So, global warming....

Because you were there?

The whole reason he talked about living in the interior was because someone asked why he didn't live on the coast where there is another reservation.
:lol: He lives in the center of the state because of historical flooding of Hollywood Beach???


Like I said, you are clearly mistaken and remembering what you wish to remember.

Now I wonder why I even bothered. I thought there might be some chance at rational conversation but it appears you're just interested in snark and personal attacks.

For the benefit of other readers who aren't being fuckwads:

A scout asked our Seminole Indian tour guide a question about why they (his group of people descended from Seminole and Creek Indians) lived at Big Cypress instead of the coast where there was another reservation. He said that the coastal islands used to flood every year, which is why people couldn't live there. Another scout asked him how he knew that and he said that their history is kept by telling stories. Someone else asked how far back it goes and he said the ones he has been told go at least as far back as when the Spaniards came.

I've been out there, too. And they weren't talking about Hollywood Beach, they were talking about ten thousand islands or the islands that existed in the Everglades before the canals drained them. But go ahead and link to the "coastal islands" that get flooded every year, or did back in the 1500s.
Yes and every fuckiin year around this time storms are expected... Yet every year you dumb fucks claim every storm is proof of global warming. Tell me, how did the world shift, move and change so dramatically as you believe without God if every fucking year weather should be dead on the same as the last 100 million years?

Disclaimer, I'm not promoting God at all... It's an honest and legitimate question. At one time the earth had massive forms of ice all over it, at another volcanoes... another ocean... another no life at all...
Yes and every fuckiin year around this time storms are expected... Yet every year you dumb fucks claim every storm is proof of global warming. Tell me, how did the world shift, move and change so dramatically as you believe without God if every fucking year weather should be dead on the same as the last 100 million years?

Disclaimer, I'm not promoting God at all... It's an honest and legitimate question. At one time the earth had massive forms of ice all over it, at another volcanoes... another ocean... another no life at all...
Storms that hit the northeast are pretty uncommon this time of year.

I'm on the fence about global warming, but things like this make you go hmmmm.....and it's got nothing to do with what was, it has to do with what is. From the evidence in the last 20 years or so, something is screwy and at the very least infrastructure should be looked at to deal with it.
:lol: He lives in the center of the state because of historical flooding of Hollywood Beach???


Like I said, you are clearly mistaken and remembering what you wish to remember.

Now I wonder why I even bothered. I thought there might be some chance at rational conversation but it appears you're just interested in snark and personal attacks.

For the benefit of other readers who aren't being fuckwads:

A scout asked our Seminole Indian tour guide a question about why they (his group of people descended from Seminole and Creek Indians) lived at Big Cypress instead of the coast where there was another reservation. He said that the coastal islands used to flood every year, which is why people couldn't live there. Another scout asked him how he knew that and he said that their history is kept by telling stories. Someone else asked how far back it goes and he said the ones he has been told go at least as far back as when the Spaniards came.

I've been out there, too. And they weren't talking about Hollywood Beach, they were talking about ten thousand islands or the islands that existed in the Everglades before the canals drained them. But go ahead and link to the "coastal islands" that get flooded every year, or did back in the 1500s.

How about you just keep believing whatever it is you want to believe. You're just going to be an ass with anyone that disagrees.
Yes and every fuckiin year around this time storms are expected... Yet every year you dumb fucks claim every storm is proof of global warming. Tell me, how did the world shift, move and change so dramatically as you believe without God if every fucking year weather should be dead on the same as the last 100 million years?

Disclaimer, I'm not promoting God at all... It's an honest and legitimate question. At one time the earth had massive forms of ice all over it, at another volcanoes... another ocean... another no life at all...
Storms that hit the northeast are pretty uncommon this time of year.

I'm on the fence about global warming, but things like this make you go hmmmm.....and it's got nothing to do with what was, it has to do with what is. From the evidence in the last 20 years or so, something is screwy and at the very least infrastructure should be looked at to deal with it.

