So far Trump is losing the trade war

Not "bullshit".

The Trade Deficit is improving.
GDP is over 3% this quarter, powered by the improved trade deficit.
Inflation and prices are well in hand,
And Trump's opened a brand new significant revenue stream to the US Treasury paid for by foreign suppliers.


Look at the right side of that graph, that's a JUMP!
The trade war between us and China basically boils down to the theft of Intellectual Property. China is dragging it's feet, waiting to see how our elections go and how Trump's standing has either strengthened or declined before they make a move one way or another. Clearly, they ain't going to give up anything without a fight, and even then I think there's some doubt they'll live up to whatever is agreed upon if we don't hold their feet to the fire. And make no mistake, it's a big deal. See what CNN has to say about it:

The United States has long said that intellectual property theft has cost the US economy billions of dollars in revenue and thousands of jobs.

So just how much damage has it done?

The United States Trade Representative, which led the seven-month investigation into China's intellectual property theft and made recommendations to the Trump administration, found that "Chinese theft of American IP currently costs between $225 billion and $600 billion annually."

Those numbers are in line with a 2017 report from the Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property.

Chinese officials have said that protecting foreign companies' intellectual property rights is important to China.

But many of its companies appear to have missed that memo.

Related: Asian stocks plummet on latest trade war fears

"China has sought to acquire US technology by any means, licit or illicit," James Andrew Lewis, senior vice president at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, wrote in a blog post Thursday.

"Espionage and theft were part of this, but so were forced technology transfers or mandatory joint ventures as a condition for doing business in China," he wrote.

One of the most recent high profile examples of theft of US intellectual property happened earlier this year. In January, a Beijing-based wind turbine company was found guilty in the US of stealing trade secrets, using secretly downloaded source code stolen from a Massachusetts company.

Forced technology transfer is also a growing concern for US companies, especially tech firms.

To get an idea of how much forced technology transfer costs the US, some experts say to look at the costs associated with the theft of trade secrets. Total theft of US trade secrets accounts for anywhere from $180 billion to $540 billion per year, according to the Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property -- as "the world's principal IP infringer," China accounts for the most of that theft.

How much has the US lost from China's intellectual property theft?

We can't just ask nicely and hope they'll see things our way. I haven't heard of any other ideas to get them to quite stealing and cheating us.
China has purchased the US Left with token payments from the Billions they have racked in while raping the American Worker

COLLUSION: Harvard’s Chemistry Chair Charged on Alleged Undisclosed Ties to China: Charles Lieber allegedly lied to Defense Department, National Institutes of Health about Chinese government funding.

“The chair of Harvard University’s chemistry department was arrested Tuesday on charges of allegedly lying to the U.S. about millions in Chinese funding he has received, in an escalation of U.S. efforts to counter what officials describe as Beijing’s aggressive recruitment at U.S. universities.

In a separate case also unsealed Tuesday, a researcher at Boston University was also charged with failing to disclose her affiliation with China’s People’s Liberation Army while working at the university. . . . Prosecutors have brought a series of cases in recent months alleging that researchers at U.S. universities and labs didn’t disclose funding they were receiving from such programs, or tried to steal information to take to China.”​

Tip of the iceberg, I suspect. And I wonder if this subject wouldn’t benefit from Congressional hearings?
The trade deficit with China reached a new high despite the tariffs. It seems like the only ones hurt by the tariffs are Americans.
Ford and GM have moved their electric car manufacturing to China and Harley Davidson is building it`s motorcycles in England and France. Our soybean farmers are collecting welfare.
U.S. imports hit all-time high, trade deficit with China sets new record despite tariffs

That's a complete lie and you are either a
Numskull ( moniker knida sounds it btw) or just a lame ass propagandist. The real deficit has response to that China has dropped the value of its monetary unit up to 20% since the opening of the trade war creating a false number for the examiners to publish. American made products have increased in demand and the volume of retail is beginning to show. China is in effect slicing off a piece of its own leg one slice at a time and throwing it into the meat grinder in order to keep the numbers looking like the deficit is increasing. Trump has played this game perfectly. Like I said you're either an uninformed moron or hopelessly deranged political partisan but you are definitely one of China's best assets.
You love the suicide labor conditions and black coal smoke pouring out in behalf of cheap shit. You don't want them to be held accountable by anyone for ignoring the health and welfare of their own slave laborers. You're a total piece of shit. Pay a little more for something made here you dickless coward!

