So, did this Gestapo tactic protect us?

lockdowns were not meant to stop the virus deaths, but to flatten the directly upward curve, so that the deaths all at once did not overwhelm our hospitals and healthcare system to the point of collapse.... Don't you remember?

And we've accomplished that. In most places, the hospitals never came close to capacity.
states hit with the virus were maxed out.... if not for orders to increase hospital beds by 50%, and they are seriously maxed out in rural communities hit with the spread.... watch what the doctors and nurses are reporting from all different parts of the nation! It's extremely sad, and very very very hard on all of those front liners.... where the virus has sown its seed....

regardless, the economy was going to crash! We had 53000 deaths from COVID in the past 4 weeks.... (50,000 deaths in VietNam over a 10 year period and Americans were outraged)

if those 53000, were 75000 deaths or 100,000 deaths during the same 4 weeks if we had been left opened, do you think that would not have crushed the economy and brought it to its knees?

Do you think all the Sports teams would have continued as normal? And theaters, and concerts, and restaurants, and mall businesses would have not taken a major hit?

imo, the economy, one way or another was doomed....

but one way, shuttering, brought the immediate death count down... which is a plus.

ALL OF THIS would have been different, IF our CDC had tests in late January...when the time was ripe for containment, with testing and contact tracing, and confining only the sick.....

but we didn't have the testing....

states were trying to navigate this virus blind without testing at least 10% of their communities... so the only option, was to go in to the mitigation stage, and skip the containment phase.... shut down everything everywhere, because no one knew, where the virus was..............

Testing in mass early on was MISSED....

THIS is what caused the whole mess we are in....

Hopefully, our govt has learned from this.... for the next new virus pandemic.... :(
There is no testing for mass hysteria. That's the point of mass hysteria. Now that Los Angeles is getting tested we find that the Chinese virus has been here since late summer or at least fall. The death rate in this new reality is that it is exceedingly small.
I was reading the Stanford paper on this and they were suggesting the heat and humidity levels killed major portions of the virus and that is why they progressed slowly and did not overwhelm their systems. IT offers up suggestions that the young get out and get through this virus in the summer time so that the progression of the virus is blunted and by fall our rebound could be very managable even with the normal flu season.
Democrat governors are now facing pressure to re-open their states
The Democrat guvs have far too many corrupt political cronies with their power to pardon crimes and assume military authority over U.S. troops straight out of City Hall in certain circumstances which enable them to sabotage defense efforts.
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

Based on what data do you believe "millions will die"?
we have several historical accounts of the food industry being halted causing millions of deaths,,,

Truman socialized the railroads temporarily when a continued strike threatened the nation.

We can socialize the food industry temporarily if needed.

If only we had leadership in this time of crisis....

Too bad we don't.
even socialized its still not running,,,

and lets not forget the fact that when a socialist government takes over the food industry it results in millions of deaths,,,

Not really. The food supply in the Soviet Union was far better under Stalin than it had ever been. But you don't know anyone that lived in the Soviet Union at that time, do you?

You really are clueless
What is this thread really all about? A careful examination of the facts in pursuit of a better understanding of the truth?


It's about the opposite.

It's about muddying the waters. Turing the truth on its head. It's about making bullshit assertions from a cable network dedicated to disinformation.'s about keeping the minions agitated, misinformed, and towing the company line.
What is this thread really all about? A careful examination of the facts in pursuit of a better understanding of the truth?


It's about the opposite.

It's about muddying the waters. Turing the truth on its head. It's about making bullshit assertions from a cable network dedicated to disinformation.'s about keeping the minions agitated, misinformed, and towing the company line.
whats that they say about progs accusing others of what they are guilty of???
What is this thread really all about? A careful examination of the facts in pursuit of a better understanding of the truth?


It's about the opposite.

It's about muddying the waters. Turing the truth on its head. It's about making bullshit assertions from a cable network dedicated to disinformation.'s about keeping the minions agitated, misinformed, and towing the company line.
That's rich comming from the tard who creates dozens of thread every week crying about Trump.
lockdowns were not meant to stop the virus deaths, but to flatten the directly upward curve, so that the deaths all at once did not overwhelm our hospitals and healthcare system to the point of collapse.... Don't you remember?

And we've accomplished that. In most places, the hospitals never came close to capacity.
states hit with the virus were maxed out.... if not for orders to increase hospital beds by 50%, and they are seriously maxed out in rural communities hit with the spread.... watch what the doctors and nurses are reporting from all different parts of the nation! It's extremely sad, and very very very hard on all of those front liners.... where the virus has sown its seed....

regardless, the economy was going to crash! We had 53000 deaths from COVID in the past 4 weeks.... (50,000 deaths in VietNam over a 10 year period and Americans were outraged)

if those 53000, were 75000 deaths or 100,000 deaths during the same 4 weeks if we had been left opened, do you think that would not have crushed the economy and brought it to its knees?

