So, Bill O'Reilly is toast @ Fox

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The things I know? I certainly didn't learn from Alex Jones because as far as I know, he has never had the nads to say one way or the other. I have accrued an incredible amount of information that is indisputable the "selectmen/women are hiding something. I notice that you never address how those porta-potties" showed up and why Newtown cannot produce a receipt or a time stamp for it.

This is your evidence, that they had porta-potties on site? I think you've been drinking the porta-potty water, bud.

They're porta potties. You can get them somewhere in an hour. And yes, you need to when the whole school is a crime scene and you can't use the bathrooms.

A drill happened, a FEMA Capstone drill that was passed off as a real time event but no child was killed and that is something you need to "deal with"......dealing with the fact that you were played for a chump.

again, if there is real evidence of this, why hasn't the NRA spent their billions of dollars blowing the lid off it?

Why hasn't Trump exposed it now that he's in power? Did the Lizard People get to him?

You really do live in the Land Of Oz if you believe that load of shit. I also find it hilarious that you use demeaning terms that slam on the queer faction that your team claims to be such a champion of. You are not only lame at "flaming" but you are a hypocrite as well......

No, guy, I live in a real world where Occam's razor applies.

you either have to believe that

1) A crazy guy got a gun and shot a bunch of kids.

2) The government, media, bilderbergers, Jesuits, Lizard People, Trilateralists, gun grabbers, mental health lobby and other shadowy figures all got together and intimidated a town of 28,000 people to all keep their mouth shut about a closed school and a drill that got out of hand. All to achieve policy goals that didn't actually happen. which one of those theories has less moving parts?

Occam's razor, Cocksucker Dale. The simplest answer is always the right one.
The things I know? I certainly didn't learn from Alex Jones because as far as I know, he has never had the nads to say one way or the other. I have accrued an incredible amount of information that is indisputable the "selectmen/women are hiding something. I notice that you never address how those porta-potties" showed up and why Newtown cannot produce a receipt or a time stamp for it.

"This is your evidence, that they had porta-potties on site? I think you've been drinking the porta-potty water, bud.
They're porta potties. You can get them somewhere in an hour. And yes, you need to when the whole school is a crime scene and you can't use the bathrooms"

There was a Fire station was right next door and since the alleged "killer" was announced very soon after "5-0" arrived? Why did they need porta-potties and why can't they produce a receipt and P.O request for them? Did they just magically appear? The cars all facing the same way as if there had been valet parking? The out-dated "Handicapped" parking spaces that were totally out of compliance with the ADA by three years? Gene Rosen's testimony that a bus driver dropped off kids right next to his house and that they were allowed to go into his home? How did they get out since the cops claimed (and this is by their own reports) that they went through the window that was allegedly shot out by Adam "the phantom" Lanza....not one of them thought to unlock the door from the inside to let the other officers in? Yes, most doors in schools are electronically controlled but they also have the fail safe knob lest there be an electrical power outage. So, what you are saying is that a 112 pound, 6 foot teen with Asperger's Syndrome that was allegedly anti-social and a recluse shot his mother in the face three times, took her car and bypassed 5 other schools and shot out the window and went through a small hole while weighed down with enough guns and ammo to start a small civil war and accurately gunned down 26 people in 8 minutes firing off more than 140 plus shots? Really? The 9/11 calls where one of the alleged administrators is calling and whispering but yet you hear no gun fire? Gene Rosen, the alleged "hero" that took in 6 kids...oh wait, it was then changed to 4 kids claimed that he heard what he thought was gunfire (because his house was in close proximity of the school) but yet the school phones picked up NO gun shot fire???? That is simply amazing........I mean really.

Then we have the photo that was shown all over the world of showing a small group of children being led out and another one showing the same children changing positions in line? Don't you find that a tad odd? I could write my own book on this poorly played out "saga"......

"again, if there is real evidence of this, why hasn't the NRA spent their billions of dollars blowing the lid off it?"

The NRA was attacked right away after this hoax and were demonized for their response because the phony press went right to them after this fake event. What they did do was supply Remington with money to fend off the lawsuit that was ended by Judge Barbara Bellis but they would have been "loaded for bear" because the litigation would have included "discovery" which would have required that all alleged autopsy photos and death certificates be released even in spite a "code" passed just before the Sandy Hoax event that prevented the release of such information even under the FOIA

"Why hasn't Trump exposed it now that he is in power?"

