So Biden Would Not Answer To Why He Never Contacted Portland To Stop The Democrat Riot. Gee, Why? Was He Just Too Busy? Watching Netflix?

It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated

"try and control the situation"?

That means nothing. They don't have the right to control the situation.

The SOLE justification for protests is to get a message out, that is being ignored.

The message has been the Conventional Wisdom of the Political Class for decades.

The "protests" now and more "direct action" in that they are trying to force people and society to give in to their demands, which are generally unclear and rarely disccussed.

Sooner or later, society has to fight back, or we lose, and that is the end of democracy.
I was talking about the cops controlling the situation. Do they have the right to do that?

They have the responsibility to do that, but so often they are instead being ordered to stand down, if not actively help the "protestors".

Normal Citizens are being victimized and if they fight back, THEN the cops show up, to arrest them.

It is madness, not "complicated".
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated

"try and control the situation"?

That means nothing. They don't have the right to control the situation.

The SOLE justification for protests is to get a message out, that is being ignored.

The message has been the Conventional Wisdom of the Political Class for decades.

The "protests" now and more "direct action" in that they are trying to force people and society to give in to their demands, which are generally unclear and rarely disccussed.

Sooner or later, society has to fight back, or we lose, and that is the end of democracy.
I was talking about the cops controlling the situation. Do they have the right to do that?

They have the responsibility to do that, but so often they are instead being ordered to stand down, if not actively help the "protestors".

Normal Citizens are being victimized and if they fight back, THEN the cops show up, to arrest them.

It is madness, not "complicated".
You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about as you are not responsible for the lives of those officers and community members. Easy to be the peanut gallery
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
Unbelievable, right? It was a simple question. we all saw it. Mr. Biden, did you call the Governor/Mayor of Oregon/Portland to tell them to tell his supporters to stop burning down Portland?
Biden did not answer. So anyone here wanna guess why? was he watching any particular movie/movies on cable TV?
Was Biden too busy on his PC in his hideaway?
And yet, at least 40% of us are gonna vote for Biden?
:dunno: :dunno:
He did answer that. Said he wasn’t holding elected office. He doesn’t see that as a responsibility of his.

1. It is a huge issue and he should have already addressed it. THat he did not is a failure on his part.

2. He could have said what he WOULD do, if elected. Not doing that, was very telling. He does not want to admit what he will or will not do, because a lot of his voters support the violence and a lot do not.;

3. Attacking Trump for it, as though it is not his supporters and the lefty mayors and governor who are at fault, was wrong and disgusting.
Biden has addressed it. He’s said many times that violence of any kind should not be accepted and arrests should be made.

he has also said what he would do. Open a commission with leaders from all sides so they can communicate and reach solutions. People are screaming in the streets because they want action and want to be heard. Ignoring them isn’t going to help quiet things, it’s going to make them get louder.

Trumps own a lot of responsibility, he ignores and insults those who protest and tries to strong arm them into submission. That’s how you inflame things not how you resolve issues

The message was heard BEFORE the riots began. This is not about getting a message heard.

Trump is not responsible for the actions of your people. Your attempt to blame him for your side's actions is the type of thing an ill mannered child would do.

Biden, if he was half the man he is pretending to be, would have called out the Mayors of Portland and Seattle, for their utter betrayal of the responsibilities of their office, by siding the mobs against their own people.
I’m not on the side of anybody who is being violent or damaging property so I don’t know what you’re talking about. Trump has absolutely ignored and acted against the issues being protested. Like it or not that inflames things. He is responsible for his part in that. Very poor leadership. Ultimately those committing crimes are responsible for the crimes they commit and they should be punished accordingly

Giving a violent mob what they want, might be the obvious answer to you. To me, using the police or the National Guard to clear the streets and protect the citizens seems a more Just solution.

My point about Biden stands. THe mayors are the ones who have ordered the cops to stand down. Other than the actual rioters, they are the ones most directly responsible for the riots continuing and growing to the scale we have seen.
When did I say anything about giving a violent mob what they want? Please show my quote or stop lying about the things I say

You attacked Trump for "ignoring and acting against the issues being protested".

The implication is clear. If ignoring or acting against the issue is "wrong" then paying attention and giving them what they want, is "right".
You can determine wrong and right in your own mind. I didn’t use those words. I said when you Ignore and mock people they get louder. When you listen to them and work woth them they calm down. I’m not talking about rioters I’m talking about the vast majority who are protesting

I was talking about the rioters. YOu changed the subject to the protestors. Seems like you think the two groups are pretty heavily overlapped.

YOU did that. Not me.

And, I agree. I think the two groups are heavily overlapped and connected and aligned. and those that pretend otherwise are full of shit.

