So AG Sessions Did It(?)! (You Can't Just Sit In The Locker Room In A Trump Administration!)


Nice response when you see it in plain detailed video just how much of a liar Trump is and that what I said is EXACTLY true.

I think you are under the mistaken impression that I give a shit about what Trump says, I only care about what he does. And so far he's doing a damn fine job.


No I think you don't give a shit about anything other than a Republican is in the white House.

You asked for proof of my first post in this thread. I gave you examples and showed you video evidence. Your response? To talk about Flynn.

Really, didn't you post this?
That whole idea that Flynn was going to get his plea deal thrown out has never happened, and never will.
I simply provided the federal judicial procedures rule to prove you didn't know what you were talking about.

And you're right, I don't want another commiecrat in the WH, especially the bitch.


Yes, but that had nothing to do with the post you responded to. Your entire rebuttal was to say you wasted 11 minutes of your life. Do you REALLY think that Trump wouldn't be able to pick out a guy in a room that he was planning on building a BILLION DOLLAR building with? And wasn't the whole idea of distancing and tearing down guys involved in the Mueller probe what started the entire discussion here?

It was 14 minutes, not 11, are you so senile that you can't remember a detail less than an hour later? Also I've never heard of that guy before I watched the video. Must not be much of character in the grand scheme of the investigation.


14 or 11 it doesn't matter. You said it was time you would never get back, and totally ignored the info provided, as the troll you are, and often do. If you haven't heard of Felix Sater until you watched that video, then you have no place even taking part in any discussion involving the Russia investigation.
Him, another person, and Carter Page met with him at the Republican National Convention. They weren't just in the same room at a dinner. :aug08_031:

So many claims so few links.


At this point I'm not wasting my time with links anymore. You don't read them, and even if you do you just say it is a lie or you don't care. What's the point? If you want someone to play fetch guy pick out a puppy at the local animal shelter.

Child, it's on you to provide evidence of your claims. If you can't that's on you.


Retard, no it isn't on me to provide evidence to support my claims when the person asking for it has no REAL interest in looking at it or considering its validity.

Only a fucking idiot would admit they don't care if the person they voted for, support, and is running the country tells the truth.

Nice tantrum considering you haven't provided any links in this thread. Just empty claims. Hell you didn't even provide a link for the video you posted.

So tell me child, how am I supposed to consider something that does not exist?


Go find someone else to troll. I've wasted too much of my time on you already. If you don't know the guy that was head of the Trump Tower Moscow deal, or the guy that sent the email to Cohen stating that working with Russia would help get Trump elected, then you are too ignorant on the subject to even be posting here.
I think you are under the mistaken impression that I give a shit about what Trump says, I only care about what he does. And so far he's doing a damn fine job.


No I think you don't give a shit about anything other than a Republican is in the white House.

You asked for proof of my first post in this thread. I gave you examples and showed you video evidence. Your response? To talk about Flynn.

Really, didn't you post this?
That whole idea that Flynn was going to get his plea deal thrown out has never happened, and never will.
I simply provided the federal judicial procedures rule to prove you didn't know what you were talking about.

And you're right, I don't want another commiecrat in the WH, especially the bitch.


Yes, but that had nothing to do with the post you responded to. Your entire rebuttal was to say you wasted 11 minutes of your life. Do you REALLY think that Trump wouldn't be able to pick out a guy in a room that he was planning on building a BILLION DOLLAR building with? And wasn't the whole idea of distancing and tearing down guys involved in the Mueller probe what started the entire discussion here?

It was 14 minutes, not 11, are you so senile that you can't remember a detail less than an hour later? Also I've never heard of that guy before I watched the video. Must not be much of character in the grand scheme of the investigation.


14 or 11 it doesn't matter. You said it was time you would never get back, and totally ignored the info provided, as the troll you are, and often do. If you haven't heard of Felix Sater until you watched that video, then you have no place even taking part in any discussion involving the Russia investigation.

There ya go again, I didn't ignore anything, I simply questioned his significance in the grand scheme of the investigation. He wasn't part of the campaign, I've seen no charges levied against him, why should I give a crap about him?

