So, did this Gestapo tactic protect us?

Why is saving lives so anathema to the pro-life Republican hypocrite? Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved due to the lockdown and social distancing, but those lives count ostensibly for nothing to these hypocrites. Instead we are treated to such vacuity like the lockdown is a "Gestapo" tactic. How much more foolish or half-baked can you be to believe this is beyond me.
STFU you retarded ignorant twat!
Millions are going to suffer because of the lockdowns, you derp asshat!

You're more than stupid enough to be one of the hardest hit by

Oh! You didn't see that coming, huh? Too bad, it's reality.
How are they going to suffer? There are tons of essential jobs out there they can do temporarily if their regular job is at a standstill. BUT.....such essential jobs require sweat, blood, tears, and a brain. Might be a problem for some.
there are 26 million other people also going for those jobs,,,
Is that a valid excuse you are using there?
you think its not???
An excuse? You mean "there's so many others going for those jobs, why should I bother?" It's an old excuse been used for a long time. Have you tried? Or are essential jobs too hard, too mentally or physically challenging?
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

Based on what data do you believe "millions will die"?
we have several historical accounts of the food industry being halted causing millions of deaths,,,

Truman socialized the railroads temporarily when a continued strike threatened the nation.

We can socialize the food industry temporarily if needed.

If only we had leadership in this time of crisis....

Too bad we don't.
even socialized its still not running,,,

and lets not forget the fact that when a socialist government takes over the food industry it results in millions of deaths,,,

Not really. The food supply in the Soviet Union was far better under Stalin than it had ever been. But you don't know anyone that lived in the Soviet Union at that time, do you?
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

There's no doubt that we're caught between a rock and a hard place, but opening the economy too early and having to shut it down again will be far worse - both for the economy and the fatality rate - than not opening the economy until the experts say it's O.K.
I'm sure all the small business in poorer neighborhoods that took out large business loans agree with you.
Say hello to them for me when you're getting your welfare check,

I thought you wingnuts all believed in the free market?

Won't the free market always adapt?

One set of business owners go bankrupt...and a new set moves in.
That is in a normal business climate. When the government steps in and causes a business to go bankrupt there is no moving in.

Do you really think that these businesses would be doing well if there was no lockdown?

If the fatalities were in the hundreds of thousands, would people be out at the restaurants?

Are you truly that stupid?

It's not the government that's shutting them down, it's COVID-19.
we're talking about the future not the past,,,
do try and keep up,,,
Why is saving lives so anathema to the pro-life Republican hypocrite? Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved due to the lockdown and social distancing, but those lives count ostensibly for nothing to these hypocrites. Instead we are treated to such vacuity like the lockdown is a "Gestapo" tactic. How much more foolish or half-baked can you be to believe this is beyond me.
STFU you retarded ignorant twat!
Millions are going to suffer because of the lockdowns, you derp asshat!

You're more than stupid enough to be one of the hardest hit by

Oh! You didn't see that coming, huh? Too bad, it's reality.
How are they going to suffer? There are tons of essential jobs out there they can do temporarily if their regular job is at a standstill. BUT.....such essential jobs require sweat, blood, tears, and a brain. Might be a problem for some.
You'll be finding out real soon, smug moron. :itsok:

Lack of food, jobs, housing, and amenities.
"Smug moron"? why would I be smug? Just because I'm not one of the snowflakey CRCs like you? I can just imagine my parents' generation laughing at how your ilk whines about "hardships".
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

There's no doubt that we're caught between a rock and a hard place, but opening the economy too early and having to shut it down again will be far worse - both for the economy and the fatality rate - than not opening the economy until the experts say it's O.K.
I'm sure all the small business in poorer neighborhoods that took out large business loans agree with you.
Say hello to them for me when you're getting your welfare check,

I thought you wingnuts all believed in the free market?

Won't the free market always adapt?

One set of business owners go bankrupt...and a new set moves in.
I believe in a well regulated Fair Market.
You're the one calling for businesses to be forced into going under.
But again, you're a Communist.

It's COVID-19 that's shutting down the businesses, not me, dumbass!

its the governors shutting down business's dumbass,,,

The governor's shut down the businesses only a short time before the pandemic would have. Dead people don't buy stuff.
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

There's no doubt that we're caught between a rock and a hard place, but opening the economy too early and having to shut it down again will be far worse - both for the economy and the fatality rate - than not opening the economy until the experts say it's O.K.
I'm sure all the small business in poorer neighborhoods that took out large business loans agree with you.
Say hello to them for me when you're getting your welfare check,

I thought you wingnuts all believed in the free market?

Won't the free market always adapt?

