So having "principles" means I can never NOT vote GOP???


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Saw the trend of responses to me this week. Apparantely, the GOP gives a standard issue set of opinions. Issued to every right winger, from which he or she will never falter. Never question. Never EVER publicly denounce. That no matter what happens in politics, if it is being done or suggested by a GOP/Tea Party candidate, one must agree with it or silently shut the fuck up. And God forbid entertain the idea of making these TP candidates EARN my vote....or if against them.

My principles are fairly simple. Politicians are elected representatives. Root word REPRESENT.

People hammer them all the time for flip flopping. Saying one thing one day, then doing another. WHY? If their job is to be a sole voice of the whole, what if the whole tends to change their minds? What if the mayor of Anytown, USA represents his people who want a smoking ban. And he says he supports it. Then, over a couple years, over 50% of the citizens in that town change their mind. HIS job is to represent that view of the people.

So, is it possible that a candidate or movement, like the Tea Party, at one point represented MY views? Yes. And is it possible that the movement or it's candidates, over a few years, evolved and it's views and stands became less and less a mirror of mine? Yes.

I've changed a bit. So has the GOP, Tea Party and right wing in general.

My principles are NOT that I'll vote for the Red Team no matter what. YOU should also not allow yourself to just be issued a set of morals by a party, and follow them no matter what. If you find that your party or voting tendency no longer fits what you believe in, vote for what does, or vote in protest against it to send a message.

But being a robot is hardly principled.
Saw the trend of responses to me this week. Apparantely, the GOP gives a standard issue set of opinions. Issued to every right winger, from which he or she will never falter. Never question. Never EVER publicly denounce. That no matter what happens in politics, if it is being done or suggested by a GOP/Tea Party candidate, one must agree with it or silently shut the fuck up. And God forbid entertain the idea of making these TP candidates EARN my vote....or if against them.

My principles are fairly simple. Politicians are elected representatives. Root word REPRESENT.

People hammer them all the time for flip flopping. Saying one thing one day, then doing another. WHY? If their job is to be a sole voice of the whole, what if the whole tends to change their minds? What if the mayor of Anytown, USA represents his people who want a smoking ban. And he says he supports it. Then, over a couple years, over 50% of the citizens in that town change their mind. HIS job is to represent that view of the people.

So, is it possible that a candidate or movement, like the Tea Party, at one point represented MY views? Yes. And is it possible that the movement or it's candidates, over a few years, evolved and it's views and stands became less and less a mirror of mine? Yes.

I've changed a bit. So has the GOP, Tea Party and right wing in general.

My principles are NOT that I'll vote for the Red Team no matter what. YOU should also not allow yourself to just be issued a set of morals by a party, and follow them no matter what. If you find that your party or voting tendency no longer fits what you believe in, vote for what does, or vote in protest against it to send a message.

But being a robot is hardly principled.
I still don't get it, how can you support democrats and reject republicans for the same thing?
Never not.

Did he mean "must?"

The answer, of course, is "no." Even with your dubious "principles," you are still permitted to vote any way you wish.

What is doubted is the premise.
Saw the trend of responses to me this week. Apparantely, the GOP gives a standard issue set of opinions. Issued to every right winger, from which he or she will never falter. Never question. Never EVER publicly denounce. That no matter what happens in politics, if it is being done or suggested by a GOP/Tea Party candidate, one must agree with it or silently shut the fuck up. And God forbid entertain the idea of making these TP candidates EARN my vote....or if against them.

My principles are fairly simple. Politicians are elected representatives. Root word REPRESENT.

People hammer them all the time for flip flopping. Saying one thing one day, then doing another. WHY? If their job is to be a sole voice of the whole, what if the whole tends to change their minds? What if the mayor of Anytown, USA represents his people who want a smoking ban. And he says he supports it. Then, over a couple years, over 50% of the citizens in that town change their mind. HIS job is to represent that view of the people.