Good night idiot....
Landslide 2020 and maybe 24!
Last edited:
The trade war between us and China basically boils down to the theft of Intellectual Property. China is dragging it's feet, waiting to see how our elections go and how Trump's standing has either strengthened or declined before they make a move one way or another. Clearly, they ain't going to give up anything without a fight, and even then I think there's some doubt they'll live up to whatever is agreed upon if we don't hold their feet to the fire. And make no mistake, it's a big deal. See what CNN has to say about it:

The United States has long said that intellectual property theft has cost the US economy billions of dollars in revenue and thousands of jobs.

So just how much damage has it done?

The United States Trade Representative, which led the seven-month investigation into China's intellectual property theft and made recommendations to the Trump administration, found that "Chinese theft of American IP currently costs between $225 billion and $600 billion annually."

Those numbers are in line with a 2017 report from the Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property.

Chinese officials have said that protecting foreign companies' intellectual property rights is important to China.

But many of its companies appear to have missed that memo.

Related: Asian stocks plummet on latest trade war fears

"China has sought to acquire US technology by any means, licit or illicit," James Andrew Lewis, senior vice president at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, wrote in a blog post Thursday.

"Espionage and theft were part of this, but so were forced technology transfers or mandatory joint ventures as a condition for doing business in China," he wrote.

One of the most recent high profile examples of theft of US intellectual property happened earlier this year. In January, a Beijing-based wind turbine company was found guilty in the US of stealing trade secrets, using secretly downloaded source code stolen from a Massachusetts company.

Forced technology transfer is also a growing concern for US companies, especially tech firms.

To get an idea of how much forced technology transfer costs the US, some experts say to look at the costs associated with the theft of trade secrets. Total theft of US trade secrets accounts for anywhere from $180 billion to $540 billion per year, according to the Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property -- as "the world's principal IP infringer," China accounts for the most of that theft.

How much has the US lost from China's intellectual property theft?

We can't just ask nicely and hope they'll see things our way. I haven't heard of any other ideas to get them to quite stealing and cheating us.
China has purchased the US Left with token payments from the Billions they have racked in while raping the American Worker

COLLUSION: Harvard’s Chemistry Chair Charged on Alleged Undisclosed Ties to China: Charles Lieber allegedly lied to Defense Department, National Institutes of Health about Chinese government funding.

“The chair of Harvard University’s chemistry department was arrested Tuesday on charges of allegedly lying to the U.S. about millions in Chinese funding he has received, in an escalation of U.S. efforts to counter what officials describe as Beijing’s aggressive recruitment at U.S. universities.

In a separate case also unsealed Tuesday, a researcher at Boston University was also charged with failing to disclose her affiliation with China’s People’s Liberation Army while working at the university. . . . Prosecutors have brought a series of cases in recent months alleging that researchers at U.S. universities and labs didn’t disclose funding they were receiving from such programs, or tried to steal information to take to China.”​

Tip of the iceberg, I suspect. And I wonder if this subject wouldn’t benefit from Congressional hearings?

China is and has been by far the biggest meddler in our elections tenfold beyond what Russia ever dreamed of doing. I'm sure that most of the democratic house is on the payroll of the Chinese government through one shell corporation or another and probably a number of GOP politicians too.

I used the purchase of a battery. Here is the whole story.

