So are Racial Crude Jokes Racist too?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I was a HUGE fan of Eddie Murphy when he did stand up comedy in the 80's.

I used to have his album (cassette) and loved it then.

Eddie Murphy - Raw
I was a HUGE fan of Eddie Murphy when he did stand up comedy in the 80's.

I used to have his album (cassette) and loved it then.

Eddie Murphy - Raw

I do not offend people with my word choices, If I am at church I don't say the cuss words I might normally use at home. If I am with coworkers I use appropriate language there too.

If I know the guy I am talking to is offended by use of the N-word or the moderators of a forum, then I don't use the N-Word there either.

But like Louis CK said, when you say 'N-Word' you are making the other person that hears you think 'N-Word, oh, he means nig6er' So I am still communicating the word nig6er even though I am saying N-Word. That is hypocrisy at best, insincerity at worst.

But I stay polite and mind my manners.

Also I don't refer to people as the N-Word because it is a deflection from the relevant points I am traying to express. If I am talking about top 100 ethnic businessmen that are black, I say 100 top black businessmen. Why use an ethnic slur? IT distracts from my primary point when I do that, so I don't.

But If I was listening to a rap song that uses the N-Word a lot, and was absent mindedly singing out loud, does that make me a racist if I sing the N-Word too?

The whole thing about profanity and taboo words is something out of Orwell and childrens school.
If I know the guy I am talking to is offended by use of the N-word or the moderators of a forum, then I don't use the N-Word there either.

Black folks (mostly gang members and friends) always use the word "Niggas" as they communicate (or code name) for "brotha".
I have some black friends and they still use that term. But I guess - and I could be wrong - when it comes to anyone outside their race - it is taken "out of context". Such as white people use it for "slave". Especially, it was heavily used in throughout American History.******-the-word-a-brief-history/
That poor kid in the spelling be who is given the word 'Negus', lol.

You can feel the kids pain so easily, lol.
..the black and latino comedians always bring up race/whites/etc's ok for them to be racist

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