So, Bill O'Reilly is toast @ Fox

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Slick Willy is the ultimate misogynist… The motherfucker raped and molested his way to the Whitehouse and back out… lol
lol lie much rusty?.....what about now ?what about the perv in our wh now? He stood up for the other perv O'Reilly Are you standing up for dump?
Like I've said all along I don't give two shits about Bill O'Riley, and I did not vote for Trump I wrote in a candidate… Elmer Fudd gets no respect.
I think it's fucking hilarious people bitch and moan about these guys and their behavior but yet they stand behind a repugnant piece of fucking dog shit that is the clintons… LOL
There are no lower life forms on the planet then the Clintons and other politically correct career politicians. Fact
sorry rusty
Charity review sources
In March, 2015, the charity watchdog group Charity Navigator added the Clinton Foundation to a watch list (a designation meant to warn donors that questions have been raised about an entity's practices), after several news organizations raised questions over donations from corporations and foreign governments. It removed the foundation from its watch list in late December of that year.[73] In September 2016, it gave it its highest possible rating, four out of four stars, after its customary review of the Foundation's financial records and tax statements.[74] A different charity monitor, CharityWatch, said that 88% of the foundation's money goes toward its charitable mission and gave the foundation an A rating for 2016. In 2015, based on revenue of $223 million and an expense ratio of 12% the foundation spent in excess of $26 million to complete its mission.[75]
You're just another one of the fucking morons or believe anything you read on the Internet… You suck too much Clinton dick. Lol
Career politicians like the Clintons are the lowest of lifeforms. fact
Your so-called "president" is doing so much
I did not vote for him, I rode in a candidate Elmer Fudd gets no respect...
But it's a good thing he did beat the Hildabeast... :dance:
I can see the demrats are throwing the first stone here.....they are all angels

Sickening hypocrisy
I'm sorry...can you point out the post by a "demrat" here saying we are "all angels"? Or are you just making up a false position to argue against.....?
they love building strawmen only to tear them down
Political correctness never aligns with morality... fact
I can see the demrats are throwing the first stone here.....they are all angels

Sickening hypocrisy
I'm sorry...can you point out the post by a "demrat" here saying we are "all angels"? Or are you just making up a false position to argue against.....?
they love building strawmen only to tear them down
Political correctness never aligns with morality... fact
rusty need to debloviate yourself
I can see the demrats are throwing the first stone here.....they are all angels

Sickening hypocrisy

Hypocrisy is you siding with known molesters - like O'Reilly and drumpf - against women.

THAT is hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy is also faux doing nothing until it hit their bottom line. Says all you need to know about faux.



Slick Willy is the ultimate misogynist… The motherfucker raped and molested his way to the Whitehouse and back out… lol
Those us the indictments/convictions. After all, you are talking serious crimes here.
The Clintons are above the law… I thought even a dumbass like you know that. Lol
So says much money has been spent on investigating them over the years with nothing...nada....zilch?
Speak of "The Factor", I have a "crush" on Gillian. She is SO cute and SO beautiful.
Yes, Fox has discovered these are important traits for a propagandist, not a news reporter.
I can see the demrats are throwing the first stone here.....they are all angels

Sickening hypocrisy
I'm sorry...can you point out the post by a "demrat" here saying we are "all angels"? Or are you just making up a false position to argue against.....?
they love building strawmen only to tear them down
Political correctness never aligns with morality... fact
rusty need to debloviate yourself
Political correctness is it's own god... and represented by career politicians.
Since when do career politicians do anything right for anyone else but themselves?
Hypocrisy is you siding with known molesters - like O'Reilly and drumpf - against women.

THAT is hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy is also faux doing nothing until it hit their bottom line. Says all you need to know about faux.



Slick Willy is the ultimate misogynist… The motherfucker raped and molested his way to the Whitehouse and back out… lol
Those us the indictments/convictions. After all, you are talking serious crimes here.
The Clintons are above the law… I thought even a dumbass like you know that. Lol
So says much money has been spent on investigating them over the years with nothing...nada....zilch?
They are still free…
An every day American would be rotting in jail for life if they did what slick Willy and his accomplice did... lol
As usual, the crybabies have no defense for a piece of shit like O'Reilly except, "B-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!" :crybaby:

The fact they are defending him with their tu quoque fallacies speaks volumes about their character.
Slick Willy is the ultimate misogynist… The motherfucker raped and molested his way to the Whitehouse and back out… lol
Those us the indictments/convictions. After all, you are talking serious crimes here.
The Clintons are above the law… I thought even a dumbass like you know that. Lol
So says much money has been spent on investigating them over the years with nothing...nada....zilch?
They are still free…
An every day American would be rotting in jail for life if they did what slick Willy and his accomplice did... lol
Could you point out the indictments and convictions, please?
Don't worry, you still got me, here at USMB, to tell you what the truth is.
perhaps since you've become a lol truth teller you can tell us why O'Reilly's good friend pussy grabbing tax avoiding drump doesn't man up and step down too?