I was stuck between a rock and a hard place and needed a battery. I was halfway out of a parking space. I am 69 years old. I drive a Camper Special Pickup. Even though it doesn't have a camper on it, it's still 500 to 1000 lbs heavier than the same pickup without the camper special rating. It was late in the evening at about 8:30. It was also close to the end of the pay month and I was short on funds.

Autozone was within walking distance. Their cheapest batter was nearly 100 bucks. I bought it and walked back with it and installed it. It got me home. Over the next few days, I started having starting problems. When I take the vehicle back to them, everything checks good. The Alternator, Starter, Voltage Regulator and Battery all show good (within norms). I take it to a mechanic and spend 145 bucks to be told the same thing. The Battery was made in China. Due to the 50% tariff rate, the battery was over priced. Autozone didn't carry US made batteries. And this one only carried a 3 month warrentee. And since it passes all tests within the "Norms" I can't take it back and get my money back. I have been a motorhead and an Aircraft Specialist all my life and know that some things are just not compatible in every application. So I just suck in that 100 bucks as a lesson learned.

Finally, I went and got the battery I wanted in the first place. I went to a specialty battery shop and purchased US Made battery for only 10 bucks more with 200 amps more cold starting and a 30 month warrentee. This cured the starting problem completely.

The Chinese Junk was inflated due to the 50% tariff while the US Battery remained the same making them nearly the same price. But when you are in a situation where all that is available is the chinese junk, you buy the chinese junk. China didn't pay that 50% tariff, I did. Like I said, the US made Battery is of superior quality and didn't go down or up in price due to the Tariff on Chinese Junk. It stayed the same. But on somethings, we have no choice but to buy chinese automotive goods and the CONSUMER pays that 50% tariff.

It's a Tax. Plain and simple.
I used the purchase of a battery. Here is the whole story.

I was stuck between a rock and a hard place and needed a battery. I was halfway out of a parking space. I am 69 years old. I drive a Camper Special Pickup. Even though it doesn't have a camper on it, it's still 500 to 1000 lbs heavier than the same pickup without the camper special rating. It was late in the evening at about 8:30. It was also close to the end of the pay month and I was short on funds.

Autozone was within walking distance. Their cheapest batter was nearly 100 bucks. I bought it and walked back with it and installed it. It got me home. Over the next few days, I started having starting problems. When I take the vehicle back to them, everything checks good. The Alternator, Starter, Voltage Regulator and Battery all show good (within norms). I take it to a mechanic and spend 145 bucks to be told the same thing. The Battery was made in China. Due to the 50% tariff rate, the battery was over priced. Autozone didn't carry US made batteries. And this one only carried a 3 month warrentee. And since it passes all tests within the "Norms" I can't take it back and get my money back. I have been a motorhead and an Aircraft Specialist all my life and know that some things are just not compatible in every application. So I just suck in that 100 bucks as a lesson learned.

Finally, I went and got the battery I wanted in the first place. I went to a specialty battery shop and purchased US Made battery for only 10 bucks more with 200 amps more cold starting and a 30 month warrentee. This cured the starting problem completely.

The Chinese Junk was inflated due to the 50% tariff while the US Battery remained the same making them nearly the same price. But when you are in a situation where all that is available is the chinese junk, you buy the chinese junk. China didn't pay that 50% tariff, I did. Like I said, the US made Battery is of superior quality and didn't go down or up in price due to the Tariff on Chinese Junk. It stayed the same. But on somethings, we have no choice but to buy chinese automotive goods and the CONSUMER pays that 50% tariff.

It's a Tax. Plain and simple.

I have been doing business with AutoZone for a long time. One thing I have not noticed at all is a sharp rise in the price of their batteries. So either you've been paying too much for the past 20 years or you've just been lucky enough not to have the type of hardware mismatch you just experienced; And there was absolutely no price spike during the past 3 years. I know because I watched it purposely. Their prices have pretty much kept pace with inflation.

