So At the Trump Rally...

Trump made us even better. obiden had the slowest recovery of the American economy ever. The economy actually recovered DESPITE Obama and his damaging policies.
Trump didn't do shit. Had Obama been white he'd be the greatest president of all time.
The opening of the video is an absolute LIE. There is no amendment to the Constitution that says a damn thing about the separation of church and state. And there's not a damn thing wrong with people advocating for and voting their values, whether those values be Christian or not.

First Amendement.
So where did Trump and the white guy hang out after the rally, since they are so close?
AOCPelosiOmarSchumerClintonBiden+++, and the company they keep, Soros, Gates, WEF, little Soros, is the brush we use.
Tell me of your respect for Epstein, Clinton, P Ditty, Oprah, Hitler. How have they earned your respect?
And whom ever told you we are all God's children owes you an apology:

John 8:44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires
Stupid word salad.
If only he had some sort of record as President, so we would know for sure if we were better off with Trump than Biden. :uhoh3:
He does have a record. And its way better than trumps. Maybe if you stopped watching Fox and did some resesrch you would discover it.
Propaganda for the gullible

  • Fact
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The fact here is that Trump has dined with white supremacists and anto semites. He has repeated white supremacist retoric. And now he shows up at a rally hosted by a white supremacist with white supremacist slogans being yelled and promoted. Trump is a racist and the only people defending him are racists themselves.
It's about time Trump and his supporters got honest about what they stand for. We who are not white have known this for over 40 years. Trump is a racist. Just admit it.

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"White Boy Summer" Flag Unfurled on Stage at Trump's Detroit Rally

IM 2, you really have hard on for Trump. Good for you!

You try and paint him, you tried to make him a Russian agent, you tried to make people believe Bidens sons laptop was Russian info.

Anyone with 1/2 a brain knows you are WEAK!

Keep up the good work though, us laughing at you makes our day!
Both gas and inflation were low when Trump came into office.

And both were lower when Trump left office, Simp.

Your Vegetable Messiah has had both skyrocket on his watch.

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