So At the Trump Rally...

The fact here is that Trump has dined with white supremacists and anto semites. He has repeated white supremacist retoric. And now he shows up at a rally hosted by a white supremacist with white supremacist slogans being yelled and promoted. Trump is a racist and the only people defending him are racists themselves.
All lies.
Politicians don't get to pick the people that support them. Communist Party USA endorses the commiecrats every election, but you never hear people or the commie media denouncing them, do you?


The ultimate cop out. It's not Trump's fault that the violent people whose iconography he uses, and whose beliefs he espouses, are his followers. Trump is openly promoting a white Christian nationalist agenda.

Democrats don't have communist beliefs or policies as part of their platform. Democrats have first world programs which benefit the people of the USA, not just the rich people and corporations.
Yeah, you commies seem to love the cartels making 14 billion a year trafficking people. That's more than they're making on the poison they're shipping into the country.

First of all if you really hate Commies DO NOT vote for convicted felon Trump!
He LOVES Commies like Vlad Putin and he really, really wants to be just like Vlad.
If you don't like cartels trafficking people then don't buy one.
Other than that there is no magic bullet, easy solution for the cartel problem (otherwise it wouldn't be a problem anymore) and anybody who tells you otherwise is lying to you and taking you for a fool.
If you repeat the lies you are told then they are are a fool.

Oh wait, you are nothing but a lying sack of shit.
She isn't lying and you fucking know it. In fact the only reason you even worship convicted felon Trump is because be has convinced you he hates the same (non-white) people you hate.
He does have a record. And its way better than trumps. Maybe if you stopped watching Fox and did some resesrch you would discover it.
No need for second hand information. I buy food, and gas, understand high from low as in interest rates. I know 2% inflation is better than 20% inflation, that 40 dollar crude is better than 81, that closed borders cuts down on crime.
The fraudulent trial. Propaganda for the gullible. Congratulations and on falling for it, doesn't surprise me though
That is a supremely stupid and unrealistic thing to say. It's like saying that reality isn't real just because you don't believe it.
In fact it's not "like" that. It is that.
Rest assured Trump's 34 felony convictions are as REAL as it gets. So was his trial.
If you can't accept that then that's a good sign you've been programmed by a cult.
There are people who can help you get out and move forward.
Seek help.
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