When you buy an american-made good you're paying for the EPA, you're paying for OSHA, you're paying for a hundred years worth of labor laws. American companies have had to make those payments without any options whilst competing against polluters, slave labor Masters, and people who ignore safe working conditions. Now they too are having to pay in to support those agencies so they make money on the other end by decreasing the quality of the goods.

Lesson to learn here. When the playing field is level... American goods are far more quality than Chinese crap. I'll take it one step further.... I use the hell Iout of my battery powered hand tools. If I want a really good tool l by a DeWalt even though it's made in China. But if I want an exceptional tool I buy Metabo made in Germany. Some of the tools actually come with a 20-year guarantee.

Does it cost more???? Hell yes it does..... But if you want quality, power and consistency the extra money means nothing to you.

Last edited:
I used the purchase of a battery. Here is the whole story.

I was stuck between a rock and a hard place and needed a battery. I was halfway out of a parking space. I am 69 years old. I drive a Camper Special Pickup. Even though it doesn't have a camper on it, it's still 500 to 1000 lbs heavier than the same pickup without the camper special rating. It was late in the evening at about 8:30. It was also close to the end of the pay month and I was short on funds.

Autozone was within walking distance. Their cheapest batter was nearly 100 bucks. I bought it and walked back with it and installed it. It got me home. Over the next few days, I started having starting problems. When I take the vehicle back to them, everything checks good. The Alternator, Starter, Voltage Regulator and Battery all show good (within norms). I take it to a mechanic and spend 145 bucks to be told the same thing. The Battery was made in China. Due to the 50% tariff rate, the battery was over priced. Autozone didn't carry US made batteries. And this one only carried a 3 month warrentee. And since it passes all tests within the "Norms" I can't take it back and get my money back. I have been a motorhead and an Aircraft Specialist all my life and know that some things are just not compatible in every application. So I just suck in that 100 bucks as a lesson learned.

Finally, I went and got the battery I wanted in the first place. I went to a specialty battery shop and purchased US Made battery for only 10 bucks more with 200 amps more cold starting and a 30 month warrentee. This cured the starting problem completely.

The Chinese Junk was inflated due to the 50% tariff while the US Battery remained the same making them nearly the same price. But when you are in a situation where all that is available is the chinese junk, you buy the chinese junk. China didn't pay that 50% tariff, I did. Like I said, the US made Battery is of superior quality and didn't go down or up in price due to the Tariff on Chinese Junk. It stayed the same. But on somethings, we have no choice but to buy chinese automotive goods and the CONSUMER pays that 50% tariff.

It's a Tax. Plain and simple.

I have been doing business with AutoZone for a long time. One thing I have not noticed at all is a sharp rise in the price of their batteries. So either you been paying too much for the past 20 years are you just been lucky enough not to have what type of hardware mismatch you just experienced.
And there was absolutely no price spike during the past 3 years. Their prices have pretty much kept pace with inflation. When you buy an american-made good you're paying for the EPA, you're paying for OSHA, your paying for a hundred years worth of labor laws. American companies have had to make those payments without any options whilst competing against polluters, slave labor Masters, and people who ignore safe working conditions. Now they too I having to pay on to support those agencies so they make them on the on the other end but decreasing the quality of the goods.
Lesson to learn here. When the playing field is level... American goods are far more quality than Chinese crap. I'll take it one step further.... I use the hell Iout of my battery powered hand tools. If I want a really good to lie by a DeWalt even though it's made in China. But if I want an exceptional tool I buy
Metabo made in Germany. Some of the tools actually come with a 20-year guarantee. Does it cost more hell yes it does..... But if you want quality Power and consistency the extra money means nothing to you.


I used a real world, real time, recent series of transactions. I will admit this is the first (and the last) time I purchased an auto battery from autozone. Due to professional reasons, I have used the specialty battery shops for decades and have always purchased US made Batteries. I have NEVER had a problem with the US made Batteries. If they say 30 months, they go for years past that. This was my first Chinese Battery and it will be my last. I will still go through Autozone as they have parts that I need and are right down the street. But I write their batteries off.