So, is it possible that a candidate or movement, like the Tea Party, at one point represented MY views? Yes. And is it possible that the movement or it's candidates, over a few years, evolved and it's views and stands became less and less a mirror of mine? Yes.

I've changed a bit. So has the GOP, Tea Party and right wing in general.

My principles are NOT that I'll vote for the Red Team no matter what. YOU should also not allow yourself to just be issued a set of morals by a party, and follow them no matter what. If you find that your party or voting tendency no longer fits what you believe in, vote for what does, or vote in protest against it to send a message.

But being a robot is hardly principled.

Never not.

Did he mean "must?"

The answer, of course, is "no." Even with your dubious "principles," you are still permitted to vote any way you wish.

What is doubted is the premise.

I don't get it why reject the GOP and support the democrats for the very reason you rejected the GOP. There is more to this than buc is telling us.
Never not.

Did he mean "must?"

The answer, of course, is "no." Even with your dubious "principles," you are still permitted to vote any way you wish.

What is doubted is the premise.

I don't get it why reject the GOP and support the democrats for the very reason you rejected the GOP. There is more to this than buc is telling us.

I think he's an attention whore. :eusa_whistle:
Never not.

Did he mean "must?"

The answer, of course, is "no." Even with your dubious "principles," you are still permitted to vote any way you wish.

What is doubted is the premise.

I don't get it why reject the GOP and support the democrats for the very reason you rejected the GOP. There is more to this than buc is telling us.

I think he's an attention whore. :eusa_whistle:

Then how can he be "principled" as whores generally don't have too many principals unless they are near schools?
Saw the trend of responses to me this week. Apparantely, the GOP gives a standard issue set of opinions. Issued to every right winger, from which he or she will never falter. Never question. Never EVER publicly denounce. That no matter what happens in politics, if it is being done or suggested by a GOP/Tea Party candidate, one must agree with it or silently shut the fuck up. And God forbid entertain the idea of making these TP candidates EARN my vote....or if against them.

My principles are fairly simple. Politicians are elected representatives. Root word REPRESENT.

People hammer them all the time for flip flopping. Saying one thing one day, then doing another. WHY? If their job is to be a sole voice of the whole, what if the whole tends to change their minds? What if the mayor of Anytown, USA represents his people who want a smoking ban. And he says he supports it. Then, over a couple years, over 50% of the citizens in that town change their mind. HIS job is to represent that view of the people.

So, is it possible that a candidate or movement, like the Tea Party, at one point represented MY views? Yes. And is it possible that the movement or it's candidates, over a few years, evolved and it's views and stands became less and less a mirror of mine? Yes.

I've changed a bit. So has the GOP, Tea Party and right wing in general.

My principles are NOT that I'll vote for the Red Team no matter what. YOU should also not allow yourself to just be issued a set of morals by a party, and follow them no matter what. If you find that your party or voting tendency no longer fits what you believe in, vote for what does, or vote in protest against it to send a message.

But being a robot is hardly principled.
No, but if your principles are liberty, free minds and free markets, then abandoning the GOP to go vote for the party that is the near antithesis of those values is beyond ludicrous.

I tossed the GOP overboard in 1995, but there was no way in hell I was going to empower dick nosed tyrants like Bubba Clintoon, Dick Gephart and Tom Daschle as any sort of principled move.

You, my friend, have fallen for the false dichotomy sophistry is the Heglian dialectic.

Dialectic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hope you enjoy your chains.
It sounds like you experienced some sort of trauma and it made you turn against the entire party...because of your bitterness, you are having a hard time just moving on without nursing your personal grudge.
Saw the trend of responses to me this week. Apparantely, the GOP gives a standard issue set of opinions. Issued to every right winger, from which he or she will never falter. Never question. Never EVER publicly denounce. That no matter what happens in politics, if it is being done or suggested by a GOP/Tea Party candidate, one must agree with it or silently shut the fuck up. And God forbid entertain the idea of making these TP candidates EARN my vote....or if against them.

My principles are fairly simple. Politicians are elected representatives. Root word REPRESENT.

