So AG Sessions Did It(?)! (You Can't Just Sit In The Locker Room In A Trump Administration!)

You know, if Trump hates Sessions so much, why doesn't he just fire him?

He's already explained that he is taking a hands off approach concerning the DOJ until the investigation is over. That being said, there was no reason for Sessions to recuse himself form a counterintelligence investigation to begin with.

It was an odd move for Sessions from the get-go unless he is somehow tied into the whole shebang.

I think he got some bad advice from career DOJ officials. There is no requirement for an AG to recuse themselves from a counterintelligence probe.

That is why I thought it was odd...Again unless he is connected in some manner.

Have you seen any leaks claiming he was?

He's done it with everyone else that has talked to Mueller, took a plea deal, or has been indicted?

Well if you're so certain, I'm sure you can provide a list of the people he's done it to. RIGHT???


Hell did it today. Manafort got indicted and Trump said he was only part of the campaign a short period of time and then passed the blame to the FBI and said he didn't really know Manafort and that the FBI should have warned him. Papapodoplous flipped and he was called just a coffee boy. Then he said that Carter Paige was a nobody.

Trump wanted Sessions to reverse his recusal and he was blasting him trying to tear him down and make him afraid of his job to do it... now after giving all that flak to him, it's come back to bite Trump in the ass because Sessions is now talking to Mueller. There is no way he would fire Sessions because it would just be another example of obstruction, so the only option left is to make him look bad and try to discredit him.

Manafort spent less than 5 months in the campaign, his misfortune was being associated with Trump. Mueller dug up an old FBI file on Manafort, that no action had been take on. Then he dug up a judge that gave him an exception to the statues of limitations so Mueller could pursue a 10 year old, supposed crime that had nothing to do with the campaign.

Papapodoplous had nothing to flip about. He was shot down every time he suggested a meeting between the campaign and Russia. If you note he was only prosecuted for a process crime, because he got some dates mixed up.

Page is as benign as Papapodoplous, he hasn't been charged with anything.

Hell Comey even testified to congress that the FBI didn't think Flynn intentionally lied, yet Mueller charged him anyway.

This whole ball of BS has already started to unravel, the DOJ IG report is being delayed because the IG found more witnesses related to his investigation. That report could blow the shit out of things.

Now you have Huber and the IG collaborating on a parallel investigation on FISA abuses. We're not hearing much about that, yet.

You might want to heed that old saying about counting your chickens. LMAO


Wrong. They have emails that show Sessions later warmed up to the idea of Papadopolous setting up a Russian meeting. 5 months in a campaign is a long time... and Manafort had a spot in Trump Tower, so for Trump to say he didn't know about him is total bullshit.

The FBI didn't say that Flynn didn't lie intentionally. They said they didn't think he was lying while he was being interviewed. There are cues that the FBI are trained to look for to see if someone they are talking to is telling a lie. With Flynn's training, especially later on as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, he'd be taught how to beat a lie detector test and how to avoid those cues.

There are 238 apartments on 58 floors, plus tons of office and retail space in Trump tower, are you seriously saying Trump personally knows every one who lives and works there? You'd think a billionaire would have managers to handle those details. BTW Roger Stone is the one who recommended Manafort to rangle convention delegates and he wasn't elevated to Campaign Chairman till Corey Lewandowski resigned, mid way though his tenure. Damn those pesky little facts.

So in March, lawmakers wanted Comey to tell them what was up. And what they heard from the director did not match what they were hearing in the media.

According to two sources familiar with the meetings, Comey told lawmakers that the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe that Flynn had lied to them, or that any inaccuracies in his answers were intentional. As a result, some of those in attendance came away with the impression that Flynn would not be charged with a crime pertaining to the Jan. 24 interview.

Byron York: Comey told Congress FBI agents didn't think Michael Flynn lied

Evidently there are emails surfacing that verify this. More pesky little facts. Flynns attorneys are weighing a withdrawal of his guilty plea, given this new evidence.

You got a link to the emails you were referring to?


I'm sorry you don't watch and read as much news as you should when discussing things on this forum. That whole idea that Flynn was going to get his plea deal thrown out has never happened, and never will.

If a multi-millionaire with the connections of Manafort, and the election history of him is in Trump Tower you can damn well know that Trump knew who he was. Felix Sater said he had an office in Trump Tower and wanted to start doing deals with Trump, and all he did was go up stairs to Trump's office, ask to see Trump, walk right in and tell him he wanted to start working with him. Trump jumped right on it.

You want a concrete example of Trump trying to distance himself from guys when bad news comes out about them? Here is an interview with Felix Sater... the guy that was doing the deal... and Trump said he wouldn't recognize him if he was in the SAME ROOM with him...

Quit being so naive.
Sure they weren't. They didn't even happen right?

Don't be so gullible.

Feel free to point where I said they didn't happen, they were related to his senate duties. But as a regressive you'll never let little things like facts get in the way of propaganda.

So why did he lie about them then?

He didn't, they weren't included in his security forms because the FBI told him he didn't need to. Sessions alway contended he had no meeting with any Russian in relation to the campaign.

Lol, yeah...right.