Now, about another series of Batteries I use frequently in builds for myself and others. LIPOs. I am used to using Panasonic cells. I decided to save a few bucks on my own personal build and bought a 48v battery 25A that does not list who made the cells. The Panasonic is also used by Tesla so the quality is about as good as it gets no matter where it's made. But the pack that probably isn't Panasonic has a very short run time. I am going to have to open it up and replace weak cells with the Panasonics at a later date. I am rooting for Tesla to get their Nevada Battery Factory up and running at full capacity. LIPOs won't to up in price but the quality should become constant in the US and China will either have to compete or go find something else to foul up.

Another way the Chinese are getting round the Tariff is to produce such a crappy product that the price is cheap. Make it sell in the US for 25% less than the other countries products. But, sooner or later, people like me will speak out. And sooner or later, the US will begin manufacturing it. Or sooner or later either Japan or EU will start competing. And yes, we are now willing to spend that 25% more because we have been burnt.

But it doesn't change the fact that certain things like Automotive parts are sitting at 50% tariff rate right now. And many parts are made in china. All of a sudden Mexico and South America don't look so bad at 15% tariff.

But no matter what the tariff is, WE, the consumer, are the ones that actually pay for that tariff no matter where the part comes from. It's a form of Taxation without Representation. Didn't we go through a war over something along those lines?
The trade deficit with China reached a new high despite the tariffs. It seems like the only ones hurt by the tariffs are Americans.
Ford and GM have moved their electric car manufacturing to China and Harley Davidson is building it`s motorcycles in England and France. Our soybean farmers are collecting welfare.
U.S. imports hit all-time high, trade deficit with China sets new record despite tariffs

That's a complete lie and you are either a
Numskull ( moniker knida sounds it btw) or just a lame ass propagandist. The real deficit has response to that China has dropped the value of its monetary unit up to 20% since the opening of the trade war creating a false number for the examiners to publish. American made products have increased in demand and the volume of retail is beginning to show. China is in effect slicing off a piece of its own leg one slice at a time and throwing it into the meat grinder in order to keep the numbers looking like the deficit is increasing. Trump has played this game perfectly. Like I said you're either an uninformed moron or hopelessly deranged political partisan but you are definitely one of China's best assets.
You love the suicide labor conditions and black coal smoke pouring out in behalf of cheap shit. You don't want them to be held accountable by anyone for ignoring the health and welfare of their own slave laborers. You're a total piece of shit. Pay a little more for something made here you dickless coward!

Good night idiot....
Landslide 2020 and maybe 24!

You are just a hardcore Trump supporter. Nothing more.
You talked good actually everything is just pure nonsense.

1. Not a single well known economist or any economist supports Trump dumb stupid trade war. Name me one.

2. Not a single retailers like Walmart, Macy or any retailers etc, any businesses, any business categories, any technologies, car manufacturers, any farmers from agriculture to aqua that supports this dumb trade wars. Name me one.

3. At the same 20% of farmers filed bankruptcy 2019.

4. At the same lots of them loss their farms that they had for generations because of this dumb Trade Wars.

5. At the same time prices went up.

6. Do you see any republicans supporting Trump trade wars except his gangsters in WH?

7. Who is suffering and paying for this lousy inept POTUS foreign policy?

8. Walmart buys lots of stuff from China. Is that mean are you going to pay the difference of the higher prices for these poor Americans?
The trade war between us and China basically boils down to the theft of Intellectual Property. China is dragging it's feet, waiting to see how our elections go and how Trump's standing has either strengthened or declined before they make a move one way or another. Clearly, they ain't going to give up anything without a fight, and even then I think there's some doubt they'll live up to whatever is agreed upon if we don't hold their feet to the fire. And make no mistake, it's a big deal. See what CNN has to say about it:

The United States has long said that intellectual property theft has cost the US economy billions of dollars in revenue and thousands of jobs.

