So Far Looks Like A Six Point Landslide Win For Handel.Republicans May Be Laffing Their Oss's Off.

This is most likely an idea how the next confressional election would be. Now let the president do his job.
According to the (fraudulent?) media based power polls, democrats shouldn't have had to spend that much money on a congressional election when the Trump administration was around 36%.The dirty little secret is that the media based polls are so skewed that even the DNC recognized that they were in trouble.
I almost feel sorry for the left winger hippies types.....then I remember what treasonous c*nts the globalist progressives are.
so will a snowflake produce a video tomorrow,,,cursing and cursing,,,ending with,,,,,Someone needs to stop this ^%$#@@ Now!!! Im gonna &^%## ing Kill Myself !!!

Now does this mean the clowns in pink pussy hats will pump a bunch of money into the economy on marches and lecture us again?
The campaign ads the Republicans - if they drop all the gentlemanly crap - will be able to put together next year from all Democrat behavior following November 2016 will be fearsome and entertaining to behold.
I'm glad Soros has wasted his money supporting a Dem in GA. Should have learned a lesson after Clinton's loss.

He is about 96 years old. No reason to save it now. He put BLM on hold. I guess he can fire that back up this summer.
Projections are Handel by 2.8% which is the approximate margin of victory that Trump won the state by in November.

There's little here for either side to celebrate.

Handel SCHLONGED pajama boy. :gay: A win is a fucking win and a reason to celebrate! I am partying right now actually. :beer:
This is too hilarious. In a district that Trump only won by 1 point, the Democrats spend record breaking numbers for a congressional seat, outspending the Republican candidate 9-1. So, Handel defeats Ossoff by 4 points, 3 more than what Trump won this district by! Ahhhhhh.....hahahahahaha. Ahhhhhh...hahahaha.

Ohhhhh, according to Democrats and their sluts in the media, this was supposed to be the big blow to Trump, this was going to be the election where the tide has turned. Well the tide has turned, and it's turned against the Democrats even more.

People are sick and tired of the extreme hate, obstruction, divisiveness and complete lack of ideas and policy the Democrats have.

Not only did the voters say fuck off Ossoff, they also said fuck off to the Democratic Party & the left-stream Democrat media and their hate!!!

Oh and Hollywood, you can kiss America's ass!!! Egg all over your hate spewing faces, too!

Democrats.....0-6 in special elections. Hahahahahaha, the Democrats are gonna get their asses handed to them in '18.


Actually I think the spending ratio was more like 3-2, Ossoff spent 30 million, Handle about 20. Ossoff didn't live in the district and got 97% of his money form out of State.

The republican won in SC also.

New theme song for regressives.


Another 30 million joins the bitches 1.5 billion, down the drain. LMAO

This is not surprising. The vast majority of people in Georgia are the uneducated, ignorant rubes that comprise the rank-and-file Republican voting base. The very type of Americans conservatism depends upon
Yeah insult the voters that has worked so well for the Democrats over the last several months.
Its a different district than when Gingrich had it in the 1990's. The rats put 50 million in this race and came up short. Yes Price won big in 2016, but Trump himself did not carry the district by much. the empty Russia bs from the left has yielded nothing but except egg on their faces. Try again.

Thanks for not refuting my post.....
Dang. Trumpfalkes are even butthurt wehen they win.

No need to be such sore winners, Trumptards. We still like you.
Its a different district than when Gingrich had it in the 1990's. The rats put 50 million in this race and came up short. Yes Price won big in 2016, but Trump himself did not carry the district by much. the empty Russia bs from the left has yielded nothing but except egg on their faces. Try again.

Thanks for not refuting my post.....

You were trying make more out of it than there is.
I almost feel sorry for the left winger hippies types.....then I remember what treasonous c*nts the globalist progressives are.
so will a snowflake produce a video tomorrow,,,cursing and cursing,,,ending with,,,,,Someone needs to stop this ^%$#@@ Now!!! Im gonna &^%## ing Kill Myself !!!

Now does this mean the clowns in pink pussy hats will pump a bunch of money into the economy on marches and lecture us again?
good thing I bought 10,000 worth of stock in vagina outfits
Another election, another Democratic Party loss...

...and the violent, intolerant, racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, subversive, seditious, criminal, propaganda pushiing, fake news, primary rigging, debate cheating, document hiding, scandal cover-up, radicalized snowflake assassin wannabe, blame-shifting, election-losing Democrats still can't seem to figure out why.

You were trying make more out of it than there is.

I would call having a majority slashed by almost 63,000 votes within six months in a traditionally safe seat of 38 years an issue. There's a mandate there all right. None of it good for the Orange Buffoon...
This is too hilarious. In a district that Trump only won by 1 point, the Democrats spend record breaking numbers for a congressional seat, outspending the Republican candidate 9-1. So, Handel defeats Ossoff by 4 points, 3 more than what Trump won this district by! Ahhhhhh.....hahahahahaha. Ahhhhhh...hahahaha.

Ohhhhh, according to Democrats and their sluts in the media, this was supposed to be the big blow to Trump, this was going to be the election where the tide has turned. Well the tide has turned, and it's turned against the Democrats even more.

People are sick and tired of the extreme hate, obstruction, divisiveness and complete lack of ideas and policy the Democrats have.

Not only did the voters say fuck off Ossoff, they also said fuck off to the Democratic Party & the left-stream Democrat media and their hate!!!

Oh and Hollywood, you can kiss America's ass!!! Egg all over your hate spewing faces, too!

Democrats.....0-6 in special elections. Hahahahahaha, the Democrats are gonna get their asses handed to them in '18.


A Republican won a race in a Republican district in a special election?


I'll bet it was by at least a 20 point margin right?

I'll bet the Republican didn't need to spend any money at all, or even need any outside help right?
So, let me get this straight:
The repubs kept hold of a seat that has been republican for that past 38 years including 10 years of Newt. The winner of this election was replacing somebody who has just been appointed to the Trump cabinet. And you neocon right-wing whackos dance up and down like this is some kind of win for Trump and helps his mandate.

Let me put this in context for you Deplorable nutjobs:

Price won the seat by 75,000 votes, just over six months ago. Handel wins it by just 12,000. So within six months Trump has erased a lead in a safe GOP seat by almost 500% and you take this as a win for his 'mandate'? Christ knows what's gonna happen to the GOP saps running next year in marginal seats. Hell, even seats that are safe by 10s of 1000s of votes.....

You can't turn this into Fake News no matter how hard you try my little bits of flotsam and jetsam trailer trash...

What you fail to note is that the Democrats all but guaranteed a win.

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