"As a United States Senator, the Attorney General met hundreds -- if not thousands -- of foreign dignitaries and their staff," spokesman Ian Prior said. "In filling out the SF-86 form, the Attorney General's staff consulted with those familiar with the process, as well as the FBI investigator handling the background check, and was instructed not to list meetings with foreign dignitaries and their staff connected with his Senate activities."

DOJ: AG Sessions did not disclose meetings with Russian officials - CNNPolitics


What's that got to do with him meeting him at the Republican National Convention?
I have to wonder if Trump's latest attacks on Sessions isn't to try and discredit him, because Trump now knows that Sessions rolled over on him in his latest long interview with the Mueller team. It's exactly how he works. As soon as he thinks someone is going to say something that might hurt him, he tries to discredit them and distance himself from them.

I guess that's as good an assumption as any, got any evidence?


He's done it with everyone else that has talked to Mueller, took a plea deal, or has been indicted?

Well if you're so certain, I'm sure you can provide a list of the people he's done it to. RIGHT???


Hell did it today. Manafort got indicted and Trump said he was only part of the campaign a short period of time and then passed the blame to the FBI and said he didn't really know Manafort and that the FBI should have warned him. Papapodoplous flipped and he was called just a coffee boy. Then he said that Carter Paige was a nobody.

Trump wanted Sessions to reverse his recusal and he was blasting him trying to tear him down and make him afraid of his job to do it... now after giving all that flak to him, it's come back to bite Trump in the ass because Sessions is now talking to Mueller. There is no way he would fire Sessions because it would just be another example of obstruction, so the only option left is to make him look bad and try to discredit him.

Manafort spent less than 5 months in the campaign, his misfortune was being associated with Trump. Mueller dug up an old FBI file on Manafort, that no action had been take on. Then he dug up a judge that gave him an exception to the statues of limitations so Mueller could pursue a 10 year old, supposed crime that had nothing to do with the campaign.

Papapodoplous had nothing to flip about. He was shot down every time he suggested a meeting between the campaign and Russia. If you note he was only prosecuted for a process crime, because he got some dates mixed up.

Page is as benign as Papapodoplous, he hasn't been charged with anything.

Hell Comey even testified to congress that the FBI didn't think Flynn intentionally lied, yet Mueller charged him anyway.

This whole ball of BS has already started to unravel, the DOJ IG report is being delayed because the IG found more witnesses related to his investigation. That report could blow the shit out of things.

Now you have Huber and the IG collaborating on a parallel investigation on FISA abuses. We're not hearing much about that, yet.

You might want to heed that old saying about counting your chickens. LMAO


Seems some of the press are starting to publicly question the narrative.

George Papadopoulos Case Needs a Closer Look | National Review
Well if you're so certain, I'm sure you can provide a list of the people he's done it to. RIGHT???


Hell did it today. Manafort got indicted and Trump said he was only part of the campaign a short period of time and then passed the blame to the FBI and said he didn't really know Manafort and that the FBI should have warned him. Papapodoplous flipped and he was called just a coffee boy. Then he said that Carter Paige was a nobody.

Trump wanted Sessions to reverse his recusal and he was blasting him trying to tear him down and make him afraid of his job to do it... now after giving all that flak to him, it's come back to bite Trump in the ass because Sessions is now talking to Mueller. There is no way he would fire Sessions because it would just be another example of obstruction, so the only option left is to make him look bad and try to discredit him.

Manafort spent less than 5 months in the campaign, his misfortune was being associated with Trump. Mueller dug up an old FBI file on Manafort, that no action had been take on. Then he dug up a judge that gave him an exception to the statues of limitations so Mueller could pursue a 10 year old, supposed crime that had nothing to do with the campaign.

Papapodoplous had nothing to flip about. He was shot down every time he suggested a meeting between the campaign and Russia. If you note he was only prosecuted for a process crime, because he got some dates mixed up.

Page is as benign as Papapodoplous, he hasn't been charged with anything.

Hell Comey even testified to congress that the FBI didn't think Flynn intentionally lied, yet Mueller charged him anyway.

This whole ball of BS has already started to unravel, the DOJ IG report is being delayed because the IG found more witnesses related to his investigation. That report could blow the shit out of things.

Now you have Huber and the IG collaborating on a parallel investigation on FISA abuses. We're not hearing much about that, yet.

You might want to heed that old saying about counting your chickens. LMAO


Wrong. They have emails that show Sessions later warmed up to the idea of Papadopolous setting up a Russian meeting. 5 months in a campaign is a long time... and Manafort had a spot in Trump Tower, so for Trump to say he didn't know about him is total bullshit.

The FBI didn't say that Flynn didn't lie intentionally. They said they didn't think he was lying while he was being interviewed. There are cues that the FBI are trained to look for to see if someone they are talking to is telling a lie. With Flynn's training, especially later on as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, he'd be taught how to beat a lie detector test and how to avoid those cues.

There are 238 apartments on 58 floors, plus tons of office and retail space in Trump tower, are you seriously saying Trump personally knows every one who lives and works there? You'd think a billionaire would have managers to handle those details. BTW Roger Stone is the one who recommended Manafort to rangle convention delegates and he wasn't elevated to Campaign Chairman till Corey Lewandowski resigned, mid way though his tenure. Damn those pesky little facts.