So just how much damage has it done?

The United States Trade Representative, which led the seven-month investigation into China's intellectual property theft and made recommendations to the Trump administration, found that "Chinese theft of American IP currently costs between $225 billion and $600 billion annually."

Those numbers are in line with a 2017 report from the Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property.

Chinese officials have said that protecting foreign companies' intellectual property rights is important to China.

But many of its companies appear to have missed that memo.

Related: Asian stocks plummet on latest trade war fears

"China has sought to acquire US technology by any means, licit or illicit," James Andrew Lewis, senior vice president at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, wrote in a blog post Thursday.

"Espionage and theft were part of this, but so were forced technology transfers or mandatory joint ventures as a condition for doing business in China," he wrote.

One of the most recent high profile examples of theft of US intellectual property happened earlier this year. In January, a Beijing-based wind turbine company was found guilty in the US of stealing trade secrets, using secretly downloaded source code stolen from a Massachusetts company.

Forced technology transfer is also a growing concern for US companies, especially tech firms.

To get an idea of how much forced technology transfer costs the US, some experts say to look at the costs associated with the theft of trade secrets. Total theft of US trade secrets accounts for anywhere from $180 billion to $540 billion per year, according to the Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property -- as "the world's principal IP infringer," China accounts for the most of that theft.

How much has the US lost from China's intellectual property theft?

We can't just ask nicely and hope they'll see things our way. I haven't heard of any other ideas to get them to quite stealing and cheating us.
China has purchased the US Left with token payments from the Billions they have racked in while raping the American Worker

COLLUSION: Harvard’s Chemistry Chair Charged on Alleged Undisclosed Ties to China: Charles Lieber allegedly lied to Defense Department, National Institutes of Health about Chinese government funding.

“The chair of Harvard University’s chemistry department was arrested Tuesday on charges of allegedly lying to the U.S. about millions in Chinese funding he has received, in an escalation of U.S. efforts to counter what officials describe as Beijing’s aggressive recruitment at U.S. universities.

In a separate case also unsealed Tuesday, a researcher at Boston University was also charged with failing to disclose her affiliation with China’s People’s Liberation Army while working at the university. . . . Prosecutors have brought a series of cases in recent months alleging that researchers at U.S. universities and labs didn’t disclose funding they were receiving from such programs, or tried to steal information to take to China.”​

Tip of the iceberg, I suspect. And I wonder if this subject wouldn’t benefit from Congressional hearings?

China is and has been by far the biggest meddler in our elections tenfold beyond what Russia ever dreamed of doing. I'm sure that most of the democratic house is on the payroll of the Chinese government through one shell corporation or another and probably a number of GOP politicians too.


That’s strange.
Trump own intelligence that he hired guaranteed the Russian meddled in 2016 election. Not the Chinese or the Ukraine.

If you have evidence the Chinese meddled in our election why not prove it.

You have this dude 3 years after the elections this moron still DICKING with the 2016 election blaming the Ukraine not his puppet master Putin.

Like I just said. You are just a die hard Trump supporter with no clue of what you are saying.

Landslide 2020? That is very funny Dude.
The trade deficit with China reached a new high despite the tariffs. It seems like the only ones hurt by the tariffs are Americans.
Ford and GM have moved their electric car manufacturing to China and Harley Davidson is building it`s motorcycles in England and France. Our soybean farmers are collecting welfare.
U.S. imports hit all-time high, trade deficit with China sets new record despite tariffs

That's a complete lie and you are either a
Numskull ( moniker knida sounds it btw) or just a lame ass propagandist. The real deficit has response to that China has dropped the value of its monetary unit up to 20% since the opening of the trade war creating a false number for the examiners to publish. American made products have increased in demand and the volume of retail is beginning to show. China is in effect slicing off a piece of its own leg one slice at a time and throwing it into the meat grinder in order to keep the numbers looking like the deficit is increasing. Trump has played this game perfectly. Like I said you're either an uninformed moron or hopelessly deranged political partisan but you are definitely one of China's best assets.
You love the suicide labor conditions and black coal smoke pouring out in behalf of cheap shit. You don't want them to be held accountable by anyone for ignoring the health and welfare of their own slave laborers. You're a total piece of shit. Pay a little more for something made here you dickless coward!