Trump has learned the hard way that he is just a "figurehead" of a massive corporate entity and that the "Deep State" calls the shots. JFK took a bullet in the head because he didn't acquiesce.....Jimmy Carter also was threatened with assassination when he wanted to make drastic changes. Reagan was shot in an event by a patsy that was a family friend of GH Bush, former CIA operative that later became the head of the very agency that he worked for and via his "Zapata Oil Company" brought in heroin and cocaine under the protection of the CIA.

"No, guy I live in a real world where Occam's razor applies"

Yeah, because to a simple mind, the simplest answer answers all.......

"you either have to believe that

1) A crazy guy got a gun and shot a bunch of kids.

2) The government, media, bilderbergers, Jesuits, Lizard People, Trilateralists, gun grabbers, mental health lobby and other shadowy figures all got together and intimidated a town of 28,000 people to all keep their mouth shut about a closed school and a drill that got out of hand. All to achieve policy goals that didn't actually happen."

Umm, yeah, it did......the Barrypuppet signed 23 executive orders concerning guns after Sandy Hoax. Children are being kicked out of school for even drawing a gun. Kids are being kicked out of school if a shotgun shell is found in their cars. The brainwashing of the children per Eric Holder's speech to a bunch of teachers and that they need to be "brainwashed" as to how they think about guns is easily found on youtube...he gave that speech in 1995 and he met with Governor Malloy of "Corrupticut" on November 27th, 2012 to discuss "Project Longevity", a gun control agenda plan.

Keep going with the lame insults, Joseph, because it's all that you can't even attempt to refute my claims or even explain the NUMEROUS anomalies (and we are talking about at least a hundred and that is a conservative estimate) about the alleged events of that day....but yet you dare attempt to debate me with nary so much as an explanation for even ONE of the many points that I have brought up? Seriously?

BTW, where is all YOUR support for lamely attempting to "debunk" my claims? Perhaps they are afraid to step into the fray? Yeah, I believe that is the case.

I am trying to help you, Joseph...........but I gotta be honest with's like trying to explain something that would be taxing to a 6 year like how a washing machine works and the mechanics involved....they haven't matured enough to understand and sadly? That is you, "buddy".

I look forward to your response.......


There was a Fire station was right next door and since the alleged "killer" was announced very soon after "5-0" arrived? Why did they need porta-potties and why can't they produce a receipt and P.O request for them? Did they just magically appear? The cars all facing the same way as if there had been valet parking? The out-dated "Handicapped" parking spaces that were totally out of compliance with the ADA by three years?]

buddy, learn how to use the quote feature, okay.

This is all tired stuff you keep bringing up, but you never answer the question.

How did they get tens of thousands of people to go along with this conspiracy. Did the Lizard People Threaten to eat their children?

Umm, yeah, it did......the Barrypuppet signed 23 executive orders concerning guns after Sandy Hoax. Children are being kicked out of school for even drawing a gun. Kids are being kicked out of school if a shotgun shell is found in their cars. The brainwashing of the children per Eric Holder's speech to a bunch of teachers and that they need to be "brainwashed" as to how they think about guns is easily found on youtube...he gave that speech in 1995 and he met with Governor Malloy of "Corrupticut" on November 27th, 2012 to discuss "Project Longevity", a gun control agenda plan.

Okay, you are conflating "School principals overreacting" to "a conspiracy".

So here's what happens. A Lanza or a Kleibold or a Cho shoots up a school, and school administrators get hypersensitive because they read somewhere that there were a bunch of warning signs these guys were going to go nuts before they went nuts. So then you get a bunch of stories where they throw someone out of school for bad behavior, that the Right Wing Gun Nut lobby minimizes.

If little Billy is getting his ass thrown out of school, they probably have a whole file on his obnoxious behavior and the unwillingness of his parents to make him take his Ritalin.

.but yet you dare attempt to debate me with nary so much as an explanation for even ONE of the many points that I have brought up? Seriously?

I have an explanation. You are a batshit crazy person who listens to other crazy people (and a few hucksters who prey on you) and you think you are having an original idea.)

I'm the only person who is still talking to you, most of the board ignores you, even the other right wingers.

