So, did this Gestapo tactic protect us?

There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

Based on what data do you believe "millions will die"?
we have several historical accounts of the food industry being halted causing millions of deaths,,,

Truman socialized the railroads temporarily when a continued strike threatened the nation.

We can socialize the food industry temporarily if needed.

If only we had leadership in this time of crisis....

Too bad we don't.
even socialized its still not running,,,

and lets not forget the fact that when a socialist government takes over the food industry it results in millions of deaths,,,

Not really. The food supply in the Soviet Union was far better under Stalin than it had ever been. But you don't know anyone that lived in the Soviet Union at that time, do you?

You really are clueless

That really has nothing to do with what is occurring now...nor his original claim. Where is proof of this claim he made?

the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown
Richard made the uninformed claim so take it up with him.
No, progressive hunter made the claim he can't support. You tried, but failed.
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

There's no doubt that we're caught between a rock and a hard place, but opening the economy too early and having to shut it down again will be far worse - both for the economy and the fatality rate - than not opening the economy until the experts say it's O.K.
I'm sure all the small business in poorer neighborhoods that took out large business loans agree with you.
Say hello to them for me when you're getting your welfare check,

I thought you wingnuts all believed in the free market?

Won't the free market always adapt?

One set of business owners go bankrupt...and a new set moves in.
I believe in a well regulated Fair Market.
You're the one calling for businesses to be forced into going under.
But again, you're a Communist.

It's COVID-19 that's shutting down the businesses, not me, dumbass!

its the governors shutting down business's dumbass,,,

The governor's shut down the businesses only a short time before the pandemic would have. Dead people don't buy stuff.
55K out of 350 million???

that leaves over 349 million customers,,,

You apparently believe that there are 349 million Americans that are as stupid as you!
so when you are proven wrong and lose a debate you resort to personal attacks,,,


You can't even do basic math. 350 million minus 55 thousand does not equal 349 million.

If I call you stupid, it's becuase you earned it!

thats why I said "OVER" 349 million,,,,

you cant be a dumbass your entire life so wake the fuck up,,,
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

Based on what data do you believe "millions will die"?
we have several historical accounts of the food industry being halted causing millions of deaths,,,

Truman socialized the railroads temporarily when a continued strike threatened the nation.

We can socialize the food industry temporarily if needed.

If only we had leadership in this time of crisis....

Too bad we don't.
even socialized its still not running,,,

and lets not forget the fact that when a socialist government takes over the food industry it results in millions of deaths,,,

Not really. The food supply in the Soviet Union was far better under Stalin than it had ever been. But you don't know anyone that lived in the Soviet Union at that time, do you?

You really are clueless

That really has nothing to do with what is occurring now...nor his original claim. Where is proof of this claim he made?

the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown
Richard made the uninformed claim so take it up with him.
No, progressive hunter made the claim he can't support. You tried, but failed.
how can I support somehthing that hasnt happened yet???
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

Based on what data do you believe "millions will die"?
we have several historical accounts of the food industry being halted causing millions of deaths,,,

Truman socialized the railroads temporarily when a continued strike threatened the nation.

We can socialize the food industry temporarily if needed.

If only we had leadership in this time of crisis....

Too bad we don't.
even socialized its still not running,,,

and lets not forget the fact that when a socialist government takes over the food industry it results in millions of deaths,,,

Not really. The food supply in the Soviet Union was far better under Stalin than it had ever been. But you don't know anyone that lived in the Soviet Union at that time, do you?

You really are clueless

That really has nothing to do with what is occurring now...nor his original claim. Where is proof of this claim he made?

the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown
Newsflash, wicked smaht one: It's not the future yet, and never will be.
When we get to that day, it will still not be the future then, just like it is not today.
The idiocy is those comparing the lockdown to Gestapo tactics. To make that comparison your brain has to have become liquified.

It's not a far fetched comparison. Maybe if you took your head out of the sand.