No I think you don't give a shit about anything other than a Republican is in the white House.

You asked for proof of my first post in this thread. I gave you examples and showed you video evidence. Your response? To talk about Flynn.

Really, didn't you post this?
That whole idea that Flynn was going to get his plea deal thrown out has never happened, and never will.
I simply provided the federal judicial procedures rule to prove you didn't know what you were talking about.

And you're right, I don't want another commiecrat in the WH, especially the bitch.


Yes, but that had nothing to do with the post you responded to. Your entire rebuttal was to say you wasted 11 minutes of your life. Do you REALLY think that Trump wouldn't be able to pick out a guy in a room that he was planning on building a BILLION DOLLAR building with? And wasn't the whole idea of distancing and tearing down guys involved in the Mueller probe what started the entire discussion here?

It was 14 minutes, not 11, are you so senile that you can't remember a detail less than an hour later? Also I've never heard of that guy before I watched the video. Must not be much of character in the grand scheme of the investigation.


14 or 11 it doesn't matter. You said it was time you would never get back, and totally ignored the info provided, as the troll you are, and often do. If you haven't heard of Felix Sater until you watched that video, then you have no place even taking part in any discussion involving the Russia investigation.

There ya go again, I didn't ignore anything, I simply questioned his significance in the grand scheme of the investigation. He wasn't part of the campaign, I've seen no charges levied against him, why should I give a crap about him?


Time to send you to ignore like the rest of the trolls in the political forum that argue when they have no clue about what they are talking about. :wink_2:
So many claims so few links.


At this point I'm not wasting my time with links anymore. You don't read them, and even if you do you just say it is a lie or you don't care. What's the point? If you want someone to play fetch guy pick out a puppy at the local animal shelter.

Child, it's on you to provide evidence of your claims. If you can't that's on you.


Retard, no it isn't on me to provide evidence to support my claims when the person asking for it has no REAL interest in looking at it or considering its validity.

Only a fucking idiot would admit they don't care if the person they voted for, support, and is running the country tells the truth.

Nice tantrum considering you haven't provided any links in this thread. Just empty claims. Hell you didn't even provide a link for the video you posted.

So tell me child, how am I supposed to consider something that does not exist?


Go find someone else to troll. I've wasted too much of my time on you already. If you don't know the guy that was head of the Trump Tower Moscow deal, or the guy that sent the email to Cohen stating that working with Russia would help get Trump elected, then you are too ignorant on the subject to even be posting here.

That has nothing to do with your not providing links, that you said I hadn't considered. Once again you make a claim with no link, in fact in the video he denied he was working with any Russian regarding the campaign. So it's time to put up or shut up, oh senile one. LMAO

Really, didn't you post this?
I simply provided the federal judicial procedures rule to prove you didn't know what you were talking about.

And you're right, I don't want another commiecrat in the WH, especially the bitch.


Yes, but that had nothing to do with the post you responded to. Your entire rebuttal was to say you wasted 11 minutes of your life. Do you REALLY think that Trump wouldn't be able to pick out a guy in a room that he was planning on building a BILLION DOLLAR building with? And wasn't the whole idea of distancing and tearing down guys involved in the Mueller probe what started the entire discussion here?

It was 14 minutes, not 11, are you so senile that you can't remember a detail less than an hour later? Also I've never heard of that guy before I watched the video. Must not be much of character in the grand scheme of the investigation.


14 or 11 it doesn't matter. You said it was time you would never get back, and totally ignored the info provided, as the troll you are, and often do. If you haven't heard of Felix Sater until you watched that video, then you have no place even taking part in any discussion involving the Russia investigation.

There ya go again, I didn't ignore anything, I simply questioned his significance in the grand scheme of the investigation. He wasn't part of the campaign, I've seen no charges levied against him, why should I give a crap about him?


Time to send you to ignore like the rest of the trolls in the political forum that argue when they have no clue about what they are talking about. :wink_2:

Only weak pussies use ignore, but feel free to exercise your pussyness. Probably be better for ya, since you can't back up anything you say.

