So, According To The MTP Interview, P01135809 Beat President Obama Twice (NOT) AND P01135809 Believes That President Biden Will The U.S. Into WWII...

Trump's level of acuity is so superior that enemy democrats have to make up stories.

“When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.” - Donald Trump, stable genius.
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"I never understood wind.
You know, I know
windmills very much.
I have studied it
better than anybody
else. It’s very expensive.
They are made in China
and Germany mostly.
—Very few made here, almost none,
but they are manufactured, tremendous
—if you are into this—
tremendous fumes. Gases are
spewing into the atmosphere. You know
we have a world
So the world
is tiny
compared to the universe.
So tremendous, tremendous
amount of fumes and everything.
You talk about
the carbon footprint
— fumes are spewing into the air.
Right? Spewing.
Whether it’s in China,
Germany, it’s going into the air.
It’s our air
their air
everything — right?
A windmill will kill many bald eagles.
After a certain number
they make you turn the windmill off.
That is true.
—By the way
they make you turn it off.
And yet, if you killed one
they put you in jail.
That is OK.
You want to see a bird graveyard?
You just go.
Take a look.
A bird graveyard.
Go under a windmill someday,
you’ll see
more birds
than you’ve ever seen
in your life."

~ D. Trump


Asheville Poetry Review

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I have that book!

My wife loves it.
Obama's the same guy thinks there are 57 states. Right?

Hell, he doesn't know the difference between "corpse" and "corps"

You REALLY want to go there, idiot-boy? Trump's level of acuity is so superior to Tater that there isn't even a competition. You should be ashamed for even voting for that POS. I think maybe you people aren't capable of shame anymore.

“Just stay calm. It will go away.” - President Donald Trump, March 10, 2020
Trump has proven to be so ignorant of American history and geography, it makes me wonder if HE was born in Kenya.

He has been found to be guilty of everything he accuses others of, I would say his being born is Kenya is all the more likely.
so was I. Though to be honest I had cousin in Mississppi who made a holiday cake with her shine....two bites and you were in happy land.
I've had Mississippi moonshine. One gulp and I was literally knocked on my ass.

I gave a bottle of Jack Daniels' to an old Alabama moonshiner and he knocked back the entire bottle in one go like it was Kool-Aid.
Trump has proven to be so ignorant of American history and geography, it makes me wonder if HE was born in Kenya.

He has been found to be guilty of everything he accuses others of, I would say his being born is Kenya is all the more likely.
Biden doesn't even know what country he's in
Don't talk President Biden's congnetive abilities when P01135809 thinks he has beaten President Obama twice and believes that Mr. Bideen will lead our country into WWII.

He never ran against Obama, much less beating him twice.

WWII ended in September 1945.


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