You need help. You need to take your fucking meds.

There was a Fire station was right next door and since the alleged "killer" was announced very soon after "5-0" arrived? Why did they need porta-potties and why can't they produce a receipt and P.O request for them? Did they just magically appear? The cars all facing the same way as if there had been valet parking? The out-dated "Handicapped" parking spaces that were totally out of compliance with the ADA by three years?]

buddy, learn how to use the quote feature, okay.

This is all tired stuff you keep bringing up, but you never answer the question.

How did they get tens of thousands of people to go along with this conspiracy. Did the Lizard People Threaten to eat their children?

Umm, yeah, it did......the Barrypuppet signed 23 executive orders concerning guns after Sandy Hoax. Children are being kicked out of school for even drawing a gun. Kids are being kicked out of school if a shotgun shell is found in their cars. The brainwashing of the children per Eric Holder's speech to a bunch of teachers and that they need to be "brainwashed" as to how they think about guns is easily found on youtube...he gave that speech in 1995 and he met with Governor Malloy of "Corrupticut" on November 27th, 2012 to discuss "Project Longevity", a gun control agenda plan.

Okay, you are conflating "School principals overreacting" to "a conspiracy".

So here's what happens. A Lanza or a Kleibold or a Cho shoots up a school, and school administrators get hypersensitive because they read somewhere that there were a bunch of warning signs these guys were going to go nuts before they went nuts. So then you get a bunch of stories where they throw someone out of school for bad behavior, that the Right Wing Gun Nut lobby minimizes.

If little Billy is getting his ass thrown out of school, they probably have a whole file on his obnoxious behavior and the unwillingness of his parents to make him take his Ritalin.

.but yet you dare attempt to debate me with nary so much as an explanation for even ONE of the many points that I have brought up? Seriously?

I have an explanation. You are a batshit crazy person who listens to other crazy people (and a few hucksters who prey on you) and you think you are having an original idea.)

I'm the only person who is still talking to you, most of the board ignores you, even the other right wingers.

You need help. You need to take your fucking meds.

"buddy, learn how to use the quote feature, okay"

If there are quotation marks around your comments? I have fulfilled the obligatory function of distinction of which poster is which....dig?

"This is all tired stuff you keep bringing up, but you never answer the question"

Dude, no one has ducked, dodged and ran away from more than you have and the only response that you have is "How could tens of thousands of people keep this a secret?" bullshit. The Manhattan Project was kept secret for many decades, things like this fake event are compartmentalized and sometimes taped in advance using participants that will never know that they were even part of an event. Operation Gladio was kept a secret for DECADES so you tell me? Where would a "whistle blower" go to spill the proverbial "beans" when the media is ran by your beloved "gubermint" and those that do reach out to the alternative media is called "fake news". The girl that tried to blow the lid off of the Batman/ Aurora shooting DHS event was committed to a mental hospital when she signed an affidavit claiming that in exchange for charges dropped against her for a pending criminal case and a nice chunk of change that she would "participate" in the Aurora shooting and be a crisis actress. There is no "justice system", it's the "Just-us" elites system that are immune from facing their criminality.

You duck, dodge and run like the coward that you are and I have answered every single question....but you haven't addressed even one of the non-compliance of the ADA. Gene Rosen's shitty performance, Robbie Parker's lame attempt at playing the "grieving father"....the pathetic shape of the school that you can see for yourself from the helicopter footage of a CNN run away, regroup and then LAMELY attempt to insult me because that is all you have in your's been sad watching you flail away but also a bit amusing. You never responded to my challenge about taking this argument to the "Bullring" concerning this topic where "Loser leaves cyber-town" if I don't get at least 15 favorable replies by 15 different members..........what are you afraid of? Seems to me that if you had any strength in your convictions and that I was sooooooo "off course" that you would have jumped right on that in a heartbeat.......wassamattter???? Still waiting for one of your nads to drop????

If there are quotation marks around your comments? I have fulfilled the obligatory function of distinction of which poster is which....dig?

No, guy, go back at your post, and see what you did wrong.

Dude, no one has ducked, dodged and ran away from more than you have and the only response that you have is "How could tens of thousands of people keep this a secret?" bullshit.

That's actually a fairly important point, guy.