Lol, yeah...right.

"As a United States Senator, the Attorney General met hundreds -- if not thousands -- of foreign dignitaries and their staff," spokesman Ian Prior said. "In filling out the SF-86 form, the Attorney General's staff consulted with those familiar with the process, as well as the FBI investigator handling the background check, and was instructed not to list meetings with foreign dignitaries and their staff connected with his Senate activities."

DOJ: AG Sessions did not disclose meetings with Russian officials - CNNPolitics


What's that got to do with him meeting him at the Republican National Convention?

What, they were at the same VIP dinner, it wasn't a meeting. And as far as I know he was still a senator at that time.


Him, another person, and Carter Page met with him at the Republican National Convention. They weren't just in the same room at a dinner. :aug08_031:

So many claims so few links.

I posted links to all session's undisclosed Russian meeting at the start of all this.
Unlike Rosenstein and Mueller, Sessions had no reason to recuse himself.

Sessions has always been and is a weak, mousy man, knew this witch hunt was going to be pushed by a rabid, butt-hurt left, knew to keep them in check he would have to 'man-up' and 'flex his muscle / authority' he opted to bow out, removing any pressure on himself to be a man and do his job.

As soon as this is all over Trump needs to fire his ass. The President did not hire a US AG to cower on the sidelines and opt out of making hard decisions.
There's no law against 'collusion'.
How can a person 'obstruct' an investigation wherein no crime has been committed?
After Her Mueller tells the world he drilled all the way to China and couldn't find any 'collusion' with Trump/Russia Trump is going to go on an epic 'Night Of The Long Knives' purge.
The LIB MSM is going to have blood spurting out their eyes.
I can't wait!
I posted links to all session's undisclosed Russian meeting at the start of all this.

By 'undisclosed' it is important to point out that you mean all of the meetings Sessions had with Russians in an official capacity as US Senator, all of which were already recorded / known.

As explained, Sessions believed he was being asked ASIDE from those official meetings, as one of Trump's campaign team members / soon-to-be Cabinet members representing Trump, were there any meetings with Russians he attended. The answer, of course, was / is 'NO'.

This was one of those 'Gottcha' questions. Had Mueller done his homework, with help from the FBI / other co-conspirators, he would not have even had to ask the question.

...but back to the ANSWER:

It was proven that Sessions had not met with any Russians outside of an official capacity as US Senator....and none of his meetings with Russians was WHY did he 'have' to recuse himself?

Short answer is HE DIDN'T!
"As a United States Senator, the Attorney General met hundreds -- if not thousands -- of foreign dignitaries and their staff," spokesman Ian Prior said. "In filling out the SF-86 form, the Attorney General's staff consulted with those familiar with the process, as well as the FBI investigator handling the background check, and was instructed not to list meetings with foreign dignitaries and their staff connected with his Senate activities."

DOJ: AG Sessions did not disclose meetings with Russian officials - CNNPolitics


What's that got to do with him meeting him at the Republican National Convention?

What, they were at the same VIP dinner, it wasn't a meeting. And as far as I know he was still a senator at that time.


Him, another person, and Carter Page met with him at the Republican National Convention. They weren't just in the same room at a dinner. :aug08_031:

So many claims so few links.

I posted links to all session's undisclosed Russian meeting at the start of all this.

No, you provided a link to a search, not a particular article that would back up your claim. I'm not psychic, so I'm not going to guess which article/s you think you were talking about.

What's that got to do with him meeting him at the Republican National Convention?

What, they were at the same VIP dinner, it wasn't a meeting. And as far as I know he was still a senator at that time.


Him, another person, and Carter Page met with him at the Republican National Convention. They weren't just in the same room at a dinner. :aug08_031:

So many claims so few links.

I posted links to all session's undisclosed Russian meeting at the start of all this.

No, you provided a link to a search, not a particular article that would back up your claim. I'm not psychic, so I'm not going to guess which article/s you think you were talking about.

