So exactly 3am last night we were awaken by.......


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
... a "ring-ring"..."ring-ring"..."ring-ring".
Not my cell, it is on my night stand right beside me.
Not my wifes cell, it's on her night stand.
Our Daughter is a respiratory therapist, she is at work.
My son is away for college...what the hell is ringing like that?
So my wife gets up, and determines it is coming out of my side of our sock drawer to be exact.
It is an old cell phone. Not my last cell phone, the one before that. It has been sitting, off obviously, for four years now. It is an old flip open type, impossible to turn on without opening. And you then have to hold the power button on for about a second to turn it on.
WTF? It just started ringing. Not an alarm, and no call ringing it....besides the damn thing has been off for four years!!
... a "ring-ring"..."ring-ring"..."ring-ring".
Not my cell, it is on my night stand right beside me.
Not my wifes cell, it's on her night stand.
Our Daughter is a respiratory therapist, she is at work.
My son is away for college...what the hell is ringing like that?
So my wife gets up, and determines it is coming out of my side of our sock drawer to be exact.
It is an old cell phone. Not my last cell phone, the one before that. It has been sitting, off obviously, for four years now. It is an old flip open type, impossible to turn on without opening. And you then have to hold the power button on for about a second to turn it on.
WTF? It just started ringing. Not an alarm, and no call ringing it....besides the damn thing has been off for four years!!
Very interesting. Things happen like that. When they do happen, and you tell people, the first thing that comes to their mind is, "he's nuts". Automatically you're labeled a mental basket case, ready for the funny white jacket that ties in the back. But, there are strange things that take place, and no one can explain the "why", nor the "how". Many times, truth is stranger than fiction. My guess is that it happens more times than is revealed. But, people are usually shy about telling others of their strange experiences, for fear of being ridiculed and laughed at.

When I was real young, around 6 or 7 years old, my dad worked seven days a week for three straight months out of the year in order to get school year books ready for delivery before school was out in late May. He worked at a printing company. Since he rarely got to see or spend time with my brother and I, sometimes he would come home for supper and then take us back to work with him at night for a few hours. Usually, we were the only ones in the building that late at night. Not far from where my dad worked was the men's rest room. The door to the rest room swung both ways, in and out. No handles and no pulls. You pushed on it going in, and you pushed on it coming out.

Strangely, the door would swing open and then swing back shut on its own. My dad knew this, but didn't tell my brother and I about it. He told us to go sit on the bench inside the rest room and keep an eye on the door. Sure enough, the door swung open, and then swung shut with no one touching it, or anywhere near it. Later we found out that a man had died in there years before and had jokingly told people that if he ever died at work, he'd haunt the place forever. Those that actually saw this happen, believe that it was indeed the worker that had died, and was keeping his word about haunting the place forever. There was never an explanation for the door to open and close on its own. And, it would only happen at night. Several employees examined the door, the hinges, and the springs inside the hinges, but could not find anything wrong that would cause the door to open and close on its own.

In my opinion ghost do exist. I have had more than one experience with strange things happening, that no one can explain. So, it doesn't surprise me about your phone ringing. those things do happen. I've had radios come on in the middle of the night. Once my kitchen faucet was turned on in the middle of the night. And, once I was poked in the ribs through a shower curtain with no one in the house awake except me. Yes, strange things do happen. But, most people are afraid of ridicule if they tell anyone. Thanks for sharing your experience.

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