So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford

Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?

Your synopsis may not be too far off, but you're overlooking strong details, like they locked the door and turned up the music. When she tried to yell, he put her hand over her mouth.

I also agree that her experience of being terrorized may not have registered on these young assholes, but rest assured I vividly remember the details of my "close calls" to this day because the relialization that you are in a bad spot and could end up raped or dead tends to sear these details into your mind and focuses your mind like nothing else. Some details will elude you because your #1 primary focus is looking for a way to get away.

Nazilady, are you claiming the door locked from the outside, rather than the inside?

You grasp that no one does that, right? Prison cells do, not bedrooms. Are you claiming that this fictional house was actually a dungeon?
Oh, but it can be identified because it has a bedroom and a bathroom at the top of the stairs. I never heard of a house like that!

There must be a ton of shit you never heard of. The house I grew up in was exactly like that.
You're obviously too fucking stupid to identify sarcasm when you see it. Probably one third of the houses in the DC area are like that. Some idiot claimed the FBI could use that statement to identify the house.
Care4All claimed that if A house is found matching that description (in an area with countless houses matching that description), this is evidence!
Along with with stairs that ‘go up’.
Your synopsis may not be too far off, but you're overlooking strong details, like they locked the door and turned up the music. When she tried to yell, he put her hand over her mouth.

I also agree that her experience of being terrorized may not have registered on these young assholes, but rest assured I vividly remember the details of my "close calls" to this day because the relialization that you are in a bad spot and could end up raped or dead tends to sear these details into your mind and focuses your mind like nothing else. Some details will elude you because your #1 primary focus is looking for a way to get away.

Nazilady, are you claiming the door locked from the outside, rather than the inside?

You grasp that no one does that, right? Prison cells do, not bedrooms. Are you claiming that this fictional house was actually a dungeon?
Oh, but it can be identified because it has a bedroom and a bathroom at the top of the stairs. I never heard of a house like that!

There must be a ton of shit you never heard of. The house I grew up in was exactly like that.
You're obviously too fucking stupid to identify sarcasm when you see it. Probably one third of the houses in the DC area are like that. Some idiot claimed the FBI could use that statement to identify the house.
Care4All claimed that if A house is found matching that description (in an area with countless houses matching that description), this is evidence!
Along with with stairs that ‘go up’.

How does Marxism4All know that the stairs don't "go down?"

But I think it was more than just a dry hump for fun

He tried to remove her clothes but she had a bathing suit on underneath and he gave up
That's what the lying lunatic says. I wouldn't trust her further than I could throw her

Your synopsis may not be too far off, but you're overlooking strong details, like they locked the door and turned up the music. When she tried to yell, he put her hand over her mouth.

I also agree that her experience of being terrorized may not have registered on these young assholes, but rest assured I vividly remember the details of my "close calls" to this day because the relialization that you are in a bad spot and could end up raped or dead tends to sear these details into your mind and focuses your mind like nothing else. Some details will elude you because your #1 primary focus is looking for a way to get away.

Nazilady, are you claiming the door locked from the outside, rather than the inside?

You grasp that no one does that, right? Prison cells do, not bedrooms. Are you claiming that this fictional house was actually a dungeon?
Oh, but it can be identified because it has a bedroom and a bathroom at the top of the stairs. I never heard of a house like that!

There must be a ton of shit you never heard of. The house I grew up in was exactly like that.
You're obviously too fucking stupid to identify sarcasm when you see it. Probably one third of the houses in the DC area are like that. Some idiot claimed the FBI could use that statement to identify the house.
Care4All claimed that if A house is found matching that description (in an area with countless houses matching that description), this is evidence!
Along with with stairs that ‘go up’.
I'll bet it also has indoor plumbing!
Nazilady, are you claiming the door locked from the outside, rather than the inside?

You grasp that no one does that, right? Prison cells do, not bedrooms. Are you claiming that this fictional house was actually a dungeon?
Oh, but it can be identified because it has a bedroom and a bathroom at the top of the stairs. I never heard of a house like that!

There must be a ton of shit you never heard of. The house I grew up in was exactly like that.
You're obviously too fucking stupid to identify sarcasm when you see it. Probably one third of the houses in the DC area are like that. Some idiot claimed the FBI could use that statement to identify the house.
Care4All claimed that if A house is found matching that description (in an area with countless houses matching that description), this is evidence!
Along with with stairs that ‘go up’.
I'll bet it also has indoor plumbing!

A flush toilet PROVES Judge Kavanaugh tried to rape her on the Mother Ship......
Also, she lied about having a recent remodel adding a second front door. Images of the house clearly show the second front door as early as 2011.


I linked to a very good short article on Ritual Defamation. The tactics should be quite familiar to you as you are engaged in the with Kavanaugh.

And as you are a trusted, credible and honorable source, I will read it.

I just don't expect it will be relevant to anything here.

No need to seize the last word, friendo.

I'll imagine you tried to say something clever.

Sorry to disappoint; I opted to say something sincere. :)

OK, hun. Peace Out.

OK so it's a breakdown of a dynamic we all know well around here and has been at the centre of this thread and this issue. But again it's nothing we don't already know.