All.of them. That's why I sent you the whole page.
What, they were at the same VIP dinner, it wasn't a meeting. And as far as I know he was still a senator at that time.


Him, another person, and Carter Page met with him at the Republican National Convention. They weren't just in the same room at a dinner. :aug08_031:

So many claims so few links.

I posted links to all session's undisclosed Russian meeting at the start of all this.

No, you provided a link to a search, not a particular article that would back up your claim. I'm not psychic, so I'm not going to guess which article/s you think you were talking about.

All.of them. That's why I sent you the whole page.

Wrong again hero, you provide a search with 98,000,000 results. When you figure out which of the 98 million articles you want to discuss, get back to me.

Him, another person, and Carter Page met with him at the Republican National Convention. They weren't just in the same room at a dinner. :aug08_031:

So many claims so few links.

I posted links to all session's undisclosed Russian meeting at the start of all this.

No, you provided a link to a search, not a particular article that would back up your claim. I'm not psychic, so I'm not going to guess which article/s you think you were talking about.

All.of them. That's why I sent you the whole page.

Wrong again hero, you provide a search with 98,000,000 results. When you figure out which of the 98 million articles you want to discuss, get back to me.

Take the top 5.

Jesus do I have to do everything for you?
So many claims so few links.

I posted links to all session's undisclosed Russian meeting at the start of all this.

No, you provided a link to a search, not a particular article that would back up your claim. I'm not psychic, so I'm not going to guess which article/s you think you were talking about.

All.of them. That's why I sent you the whole page.

Wrong again hero, you provide a search with 98,000,000 results. When you figure out which of the 98 million articles you want to discuss, get back to me.

Take the top 5.

Jesus do I have to do everything for you?

Sorry chump, I'm not going to play you game. If you have something to discuss, post it and link it.

I posted links to all session's undisclosed Russian meeting at the start of all this.

No, you provided a link to a search, not a particular article that would back up your claim. I'm not psychic, so I'm not going to guess which article/s you think you were talking about.

All.of them. That's why I sent you the whole page.

Wrong again hero, you provide a search with 98,000,000 results. When you figure out which of the 98 million articles you want to discuss, get back to me.

Take the top 5.

Jesus do I have to do everything for you?

Sorry chump, I'm not going to play you game. If you have something to discuss, post it and link it.

Ok, let it be known that OkTexas is too stupid to click on a link without help from a liberal.

You are dismissed, you may go back under your rock now.
No, you provided a link to a search, not a particular article that would back up your claim. I'm not psychic, so I'm not going to guess which article/s you think you were talking about.

All.of them. That's why I sent you the whole page.

Wrong again hero, you provide a search with 98,000,000 results. When you figure out which of the 98 million articles you want to discuss, get back to me.

Take the top 5.

Jesus do I have to do everything for you?

Sorry chump, I'm not going to play you game. If you have something to discuss, post it and link it.

Ok, let it be known that OkTexas is too stupid to click on a link without help from a liberal.

You are dismissed, you may go back under your rock now.
Why don't you prove how smart you are and click that link and then paste and copy the pertinent paragraphs from it here?
Don't forget to include the link to where the paragraphs came from. But your so smart I probably didn't need to tell you that.
No, you provided a link to a search, not a particular article that would back up your claim. I'm not psychic, so I'm not going to guess which article/s you think you were talking about.

All.of them. That's why I sent you the whole page.

Wrong again hero, you provide a search with 98,000,000 results. When you figure out which of the 98 million articles you want to discuss, get back to me.

Take the top 5.

Jesus do I have to do everything for you?

Sorry chump, I'm not going to play you game. If you have something to discuss, post it and link it.

Ok, let it be known that OkTexas is too stupid to click on a link without help from a liberal.

You are dismissed, you may go back under your rock now.

NyMag, VOX, CNN, Politico and other left wing rags, I'm not going to play, they all display bias. The first one was crying that Sessions fired McCabe 2 days before his retirement, of course they didn't mention that the firing was recommended by a board of career FBI officers, while they tried to portray Sessions and hypocritical. Do you really want to go there?


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