Do you think all the Sports teams would have continued as normal? And theaters, and concerts, and restaurants, and mall businesses would have not taken a major hit?

imo, the economy, one way or another was doomed....

but one way, shuttering, brought the immediate death count down... which is a plus.

ALL OF THIS would have been different, IF our CDC had tests in late January...when the time was ripe for containment, with testing and contact tracing, and confining only the sick.....

but we didn't have the testing....

states were trying to navigate this virus blind without testing at least 10% of their communities... so the only option, was to go in to the mitigation stage, and skip the containment phase.... shut down everything everywhere, because no one knew, where the virus was..............

Testing in mass early on was MISSED....

THIS is what caused the whole mess we are in....

Hopefully, our govt has learned from this.... for the next new virus pandemic.... :(
There is no testing for mass hysteria. That's the point of mass hysteria. Now that Los Angeles is getting tested we find that the Chinese virus has been here since late summer or at least fall. The death rate in this new reality is that it is exceedingly small.
the mortality rate vs those contracting the disease may be low,

but the rapid spread of the virus is nearly 10 times greater than the flu, because asymptomatic people spread it, not just those with a cough and fever and it is highly contagious....

and because so many more people catch it than the flu, the lower rate of deaths per who caught it, matters naught....

tens of thousands deaths more than any flu in history, have died from it...53k to be exact, in just the past 4 weeks,

4 weeks!

With shuttering at home....

we will exceed the 350,000 deaths of the 1918 Spanish Flu over the two year period...., if a vaccine is not ready and given to at least 50% of our population, BECAUSE of its contagious rate, being greater.... not the mortality rate....
Last edited:
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

Based on what data do you believe "millions will die"?
we have several historical accounts of the food industry being halted causing millions of deaths,,,

Truman socialized the railroads temporarily when a continued strike threatened the nation.

We can socialize the food industry temporarily if needed.

If only we had leadership in this time of crisis....

Too bad we don't.
even socialized its still not running,,,

and lets not forget the fact that when a socialist government takes over the food industry it results in millions of deaths,,,

Not really. The food supply in the Soviet Union was far better under Stalin than it had ever been. But you don't know anyone that lived in the Soviet Union at that time, do you?

You really are clueless

That really has nothing to do with what is occurring now...nor his original claim. Where is proof of this claim he made?

the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

There's no doubt that we're caught between a rock and a hard place, but opening the economy too early and having to shut it down again will be far worse - both for the economy and the fatality rate - than not opening the economy until the experts say it's O.K.
I'm sure all the small business in poorer neighborhoods that took out large business loans agree with you.
Say hello to them for me when you're getting your welfare check,

I thought you wingnuts all believed in the free market?

Won't the free market always adapt?

One set of business owners go bankrupt...and a new set moves in.
I believe in a well regulated Fair Market.
You're the one calling for businesses to be forced into going under.
But again, you're a Communist.

It's COVID-19 that's shutting down the businesses, not me, dumbass!

its the governors shutting down business's dumbass,,,

The governor's shut down the businesses only a short time before the pandemic would have. Dead people don't buy stuff.
55K out of 350 million???

that leaves over 349 million customers,,,

You apparently believe that there are 349 million Americans that are as stupid as you!
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

There's no doubt that we're caught between a rock and a hard place, but opening the economy too early and having to shut it down again will be far worse - both for the economy and the fatality rate - than not opening the economy until the experts say it's O.K.
I'm sure all the small business in poorer neighborhoods that took out large business loans agree with you.
Say hello to them for me when you're getting your welfare check,

I thought you wingnuts all believed in the free market?

Won't the free market always adapt?

One set of business owners go bankrupt...and a new set moves in.
I believe in a well regulated Fair Market.
You're the one calling for businesses to be forced into going under.
But again, you're a Communist.

It's COVID-19 that's shutting down the businesses, not me, dumbass!

its the governors shutting down business's dumbass,,,

The governor's shut down the businesses only a short time before the pandemic would have. Dead people don't buy stuff.
55K out of 350 million???

that leaves over 349 million customers,,,

You apparently believe that there are 349 million Americans that are as stupid as you!
so when you are proven wrong and lose a debate you resort to personal attacks,,,


Obviously it has not. It has however destroyed countless businesses as well as wrecked peoples lives.

Precicely what the Media Mafia and globalist sociopaths aimed to do.

Notice the same bed wetters who adore The MPF to this day, ignore the fact he had no reaction at all to Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, or Ebola. Not that I would have shut the place down for that, but no effort was made to even keep those diseases out of the country.

Liberals are all malignant pieces of shit.

There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

Based on what data do you believe "millions will die"?
we have several historical accounts of the food industry being halted causing millions of deaths,,,

Truman socialized the railroads temporarily when a continued strike threatened the nation.

We can socialize the food industry temporarily if needed.

If only we had leadership in this time of crisis....

