So, global warming....

wacky weather pattern? please tell me the "normal" weather pattern?

A normal pattern is that hurricanes recurve eastward after they move north, instead of moving hard west like Sandy. This was due to the high pressure dome over Greenland, which extended far enough south to force Sandy westward.

This is called the "Greenland High" or "Greenland Block", and is associated with a negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation. For the previous 40 years or so, we've been mostly in a positive phase. No Greenland Block, so hurricanes curved back out to sea. The last couple years have switched mainly to a negative Arctic Oscillation.

Why? Good question. Some theories state that the loss of sea ice creates conditions favoring a negative phase. Or perhaps it's entirely natural. Too soon to tell there, but it definitely needs more investigation. An interesting thing is that while the Greenland Block is roasting the arctic, it will often be funneling arctic air down the sides into the USA and Europe.
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Cons are so shallow they can't even understand the concept of the phrase "Err on the side of caution"

Let's just say that GW is "fake":

Wouldn't it make sense to drive cars that use less fuel? You would save money.

Wouldn't it make sense to make your home energy efficient? You would save money.

Wouldn't it make sense to seriously invest in alternative energy? One day oil will be gone.

Wouldn't it make sense to buy local produce/meats? You support local business and save money.

I could go on and on about how even if you take the implication of GW away, the base ideas (and MANY more) make sense on a personal economic level.

But, in reality.. GW is not fake. :lol:
Like Two Thumbs, I remember the impending doom of a second ice age. I honestly don't know if global warming, cooling, ice caps are melting, ozone layers are depleting...

what i do know is the USA consumes a lot of energy, second only to China. I do not think being cognizant of this reality is a bad thing. i know i could do a better job of recycling.
The day Algore is right about anything is the day rdean turns republican.
Ice is melting but it is getting thicker in Greenland. Just the way the world works folks. It is constantly evolving. Why are the storms so bad now? They have always been bad. We have better communication to know what is going on and there are more people and structures. Al gore is a hipocrit and liar and so are his goonies.


Greenland Ice Melt, Measured By NASA Satellites, Reaches Unprecedented Level

Antarticia has some that are growing in the interior, but all those near the antartic ocean are melting too.
Ice is melting but it is getting thicker in Greenland. Just the way the world works folks. It is constantly evolving. Why are the storms so bad now? They have always been bad. We have better communication to know what is going on and there are more people and structures. Al gore is a hipocrit and liar and so are his goonies.


Greenland Ice Melt, Measured By NASA Satellites, Reaches Unprecedented Level

Antarticia has some that are growing in the interior, but all those near the antartic ocean are melting too.

Here is one of MANY Satellite shows Greenland's ice sheets getting thicker ? The Register
Ice is melting but it is getting thicker in Greenland. Just the way the world works folks. It is constantly evolving. Why are the storms so bad now? They have always been bad. We have better communication to know what is going on and there are more people and structures. Al gore is a hipocrit and liar and so are his goonies.


Greenland Ice Melt, Measured By NASA Satellites, Reaches Unprecedented Level

Antarticia has some that are growing in the interior, but all those near the antartic ocean are melting too.

Here is one of MANY Satellite shows Greenland's ice sheets getting thicker ? The Register

Contrary to Warmer BS Arctic Ice Thickening | Co2 Insanity
wacky weather pattern? please tell me the "normal" weather pattern?

A normal pattern is that hurricanes recurve eastward after they move north, instead of moving hard west like Sandy. This was due to the high pressure dome over Greenland, which extended far enough south to force Sandy westward.

This is called the "Greenland High" or "Greenland Block", and is associated with a negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation. For the previous 40 years or so, we've been mostly in a positive phase. No Greenland Block, so hurricanes curved back out to sea. The last couple years have switched mainly to a negative Arctic Oscillation.

Why? Good question. Some theories state that the loss of sea ice creates conditions favoring a negative phase. Or perhaps it's entirely natural. Too soon to tell there, but it definitely needs more investigation. An interesting thing is that while the Greenland Block is roasting the arctic, it will often be funneling arctic air down the sides into the USA and Europe.

Here we go an all out explanation as to why the sky is falling :D. So when did mother nature ever listen and abide by what some theoretical scientist had to say?

2008 compared to 2010. Yes less Ice melted in 2010. 2012's melt was greater that 2010.
Ice is melting but it is getting thicker in Greenland. Just the way the world works folks. It is constantly evolving. Why are the storms so bad now? They have always been bad. We have better communication to know what is going on and there are more people and structures. Al gore is a hipocrit and liar and so are his goonies.


Greenland Ice Melt, Measured By NASA Satellites, Reaches Unprecedented Level

Antarticia has some that are growing in the interior, but all those near the antartic ocean are melting too.

Here is one of MANY Satellite shows Greenland's ice sheets getting thicker ? The Register

2005? In the seven year since then the Ice sheets have thinned.
wacky weather pattern? please tell me the "normal" weather pattern?