Exactly how many people have been sent to prison, concentration camps or executed for violating the lockdown?

None? Oh, I're an idiot!

To add to your point there has been nothing secret or underhanded about the lockdowns. Most people understand and support them. A good point however is we don’t need a one size fits for all approach to this pandemic.
Testing in mass early on was MISSED....
THIS is what caused the whole mess we are in....
we will exceed the 350,000 deaths of the 1918 Spanish Flu over the two year period...., if a vaccine is not ready and given to at least 50% of our population, BECAUSE of its contagious rate, being greater.... not the mortality rate....

More liberal fear mongering.
lockdowns were not meant to stop the virus deaths, but to flatten the directly upward curve, so that the deaths all at once did not overwhelm our hospitals and healthcare system to the point of collapse.... Don't you remember?

And we've accomplished that. In most places, the hospitals never came close to capacity.

It’s not a mission accomplished let’s celebrate time. We’ve just started to flatten the curve. Loosening restrictions can easily put us in a predicament where the healthcare system is overwhelmed. There’s a plan in place. Why don’t you have patience, as opposed to wanting the knucklehead approach that a few people that are fueled political agendas are pushing?
And we have a President who has supported them, just yesterday calling this a "horrible plague".
Looks like a huge conspiracy to me.
You Dems just don't understand economics. Herd immunity is the route we must take.
Funny. I'm a CFP/Investment Advisor, and I know significantly more about macroeconomics than you.

And you Trumpers are supporting your hero and blaming others while he supports destroying the economy.

Hold your own accountable for a change.
This is only a test.

The lockdown exercise was ever intended as a test. Right from the 'git-go.

A test of how willing Americans are to surrender all of their constitutional rights.

You have proven your acceptance.

Will there be another test?

Or will the next...and there will be a a test or for real?

Wanna bet?


Obviously it has not. It has however destroyed countless businesses as well as wrecked peoples lives.

You must be pissed at trump and his guidelines.

No.....he did the right thing at the time...he may have saved thousands of lives and prevented untold numbers of severely ill patients....that would have taxed our hospitals.....

Quite possibly. Then why all the pro life righties wanting to open up?
And we have a President who has supported them, just yesterday calling this a "horrible plague".
Looks like a huge conspiracy to me.
You Dems just don't understand economics. Herd immunity is the route we must take.
Dems? We are following trump policy, he set the guidelines, he’s on tv every day. You finally admitting he doesn’t understand economics?
And we have a President who has supported them, just yesterday calling this a "horrible plague".
Looks like a huge conspiracy to me.
You Dems just don't understand economics. Herd immunity is the route we must take.
Funny. I'm a CFP/Investment Advisor, and I know significantly more about macroeconomics than you.

And you Trumpers are supporting your hero and blaming others while he supports destroying the economy.

Hold your own accountable for a change.
CFP...Invest in China and India...

Obviously it has not. It has however destroyed countless businesses as well as wrecked peoples lives.

You must be pissed at trump and his guidelines.

No.....he did the right thing at the time...he may have saved thousands of lives and prevented untold numbers of severely ill patients....that would have taxed our hospitals.....

Quite possibly. Then why all the pro life righties wanting to open up?

Because circumstances and the facts on the ground have changed.
I can understand a knee jerk reaction to an unknown situation. We are well beyond unknown at this point.

Obviously it has not. It has however destroyed countless businesses as well as wrecked peoples lives.

You must be pissed at trump and his guidelines.

No.....he did the right thing at the time...he may have saved thousands of lives and prevented untold numbers of severely ill patients....that would have taxed our hospitals.....

Quite possibly. Then why all the pro life righties wanting to open up?

Because circumstances and the facts on the ground have changed.
I can understand a knee jerk reaction to an unknown situation. We are well beyond unknown at this point.

And what are we putting over life?
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

Based on what data do you believe "millions will die"?
we have several historical accounts of the food industry being halted causing millions of deaths,,,

Truman socialized the railroads temporarily when a continued strike threatened the nation.