So in March, lawmakers wanted Comey to tell them what was up. And what they heard from the director did not match what they were hearing in the media.

According to two sources familiar with the meetings, Comey told lawmakers that the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe that Flynn had lied to them, or that any inaccuracies in his answers were intentional. As a result, some of those in attendance came away with the impression that Flynn would not be charged with a crime pertaining to the Jan. 24 interview.

Byron York: Comey told Congress FBI agents didn't think Michael Flynn lied

Evidently there are emails surfacing that verify this. More pesky little facts. Flynns attorneys are weighing a withdrawal of his guilty plea, given this new evidence.

You got a link to the emails you were referring to?


I'm sorry you don't watch and read as much news as you should when discussing things on this forum. That whole idea that Flynn was going to get his plea deal thrown out has never happened, and never will.

If a multi-millionaire with the connections of Manafort, and the election history of him is in Trump Tower you can damn well know that Trump knew who he was. Felix Sater said he had an office in Trump Tower and wanted to start doing deals with Trump, and all he did was go up stairs to Trump's office, ask to see Trump, walk right in and tell him he wanted to start working with him. Trump jumped right on it.

You want a concrete example of Trump trying to distance himself from guys when bad news comes out about them? Here is an interview with Felix Sater... the guy that was doing the deal... and Trump said he wouldn't recognize him if he was in the SAME ROOM with him...

Quit being so naive.

Well that's 14 minutes I'll never get back.

As for Flynn withdrawing his guilty plea, there are rules for that.

(d) Withdrawing a Guilty or Nolo Contendere Plea. A defendant may withdraw a plea of guilty or nolo contendere:

(1) before the court accepts the plea, for any reason or no reason; or

(2) after the court accepts the plea, but before it imposes sentence if:

(A) the court rejects a plea agreement under Rule 11(c)(5); or

(B) the defendant can show a fair and just reason for requesting the withdrawal.

Rule 11. Pleas | Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure

I think Comeys testimony could constitute a fair and just reason.

Also there's this.

Roger Stone Convinced Trump to Hire Paul Manafort, Former Officials Say

And where's the link to Sessions warming up to a Russia meeting?

Hell did it today. Manafort got indicted and Trump said he was only part of the campaign a short period of time and then passed the blame to the FBI and said he didn't really know Manafort and that the FBI should have warned him. Papapodoplous flipped and he was called just a coffee boy. Then he said that Carter Paige was a nobody.

Trump wanted Sessions to reverse his recusal and he was blasting him trying to tear him down and make him afraid of his job to do it... now after giving all that flak to him, it's come back to bite Trump in the ass because Sessions is now talking to Mueller. There is no way he would fire Sessions because it would just be another example of obstruction, so the only option left is to make him look bad and try to discredit him.

Manafort spent less than 5 months in the campaign, his misfortune was being associated with Trump. Mueller dug up an old FBI file on Manafort, that no action had been take on. Then he dug up a judge that gave him an exception to the statues of limitations so Mueller could pursue a 10 year old, supposed crime that had nothing to do with the campaign.

Papapodoplous had nothing to flip about. He was shot down every time he suggested a meeting between the campaign and Russia. If you note he was only prosecuted for a process crime, because he got some dates mixed up.

Page is as benign as Papapodoplous, he hasn't been charged with anything.

Hell Comey even testified to congress that the FBI didn't think Flynn intentionally lied, yet Mueller charged him anyway.

This whole ball of BS has already started to unravel, the DOJ IG report is being delayed because the IG found more witnesses related to his investigation. That report could blow the shit out of things.

Now you have Huber and the IG collaborating on a parallel investigation on FISA abuses. We're not hearing much about that, yet.

You might want to heed that old saying about counting your chickens. LMAO


Wrong. They have emails that show Sessions later warmed up to the idea of Papadopolous setting up a Russian meeting. 5 months in a campaign is a long time... and Manafort had a spot in Trump Tower, so for Trump to say he didn't know about him is total bullshit.

The FBI didn't say that Flynn didn't lie intentionally. They said they didn't think he was lying while he was being interviewed. There are cues that the FBI are trained to look for to see if someone they are talking to is telling a lie. With Flynn's training, especially later on as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, he'd be taught how to beat a lie detector test and how to avoid those cues.

There are 238 apartments on 58 floors, plus tons of office and retail space in Trump tower, are you seriously saying Trump personally knows every one who lives and works there? You'd think a billionaire would have managers to handle those details. BTW Roger Stone is the one who recommended Manafort to rangle convention delegates and he wasn't elevated to Campaign Chairman till Corey Lewandowski resigned, mid way though his tenure. Damn those pesky little facts.

So in March, lawmakers wanted Comey to tell them what was up. And what they heard from the director did not match what they were hearing in the media.

According to two sources familiar with the meetings, Comey told lawmakers that the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe that Flynn had lied to them, or that any inaccuracies in his answers were intentional. As a result, some of those in attendance came away with the impression that Flynn would not be charged with a crime pertaining to the Jan. 24 interview.