People hammer them all the time for flip flopping. Saying one thing one day, then doing another. WHY? If their job is to be a sole voice of the whole, what if the whole tends to change their minds? What if the mayor of Anytown, USA represents his people who want a smoking ban. And he says he supports it. Then, over a couple years, over 50% of the citizens in that town change their mind. HIS job is to represent that view of the people.

So, is it possible that a candidate or movement, like the Tea Party, at one point represented MY views? Yes. And is it possible that the movement or it's candidates, over a few years, evolved and it's views and stands became less and less a mirror of mine? Yes.

I've changed a bit. So has the GOP, Tea Party and right wing in general.

My principles are NOT that I'll vote for the Red Team no matter what. YOU should also not allow yourself to just be issued a set of morals by a party, and follow them no matter what. If you find that your party or voting tendency no longer fits what you believe in, vote for what does, or vote in protest against it to send a message.

But being a robot is hardly principled.

Buc your problem was you said you were going from Straight Republican ticket to straight Democrat many people on either side do that just like that?.....that's telling me you don't give a shit what the Democrat may represent .....and he might be just as bad as those Republicans you don't like.....when i left the Democrats in the middle nineties because assholes like Dean and Chris were taking over....i still voted for the Democrats i felt were still "Democrats"....i voted Clinton over Bush and the old guy 15 years later i cant stand both parties and just about every politician in yourself the frustration of bitching about the same shit next year that your bitching about now and vote for someone who wont follow the same old tired 3rd you said ....being a robot is hardly principled.....and people who blindly follow the Democrats are just as much of a robot as are those who blindly follow the Republicans....and we see them here all the time......
Saw the trend of responses to me this week. Apparantely, the GOP gives a standard issue set of opinions. Issued to every right winger, from which he or she will never falter. Never question. Never EVER publicly denounce. That no matter what happens in politics, if it is being done or suggested by a GOP/Tea Party candidate, one must agree with it or silently shut the fuck up. And God forbid entertain the idea of making these TP candidates EARN my vote....or if against them.

My principles are fairly simple. Politicians are elected representatives. Root word REPRESENT.

People hammer them all the time for flip flopping. Saying one thing one day, then doing another. WHY? If their job is to be a sole voice of the whole, what if the whole tends to change their minds? What if the mayor of Anytown, USA represents his people who want a smoking ban. And he says he supports it. Then, over a couple years, over 50% of the citizens in that town change their mind. HIS job is to represent that view of the people.

So, is it possible that a candidate or movement, like the Tea Party, at one point represented MY views? Yes. And is it possible that the movement or it's candidates, over a few years, evolved and it's views and stands became less and less a mirror of mine? Yes.

I've changed a bit. So has the GOP, Tea Party and right wing in general.

My principles are NOT that I'll vote for the Red Team no matter what. YOU should also not allow yourself to just be issued a set of morals by a party, and follow them no matter what. If you find that your party or voting tendency no longer fits what you believe in, vote for what does, or vote in protest against it to send a message.

But being a robot is hardly principled.
I am speaking for only myself I really don't care which party you support which candidate you vote for or if you go back and fourth every election if does not change my views or beliefs in any way. I won't trash over switching your party support nor will I act like changing your mind is a major life accomplishment either.
Saw the trend of responses to me this week. Apparantely, the GOP gives a standard issue set of opinions. Issued to every right winger, from which he or she will never falter. Never question. Never EVER publicly denounce. That no matter what happens in politics, if it is being done or suggested by a GOP/Tea Party candidate, one must agree with it or silently shut the fuck up. And God forbid entertain the idea of making these TP candidates EARN my vote....or if against them.

My principles are fairly simple. Politicians are elected representatives. Root word REPRESENT.

People hammer them all the time for flip flopping. Saying one thing one day, then doing another. WHY? If their job is to be a sole voice of the whole, what if the whole tends to change their minds? What if the mayor of Anytown, USA represents his people who want a smoking ban. And he says he supports it. Then, over a couple years, over 50% of the citizens in that town change their mind. HIS job is to represent that view of the people.