We can socialize the food industry temporarily if needed.

If only we had leadership in this time of crisis....

Too bad we don't.
even socialized its still not running,,,

and lets not forget the fact that when a socialist government takes over the food industry it results in millions of deaths,,,

Not really. The food supply in the Soviet Union was far better under Stalin than it had ever been. But you don't know anyone that lived in the Soviet Union at that time, do you?

You really are clueless

Hard to imagine how ignorant those government school grads are.

Under the Bolsheviks, the dynasty with whom Franklin Roosevelt felt comradeship, slaughter was so omnipresent that corpse-disposal actually became a problem.

There was resistance to the communists, especially in the Ukraine.

September 11, 1932, Stalin wrote to assistant, 'We must take steps so we do not lose the Urkraine.' So, 1932-1933, all food supplies in the Ukraine were confiscated. Those who tried to leave were shot, those who remained, starved to death. Men, women, children. They died tortuously slowly. NKVD squads collected the dead. They received 200 grams of bread for every dead body they delivered; often they didn't wait until the victim was dead.

Lazar Kaganovich (together with Vyacheslav Molotov) participated with the All-Ukrainian Party Conference of 1930 and were given the task of implementation of the collectivization policy that caused a catastrophic 1932–33 famine known as the Holodomor. He also personally oversaw grain confiscations during the same time periods.

Similar policies also inflicted enormous suffering on the Soviet Central Asian republic of Kazakhstan, the Kuban region, Crimea, the lower Volga region, and other parts of the Soviet Union. As an emissary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Kaganovich traveled to Ukraine, the central regions of the USSR, the Northern Caucasus, and Siberia demanding the acceleration of collectivization and repressions against the Kulaks, who were generally blamed for the slow progress of collectivization.

a. "They were thrown into a hole in the ground...the ground was moving..." Many were buried alive.
There have been over 55,000 deaths in the U.S. despite the extreme isolation and lock- downs.

How many more have to die before the Trumpbot idiots recognize how devastating this virus is?
OK but what about the millions that are going to suffer and die from the results of the lockdown???

Based on what data do you believe "millions will die"?
we have several historical accounts of the food industry being halted causing millions of deaths,,,

Truman socialized the railroads temporarily when a continued strike threatened the nation.

We can socialize the food industry temporarily if needed.

If only we had leadership in this time of crisis....

Too bad we don't.
even socialized its still not running,,,

and lets not forget the fact that when a socialist government takes over the food industry it results in millions of deaths,,,

Not really. The food supply in the Soviet Union was far better under Stalin than it had ever been. But you don't know anyone that lived in the Soviet Union at that time, do you?

You really are clueless
Communists usually are. They would really prefer a Stalin or a Mao.

Obviously it has not. It has however destroyed countless businesses as well as wrecked peoples lives.

You must be pissed at trump and his guidelines.

No.....he did the right thing at the time...he may have saved thousands of lives and prevented untold numbers of severely ill patients....that would have taxed our hospitals.....

Quite possibly. Then why all the pro life righties wanting to open up?

Because circumstances and the facts on the ground have changed.
I can understand a knee jerk reaction to an unknown situation. We are well beyond unknown at this point.

Learning on the run has never been a democrat strong suit....
And we have a President who has supported them, just yesterday calling this a "horrible plague".

Looks like a huge conspiracy to me.
Not a conspiracy just a huge fuck you to the American people based on fear and the fact that this shit has ZERO impact on politicians. Take away their pay/job and give them a few bucks to survive off of for a couple months. We'd see a different tune then.

I read a recent article by a couple of doctors (maybe I can find it) but the basic thing was they said that the initial lockdown was absolutely the right thing to do because we did not know what we are dealing with. Now, as time goes on, and we have more cases, more data - we can and should start reopening. That makes sense to me.

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