So as long as there is no Speaker, they can't vote more money for Ukraine. What's wrong with that?

THIS is why Mitch McConnell rammed through the 2023 budget before Republicans took the House

He knew what was coming
Right, the Swamp already got their fix of money so they are good, for a few months anyway

Right now they can’t do ANY of the numerous illegal, immoral, and unconstitutional things that the House of Representatives does on a regular basis.

This is Heavenly so far as I’m concerned.
The pootin loves your support comrade.
Munkle is holed up in the back bedroom of his single wide located in the land of the clueless. He doesn't understand that allowing Putin to keep any part of Ukraine is a win for Russia. With him feeling empowered, what is stopping him from taking all of or a piece of Poland? How about we look the other way if he attacks any of our territories, is that what you want? Just another leftist without the balls or will to stand up to a dictator.
And they can't run up any more debt on our grandchildren. I say that's a win-win.
Right, the Swamp already got their fix of money so they are good, for a few months anyway

If the syringe in picture is a metaphor for power, it correctly represents the never govern freedumb caucus.

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