to pick and choose who she wants to live with.”
Oster said he’s sent a letter to the state asking them to dismiss the case as groundless.
Christians shouldn’t live in fear of being punished by the government for being Christians,” he said. “It is completely absurd to try to penalize a single Christian woman for privately seeking a Christian roommate at church–an obviously legal and constitutionally protected activity,”
But Haynes said they plan on pursuing the matter.
“We want to make sure it doesn’t happen again,” she said.
The person who filed the initial complaint apparently saw the ad on the church bulletin board.
It included the words, “Christian roommate wanted” along with her contact information. Had the ad not included the word “Christian,’ she said it would not have been illegal.
“If you read it and you were not Christian, would you not feel welcome to rent there?” Haynes asked.
Rest here>>>

I'd say tell the fair housing center to fuck off, but then, this isn't just more of that slippery slope that doesn't exist telling employers who they have to hire.

I'm damned sure picking the person that's using my bathroom and kitchen.

The Fair Housing Center agrees with you - she (and you) can pick whoever the heck you want to be your roommate - so I don't know why you feel the need to tell them to fuck off for that agreement.

You can't make discriminatory statements. If you don't want gays or jews or blacks living with you, you are free to make that decision in private.
from the article

“The First Amendment guarantees us Freedom of Religion,” he said. “And we have the right to live with someone of the same faith. The Michigan Department of Civil Rights is denying her rights by pursuing this complaint.”
from the article

“The First Amendment guarantees us Freedom of Religion,” he said. “And we have the right to live with someone of the same faith. The Michigan Department of Civil Rights is denying her rights by pursuing this complaint.”

No one is denying her freedom of religion and no one is denying her the right to live with someone of her faith.

i guess we'll see once a decision is made....
from the article

No one is denying her freedom of religion and no one is denying her the right to live with someone of her faith.

i guess we'll see once a decision is made....

The decision is not related to who she chooses to live with, so we will not "see" once a decision is made.

The decision is related to statements that violate the Fair Housing Act, not her decision of which roommate to choose.
No one is denying her freedom of religion and no one is denying her the right to live with someone of her faith.

i guess we'll see once a decision is made....

The decision is not related to who she chooses to live with, so we will not "see" once a decision is made.

The decision is related to statements that violate the Fair Housing Act, not her decision of which roommate to choose.

they are limiting her options, by not allowing her to advertise on her private church's bulletin board for what she wants in a room mate.

They are forcing her to interview tons of people who do not meet what she wants by limiting her ad copy.

so, we will see....

did you see the want ad i posted earlier, for a female Christian, room mate, that was in my local want ads?

IT'S DONE all the time....
i guess we'll see once a decision is made....

The decision is not related to who she chooses to live with, so we will not "see" once a decision is made.

The decision is related to statements that violate the Fair Housing Act, not her decision of which roommate to choose.

they are limiting her options, by not allowing her to advertise on her private church's bulletin board for what she wants in a room mate.

They are limiting her ability to violate the terms of the Fair Housing Act's prohibition against discriminatory statements. They are not limiting her roommate choice in any manner.

They are forcing her to interview tons of people who do not meet what she wants by limiting her ad copy.

No they're not. She posted an ad on a Christian church bulletin board. The audience for that bulletin board is going to be overwhelmingly Christian

did you see the want ad i posted earlier, for a female Christian, room mate, that was in my local want ads?

IT'S DONE all the time....

It's a violation both by the person who posted it and the company that accepted it. Just because it's "done all the time" doesn't make it a lesser violation.
The decision is not related to who she chooses to live with, so we will not "see" once a decision is made.

The decision is related to statements that violate the Fair Housing Act, not her decision of which roommate to choose.

they are limiting her options, by not allowing her to advertise on her private church's bulletin board for what she wants in a room mate.

They are limiting her ability to violate the terms of the Fair Housing Act's prohibition against discriminatory statements. They are not limiting her roommate choice in any manner.