So, is it possible that a candidate or movement, like the Tea Party, at one point represented MY views? Yes. And is it possible that the movement or it's candidates, over a few years, evolved and it's views and stands became less and less a mirror of mine? Yes.

I've changed a bit. So has the GOP, Tea Party and right wing in general.

My principles are NOT that I'll vote for the Red Team no matter what. YOU should also not allow yourself to just be issued a set of morals by a party, and follow them no matter what. If you find that your party or voting tendency no longer fits what you believe in, vote for what does, or vote in protest against it to send a message.

But being a robot is hardly principled.

I think that you're thinking too much about politics. Relax, don't take it too seriously. Enjoy your life. And you're free to vote for whoever you choose, but don't get too obsessed. And I don't think this board is the apropriate place for geting all these frustrations off your chest. Perhaps I psychologist could help you.
Saw the trend of responses to me this week. Apparantely, the GOP gives a standard issue set of opinions. Issued to every right winger, from which he or she will never falter. Never question. Never EVER publicly denounce. That no matter what happens in politics, if it is being done or suggested by a GOP/Tea Party candidate, one must agree with it or silently shut the fuck up. And God forbid entertain the idea of making these TP candidates EARN my vote....or if against them.

My principles are fairly simple. Politicians are elected representatives. Root word REPRESENT.

People hammer them all the time for flip flopping. Saying one thing one day, then doing another. WHY? If their job is to be a sole voice of the whole, what if the whole tends to change their minds? What if the mayor of Anytown, USA represents his people who want a smoking ban. And he says he supports it. Then, over a couple years, over 50% of the citizens in that town change their mind. HIS job is to represent that view of the people.

So, is it possible that a candidate or movement, like the Tea Party, at one point represented MY views? Yes. And is it possible that the movement or it's candidates, over a few years, evolved and it's views and stands became less and less a mirror of mine? Yes.

I've changed a bit. So has the GOP, Tea Party and right wing in general.

My principles are NOT that I'll vote for the Red Team no matter what. YOU should also not allow yourself to just be issued a set of morals by a party, and follow them no matter what. If you find that your party or voting tendency no longer fits what you believe in, vote for what does, or vote in protest against it to send a message.

But being a robot is hardly principled.
No, but if your principles are liberty, free minds and free markets, then abandoning the GOP to go vote for the party that is the near antithesis of those values is beyond ludicrous.

I tossed the GOP overboard in 1995, but there was no way in hell I was going to empower dick nosed tyrants like Bubba Clintoon, Dick Gephart and Tom Daschle as any sort of principled move.

You, my friend, have fallen for the false dichotomy sophistry is the Heglian dialectic.

Dialectic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hope you enjoy your chains.

Well, depends on who you ask regarding what is "freedom".

I disagree with abortion, but should we be free to do it? Many on the right dont think so.

I 100% believe in the freedom to smoke weed, although I've never used it. It's less harmful than booze and tobacco. Many on the right want to keep it illegal, many on the left want it legal.

I also believe in allowing gay marriage. The right obviously does not.

The left has advocated gun control, which I dont like. BUT, they are not acting on it. At least openly.

Its definitely a mess out there and picking who to vote for is always hard, at least for some. But my line in the sand was when the Tea Party began to advocate slashing ALL government, including cops and firemen, at any consequence. That meant slashing federal law enforcement, state, county, local. Fucking with cops and firemen, that was it. And slashing budgets, pay and benefits for cops and firemen is being promoted from the federal GOP candidates, state, and local ones. Every damn one.
What we are seeing here is a colossal failure of the false dichotomy. The Democratic party does not stand for a single package of "yeas," nor does the GOP stand for a single package of "yeas." The childish polarized partisanship of each party's recent years aside, there is much flexibility in both parties. Likewise, there is much flexibility in positioning on the political spectrum. Additionally, I think that false self impressions are playing a role here.
Inthemiddle, you're exactly right. People have become so partisan and obsessed with red/blue, that the thought of a person deciding to change their vote shocks their core.
Saw the trend of responses to me this week. Apparantely, the GOP gives a standard issue set of opinions. Issued to every right winger, from which he or she will never falter. Never question. Never EVER publicly denounce. That no matter what happens in politics, if it is being done or suggested by a GOP/Tea Party candidate, one must agree with it or silently shut the fuck up. And God forbid entertain the idea of making these TP candidates EARN my vote....or if against them.