You can't have tens of thousands of people keep a secret.
The Manhattan Project was kept secret for many decades,

No, actually, it wasn't. and that required an actual effort and people in Congress knew what it was.

Operation Gladio was kept a secret for DECADES so you tell me?

Isn't what you claim it is... so there.

The girl that tried to blow the lid off of the Batman/ Aurora shooting DHS event was committed to a mental hospital

which is where we need to send you. The fact is, if she got committed, she probably really was fucking nuts.

.but you haven't addressed even one of the non-compliance of the ADA.

Guy, I could walk through a warehouse right now and find 20 areas where someone wasn't complying with a federal regulation. You've obviously never lived through an OSHA inspection. We had a guy walk into our plant once, and before anyone figured out who he was, he wrote us up on 10 complaints of violating OSHA rules.

So a sleepy little town didn't get around to painting a parking lot, or maybe they did and a vehicle was parked over it.

And all your nuttiness falls in this category. You th ink you know something,a nd you really don't.
You never responded to my challenge about taking this argument to the "Bullring" concerning this topic where "Loser leaves cyber-town" if I don't get at least 15 favorable replies by 15 different members..........what are you afraid of?

Guy, you should be happy I talk to you at all.. I don't think you have any friends.
Yeah, he should have more friends like you've got who buy the lies you make up to support your agenda. You're a hoot, albeit not a very smart one.
If there are quotation marks around your comments? I have fulfilled the obligatory function of distinction of which poster is which....dig?

No, guy, go back at your post, and see what you did wrong.

Dude, no one has ducked, dodged and ran away from more than you have and the only response that you have is "How could tens of thousands of people keep this a secret?" bullshit.

That's actually a fairly important point, guy.

You can't have tens of thousands of people keep a secret.
The Manhattan Project was kept secret for many decades,

No, actually, it wasn't. and that required an actual effort and people in Congress knew what it was.

Operation Gladio was kept a secret for DECADES so you tell me?

Isn't what you claim it is... so there.

The girl that tried to blow the lid off of the Batman/ Aurora shooting DHS event was committed to a mental hospital

which is where we need to send you. The fact is, if she got committed, she probably really was fucking nuts.

.but you haven't addressed even one of the non-compliance of the ADA.

Guy, I could walk through a warehouse right now and find 20 areas where someone wasn't complying with a federal regulation. You've obviously never lived through an OSHA inspection. We had a guy walk into our plant once, and before anyone figured out who he was, he wrote us up on 10 complaints of violating OSHA rules.

So a sleepy little town didn't get around to painting a parking lot, or maybe they did and a vehicle was parked over it.

And all your nuttiness falls in this category. You th ink you know something,a nd you really don't.

"Guy, I could walk through a warehouse right now and find 20 areas where someone wasn't complying with a federal regulation. You've obviously never lived through an OSHA inspection. We had a guy walk into our plant once, and before anyone figured out who he was, he wrote us up on 10 complaints of violating OSHA rules"

Yeah, I think not complying with the mandates of the Americans With Disabilities Act trumps some OSHA rules about pallets being stacked to high with boxes or interlocks that are not functioning correctly on a piece of equipment. This is a very glaring piece of proof that the Sandy Hook school was shut down at the end of the school year of 2008 which explains why they needed the porta-potties for this DHS drill because imagine turning on the water in a massive building that had been shut down for over four years? It could have produced some really shitty consequences (pun intended). There have been NUMEROUS anomalies that you flat out refuse to address and they are very valid. If it was just one or two gaffes? It would be a totally different story but there are literally a hundred plus pieces of evidence that calls the whole sorry event into question.

You believe the official story and I respect your right to believe that....but you don't respect MY right (after seeing mountains of evidence) to believe that it was a "Operation Gladio" psy-op and you bring it up time and time again as a lame attempt to try and discredit anything I post about and every time I more than produce enough credible questions that would make anyone give pause if they have any critical thinking skills. I know a great deal because I have made it my mission to do so.

As far as you responding to what I post? You are not doing me any favors nor do you enhance my posting experience here. The only thing you have done is act as a prop by helping me prove m,y contentions of which you have no answer for.

Any more questions??????
Yeah, he should have more friends like you've got who buy the lies you make up to support your agenda. You're a hoot, albeit not a very smart one.

Dominican Rent Boy, you need to stop humping my leg... or at least come up with a cogent argument.