Byron York: Comey told Congress FBI agents didn't think Michael Flynn lied

Evidently there are emails surfacing that verify this. More pesky little facts. Flynns attorneys are weighing a withdrawal of his guilty plea, given this new evidence.

You got a link to the emails you were referring to?


I'm sorry you don't watch and read as much news as you should when discussing things on this forum. That whole idea that Flynn was going to get his plea deal thrown out has never happened, and never will.

If a multi-millionaire with the connections of Manafort, and the election history of him is in Trump Tower you can damn well know that Trump knew who he was. Felix Sater said he had an office in Trump Tower and wanted to start doing deals with Trump, and all he did was go up stairs to Trump's office, ask to see Trump, walk right in and tell him he wanted to start working with him. Trump jumped right on it.

You want a concrete example of Trump trying to distance himself from guys when bad news comes out about them? Here is an interview with Felix Sater... the guy that was doing the deal... and Trump said he wouldn't recognize him if he was in the SAME ROOM with him...

Quit being so naive.

Well that's 14 minutes I'll never get back.

As for Flynn withdrawing his guilty plea, there are rules for that.

(d) Withdrawing a Guilty or Nolo Contendere Plea. A defendant may withdraw a plea of guilty or nolo contendere:

(1) before the court accepts the plea, for any reason or no reason; or

(2) after the court accepts the plea, but before it imposes sentence if:

(A) the court rejects a plea agreement under Rule 11(c)(5); or

(B) the defendant can show a fair and just reason for requesting the withdrawal.

Rule 11. Pleas | Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure

I think Comeys testimony could constitute a fair and just reason.

Also there's this.

Roger Stone Convinced Trump to Hire Paul Manafort, Former Officials Say

And where's the link to Sessions warming up to a Russia meeting?



Nice response when you see it in plain detailed video just how much of a liar Trump is and that what I said is EXACTLY true.
Feel free to point where I said they didn't happen, they were related to his senate duties. But as a regressive you'll never let little things like facts get in the way of propaganda.

So why did he lie about them then?

He didn't, they weren't included in his security forms because the FBI told him he didn't need to. Sessions alway contended he had no meeting with any Russian in relation to the campaign.

Lol, yeah...right.

"As a United States Senator, the Attorney General met hundreds -- if not thousands -- of foreign dignitaries and their staff," spokesman Ian Prior said. "In filling out the SF-86 form, the Attorney General's staff consulted with those familiar with the process, as well as the FBI investigator handling the background check, and was instructed not to list meetings with foreign dignitaries and their staff connected with his Senate activities."

DOJ: AG Sessions did not disclose meetings with Russian officials - CNNPolitics


What's that got to do with him meeting him at the Republican National Convention?

What, they were at the same VIP dinner, it wasn't a meeting. And as far as I know he was still a senator at that time.

So why did he lie about them then?

He didn't, they weren't included in his security forms because the FBI told him he didn't need to. Sessions alway contended he had no meeting with any Russian in relation to the campaign.

Lol, yeah...right.

"As a United States Senator, the Attorney General met hundreds -- if not thousands -- of foreign dignitaries and their staff," spokesman Ian Prior said. "In filling out the SF-86 form, the Attorney General's staff consulted with those familiar with the process, as well as the FBI investigator handling the background check, and was instructed not to list meetings with foreign dignitaries and their staff connected with his Senate activities."

DOJ: AG Sessions did not disclose meetings with Russian officials - CNNPolitics


What's that got to do with him meeting him at the Republican National Convention?

What, they were at the same VIP dinner, it wasn't a meeting. And as far as I know he was still a senator at that time.


Him, another person, and Carter Page met with him at the Republican National Convention. They weren't just in the same room at a dinner. :aug08_031:
I guess that's as good an assumption as any, got any evidence?


He's done it with everyone else that has talked to Mueller, took a plea deal, or has been indicted?

Well if you're so certain, I'm sure you can provide a list of the people he's done it to. RIGHT???


Hell did it today. Manafort got indicted and Trump said he was only part of the campaign a short period of time and then passed the blame to the FBI and said he didn't really know Manafort and that the FBI should have warned him. Papapodoplous flipped and he was called just a coffee boy. Then he said that Carter Paige was a nobody.

Trump wanted Sessions to reverse his recusal and he was blasting him trying to tear him down and make him afraid of his job to do it... now after giving all that flak to him, it's come back to bite Trump in the ass because Sessions is now talking to Mueller. There is no way he would fire Sessions because it would just be another example of obstruction, so the only option left is to make him look bad and try to discredit him.

Manafort spent less than 5 months in the campaign, his misfortune was being associated with Trump. Mueller dug up an old FBI file on Manafort, that no action had been take on. Then he dug up a judge that gave him an exception to the statues of limitations so Mueller could pursue a 10 year old, supposed crime that had nothing to do with the campaign.

Papapodoplous had nothing to flip about. He was shot down every time he suggested a meeting between the campaign and Russia. If you note he was only prosecuted for a process crime, because he got some dates mixed up.

Page is as benign as Papapodoplous, he hasn't been charged with anything.