One set of business owners go bankrupt...and a new set moves in.
I believe in a well regulated Fair Market.
You're the one calling for businesses to be forced into going under.
But again, you're a Communist.

It's COVID-19 that's shutting down the businesses, not me, dumbass!
Am I mistaken that you're shitting in your pants that we're opening up the economy too quickly?

Most businesses in Nassau County have reopened already.
We don't need any government mandate to dictate to them how to operate.
Almost everyone is wearing a mask and gloves.

And I presume you know zip about how much work it takes to run and operate a pizza shop.
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

Based on what data do you believe "millions will die"?
we have several historical accounts of the food industry being halted causing millions of deaths,,,

Truman socialized the railroads temporarily when a continued strike threatened the nation.

We can socialize the food industry temporarily if needed.

If only we had leadership in this time of crisis....

Too bad we don't.
even socialized its still not running,,,

and lets not forget the fact that when a socialist government takes over the food industry it results in millions of deaths,,,

Not really. The food supply in the Soviet Union was far better under Stalin than it had ever been. But you don't know anyone that lived in the Soviet Union at that time, do you?
yeah thats why millions of people died after he took over,,,
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

There's no doubt that we're caught between a rock and a hard place, but opening the economy too early and having to shut it down again will be far worse - both for the economy and the fatality rate - than not opening the economy until the experts say it's O.K.
I'm sure all the small business in poorer neighborhoods that took out large business loans agree with you.
Say hello to them for me when you're getting your welfare check,

I thought you wingnuts all believed in the free market?

Won't the free market always adapt?

One set of business owners go bankrupt...and a new set moves in.
I believe in a well regulated Fair Market.
You're the one calling for businesses to be forced into going under.
But again, you're a Communist.

It's COVID-19 that's shutting down the businesses, not me, dumbass!

its the governors shutting down business's dumbass,,,

The governor's shut down the businesses only a short time before the pandemic would have. Dead people don't buy stuff.
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

There's no doubt that we're caught between a rock and a hard place, but opening the economy too early and having to shut it down again will be far worse - both for the economy and the fatality rate - than not opening the economy until the experts say it's O.K.
I'm sure all the small business in poorer neighborhoods that took out large business loans agree with you.
Say hello to them for me when you're getting your welfare check,

I thought you wingnuts all believed in the free market?

Won't the free market always adapt?

One set of business owners go bankrupt...and a new set moves in.
I believe in a well regulated Fair Market.
You're the one calling for businesses to be forced into going under.
But again, you're a Communist.

It's COVID-19 that's shutting down the businesses, not me, dumbass!

its the governors shutting down business's dumbass,,,
You can't win...
Liberals don't put an iota of thought into what they're typing.
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

There's no doubt that we're caught between a rock and a hard place, but opening the economy too early and having to shut it down again will be far worse - both for the economy and the fatality rate - than not opening the economy until the experts say it's O.K.
I'm sure all the small business in poorer neighborhoods that took out large business loans agree with you.
Say hello to them for me when you're getting your welfare check,

I thought you wingnuts all believed in the free market?

Won't the free market always adapt?

One set of business owners go bankrupt...and a new set moves in.
That is in a normal business climate. When the government steps in and causes a business to go bankrupt there is no moving in.

Do you really think that these businesses would be doing well if there was no lockdown?

If the fatalities were in the hundreds of thousands, would people be out at the restaurants?

Are you truly that stupid?

It's not the government that's shutting them down, it's COVID-19.
The stupid ones would be at the restaurants, the sporting events, etc. Come to think of it, the current guidelines are there to protect the stupid from themselves. They seem resentful tho.
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

There's no doubt that we're caught between a rock and a hard place, but opening the economy too early and having to shut it down again will be far worse - both for the economy and the fatality rate - than not opening the economy until the experts say it's O.K.
I'm sure all the small business in poorer neighborhoods that took out large business loans agree with you.
Say hello to them for me when you're getting your welfare check,

I thought you wingnuts all believed in the free market?

Won't the free market always adapt?

One set of business owners go bankrupt...and a new set moves in.
I believe in a well regulated Fair Market.
You're the one calling for businesses to be forced into going under.
But again, you're a Communist.

It's COVID-19 that's shutting down the businesses, not me, dumbass!

its the governors shutting down business's dumbass,,,

The governor's shut down the businesses only a short time before the pandemic would have. Dead people don't buy stuff.
55K out of 350 million???

that leaves over 349 million customers,,,
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???
Millions are going to die from the results of the lockdown? How so?
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

Based on what data do you believe "millions will die"?
we have several historical accounts of the food industry being halted causing millions of deaths,,,

Truman socialized the railroads temporarily when a continued strike threatened the nation.

