"so clearly aligned with Muscovy talking points”, CIA analyst said about GOP Rep. Victoria Spartz

do you agree that GOP Rep. Victoria Spartz works for Moscow ?

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    Votes: 1 100.0%
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Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
If it looks like a fish, smells like a fish, and swims like a fish -- it's a fish. I don't think it's so much an "open question", seems obvious, really

So disgusting that she’s wearing Ukrainian colors. Her treason was obvious during the funding approval process. She’s about as Ukrainian as Putin.

question , do you agree that GOP Rep. Victoria Spartz works for 🇷🇺 🐷 🇸🇦 Moscow empire ?

Its time for ukraine to stop the atrocities. Here is ukraine publishing a hit list on americans.

commie - China takes Vladivostok
Moscow empire : curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal! :auiqs.jpg:
hans wants back.png


If it looks like a fish, smells like a fish, and swims like a fish -- it's a fish. I don't think it's so much an "open question", seems obvious, really

So disgusting that she’s wearing Ukrainian colors. Her treason was obvious during the funding approval process. She’s about as Ukrainian as Putin.

question , do you agree that GOP Rep. Victoria Spartz works for 🇷🇺 🐷 🇸🇦 Moscow empire ?

Many, many republicans are owned by Moscow.
A foreign post based on someone or something called "Tat Affender"? WTF? Do even lefties buy this stuff? Why would a CIA analyst leak this? Is it bogus? Is it intended to give old Joe a much needed boost? What is a CIA analyst anyway?
Many, many republicans are owned by Moscow.
Majority of Americans are decent and smart. Online grifters are not. Seems to me there should be more explicit emphasis that US/EU support for Ukraine is a national security issue, not a “foreign aid” issue.
Hopefully the EU and Britain also go-ahead and give the frozen the Mongol - Muscovite horde money to Ukraine ASAP.

The far-left RADICALS are two sides of the same 🇷🇺 🇸🇦 coin

A foreign post based on someone or something called "Tat Affender"? WTF? Do even lefties buy this stuff? Why would a CIA analyst leak this? Is it bogus? Is it intended to give old Joe a much needed boost? What is a CIA analyst anyway?


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