Dale is coming up with more cogent arguments than you are, and he's fucking crazy and hears voices in his head.
Yeah, I think not complying with the mandates of the Americans With Disabilities Act trumps some OSHA rules about pallets being stacked to high with boxes or interlocks that are not functioning correctly on a piece of equipment. This is a very glaring piece of proof that the Sandy Hook school was shut down at the end of the school year of 2008

Or it indicates its' a sleepy little town that didn't paint the bigger sign because none of the parents or children had a disability and complained about it.

There have been NUMEROUS anomalies that you flat out refuse to address and they are very valid. If it was just one or two gaffes? It would be a totally different story but there are literally a hundred plus pieces of evidence that calls the whole sorry event into question.

But there aren't... there's just a lot of shit- most of them are shit - that the nutters put out there.

So what you would have to believe is that THOUSANDS of people were involved in this vast conspiracy to stage this event, and not a one of them said, "Hey, we'd better repaint the parking lot, just in case".

Because that's a lot easier than believing that one guy with a documented history of crazy got a gun one morning and shot a bunch of people because his mommy wanted to lock him up.

You believe the official story and I respect your right to believe that....but you don't respect MY right (after seeing mountains of evidence) to believe that it was a "Operation Gladio" psy-op

Because to believe something so fucking evil and stupid, you have to be a truly evil cocksucker who is severely deficient in many human qualities. I mean, I am not sure what even happened to you that made you so fucked up and I kind of don't care.
Yeah, he should have more friends like you've got who buy the lies you make up to support your agenda. You're a hoot, albeit not a very smart one.

Dominican Rent Boy, you need to stop humping my leg... or at least come up with a cogent argument.

Dale is coming up with more cogent arguments than you are, and he's fucking crazy and hears voices in his head.
Cogent argument? Pointing out you're a serial liar for the purpose of, in your pea brain, supporting your agenda, a la your WSAU and WLS doozies regarding Rush's advertisers, isn't cogent enough for JoeyB Dolezal?

Oh, well. Just another swing and a miss for you, but you're certainly used to that.
Yeah, I think not complying with the mandates of the Americans With Disabilities Act trumps some OSHA rules about pallets being stacked to high with boxes or interlocks that are not functioning correctly on a piece of equipment. This is a very glaring piece of proof that the Sandy Hook school was shut down at the end of the school year of 2008

Or it indicates its' a sleepy little town that didn't paint the bigger sign because none of the parents or children had a disability and complained about it.

There have been NUMEROUS anomalies that you flat out refuse to address and they are very valid. If it was just one or two gaffes? It would be a totally different story but there are literally a hundred plus pieces of evidence that calls the whole sorry event into question.

But there aren't... there's just a lot of shit- most of them are shit - that the nutters put out there.

So what you would have to believe is that THOUSANDS of people were involved in this vast conspiracy to stage this event, and not a one of them said, "Hey, we'd better repaint the parking lot, just in case".

Because that's a lot easier than believing that one guy with a documented history of crazy got a gun one morning and shot a bunch of people because his mommy wanted to lock him up.

You believe the official story and I respect your right to believe that....but you don't respect MY right (after seeing mountains of evidence) to believe that it was a "Operation Gladio" psy-op

Because to believe something so fucking evil and stupid, you have to be a truly evil cocksucker who is severely deficient in many human qualities. I mean, I am not sure what even happened to you that made you so fucked up and I kind of don't care.

"Or it indicates its' a sleepy little town that didn't paint the bigger sign because none of the parents or children had a disability and complained about it."