They are forcing her to interview tons of people who do not meet what she wants by limiting her ad copy.

No they're not. She posted an ad on a Christian church bulletin board. The audience for that bulletin board is going to be overwhelmingly Christian

did you see the want ad i posted earlier, for a female Christian, room mate, that was in my local want ads?

IT'S DONE all the time....

It's a violation both by the person who posted it and the company that accepted it. Just because it's "done all the time" doesn't make it a lesser violation.

If the fair housing act SAYS it is perfectly LEGAL for her to discriminately choose her own room mate, then why can't she do what it takes to find that room mate, including advertising? It's not against the law for her to choose who to room with, including another Christian....

she is not a businessman, she is not a Realtor, she doesn't own more than 3 homes that she is renting, she is not even renting a home, she is renting a room, in her own home....

As I said, we will the ruling comes down on this...
If the fair housing act SAYS it is perfectly LEGAL for her to discriminately choose her own room mate, then why can't she do what it takes to find that room mate, including advertising? It's not against the law for her to choose who to room with, including another Christian...

Because the Fair Housing Act addresses more than one behavior: It addressed the rental or sale of property, in which someone with four or fewer units (who lives in one of them on the same property) is free to discriminate based on most protected classes (excluding race).

It also addressed advertising and statements related to housing. The Act does not allow for discriminatory statements related to the sale or rental of housing.

You may or may not like that aspect of the act. It is, however, a well-established section with reams of case law supporting it.

she is not a businessman, she is not a Realtor, she doesn't own more than 3 homes that she is renting, she is not even renting a home, she is renting a room, in her own home....

The Ms. Murphy exemption doesn't apply to advertising.
As I said, we will the ruling comes down on this...

I don't think we will, actually. If she has even 1/2 decent legal advice, she'll pay a small settlement and move on. I'd prefer she simply acknowledge her mistake and the FH center use it as a learning opportunity for all, but they don't see it my way.
I love the Statists who don't even consider the possibility that if the law is being interpreted correctly, the law might be wrong.
Then people should take that up with the people who can change the law. Violiating a law you think is wrong is still violating a law

Sometimes our laws violates our constitutional rights
If the fair housing act SAYS it is perfectly LEGAL for her to discriminately choose her own room mate, then why can't she do what it takes to find that room mate, including advertising? It's not against the law for her to choose who to room with, including another Christian...

Because the Fair Housing Act addresses more than one behavior: It addressed the rental or sale of property, in which someone with four or fewer units (who lives in one of them on the same property) is free to discriminate based on most protected classes (excluding race).

It also addressed advertising and statements related to housing. The Act does not allow for discriminatory statements related to the sale or rental of housing.

You may or may not like that aspect of the act. It is, however, a well-established section with reams of case law supporting it.

she is not a businessman, she is not a Realtor, she doesn't own more than 3 homes that she is renting, she is not even renting a home, she is renting a room, in her own home....

The Ms. Murphy exemption doesn't apply to advertising.
As I said, we will the ruling comes down on this...

I don't think we will, actually. If she has even 1/2 decent legal advice, she'll pay a small settlement and move on. I'd prefer she simply acknowledge her mistake and the FH center use it as a learning opportunity for all, but they don't see it my way.

I find it unjust that the law STATES clearly that they CAN be discriminate, when choosing a room mate to share their own home, but then tells them they can't advertise for the person they are LEGALLY seeking to be their room mate.

the gvt has given them the legal right to rent and share their own home, with whom they want.... they should be allowed then to NOT WASTE their time and the person seeking to rent's time, and allow the homeowner seeking a room mate to just TELL THE TRUTH, in their ad. Save everybody time, and time is money.

This does sorta remind me of ''don't ask, don't tell'''s ok, but it's not ok if you tell the truth.

and where in the fair housing act does it give an exemption to sex/gender to this 'no ad' thingy? did i miss it?

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