Hell Comey even testified to congress that the FBI didn't think Flynn intentionally lied, yet Mueller charged him anyway.

This whole ball of BS has already started to unravel, the DOJ IG report is being delayed because the IG found more witnesses related to his investigation. That report could blow the shit out of things.

Now you have Huber and the IG collaborating on a parallel investigation on FISA abuses. We're not hearing much about that, yet.

You might want to heed that old saying about counting your chickens. LMAO


Seems some of the press are starting to publicly question the narrative.

George Papadopoulos Case Needs a Closer Look | National Review


Manafort spent less than 5 months in the campaign, his misfortune was being associated with Trump. Mueller dug up an old FBI file on Manafort, that no action had been take on. Then he dug up a judge that gave him an exception to the statues of limitations so Mueller could pursue a 10 year old, supposed crime that had nothing to do with the campaign.

Papapodoplous had nothing to flip about. He was shot down every time he suggested a meeting between the campaign and Russia. If you note he was only prosecuted for a process crime, because he got some dates mixed up.

Page is as benign as Papapodoplous, he hasn't been charged with anything.

Hell Comey even testified to congress that the FBI didn't think Flynn intentionally lied, yet Mueller charged him anyway.

This whole ball of BS has already started to unravel, the DOJ IG report is being delayed because the IG found more witnesses related to his investigation. That report could blow the shit out of things.

Now you have Huber and the IG collaborating on a parallel investigation on FISA abuses. We're not hearing much about that, yet.

You might want to heed that old saying about counting your chickens. LMAO


Wrong. They have emails that show Sessions later warmed up to the idea of Papadopolous setting up a Russian meeting. 5 months in a campaign is a long time... and Manafort had a spot in Trump Tower, so for Trump to say he didn't know about him is total bullshit.

The FBI didn't say that Flynn didn't lie intentionally. They said they didn't think he was lying while he was being interviewed. There are cues that the FBI are trained to look for to see if someone they are talking to is telling a lie. With Flynn's training, especially later on as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, he'd be taught how to beat a lie detector test and how to avoid those cues.

There are 238 apartments on 58 floors, plus tons of office and retail space in Trump tower, are you seriously saying Trump personally knows every one who lives and works there? You'd think a billionaire would have managers to handle those details. BTW Roger Stone is the one who recommended Manafort to rangle convention delegates and he wasn't elevated to Campaign Chairman till Corey Lewandowski resigned, mid way though his tenure. Damn those pesky little facts.

So in March, lawmakers wanted Comey to tell them what was up. And what they heard from the director did not match what they were hearing in the media.

According to two sources familiar with the meetings, Comey told lawmakers that the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe that Flynn had lied to them, or that any inaccuracies in his answers were intentional. As a result, some of those in attendance came away with the impression that Flynn would not be charged with a crime pertaining to the Jan. 24 interview.

Byron York: Comey told Congress FBI agents didn't think Michael Flynn lied

Evidently there are emails surfacing that verify this. More pesky little facts. Flynns attorneys are weighing a withdrawal of his guilty plea, given this new evidence.

You got a link to the emails you were referring to?


I'm sorry you don't watch and read as much news as you should when discussing things on this forum. That whole idea that Flynn was going to get his plea deal thrown out has never happened, and never will.

If a multi-millionaire with the connections of Manafort, and the election history of him is in Trump Tower you can damn well know that Trump knew who he was. Felix Sater said he had an office in Trump Tower and wanted to start doing deals with Trump, and all he did was go up stairs to Trump's office, ask to see Trump, walk right in and tell him he wanted to start working with him. Trump jumped right on it.

You want a concrete example of Trump trying to distance himself from guys when bad news comes out about them? Here is an interview with Felix Sater... the guy that was doing the deal... and Trump said he wouldn't recognize him if he was in the SAME ROOM with him...

Quit being so naive.

Well that's 14 minutes I'll never get back.

As for Flynn withdrawing his guilty plea, there are rules for that.

(d) Withdrawing a Guilty or Nolo Contendere Plea. A defendant may withdraw a plea of guilty or nolo contendere:

(1) before the court accepts the plea, for any reason or no reason; or

(2) after the court accepts the plea, but before it imposes sentence if:

(A) the court rejects a plea agreement under Rule 11(c)(5); or

(B) the defendant can show a fair and just reason for requesting the withdrawal.

Rule 11. Pleas | Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure

I think Comeys testimony could constitute a fair and just reason.

Also there's this.

Roger Stone Convinced Trump to Hire Paul Manafort, Former Officials Say

And where's the link to Sessions warming up to a Russia meeting?



Nice response when you see it in plain detailed video just how much of a liar Trump is and that what I said is EXACTLY true.

I think you are under the mistaken impression that I give a shit about what Trump says, I only care about what he does. And so far he's doing a damn fine job.

He didn't, they weren't included in his security forms because the FBI told him he didn't need to. Sessions alway contended he had no meeting with any Russian in relation to the campaign.

Lol, yeah...right.

"As a United States Senator, the Attorney General met hundreds -- if not thousands -- of foreign dignitaries and their staff," spokesman Ian Prior said. "In filling out the SF-86 form, the Attorney General's staff consulted with those familiar with the process, as well as the FBI investigator handling the background check, and was instructed not to list meetings with foreign dignitaries and their staff connected with his Senate activities."