Also, I think that the mayors, who let the RIOTERS run rampant while ordering the cops to stand down and refusing help, are guilty of serious crimes, including sedition.
I’ve already said that rioters should be arrested. Biden has said the same. Any official that doesn’t agree isn’t doing their job. I don’t know what else you want me to say about that.

my critique on Trump was how he has only acted to provoke and not to calm the groups protesting the movement. The peaceful group. When you provoke a group of frustrated people you push them to get louder and yes some will light shit on fire. So this denial that Trump isn’t making the problem worse is BS.

You tell me... what has he done to address the issues being protested? How is he giving voice to the peaceful side of the protest to address their concerns? I’m all ears
There are outside agitators in the mix also, according to the FBI. The white supremacist movement is known for that kind of behavior. trump addresses issues like this with pepper spray and troops to quell the protesters. He has no
empathy for others so that is his way. Kinda like a dictator.

The ws movement is NOT known for that kind of behavior. They are known for being completely ineffectual and irrelevant.

Trump does not need to have empathy for the assholes blocking traffic and screaming at people and burning shit down and killing people.

HE needs to have empathy for the victims of these mobs, ie the law abiding citizens.

That you empathize with the violent criminals, instead of their victims, shows what kind of person you are.
Does Trump need to have empathy for those who are protesting but not rioting or causing violence? You know the vast majority of those who have been out there for months
No, he does not.
why not?

Because they do not have a right to do what they are doing. Even the "peaceful" protests are terrorizing and causing hardships to thousands of people, if not more.

The protestors need to stop their shit, so that normal, regular people, can live their lives without fear of running into a hostile "crowd" that is one bad reaction away from turning into a violent mob.
Yeah well history show the same thing said about women during woman’s suffrage, blacks during the civil rights movement, LGBT during the 80s and still today, and now yoir saying the same crap about the BLM movement. I’m telling you that it’s not going to go away. Trumps strong arm technique is not a long term solution.

I'm telling you, that we count just as much as the blacks who think that they have a just grievance.

You don't get to dismiss us, and mess up our lives, just because you are sure that you are on the winning side of history.
Wow, you are so out of touch on this subject it is mind blowing.
He answered

Not my job, he holds no office

You don’t have to hold office to show some leadership. He had the opportunity and he folded. He’ll have an excuse for everything.

What was he supposed to offer?
He can’t offer soldiers or police
He can’t offer funding or equipment
He has no expertise in crowd control

What was that phone call supposed to accomplish?

How about the 47 years experience he is trying to sell US? How about advise and counsel? You mean to tell us that the man who spent years as a top Senate leader and 8 years one heartbeat away from being President can’t offer some insight to a fellow member of his party that is failing at his job as mayor? Biden needs to hold office to ha e access to all of that wisdom and knowledge in his brain? ??
It has nothing to do with his wisdom and his knowledge, but I am happy that you acknowledge that. His wisdom and his knowledge have nothing to do with his influence at this time. What has trump accomplished with his petulance?
Nothing, nada, zilch. Perhaps there is another way to ameliorate the crisis BEFORE threatening and sending the boys in. We will never know with trump running the show, using pepper spray on protesters so that he can have a photo op with a bible held upside-down? Disgusting

Thank you for acknowledging that after 47 years’ service in Congress and the White House, Joe Biden has NO influence. I stand corrected. I thought he could call fellow Democrats and use some level of influence given his tenure and that he is the Democrat choice to be the next President. He needs a title for confidence in his level of influence. That’s weak and what we can expect should he become President. Thank you for showing me that.
I showed you nothing. Trump had no influence before the election, either, nor does any presidential candidate.
So what is your point? You have no point.

This isn’t about Trump. This is about most of the cities burning and looting are run by Democrats. Biden is the Democrat with 47 years experience and he can’t/won’t reach out to fellow Democrats unless to help reduce the burning and looting unless he “holds office”. Biden certainly is showing a lack of leadership.

Trump showed leadership by sending in Federal Law Enforcement to clear the streets and make it safer. You people had a problem with that saying that there was no violence, that it was all “peaceful”.
Most cities are run by Democrats

So what’s your point?

Those cities are being run into the ground. For example, Minneapolis gets burned to the ground and the top plan is to defund the police. How are you going to attract economic development? Need I mention Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle? Republicans’ fault, huh?
They have some culpability when their leader fans the flames, instead of ameliorating the crisis. The plan was a knee-jerk reaction to the violence and would never hold water. It is not a political issue and if you think that a Republican mayor or governor would be able to prevent the violence, then think again. There are right-wing agitators
at these protests.

