So Democrats voted to force women into the draft essentially. You ok with that?

There's no reason women can't serve if necessary to fight a war. Maybe not in some ground combat roles, but if they're capable then why not? I understand there could be problems with rapes, pregnancies, sexism and so forth. But maybe the real issue is political, what else? Would there be political pressure on commanders in the field to put a female in some jobs/missions for which a man could do it better? Politics influences just about everything else these days, but in a war lives are on the line and you want the most capable people doing what has to be done and a less qualified person could cost lives and casualties.
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Israel doesn't invade a half dozen countries every few years like we do.

And the fact that you gave me a funny for wanting to protect women is fucked up.
One minute you call us chauvinist pigs and in the next breath you mock us for wanting to protect them from the horrors of war.

Fuck you
We don't need you to protect us. It's the "womenfolk need protecting" attitude that makes you a chauvinist.
No worries, there are some women I wouldn't piss on to put out a fire. You for instance....
It's okay. I learned firefighting techniques when I served in the military for 20 years. I don't need your non serving ass to help me. :lol:
Christ you are a AAA rated bitch
You said you wouldn't save my life if I were on fire, but I'm the bitch? I'd save your life if it came to that. I guess that's the difference in serving in the military and serving a prison sentence.
You said you wouldn't save my life if I were on fire, but I'm the bitch? I'd save your life if it came to that. I guess that's the difference in serving in the military and serving a prison sentence.
Read your FIRST POST directed at me ya dumb twat.
Always nasty and snarky. You, Bode & Jill might as well all be the same person. Always bitches

And what is it with you two ALWAYS bragging about your "service"?
Tiresome bullshit
I'm not. Despite the bullshit people like Bodecea put forth about women being equal they are not.

Can you imagine the horrors our young women would go through if captured by our enemies?

I have no problem with a men's only draft and think it should remain that way.

What ever happened to protecting the lives of our women and children? Making it our job to provide and protect to the best of our abilities?

Democrats are taking this equality bullshit too far.

On average it takes 7 people to keep one soldier in the field. Women can fill many of the support rolls quite adequately. No reason why they can't be drafted.

Why not?


Sammitches and beer back at the barracks.
Read your FIRST POST directed at me ya dumb twat.
Always nasty and snarky. You, Bode & Jill might as well all be the same person. Always bitches

And what is it with you two ALWAYS bragging about your "service"?
Tiresome bullshit
You really really have a problem about women who have served honorably while you....not so much.
You really really really have a problem with women who served honorably while you.... not so much.
I have a problem with people who seek attention they don't deserve. The fact that you're a woman, supposedly, has nothing to do with it.
You ask the same people over and over if they served when you already know the answer.
I get it you had no prospects in life so you joined up. Congrats, now get over yourself
SO why are people starting negative post saying that the Dems reinstated the draft? when what's being Talked about IS registering females? & has that come to pass? Have heard nothing about it? This sounds like a stirring of the negative pot. More interesting question would be how do woman feel about registering?

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