Sleepy little towns still have to comply with Federal mandates. This "sleepy little town" that didn't know that Sandy Hook was shut down in 2008 because of mold and asbestos and as we know, people do move a lot and Newtown is only 60 miles from New York City and I found it very odd that some of the parents worked for the DNC and/or had a seat on the CFR? The Wheeler family in particular is pretty hilarious. Did you know that David Wheeler, an actor in the movie "Faithful" and father of alleged victim Ben Wheeler played a second role in the Sandy Hoax saga as the "sloppy sniper"? Wheeler tries to play the role of a member of an FBI swat team member that is busted many times trying to push an ill-fitting helmet down over his face and holding his AK 14 by the MAGAZINE?? He ties to avoid the cameras and he is wearing shades that are more appropriate for a woman. He is walking with the "FBI" but has no patch or badge and he obviously has no clue on how to hold a weapon and why would they even need one since it was decided within mere minutes that this "lone assassin" Adam Lanza, he of the 112 pounds on a 6 foot frame allegedly killed himself? These fraudsters act like they are about to take on a small army....they better not count on David Wheeler because this fake doesn't even know how to hold a gun. Once this got out and the footage showed David Wheeler trying to disguise himself with an ill-fitting helmet and women's shades? Debunkers claimed that it was William Aldenberg of the New Haven Division of the FBI but the only thing Wheeler and Akdenberg have in common is that they are both bald. I find it hilarious that they would even try and claim that a trained FBI agent would be carrying an automatic weapon by the magazine...thus the tag "David Wheeler, sloppy sniper".

You refuse to even acknowledge the numerous anomalies because it helps you sleep better at night....but it doesn't change what is and it doesn't change the fact that there are more questions than answers about this alleged event.

"Because that's a lot easier than believing that one guy with a documented history of crazy got a gun one morning and shot a bunch of people because his mommy wanted to lock him up"

Documented by whom?? When did his alleged mother wish to have him "committed"? If he was "crazy", why did she allegedly take this alleged recluse that allegedly suffered from Asperger's Syndrome to gun ranges??? Oh, wait!!! That's because that never happened!

"Because to believe something so fucking evil and stupid, you have to be a truly evil cocksucker who is severely deficient in many human qualities. I mean, I am not sure what even happened to you that made you so fucked up and I kind of don't care."

Dude, your beloved "gubermint" has killed millions over shit that never happened. It helped facilitate and put in power despots that tortured and killed their own people because they agreed to "play ball" with USA.INC. Pol Pot, Lenin, Mao Tse-Tung, Saddam Hussein, Shah Of Iran, etc, etc were oppressive sacks of shit that the banking oligarchs in this country out in power and that is a fucking fact. The CIA under Operation Gladio perpetrated terrorist attacks in Europe and blamed it on an enemy that didn't exist and you are stupid enough to believe that they haven't done that to the American sheeple? Seriously? They did it at the OKC Murrah building in 1995, they did it at the first bombing of the WTC in 1993 and then again in 2001 when the towers and WTC building 7 came down (that wasn't hit by anything)...false flags, each and every one of them. You can't debate me on this because you don't have anything but emotion to fall back on. Keep rising back off of the cyber canvas with wobbly knees and offer your chin again on a silver platter. You have nothing,'s almost too easy.
Cogent argument? Pointing out you're a serial liar for the purpose of, in your pea brain, supporting your agenda, a la your WSAU and WLS doozies regarding Rush's advertisers, isn't cogent enough for JoeyB Dolezal?

Not really... Rush is a has been... Oh, wait, look at this story...

Rush Limbaugh's Hate Radio Network Home Facing $20 Billion Bankruptcy

It was reported late last week that the president of iHeart Media, Bob Pittman, was forced to make an emergency trip to San Antonio to personally grovel before a judge and beg for a restraining order. The order was all that stood between the network staying open and creditors putting the company into bankruptcy for defaulting on its $20 billion debt. The former Clear Channel network owns 850 radio stations across the nation that includes a substantial network of “hate radio” talk shows hosted by right-wing extremists such as Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity.
Sleepy little towns still have to comply with Federal mandates.

except most of them don't. Guy, again, there are a whole bunch of laws on the books that most towns don't comply with. Just like the IRS doesn't conduct that many audits.

Seriously, this is what you've got. Porta-potties and signs?
Documented by whom?? When did his alleged mother wish to have him "committed"? If he was "crazy", why did she allegedly take this alleged recluse that allegedly suffered from Asperger's Syndrome to gun ranges??? Oh, wait!!! That's because that never happened!

Except that it did.

School Shooter and Mother Visited Gun Ranges

But that's just the mainstream media, which is run by the Bilderberg Lizard Men who are making Frogs Gay!!!

Wheeler tries to play the role of a member of an FBI swat team member that is busted many times trying to push an ill-fitting helmet down over his face and holding his AK 14 by the MAGAZINE??

What is an "AK-14"? You know, for a gun nut, you don't know a lot about guns, do you?