Why should he ?

He won.

You lost.

Suck on it.

Trump grabbed you ?
Sun did you really need a sex pervert a con man in our WH ? This pos is as presidential as a cockroach and the world laughs at us , the part of the world he hasn't promised to destroy

We did great under our last pervert (Bill Clinton). He is still very popular.

The world laughed at Obama for eight years....we survived.

My life is pretty good under Trump.

You might want to set aside your copy of the DNC's talking points as to why you hate your life and realize that they don't own you.
Don't worry, you still got me, here at USMB, to tell you what the truth is.
perhaps since you've become a lol truth teller you can tell us why O'Reilly's good friend pussy grabbing tax avoiding drump doesn't man up and step down too?

LOL what has President Trump done specifically to piss you off?
He's done NOTHING Mr Beale He's a loud mouthed BLABBERMOUTH who imo appeals to a very distasteful part of American society,,,,,btw did his armada reach nk yet? lol

He won 30 states, that's a huge part of American society you are throwing under the bus. Perhaps you would be happier in a socialist or communist country.
Don't worry, you still got me, here at USMB, to tell you what the truth is.
perhaps since you've become a lol truth teller you can tell us why O'Reilly's good friend pussy grabbing tax avoiding drump doesn't man up and step down too?

Why should he ?

He won.

You lost.

Suck on it.

Trump grabbed you ?
Sun did you really need a sex pervert a con man in our WH ? This pos is as presidential as a cockroach and the world laughs at us , the part of the world he hasn't promised to destroy

We did great under our last pervert (Bill Clinton). He is still very popular.

The world laughed at Obama for eight years....we survived.

My life is pretty good under Trump.

You might want to set aside your copy of the DNC's talking points as to why you hate your life and realize that they don't own you.
Was 75 straight months of job gains in triple digits DNC talking point OR FACT? How about almost tripling
the DOW.?.....Trump is nothing but a bragging loud mouthed BLABBER MOUTH and if your life is good under dump it had to be better under Obamas 8 years
Don't worry, you still got me, here at USMB, to tell you what the truth is.
perhaps since you've become a lol truth teller you can tell us why O'Reilly's good friend pussy grabbing tax avoiding drump doesn't man up and step down too?

Why should he ?

He won.

You lost.

Suck on it.

Trump grabbed you ?
Sun did you really need a sex pervert a con man in our WH ? This pos is as presidential as a cockroach and the world laughs at us , the part of the world he hasn't promised to destroy

We did great under our last pervert (Bill Clinton). He is still very popular.

The world laughed at Obama for eight years....we survived.

My life is pretty good under Trump.

You might want to set aside your copy of the DNC's talking points as to why you hate your life and realize that they don't own you.
Was 75 straight months of job gains in triple digits DNC talking point OR FACT? How about almost tripling
the DOW.?.....Trump is nothing but a bragging loud mouthed BLABBER MOUTH and if your life is good under dump it had to be better under Obamas 8 years

Tripling the DOW ? Are you really that stupid (well, I should know by now).

Obama does not get credit for anything below the previous high. The DOW always recovers. He showed modest gains.

His job creation, by everyone's standards, has been weak at best.

Trump has been in 100 days. The DOW climbed to new records under him already. Suck on it.
if your life is good under dump it had to be better under Obamas 8 years
I think a lot of people haven't any idea of whether their existence is substantively better or worse under a given set of policies or policy changes.

I know that if Trump gets his way with most of his campaign proposals regarding tax policy, I will surely end up with more money in my pocket. Will that make my life any better? No, because the added sum won't be enough to positively alter my lifestyle. More is more, that's always so, but "more" does not necessarily make for "better." You see, the law of diminishing marginal utility applies to money, but not to greed for money.
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if your life is good under dump it had to be better under Obamas 8 years
I think a lot of people haven't any idea of whether their existence is substantively better or worse under a given set of policies or policy changes.

I know that if Trump gets his way with most of his campaign proposals regarding tax policy, I will surely end up with more money in my pocket. Will that make my life any better? No, because the added sum won't be enough to positively alter my lifestyle. More is more, that's always so, but "more" does not necessarily make for "better." You see, the law of diminishing marginal utility applies to money, but not to greed for money.

Thanks for an honest assesment.

This is a huge component of the health care discussion that never gets brought up.

I am not for Obamacare, but I am for fixing our system and putting something in place that allows everyone some level of care at a reasonable price.

But there are some hard choices to be made and people should be held accountable for their decisions and lifestyles.
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