DOJ: AG Sessions did not disclose meetings with Russian officials - CNNPolitics


What's that got to do with him meeting him at the Republican National Convention?

What, they were at the same VIP dinner, it wasn't a meeting. And as far as I know he was still a senator at that time.


Him, another person, and Carter Page met with him at the Republican National Convention. They weren't just in the same room at a dinner. :aug08_031:

So many claims so few links.

Wrong. They have emails that show Sessions later warmed up to the idea of Papadopolous setting up a Russian meeting. 5 months in a campaign is a long time... and Manafort had a spot in Trump Tower, so for Trump to say he didn't know about him is total bullshit.

The FBI didn't say that Flynn didn't lie intentionally. They said they didn't think he was lying while he was being interviewed. There are cues that the FBI are trained to look for to see if someone they are talking to is telling a lie. With Flynn's training, especially later on as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, he'd be taught how to beat a lie detector test and how to avoid those cues.

There are 238 apartments on 58 floors, plus tons of office and retail space in Trump tower, are you seriously saying Trump personally knows every one who lives and works there? You'd think a billionaire would have managers to handle those details. BTW Roger Stone is the one who recommended Manafort to rangle convention delegates and he wasn't elevated to Campaign Chairman till Corey Lewandowski resigned, mid way though his tenure. Damn those pesky little facts.

So in March, lawmakers wanted Comey to tell them what was up. And what they heard from the director did not match what they were hearing in the media.

According to two sources familiar with the meetings, Comey told lawmakers that the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe that Flynn had lied to them, or that any inaccuracies in his answers were intentional. As a result, some of those in attendance came away with the impression that Flynn would not be charged with a crime pertaining to the Jan. 24 interview.

Byron York: Comey told Congress FBI agents didn't think Michael Flynn lied

Evidently there are emails surfacing that verify this. More pesky little facts. Flynns attorneys are weighing a withdrawal of his guilty plea, given this new evidence.

You got a link to the emails you were referring to?


I'm sorry you don't watch and read as much news as you should when discussing things on this forum. That whole idea that Flynn was going to get his plea deal thrown out has never happened, and never will.

If a multi-millionaire with the connections of Manafort, and the election history of him is in Trump Tower you can damn well know that Trump knew who he was. Felix Sater said he had an office in Trump Tower and wanted to start doing deals with Trump, and all he did was go up stairs to Trump's office, ask to see Trump, walk right in and tell him he wanted to start working with him. Trump jumped right on it.

You want a concrete example of Trump trying to distance himself from guys when bad news comes out about them? Here is an interview with Felix Sater... the guy that was doing the deal... and Trump said he wouldn't recognize him if he was in the SAME ROOM with him...

Quit being so naive.

Well that's 14 minutes I'll never get back.

As for Flynn withdrawing his guilty plea, there are rules for that.

(d) Withdrawing a Guilty or Nolo Contendere Plea. A defendant may withdraw a plea of guilty or nolo contendere:

(1) before the court accepts the plea, for any reason or no reason; or

(2) after the court accepts the plea, but before it imposes sentence if:

(A) the court rejects a plea agreement under Rule 11(c)(5); or

(B) the defendant can show a fair and just reason for requesting the withdrawal.

Rule 11. Pleas | Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure

I think Comeys testimony could constitute a fair and just reason.

Also there's this.

Roger Stone Convinced Trump to Hire Paul Manafort, Former Officials Say

And where's the link to Sessions warming up to a Russia meeting?



Nice response when you see it in plain detailed video just how much of a liar Trump is and that what I said is EXACTLY true.

I think you are under the mistaken impression that I give a shit about what Trump says, I only care about what he does. And so far he's doing a damn fine job.


No I think you don't give a shit about anything other than a Republican is in the white House.

You asked for proof of my first post in this thread. I gave you examples and showed you video evidence. Your response? To talk about Flynn.
Lol, yeah...right.

"As a United States Senator, the Attorney General met hundreds -- if not thousands -- of foreign dignitaries and their staff," spokesman Ian Prior said. "In filling out the SF-86 form, the Attorney General's staff consulted with those familiar with the process, as well as the FBI investigator handling the background check, and was instructed not to list meetings with foreign dignitaries and their staff connected with his Senate activities."

DOJ: AG Sessions did not disclose meetings with Russian officials - CNNPolitics


What's that got to do with him meeting him at the Republican National Convention?

What, they were at the same VIP dinner, it wasn't a meeting. And as far as I know he was still a senator at that time.


Him, another person, and Carter Page met with him at the Republican National Convention. They weren't just in the same room at a dinner. :aug08_031:

So many claims so few links.


At this point I'm not wasting my time with links anymore. You don't read them, and even if you do you just say it is a lie or you don't care. What's the point? If you want someone to play fetch guy pick out a puppy at the local animal shelter.
There are 238 apartments on 58 floors, plus tons of office and retail space in Trump tower, are you seriously saying Trump personally knows every one who lives and works there? You'd think a billionaire would have managers to handle those details. BTW Roger Stone is the one who recommended Manafort to rangle convention delegates and he wasn't elevated to Campaign Chairman till Corey Lewandowski resigned, mid way though his tenure. Damn those pesky little facts.