My principles are fairly simple. Politicians are elected representatives. Root word REPRESENT.

People hammer them all the time for flip flopping. Saying one thing one day, then doing another. WHY? If their job is to be a sole voice of the whole, what if the whole tends to change their minds? What if the mayor of Anytown, USA represents his people who want a smoking ban. And he says he supports it. Then, over a couple years, over 50% of the citizens in that town change their mind. HIS job is to represent that view of the people.

So, is it possible that a candidate or movement, like the Tea Party, at one point represented MY views? Yes. And is it possible that the movement or it's candidates, over a few years, evolved and it's views and stands became less and less a mirror of mine? Yes.

I've changed a bit. So has the GOP, Tea Party and right wing in general.

My principles are NOT that I'll vote for the Red Team no matter what. YOU should also not allow yourself to just be issued a set of morals by a party, and follow them no matter what. If you find that your party or voting tendency no longer fits what you believe in, vote for what does, or vote in protest against it to send a message.

But being a robot is hardly principled.


Great post! I'm an independent and when I say I'm not voting for Romney and lean Obama this election, a lot of nimnods accuse me of being a liberal. My feelings towards Obama have changed over 4 yrs (I voted McCain/Palin in 2008) and I feel he is the lesser of 2 evils for 2012. The other candidates don't have a chance of being elected so for me, they aren't a consideration. I have voted dem and republican for president over the many years I've been voting. Things change as you say and I don't want to be stuck within a party and feel I have to vote for the party candidate or else!
Saw the trend of responses to me this week. Apparantely, the GOP gives a standard issue set of opinions. Issued to every right winger, from which he or she will never falter. Never question. Never EVER publicly denounce. That no matter what happens in politics, if it is being done or suggested by a GOP/Tea Party candidate, one must agree with it or silently shut the fuck up. And God forbid entertain the idea of making these TP candidates EARN my vote....or if against them.

My principles are fairly simple. Politicians are elected representatives. Root word REPRESENT.

People hammer them all the time for flip flopping. Saying one thing one day, then doing another. WHY? If their job is to be a sole voice of the whole, what if the whole tends to change their minds? What if the mayor of Anytown, USA represents his people who want a smoking ban. And he says he supports it. Then, over a couple years, over 50% of the citizens in that town change their mind. HIS job is to represent that view of the people.

So, is it possible that a candidate or movement, like the Tea Party, at one point represented MY views? Yes. And is it possible that the movement or it's candidates, over a few years, evolved and it's views and stands became less and less a mirror of mine? Yes.

I've changed a bit. So has the GOP, Tea Party and right wing in general.

My principles are NOT that I'll vote for the Red Team no matter what. YOU should also not allow yourself to just be issued a set of morals by a party, and follow them no matter what. If you find that your party or voting tendency no longer fits what you believe in, vote for what does, or vote in protest against it to send a message.

But being a robot is hardly principled.


Great post! I'm an independent and when I say I'm not voting for Romney and lean Obama this election, a lot of nimnods accuse me of being a liberal. My feelings towards Obama have changed over 4 yrs (I voted McCain/Palin in 2008) and I feel he is the lesser of 2 evils for 2012. The other candidates don't have a chance of being elected so for me, they aren't a consideration. I have voted dem and republican for president over the many years I've been voting. Things change as you say and I don't want to be stuck within a party and feel I have to vote for the party candidate or else!
What effective policy has obama created that helped the economy? The recession ended in 2009 and things have yet to improve, so why would you support something that hasn't worked.

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