Too bad we don't.
even socialized its still not running,,,

and lets not forget the fact that when a socialist government takes over the food industry it results in millions of deaths,,,

Not really. The food supply in the Soviet Union was far better under Stalin than it had ever been. But you don't know anyone that lived in the Soviet Union at that time, do you?

You really are clueless

No, you're clueless. You do not know anyone that lived in the Soviet Union at that time.

Millions were starving in the Soviet Union while the Ukrainian farmers minimized production and price gouged. Stalin did not want to nationalize the food industry...he gave the farmers everything they needed to produce the food...

Only when years of the Ukrainian farmers refusing to supply food did Stalin resort to nationalizing the food industry. Those Ukrainians that cooperated were made managers, those that did not had their property seized and were relocated.

It was during the relocation that millions of Ukrainians died. Not by Stalin's orders but by the hands of some very angry Soviet guards...mostly because of their family members dying from starvation the previous years.
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

There's no doubt that we're caught between a rock and a hard place, but opening the economy too early and having to shut it down again will be far worse - both for the economy and the fatality rate - than not opening the economy until the experts say it's O.K.
I'm sure all the small business in poorer neighborhoods that took out large business loans agree with you.
Say hello to them for me when you're getting your welfare check,

I thought you wingnuts all believed in the free market?

Won't the free market always adapt?

One set of business owners go bankrupt...and a new set moves in.
I believe in a well regulated Fair Market.
You're the one calling for businesses to be forced into going under.
But again, you're a Communist.

It's COVID-19 that's shutting down the businesses, not me, dumbass!

its the governors shutting down business's dumbass,,,

The governor's shut down the businesses only a short time before the pandemic would have. Dead people don't buy stuff.
55K out of 350 million???

that leaves over 349 million customers,,,

You apparently believe that there are 349 million Americans that are as stupid as you!
so when you are proven wrong and lose a debate you resort to personal attacks,,,


You can't even do basic math. 350 million minus 55 thousand does not equal 349 million.

If I call you stupid, it's becuase you earned it!
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

There's no doubt that we're caught between a rock and a hard place, but opening the economy too early and having to shut it down again will be far worse - both for the economy and the fatality rate - than not opening the economy until the experts say it's O.K.
I'm sure all the small business in poorer neighborhoods that took out large business loans agree with you.
Say hello to them for me when you're getting your welfare check,

I thought you wingnuts all believed in the free market?

Won't the free market always adapt?

One set of business owners go bankrupt...and a new set moves in.
I believe in a well regulated Fair Market.
You're the one calling for businesses to be forced into going under.
But again, you're a Communist.

It's COVID-19 that's shutting down the businesses, not me, dumbass!

its the governors shutting down business's dumbass,,,

The governor's shut down the businesses only a short time before the pandemic would have. Dead people don't buy stuff.
55K out of 350 million???

that leaves over 349 million customers,,,

You apparently believe that there are 349 million Americans that are as stupid as you!
so when you are proven wrong and lose a debate you resort to personal attacks,,,

And this shocks you?
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

There's no doubt that we're caught between a rock and a hard place, but opening the economy too early and having to shut it down again will be far worse - both for the economy and the fatality rate - than not opening the economy until the experts say it's O.K.
I'm sure all the small business in poorer neighborhoods that took out large business loans agree with you.
Say hello to them for me when you're getting your welfare check,

I thought you wingnuts all believed in the free market?

Won't the free market always adapt?

One set of business owners go bankrupt...and a new set moves in.
I believe in a well regulated Fair Market.
You're the one calling for businesses to be forced into going under.
But again, you're a Communist.

It's COVID-19 that's shutting down the businesses, not me, dumbass!

its the governors shutting down business's dumbass,,,

The governor's shut down the businesses only a short time before the pandemic would have. Dead people don't buy stuff.
55K out of 350 million???

that leaves over 349 million customers,,,

You apparently believe that there are 349 million Americans that are as stupid as you!
so when you are proven wrong and lose a debate you resort to personal attacks,,,


You can't even do basic math. 350 million minus 55 thousand does not equal 349 million.

If I call you stupid, it's becuase you earned it!
Yes, so let's starve 200 million people to save 50,000.
Perfect Russian logic.
Even Putin would toss your sorry ass in the clink for that one.
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

Based on what data do you believe "millions will die"?
we have several historical accounts of the food industry being halted causing millions of deaths,,,

Truman socialized the railroads temporarily when a continued strike threatened the nation.

We can socialize the food industry temporarily if needed.

If only we had leadership in this time of crisis....

Too bad we don't.
even socialized its still not running,,,

and lets not forget the fact that when a socialist government takes over the food industry it results in millions of deaths,,,

Not really. The food supply in the Soviet Union was far better under Stalin than it had ever been. But you don't know anyone that lived in the Soviet Union at that time, do you?

You really are clueless

That really has nothing to do with what is occurring now...nor his original claim. Where is proof of this claim he made?

the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown
Richard made the uninformed claim so take it up with him.

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