Science literally is the worst enemy of Global warming... There have been massive devastating droughts through history, likewise there have been horrible winters and floods/freezes that hit out of nowhere. I'm talking like through out history, like Egyptians to kings in castles and everywhere in the world. Some people act like a tsunami was invented AFTER Al Gore made his movie, or that hurricanes and tornadoes never existed prior to oil companies.

We as humans living in the 1900’s to no 2000’s live in an incredibly calm time period in this worlds history of fucked up weather.
Maybe Al Gore was right.


I was thinking about this today as the Lib media and Chris Mathews in particular
was bringing this up.

Haven't we improved on car emissions and oil plant and coal plants.
Haven't we added nuclear power plants over the last 50 years.
Now we are getting big storms...What we never had big storms before?..

So we have improved what we dump in the air and now we get big storms...

And it's all our fault.
Only Obama can save us from ourselves...

Improving emissions standards isn't nearly enough to stop what's been started.

GAWD people.. Haven't you heard the news?? The greatest story on man-made global warming of the YEAR???

CO2 emissions from the US are DOWN to 20 year LOWs.. We are generating less CO2 than we did in 1995. WHY? Because of the boom in natural gas and conversions to it..

SOOOO --- Why doesn't the press run this HAPPY STORY???

The greeny eco-nauts don't want to celebrate this victory over evil polluting CO2 because ----

A) They didn't get to pummel big oil and fossil fuel industry.
B) The Government was no part of the solution.
C) THey are too busy trying to stop the development of Nat Gas reserves in this country...
D) Makes the UN KYoto and other treaties look ridiculous..
E) Al Gore doesn't have investments in Natural Gas..

See -- they really didn't care about CO2 levels and Global Warming -- it was all about pushing THEIR weak-ass alternatives and govt control of fossil fuel development and economic "fairness".

As for wacky weather.. A 1degC rise in your lifetimes is NOT causing hurricanes and tornadoes to multiply and intensify.. No real evidence of that. The only conclusion to be had is that CO2 makes them SMARTER. So the tornado outbreaks find the centers of population rather than cow pastures and BLM lands. And the measly few land-falling hurricanes that we've seen now are smart enough to know where New Orleans and New York City is on the map... Yup --- we've created SMARTER storms able to tap into Garmin and GPS...

PS ---- IF ANYONE of you see the general press cover this miraculous story about US CO2 emissions--- PLEASE post it in the link above on the Environment thread. My guess is that Chrissy Mattews hasn't even heard of it. But MSNBC has --- and they ain't gonna air it.. We're being manipulated and lied to... Face it...
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Yes and every fuckiin year around this time storms are expected... Yet every year you dumb fucks claim every storm is proof of global warming. Tell me, how did the world shift, move and change so dramatically as you believe without God if every fucking year weather should be dead on the same as the last 100 million years?

Disclaimer, I'm not promoting God at all... It's an honest and legitimate question. At one time the earth had massive forms of ice all over it, at another volcanoes... another ocean... another no life at all...
Storms that hit the northeast are pretty uncommon this time of year.

I'm on the fence about global warming, but things like this make you go hmmmm.....and it's got nothing to do with what was, it has to do with what is. From the evidence in the last 20 years or so, something is screwy and at the very least infrastructure should be looked at to deal with it.

October is the 3rd highest month of the year for hurricane frequency.. Fact....

I don't doubt that climate is changing. In the big scheme of things we're recovering from the last Ice Age. My beef is with the undue focus and biased study of CO2 as the principal and ONLY cause..
will you guys stop it for crying out loud? Facts, logic and reason have no place in the ACC debate.

learn to follow the gospel of the statist warmers, and ye shall be overcome with faith and love for centralized collectivists.
The USA has already reduced it's carbon emissions / footprint back to what it was in the 1980's. This was beyond the Kyoto goal & Al Gores hype. Yet greentards regurgitate :puke: their well swallowed propaganda of how the evil USA's increasing carbon emissions caused this storm. :cuckoo:

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