So in March, lawmakers wanted Comey to tell them what was up. And what they heard from the director did not match what they were hearing in the media.

According to two sources familiar with the meetings, Comey told lawmakers that the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe that Flynn had lied to them, or that any inaccuracies in his answers were intentional. As a result, some of those in attendance came away with the impression that Flynn would not be charged with a crime pertaining to the Jan. 24 interview.

Byron York: Comey told Congress FBI agents didn't think Michael Flynn lied

Evidently there are emails surfacing that verify this. More pesky little facts. Flynns attorneys are weighing a withdrawal of his guilty plea, given this new evidence.

You got a link to the emails you were referring to?


I'm sorry you don't watch and read as much news as you should when discussing things on this forum. That whole idea that Flynn was going to get his plea deal thrown out has never happened, and never will.

If a multi-millionaire with the connections of Manafort, and the election history of him is in Trump Tower you can damn well know that Trump knew who he was. Felix Sater said he had an office in Trump Tower and wanted to start doing deals with Trump, and all he did was go up stairs to Trump's office, ask to see Trump, walk right in and tell him he wanted to start working with him. Trump jumped right on it.

You want a concrete example of Trump trying to distance himself from guys when bad news comes out about them? Here is an interview with Felix Sater... the guy that was doing the deal... and Trump said he wouldn't recognize him if he was in the SAME ROOM with him...

Quit being so naive.

Well that's 14 minutes I'll never get back.

As for Flynn withdrawing his guilty plea, there are rules for that.

(d) Withdrawing a Guilty or Nolo Contendere Plea. A defendant may withdraw a plea of guilty or nolo contendere:

(1) before the court accepts the plea, for any reason or no reason; or

(2) after the court accepts the plea, but before it imposes sentence if:

(A) the court rejects a plea agreement under Rule 11(c)(5); or

(B) the defendant can show a fair and just reason for requesting the withdrawal.

Rule 11. Pleas | Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure

I think Comeys testimony could constitute a fair and just reason.

Also there's this.

Roger Stone Convinced Trump to Hire Paul Manafort, Former Officials Say

And where's the link to Sessions warming up to a Russia meeting?



Nice response when you see it in plain detailed video just how much of a liar Trump is and that what I said is EXACTLY true.

I think you are under the mistaken impression that I give a shit about what Trump says, I only care about what he does. And so far he's doing a damn fine job.


No I think you don't give a shit about anything other than a Republican is in the white House.

You asked for proof of my first post in this thread. I gave you examples and showed you video evidence. Your response? To talk about Flynn.

Really, didn't you post this?
That whole idea that Flynn was going to get his plea deal thrown out has never happened, and never will.
I simply provided the federal judicial procedures rule to prove you didn't know what you were talking about.

And you're right, I don't want another commiecrat in the WH, especially the bitch.

"As a United States Senator, the Attorney General met hundreds -- if not thousands -- of foreign dignitaries and their staff," spokesman Ian Prior said. "In filling out the SF-86 form, the Attorney General's staff consulted with those familiar with the process, as well as the FBI investigator handling the background check, and was instructed not to list meetings with foreign dignitaries and their staff connected with his Senate activities."

DOJ: AG Sessions did not disclose meetings with Russian officials - CNNPolitics


What's that got to do with him meeting him at the Republican National Convention?

What, they were at the same VIP dinner, it wasn't a meeting. And as far as I know he was still a senator at that time.


Him, another person, and Carter Page met with him at the Republican National Convention. They weren't just in the same room at a dinner. :aug08_031:

So many claims so few links.


At this point I'm not wasting my time with links anymore. You don't read them, and even if you do you just say it is a lie or you don't care. What's the point? If you want someone to play fetch guy pick out a puppy at the local animal shelter.

Child, it's on you to provide evidence of your claims. If you can't that's on you.

I'm sorry you don't watch and read as much news as you should when discussing things on this forum. That whole idea that Flynn was going to get his plea deal thrown out has never happened, and never will.

If a multi-millionaire with the connections of Manafort, and the election history of him is in Trump Tower you can damn well know that Trump knew who he was. Felix Sater said he had an office in Trump Tower and wanted to start doing deals with Trump, and all he did was go up stairs to Trump's office, ask to see Trump, walk right in and tell him he wanted to start working with him. Trump jumped right on it.

You want a concrete example of Trump trying to distance himself from guys when bad news comes out about them? Here is an interview with Felix Sater... the guy that was doing the deal... and Trump said he wouldn't recognize him if he was in the SAME ROOM with him...

Quit being so naive.

Well that's 14 minutes I'll never get back.

As for Flynn withdrawing his guilty plea, there are rules for that.

(d) Withdrawing a Guilty or Nolo Contendere Plea. A defendant may withdraw a plea of guilty or nolo contendere:

(1) before the court accepts the plea, for any reason or no reason; or

(2) after the court accepts the plea, but before it imposes sentence if:

(A) the court rejects a plea agreement under Rule 11(c)(5); or

(B) the defendant can show a fair and just reason for requesting the withdrawal.