Dude, your beloved "gubermint" has killed millions over shit that never happened. It helped facilitate and put in power despots that tortured and killed their own people because they agreed to "play ball" with USA.INC. Pol Pot, Lenin, Mao Tse-Tung, Saddam Hussein, Shah Of Iran, etc, etc were oppressive sacks of shit that the banking oligarchs in this country out in power and that is a fucking fact.

So the Banking Industry Bilderberger Trilateralists Lizard People were responsible for Mao and Lenin? Really?

Guy, the problem is, your nuttiness follows no logic at all.
You can't debate me on this because you don't have anything but emotion to fall back on. Keep rising back off of the cyber canvas with wobbly knees and offer your chin again on a silver platter. You have nothing,'s almost too easy.

No, guy, I do refute your points, but I can't cure your crazy.

Have you ever even seen a shrink? Because you clearly need one.
Sleepy little towns still have to comply with Federal mandates.

except most of them don't. Guy, again, there are a whole bunch of laws on the books that most towns don't comply with. Just like the IRS doesn't conduct that many audits.

Seriously, this is what you've got. Porta-potties and signs?
Documented by whom?? When did his alleged mother wish to have him "committed"? If he was "crazy", why did she allegedly take this alleged recluse that allegedly suffered from Asperger's Syndrome to gun ranges??? Oh, wait!!! That's because that never happened!

Except that it did.

School Shooter and Mother Visited Gun Ranges

But that's just the mainstream media, which is run by the Bilderberg Lizard Men who are making Frogs Gay!!!

Wheeler tries to play the role of a member of an FBI swat team member that is busted many times trying to push an ill-fitting helmet down over his face and holding his AK 14 by the MAGAZINE??

What is an "AK-14"? You know, for a gun nut, you don't know a lot about guns, do you?

Dude, your beloved "gubermint" has killed millions over shit that never happened. It helped facilitate and put in power despots that tortured and killed their own people because they agreed to "play ball" with USA.INC. Pol Pot, Lenin, Mao Tse-Tung, Saddam Hussein, Shah Of Iran, etc, etc were oppressive sacks of shit that the banking oligarchs in this country out in power and that is a fucking fact.

So the Banking Industry Bilderberger Trilateralists Lizard People were responsible for Mao and Lenin? Really?

Guy, the problem is, your nuttiness follows no logic at all.

"Guy, again, there are a whole bunch of laws on the books that most towns don't comply with. Just like the IRS doesn't conduct that many audits."

This is a big one to ignore, "guy" especially since businesses have to comply with it and the St. Rose of Lima school complied with it because CNN showed us footage of police storming the school that was right down the road from where Sandy Hoax happened. But I find it hilarious that you think that "sleepy little towns" can pick and choose which Federal mandates must be complied with and which ones they can choose to ignore.

And no, there was no evidence, no signatures on any sign in sheets at the Wooster gun range and it was verified by the ATF and the BATF but their comments were that it didn't matter because these (alleged) children were in such close proximity.

ATF says Newtown gunman Adam Lanza not at ranges recently

"What is an "AK-14"? You know, for a gun nut, you don't know a lot about guns, do you?"

#1: I am not a "gun nut" nor do I have anything that resembles an arsenal of weapons but this is about exposing the lies of your beloved "gubermint" and thus far you haven't shown anything that disputes my contentions.

#2: I noticed that you totally ignored the comment that David Wheeler, an actor that was in the movie "Faithful" in 2001 was playing the role of the "Sloppy Sniper" and holding his AR-14 by the magazine and kept trying to smash that ill-fitting helmet and constantly adjusting it when he saw a camera....pretty comical. Check it out! LOL! The youtuber that posted this is absolutely hilarious.

"So the Banking Industry Bilderberger Trilateralists Lizard People were responsible for Mao and Lenin? Really?"

There couldn't have been a Trotsky/ Lenin takeover of Russia without Wall Street and the bankers. There would have been no communist takeover of China with Mao Tse Tung without the military industrial complex and the bankers sabotaging Chiang Kai-shek. The takeover of China was done purposely using the former U.S.S.R as a proxy. There couldn't have been a Hitler without Wall Street and the bankers. I know that you believe your school text books and you are a good little programmed drone but the fact of the matter is you don't have the slightest clue.