Good night idiot....
Landslide 2020 and maybe 24!

Black coal smoke?

Do you honestly know what you are talking about?
Do you know where this President stand on coal in this country?
The trade deficit with China reached a new high despite the tariffs. It seems like the only ones hurt by the tariffs are Americans.
Ford and GM have moved their electric car manufacturing to China and Harley Davidson is building it`s motorcycles in England and France. Our soybean farmers are collecting welfare.
U.S. imports hit all-time high, trade deficit with China sets new record despite tariffs

That's a complete lie and you are either a
Numskull ( moniker knida sounds it btw) or just a lame ass propagandist. The real deficit has response to that China has dropped the value of its monetary unit up to 20% since the opening of the trade war creating a false number for the examiners to publish. American made products have increased in demand and the volume of retail is beginning to show. China is in effect slicing off a piece of its own leg one slice at a time and throwing it into the meat grinder in order to keep the numbers looking like the deficit is increasing. Trump has played this game perfectly. Like I said you're either an uninformed moron or hopelessly deranged political partisan but you are definitely one of China's best assets.
You love the suicide labor conditions and black coal smoke pouring out in behalf of cheap shit. You don't want them to be held accountable by anyone for ignoring the health and welfare of their own slave laborers. You're a total piece of shit. Pay a little more for something made here you dickless coward!

Good night idiot....
Landslide 2020 and maybe 24!

Black coal smoke?

Do you honestly know what you are talking about?
Do you know where this President stand on coal in this country?

With the heavy loss of Coal country jobs, does he know where they workers stand on Rump? It ain't 2016 anymore.
Yes we are loosing the Trade War. Chinese are just jerking us around.

Trump made a very big presentation signing Phase One.

What is that mean? Nothing but just a show he did something that he is winning.
We did not win anything.

Did you see any businesses, or any categories or any technologies or any farmers or any retailers or any car makers or anybody celebrating?

NONE NOBODY except this dumb moron and his WH gangster.
The trade deficit with China reached a new high despite the tariffs. It seems like the only ones hurt by the tariffs are Americans.
Ford and GM have moved their electric car manufacturing to China and Harley Davidson is building it`s motorcycles in England and France. Our soybean farmers are collecting welfare.
U.S. imports hit all-time high, trade deficit with China sets new record despite tariffs

That's a complete lie and you are either a
Numskull ( moniker knida sounds it btw) or just a lame ass propagandist. The real deficit has response to that China has dropped the value of its monetary unit up to 20% since the opening of the trade war creating a false number for the examiners to publish. American made products have increased in demand and the volume of retail is beginning to show. China is in effect slicing off a piece of its own leg one slice at a time and throwing it into the meat grinder in order to keep the numbers looking like the deficit is increasing. Trump has played this game perfectly. Like I said you're either an uninformed moron or hopelessly deranged political partisan but you are definitely one of China's best assets.
You love the suicide labor conditions and black coal smoke pouring out in behalf of cheap shit. You don't want them to be held accountable by anyone for ignoring the health and welfare of their own slave laborers. You're a total piece of shit. Pay a little more for something made here you dickless coward!

Good night idiot....
Landslide 2020 and maybe 24!

Black coal smoke?

Do you honestly know what you are talking about?
Do you know where this President stand on coal in this country?

With the heavy loss of Coal country jobs, does he know where they workers stand on Rump? It ain't 2016 anymore.

Trump lied to them gave them false hope.
But this dude just don’t know what the hell he is talking about.

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