We can socialize the food industry temporarily if needed.

If only we had leadership in this time of crisis....

Too bad we don't.
even socialized its still not running,,,

and lets not forget the fact that when a socialist government takes over the food industry it results in millions of deaths,,,

Not really. The food supply in the Soviet Union was far better under Stalin than it had ever been. But you don't know anyone that lived in the Soviet Union at that time, do you?
yeah thats why millions of people died after he took over,,,

Millions were dying from starvation before Stalin nationalized the food industry.
Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved due to the lockdown

New York was on TOTAL LOCKDOWN while 8 other states were not. Do the math dumbass.

The needs of New York are NOT the needs of the rest of the nation. You idiots and your one size fits all responses are mind numbingly stupid AND DANGEROUS
The idiocy is those comparing the lockdown to Gestapo tactics. To make that comparison your brain has to have become liquified.
Arresting people for being in a public park? Check
Fining business for being open? Check
Threatening to pull business licenses for not closing? Check
Scanning license plates of those in public? Check
Threatening church goers for sitting in their cars? Check
Using drones to surveil citizens? Check

And the GESTAPO list goes on and on, bootlicker
was it the gestapo in 1918 with the Spanish Flu, when businesses, and theaters, and churches, and schools were shut down, and citizens had to wear masks if in public? Was that the Gestapo?

you are a product of internet conspiracy.....
Woodrow Wilson was president in 1918. Do you know anything about Woodrow Wilson?


Though some studies conducted later on found mask-wearing was not as effective as previously believed in containing the outbreak
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???
Millions are going to die from the results of the lockdown? How so?
asked and answered,,,do try and keep up,,,

Obviously it has not. It has however destroyed countless businesses as well as wrecked peoples lives.

lockdowns were not meant to stop the virus deaths, but to flatten the directly upward curve, so that the deaths all at once did not overwhelm our hospitals and healthcare system to the point of collapse.... Don't you remember? Flatten the curve, flatten the curve, flatten the curve..... we heard over and over again.....

the lag in deaths, or flattening the curve, bought more time to get the federal test kits up and running....of which they are STILL struggling with, and time for a vaccine and other remedies to be developed....

Tuckers said this was never done before, but he is wrong.... schools, churches, theaters, stay at home, or wear masks in public etc ALL OCCURRED during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic....

Furthermore, they too got impatient with social distancing in 1918, and thousands came out to celebrate the end of WWI, created a second and even MORE deadly wave of flu deaths in 1919.
Why is saving lives so anathema to the pro-life Republican hypocrite? Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved due to the lockdown and social distancing, but those lives count ostensibly for nothing to these hypocrites. Instead we are treated to such vacuity like the lockdown is a "Gestapo" tactic. How much more foolish or half-baked can you be to believe this is beyond me.
STFU you retarded ignorant twat!
Millions are going to suffer because of the lockdowns, you derp asshat!

You're more than stupid enough to be one of the hardest hit by

Oh! You didn't see that coming, huh? Too bad, it's reality.
How are they going to suffer? There are tons of essential jobs out there they can do temporarily if their regular job is at a standstill. BUT.....such essential jobs require sweat, blood, tears, and a brain. Might be a problem for some.
You'll be finding out real soon, smug moron. :itsok:

Lack of food, jobs, housing, and amenities.
"Smug moron"? why would I be smug? Just because I'm not one of the snowflakey CRCs like you? I can just imagine my parents' generation laughing at how your ilk whines about "hardships".
You oblivious fucking idiot. This is going to be worse than the 1929 Great Depression.
Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved due to the lockdown

New York was on TOTAL LOCKDOWN while 8 other states were not. Do the math dumbass.

The needs of New York are NOT the needs of the rest of the nation. You idiots and your one size fits all responses are mind numbingly stupid AND DANGEROUS

The blob’s CDC had custom recommendations? Well did they shit brains?
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

Based on what data do you believe "millions will die"?
we have several historical accounts of the food industry being halted causing millions of deaths,,,

Truman socialized the railroads temporarily when a continued strike threatened the nation.

We can socialize the food industry temporarily if needed.

If only we had leadership in this time of crisis....

Too bad we don't.
even socialized its still not running,,,

and lets not forget the fact that when a socialist government takes over the food industry it results in millions of deaths,,,

Not really. The food supply in the Soviet Union was far better under Stalin than it had ever been. But you don't know anyone that lived in the Soviet Union at that time, do you?
yeah thats why millions of people died after he took over,,,

Millions were dying from starvation before Stalin nationalized the food industry.
not according to historical facts,,,

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