But keeping digging that hole, Joe....grab a bigger shovel even!

This is a big one to ignore, "guy" especially since businesses have to comply with it and the St. Rose of Lima school complied with it because CNN showed us footage of police storming the school that was right down the road from where Sandy Hoax happened. But I find it hilarious that you think that "sleepy little towns" can pick and choose which Federal mandates must be complied with and which ones they can choose to ignore.

Again, do you do special exercises to stay this nuts.

There couldn't have been a Trotsky/ Lenin takeover of Russia without Wall Street and the bankers.

No, you see, that's really easy to explain.

When you have dirt poor people and you put them through FOUR YEARS of a totally pointless war where millions of people die for absolutely no good reason, and millions of other people are starving because you've drafted all the guys who normally grow the food to go off and fight the Tsar's cousin, the Kaiser,

People are going to eventually get pissed off.

So by your logic, the Bankers, who had loaned the Tsar billions of dollars, were going to put into power not only guys who reneged on all those debts, but were calling for a world wide revolution where the bankers would be taken out and shot.

Damn, those Lizard People are clever!!!!
This is a big one to ignore, "guy" especially since businesses have to comply with it and the St. Rose of Lima school complied with it because CNN showed us footage of police storming the school that was right down the road from where Sandy Hoax happened. But I find it hilarious that you think that "sleepy little towns" can pick and choose which Federal mandates must be complied with and which ones they can choose to ignore.

Again, do you do special exercises to stay this nuts.

There couldn't have been a Trotsky/ Lenin takeover of Russia without Wall Street and the bankers.

No, you see, that's really easy to explain.

When you have dirt poor people and you put them through FOUR YEARS of a totally pointless war where millions of people die for absolutely no good reason, and millions of other people are starving because you've drafted all the guys who normally grow the food to go off and fight the Tsar's cousin, the Kaiser,

People are going to eventually get pissed off.

So by your logic, the Bankers, who had loaned the Tsar billions of dollars, were going to put into power not only guys who reneged on all those debts, but were calling for a world wide revolution where the bankers would be taken out and shot.

Damn, those Lizard People are clever!!!!

LMAO! Your understanding of the real history is as pathetic as your understanding of Operation Gladio type false flag/staged events. So, what is your opinion about David Wheeler's pathetic attempt at playing "Sloppy Sniper"????? Holding a "assault weapon" by the magazine violates every cardinal rule about carrying a gun and especially during an alleged crisis......wouldn't you agree?????
LMAO! Your understanding of the real history is as pathetic as your understanding of Operation Gladio type false flag/staged events. So, what is your opinion about David Wheeler's pathetic attempt at playing "Sloppy Sniper"????? Holding a "assault weapon" by the magazine violates every cardinal rule about carrying a gun and especially during an alleged crisis......wouldn't you agree?????

Again, guy, I saw guys hold weapons the wrong way a lot when i was in the service. Just because two guys kind of look similar, not impressive.

Seriously, Cocksucker Dale, you need to take your meds.
LMAO! Your understanding of the real history is as pathetic as your understanding of Operation Gladio type false flag/staged events. So, what is your opinion about David Wheeler's pathetic attempt at playing "Sloppy Sniper"????? Holding a "assault weapon" by the magazine violates every cardinal rule about carrying a gun and especially during an alleged crisis......wouldn't you agree?????

Again, guy, I saw guys hold weapons the wrong way a lot when i was in the service. Just because two guys kind of look similar, not impressive.

Seriously, Cocksucker Dale, you need to take your meds.

Holding a weapon by the magazine that can easily slip out of his fat fingers just seems like a serious breach of safety protocols especially when surrounded by paid crisis actors and children....but I feel rather confident that "Sloppy Sniper" and his cache of weapons were simply props....... but still? It does give one pause for thought, no?

BTW, you seem to be obsessed with the fantasy that I am a queer that performs fellatio.......which would make me a closet leftard in theory....hate to break it to ya but I would slit the throat of a leftard from ear to ear with a huge smile on my face before I would ever become one or support their commie cause....and that is something you can etch in stone if your tiny, weak hands were strong enough to do so for posterity's sake. Get off your meds, dude...they are clouding your ability to see reality and all you are doing is putting money into the hands of big pharma.....just some friendly advice......

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