Rule 11. Pleas | Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure

I think Comeys testimony could constitute a fair and just reason.

Also there's this.

Roger Stone Convinced Trump to Hire Paul Manafort, Former Officials Say

And where's the link to Sessions warming up to a Russia meeting?



Nice response when you see it in plain detailed video just how much of a liar Trump is and that what I said is EXACTLY true.

I think you are under the mistaken impression that I give a shit about what Trump says, I only care about what he does. And so far he's doing a damn fine job.


No I think you don't give a shit about anything other than a Republican is in the white House.

You asked for proof of my first post in this thread. I gave you examples and showed you video evidence. Your response? To talk about Flynn.

Really, didn't you post this?
That whole idea that Flynn was going to get his plea deal thrown out has never happened, and never will.
I simply provided the federal judicial procedures rule to prove you didn't know what you were talking about.

And you're right, I don't want another commiecrat in the WH, especially the bitch.


Yes, but that had nothing to do with the post you responded to. Your entire rebuttal was to say you wasted 11 minutes of your life. Do you REALLY think that Trump wouldn't be able to pick out a guy in a room that he was planning on building a BILLION DOLLAR building with? And wasn't the whole idea of distancing and tearing down guys involved in the Mueller probe what started the entire discussion here?
What's that got to do with him meeting him at the Republican National Convention?

What, they were at the same VIP dinner, it wasn't a meeting. And as far as I know he was still a senator at that time.


Him, another person, and Carter Page met with him at the Republican National Convention. They weren't just in the same room at a dinner. :aug08_031:

So many claims so few links.


At this point I'm not wasting my time with links anymore. You don't read them, and even if you do you just say it is a lie or you don't care. What's the point? If you want someone to play fetch guy pick out a puppy at the local animal shelter.

Child, it's on you to provide evidence of your claims. If you can't that's on you.


Retard, no it isn't on me to provide evidence to support my claims when the person asking for it has no REAL interest in looking at it or considering its validity.

Only a fucking idiot would admit they don't care if the person they voted for, support, and is running the country tells the truth.
Yes, Sessions is the mole..

Sessions has his own issues that he will be facing with Democrats take over one or both houses in November.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.

Well that's 14 minutes I'll never get back.

As for Flynn withdrawing his guilty plea, there are rules for that.

(d) Withdrawing a Guilty or Nolo Contendere Plea. A defendant may withdraw a plea of guilty or nolo contendere:

(1) before the court accepts the plea, for any reason or no reason; or

(2) after the court accepts the plea, but before it imposes sentence if:

(A) the court rejects a plea agreement under Rule 11(c)(5); or

(B) the defendant can show a fair and just reason for requesting the withdrawal.

Rule 11. Pleas | Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure

I think Comeys testimony could constitute a fair and just reason.

Also there's this.

Roger Stone Convinced Trump to Hire Paul Manafort, Former Officials Say

And where's the link to Sessions warming up to a Russia meeting?



Nice response when you see it in plain detailed video just how much of a liar Trump is and that what I said is EXACTLY true.

I think you are under the mistaken impression that I give a shit about what Trump says, I only care about what he does. And so far he's doing a damn fine job.


No I think you don't give a shit about anything other than a Republican is in the white House.

You asked for proof of my first post in this thread. I gave you examples and showed you video evidence. Your response? To talk about Flynn.

Really, didn't you post this?
That whole idea that Flynn was going to get his plea deal thrown out has never happened, and never will.
I simply provided the federal judicial procedures rule to prove you didn't know what you were talking about.

And you're right, I don't want another commiecrat in the WH, especially the bitch.


Yes, but that had nothing to do with the post you responded to. Your entire rebuttal was to say you wasted 11 minutes of your life. Do you REALLY think that Trump wouldn't be able to pick out a guy in a room that he was planning on building a BILLION DOLLAR building with? And wasn't the whole idea of distancing and tearing down guys involved in the Mueller probe what started the entire discussion here?

It was 14 minutes, not 11, are you so senile that you can't remember a detail less than an hour later? Also I've never heard of that guy before I watched the video. Must not be much of character in the grand scheme of the investigation.

What, they were at the same VIP dinner, it wasn't a meeting. And as far as I know he was still a senator at that time.


Him, another person, and Carter Page met with him at the Republican National Convention. They weren't just in the same room at a dinner. :aug08_031:

So many claims so few links.


At this point I'm not wasting my time with links anymore. You don't read them, and even if you do you just say it is a lie or you don't care. What's the point? If you want someone to play fetch guy pick out a puppy at the local animal shelter.

Child, it's on you to provide evidence of your claims. If you can't that's on you.


Retard, no it isn't on me to provide evidence to support my claims when the person asking for it has no REAL interest in looking at it or considering its validity.

Only a fucking idiot would admit they don't care if the person they voted for, support, and is running the country tells the truth.

Nice tantrum considering you haven't provided any links in this thread. Just empty claims. Hell you didn't even provide a link for the video you posted.

So tell me child, how am I supposed to consider something that does not exist?


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