I don’t care which “wing” starts it or agitates it, you as a mayor or governor don’t sit idle and let your towns get destroyed - Minneapolis, St. Louis, DC, Chicago, Portland, Seattle - those are real Republican-led Cities, huh. You don’t refuse Federal Law Enforcement assistance. Since you think the role of right wing agitators is significant, why resist deterrents such as tear gas and rubber bullets to get this right wingers to stop “agitating”?
They are neither republican nor democratic nor "my" cities. They are American cities. Pepper spray etc. is only a
stop-gap measure and we need leadership to resolve the underlying problem. We do not have leadership.
I agree. The cities that have been under seige do not have leadership. The Mayors of Portland, Seattle and Minneapolis are incompetent bureaucrats.
They are hardly incompetent. We are lacking in national leadership.

If you are a mayor or governor and you demand to be left alone but then fail at your job and blame the President, you suck. You are 180 degrees opposite of a leader. You have no accountability.
trump's answer is violence, yes? Did it work? No. In my view. a commission should be organized to ameliorate the situation. trump's rhetoric doesn't do much of anything. He is a very weak president.
The people initiating and sustaining violence are animals and thugs. They have no interest in getting things resolved. The Left will tell you these are right wing supremacists agitating violence. In the next sentence, they will tell you the violence is justified. I don’t care who or what is committing the violence but I want it stopped. The only effective tactical steps I have scene is when Federal Law Enforcement fires back at the brick and rock throwing or Proud Boys show up to stop the ongoing violence against innocents and businesses owners. Violence is the only deterrent right now.
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated

"try and control the situation"?

That means nothing. They don't have the right to control the situation.

The SOLE justification for protests is to get a message out, that is being ignored.

The message has been the Conventional Wisdom of the Political Class for decades.

The "protests" now and more "direct action" in that they are trying to force people and society to give in to their demands, which are generally unclear and rarely disccussed.

Sooner or later, society has to fight back, or we lose, and that is the end of democracy.
I was talking about the cops controlling the situation. Do they have the right to do that?

They have the responsibility to do that, but so often they are instead being ordered to stand down, if not actively help the "protestors".

Normal Citizens are being victimized and if they fight back, THEN the cops show up, to arrest them.

It is madness, not "complicated".
You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about as you are not responsible for the lives of those officers and community members. Easy to be the peanut gallery

I live in a city and I have seen a protest where the cops are standing there, to protect the protestors as they create a traffic jam, holding thousands of people prisoners, against their will.

I wonder every time I go to drive home, if I will be prevented from getting there, and end up in an unpleasant and dangerous situation because of assholes like that.

Your lack of concern for me and people like me, is not good.
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated

"try and control the situation"?

That means nothing. They don't have the right to control the situation.

The SOLE justification for protests is to get a message out, that is being ignored.

The message has been the Conventional Wisdom of the Political Class for decades.

The "protests" now and more "direct action" in that they are trying to force people and society to give in to their demands, which are generally unclear and rarely disccussed.

Sooner or later, society has to fight back, or we lose, and that is the end of democracy.
I was talking about the cops controlling the situation. Do they have the right to do that?

They have the responsibility to do that, but so often they are instead being ordered to stand down, if not actively help the "protestors".

Normal Citizens are being victimized and if they fight back, THEN the cops show up, to arrest them.

It is madness, not "complicated".
You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about as you are not responsible for the lives of those officers and community members. Easy to be the peanut gallery

I live in a city and I have seen a protest where the cops are standing there, to protect the protestors as they create a traffic jam, holding thousands of people prisoners, against their will.

I wonder every time I go to drive home, if I will be prevented from getting there, and end up in an unpleasant and dangerous situation because of assholes like that.

Your lack of concern for me and people like me, is not good.
I’m sorry that I’m not concerned enough about you having an unpleasant drive. I guess I’m just a horrible person
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated

"try and control the situation"?

That means nothing. They don't have the right to control the situation.

The SOLE justification for protests is to get a message out, that is being ignored.

The message has been the Conventional Wisdom of the Political Class for decades.

The "protests" now and more "direct action" in that they are trying to force people and society to give in to their demands, which are generally unclear and rarely disccussed.

Sooner or later, society has to fight back, or we lose, and that is the end of democracy.
I was talking about the cops controlling the situation. Do they have the right to do that?

They have the responsibility to do that, but so often they are instead being ordered to stand down, if not actively help the "protestors".

Normal Citizens are being victimized and if they fight back, THEN the cops show up, to arrest them.

It is madness, not "complicated".
You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about as you are not responsible for the lives of those officers and community members. Easy to be the peanut gallery

I live in a city and I have seen a protest where the cops are standing there, to protect the protestors as they create a traffic jam, holding thousands of people prisoners, against their will.

I wonder every time I go to drive home, if I will be prevented from getting there, and end up in an unpleasant and dangerous situation because of assholes like that.

Your lack of concern for me and people like me, is not good.

Leftists tend to believe "rights" means "I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, as much as I want", and that it only applies to them, not to other people. The idea that everyone else has rights, and that their rights are restricted by the boundaries of everyone else's rights, always makes them react like a toddler being told he can't have cookies.
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

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