So Democrats voted to force women into the draft essentially. You ok with that?

Nope.....who do you think benefits the most from women being included in the draft? Hint: It's not women. But it's only fair.

I bet all those misogynists (who never served) posting in this thread have no idea what the draft is and how it is operated.
Read your FIRST POST directed at me ya dumb twat.
Always nasty and snarky. You, Bode & Jill might as well all be the same person. Always bitches

And what is it with you two ALWAYS bragging about your "service"?
Tiresome bullshit
What about my first post? I simply stated that the fact you think women need protecting is a chauvinist position. We don't need men to "protect" us.

Women are already serving in combat roles. It only makes logical sense for them to register for the draft.
I'm not. Despite the bullshit people like Bodecea put forth about women being equal they are not.

Can you imagine the horrors our young women would go through if captured by our enemies?

I have no problem with a men's only draft and think it should remain that way.

What ever happened to protecting the lives of our women and children? Making it our job to provide and protect to the best of our abilities?

Democrats are taking this equality bullshit too far.
I was unaware the US drafted people to be in the military
What about my first post? I simply stated that the fact you think women need protecting is a chauvinist position. We don't need men to "protect" us.

Women are already serving in combat roles. It only makes logical sense for them to register for the draft.
Nice doublespeak lol

I don't claim that women NEED anything. I said it should be our job as men to provide and protect for the welfare of our women and children. Nothing sexist about that unless you're an irrational person.

Crawl back under your rock.
Nice doublespeak lol

I don't claim that women NEED anything. I said it should be our job as men to provide and protect for the welfare of our women and children. Nothing sexist about that unless you're an irrational person.

Crawl back under your rock.
Wow, you really don't get it do you cave man? It's not a man's job to protect anything, unless that is your actual job like a cop.

Welcome to the 21st century where men and women are equal partners, both capable of protecting and providing for a family.

Why do you start a thread if you don't actually want to debate the subject and you just want to tell people to shut up and go away?
Nice doublespeak lol

I don't claim that women NEED anything. I said it should be our job as men to provide and protect for the welfare of our women and children. Nothing sexist about that unless you're an irrational person.

Crawl back under your rock.
Things are different in this 21st century we find ourselves.
Democrats are taking this equality bullshit too far
I used to think so, but not anymore. If these chicks want to play with the boys, then they need to play under the same rules as the boys. No lowered standards. No exclusions. No exceptions.
Welcome to the 21st century where men and women are equal partners, both capable of protecting and providing for a family
Whst one is capable of doing is irrelevant compared to what one SHOULD be doing. Women should not be in the military, but if they are, then they need to be part of selective service registration as well.
And even more evidence that I intimidate sorry, not sorry. :heehee:

You sure have a weird way of claiming someone is intimidated by you.
Here's some words of wisdom for one is intimidated by fat dykes such as yourself.
If women want to join the military, fine. No draft. No combat arms. Period
What that will result in happened in the Navy. Before the 80s women couldn't serve on they took all of the shore-duty slots and all of the men ended up being stuck at sea. It used to be 5 years of sea-duty and 2 years on shore-duty. I never served on a shore assignment. Women were always treated differently in the Army too. They had different standards for Air Borne school. Something about men having to be able to do chin-ups for some reason but women having not to. Why have the standards if you're not going to require EVERYONE to have to meet them?
I figure if a woman can meet the standard....if they can fight....they should be able to serve in combat units.
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I worked with several women in my AFSC, 3E0X2, Electrical Power Production. All were able to do the job. One young Airman got pregnant, so the supervisor took her off preventive maintenance inspections, because some of the chemicals we dealt with were teratogenic. Nobody complained.
I worked with several women in my AFSC, 3E0X2, Electrical Power Production. All were able to do the job. One young Airman got pregnant, so the supervisor took her off preventive maintenance inspections, because some of the chemicals we dealt with were teratogenic. Nobody complained.
All a soldier has to do to get out of a deployment is get knocked up.
We don’t have a draft. We have a volunteer army. That isn’t changing.
THAT can change in a 'heartbeat'... why else do you think we maintain that system?
p.s. Israeli women all go into the military. They do fine
If we had a total population about half the size of the Chicago Metropolitan Area, we'd probably be drafting women, too.
What ever happened to protecting the lives of our women and children? Making it our job to provide and protect to the best of our abilities?
Women are doing drugs and have access to you kitchen. Dudes need to wise up, stop raping girls and treating adult women as children.
It can't be any worse than the abuse and rapes that women in the US armed forces are being subjected to by their fellow soldiers
And here is where you are EVER-so-wrong...

It could be FAR worse... VASTLY worse... but you have no insight into the militarized and brutalized male mind under field conditions... so you are forgiven.
I'm not. Despite the bullshit people like Bodecea put forth about women being equal they are not.

Can you imagine the horrors our young women would go through if captured by our enemies?

I have no problem with a men's only draft and think it should remain that way.

What ever happened to protecting the lives of our women and children? Making it our job to provide and protect to the best of our abilities?

Democrats are taking this equality bullshit too far.
If a woman can complete Special forces training alongside men should she be "allowed" to serve?
How about a woman graduating top 5% of her class from the AF academy who goes on to qualify the B1B, can she serve?

What happens if we get invaded, should all the women just surrender?

You position is sexist and your reasoning is nonsensical.
I know you think that’s funny. But we have a real problem with female soldiers being victimized
Not just being victimized but having it covered up by command to the point that women are often punished for reporting the attacks.

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