A normal pattern is that hurricanes recurve eastward after they move north, instead of moving hard west like Sandy. This was due to the high pressure dome over Greenland, which extended far enough south to force Sandy westward.

This is called the "Greenland High" or "Greenland Block", and is associated with a negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation. For the previous 40 years or so, we've been mostly in a positive phase. No Greenland Block, so hurricanes curved back out to sea. The last couple years have switched mainly to a negative Arctic Oscillation.

Why? Good question. Some theories state that the loss of sea ice creates conditions favoring a negative phase. Or perhaps it's entirely natural. Too soon to tell there, but it definitely needs more investigation. An interesting thing is that while the Greenland Block is roasting the arctic, it will often be funneling arctic air down the sides into the USA and Europe.

Here we go an all out explanation as to why the sky is falling :D. So when did mother nature ever listen and abide by what some theoretical scientist had to say?
If the sea level rises land have to be protected against the sea. The Netherlands has as protection the delta works for potection . I know for years that they try to make a deal with the US.

On the picture is the structure that protects the city and industrial area from Rotterdam against the sea.


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Ice is melting but it is getting thicker in Greenland. Just the way the world works folks. It is constantly evolving. Why are the storms so bad now? They have always been bad. We have better communication to know what is going on and there are more people and structures. Al gore is a hipocrit and liar and so are his goonies.


Greenland Ice Melt, Measured By NASA Satellites, Reaches Unprecedented Level

Antarticia has some that are growing in the interior, but all those near the antartic ocean are melting too.

If you read the article, it says they've only been measuring it for 30 years. Furthermore, they are only talking about the "surface sheet," whatever that is.

NASA's cryosphere program manager, Tom Wagner, credited the power of satellites for observing the melt and explained to The Huffington Post that, although this specific event may be part of a natural variation, "We have abundant evidence that Greenland is losing ice, probably because of global warming, and it's significantly contributing to sea level rise."

In other words, the program manager has no idea weather the observed phenomena is natural or not.

Here are more weasel words from the article:

Goddard glaciologist Lora Koenig said that similar melting events occur about every 150 years, and this event is consistent with that schedule, citing the previous 1889 melt. But, she added, "if we continue to observe melting events like this in upcoming years, it will be worrisome."
Maybe Al Gore was right.


The factors involved in this storm, unlike some weather extremes ealier in the year, were not much involved with the warming. While the 2 degree warmer Gulf Stream aided the Cat 1 hurricane in size and staying together this far north, that was about the only discernable connection to the warming.

The two cold storms that merged just at it came ashore, the blocking high over Greenland, the fact that all of this occurred on the high tides of a full moon were just plain bad luck.

Now having said all of that, we have, by the insurance companies estimates, seen an increase in the last 40 years of a factor of 3 to 5 in extreme weather events. So, one mostly unrelated to the warming, does add to the total. Natural variability on top of man created events.

Here is lecture from a prominent researcher on one of the causes of some of the weather that we have been seeing.

[ame=]Weather and Climate Summit - Day 5, Jennifer Francis - YouTube[/ame]
wacky weather pattern? please tell me the "normal" weather pattern?

A normal pattern is that hurricanes recurve eastward after they move north, instead of moving hard west like Sandy. This was due to the high pressure dome over Greenland, which extended far enough south to force Sandy westward.

This is called the "Greenland High" or "Greenland Block", and is associated with a negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation. For the previous 40 years or so, we've been mostly in a positive phase. No Greenland Block, so hurricanes curved back out to sea. The last couple years have switched mainly to a negative Arctic Oscillation.

Why? Good question. Some theories state that the loss of sea ice creates conditions favoring a negative phase. Or perhaps it's entirely natural. Too soon to tell there, but it definitely needs more investigation. An interesting thing is that while the Greenland Block is roasting the arctic, it will often be funneling arctic air down the sides into the USA and Europe.

Here we go an all out explanation as to why the sky is falling :D. So when did mother nature ever listen and abide by what some theoretical scientist had to say?

Silly ass. The scientists are trying to explain their observatons of nature. That is what a scientist does. And the scientists were the first in warning that Sandy was in the position to become a huge disaster.
Ice is melting but it is getting thicker in Greenland. Just the way the world works folks. It is constantly evolving. Why are the storms so bad now? They have always been bad. We have better communication to know what is going on and there are more people and structures. Al gore is a hipocrit and liar and so are his goonies.


Greenland Ice Melt, Measured By NASA Satellites, Reaches Unprecedented Level

Antarticia has some that are growing in the interior, but all those near the antartic ocean are melting too.

Harley is just plain wrong. Both Swiss Re and Munich Re state that the number of extreme weather events has increased by a factor of 3 to 5 in the last 40 years.

The Greenland Ice is definately melting. The Arctic Ice will be gone for part of the summer by 2020. And that is already affecting our weather.

[ame=]Weather and Climate Summit - Day 5, Jennifer Francis - YouTube[/ame]

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