It sums up:

>> Like all propaganda and disinformation campaigns it is accomplished primarily through the manipulation of words and symbols. It is not used to persuade, but to punish. Although it may have cognitive elements, its thrust is primarily emotional. Ritual Defamation is used to hurt, to intimidate, to destroy, and to persecute, and to avoid the dialogue, debate and discussion upon which a free society depends. On those grounds it must be opposed no matter who tries to justify its use. <<​

All true and all readily evident. That's exactly why I keep challenging Fingerboy, ThePuke, Flashass, Toobsteak, and whoever other slime around here to justify their endless manifestations of exactly this with their endless diarrhea dumps of "she's lying" and "she boinked 54 guys" and "sex collars" and "SHE ASKED FOR IT" and "she's paid" and "she's ugly" and "they say it didn't happen" etc etc ad nauseum, the USMB representatives of those outside who send her death threats and force her out of her home. Even Brett Kavanaugh noted that was going on. But again we're all aware of how this works; we see it here every day.

Hey Pogobutt, Nonsense, Democrats disgraced the SCOTUS appointment process by basically indicting and innocent man with accusations that have never and can never be proven all for pure political gain. Ford either has false memories or is a lying bitch.
Also, she lied about having a recent remodel adding a second front door. Images of the house clearly show the second front door as early as 2011.



2011 is a recent remodel. Especially since she said that the remodel was a catalyst for re-opening the wounds of fear for her safety, that lead to her talk to a therapist in *GASP* 2012.
Also, she lied about having a recent remodel adding a second front door. Images of the house clearly show the second front door as early as 2011.



2011 is a recent remodel. Especially since she said that the remodel was a catalyst for re-opening the wounds of fear for her safety, that lead to her talk to a therapist in *GASP* 2012.


(7) years is not recent

Try something else

2011 is a recent remodel. Especially since she said that the remodel was a catalyst for re-opening the wounds of fear for her safety, that lead to her talk to a therapist in *GASP* 2012.

Nonsense, Ford can't remember where or when it happened, there are no witnesses. Her only 'wounds' are self inflicted. She said she is afraid of flying but seems to have no problem flying many times in her past. She is either a very mentally disturbed individual or a lying neo-Marxist, paid activist. She sounded like a pre-teen in her testimony but is a full grown woman. She needed 3 lawyers telling her what to say including her radical leftist lawyer Katz. WTF kind of mindless moron would believe anything she says?
2011 is a recent remodel. Especially since she said that the remodel was a catalyst for re-opening the wounds of fear for her safety, that lead to her talk to a therapist in *GASP* 2012.

Nonsense, Ford can't remember where or when it happened, there are no witnesses. Her only 'wounds' are self inflicted. She said she is afraid of flying but seems to have no problem flying many times in her past. She is either a very mentally disturbed individual or a lying neo-Marxist, paid activist. She sounded like a pre-teen in her testimony but is a full grown woman. She needed 3 lawyers telling her what to say including her radical leftist lawyer Katz. WTF kind of mindless moron would believe anything she says?
We need to see Ford's medical records

We need to see Ford's medical records


Maybe but frankly it's already written all over her statements and face however, that (seeing her medical recprds) would be nice but Democrats will never allow that. That being said, we already know that none of her accusations is supported by witnesses. It happened 35+/- years ago and there is no evidence. (no rape kit, no police report, no nothing). The ONLY logical conclusion is that she is either lying or is seriously mentally disturbed and the Democrats are taking advantage of her in order to make political points. Sad really. And, BTW WTF is a 15 year old doing at an adult party where alcohol is being consumed? What kind of kid does that? She iwas probably a young drunkard. We have all seen kids like this. Just look at her face, wrinkled and way older looking than her age.
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2011 is a recent remodel. Especially since she said that the remodel was a catalyst for re-opening the wounds of fear for her safety, that lead to her talk to a therapist in *GASP* 2012.

Nonsense, Ford can't remember where or when it happened, there are no witnesses. Her only 'wounds' are self inflicted. She said she is afraid of flying but seems to have no problem flying many times in her past. She is either a very mentally disturbed individual or a lying neo-Marxist, paid activist. She sounded like a pre-teen in her testimony but is a full grown woman. She needed 3 lawyers telling her what to say including her radical leftist lawyer Katz. WTF kind of mindless moron would believe anything she says?
We need to see Ford's medical records


Yanno what, I think I saw them lying on some wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin.

I know you know where that is.
And as you are a trusted, credible and honorable source, I will read it.

I just don't expect it will be relevant to anything here.

No need to seize the last word, friendo.

I'll imagine you tried to say something clever.

Sorry to disappoint; I opted to say something sincere. :)

OK, hun. Peace Out.

OK so it's a breakdown of a dynamic we all know well around here and has been at the centre of this thread and this issue. But again it's nothing we don't already know.

It sums up:

>> Like all propaganda and disinformation campaigns it is accomplished primarily through the manipulation of words and symbols. It is not used to persuade, but to punish. Although it may have cognitive elements, its thrust is primarily emotional. Ritual Defamation is used to hurt, to intimidate, to destroy, and to persecute, and to avoid the dialogue, debate and discussion upon which a free society depends. On those grounds it must be opposed no matter who tries to justify its use. <<​

All true and all readily evident. That's exactly why I keep challenging Fingerboy, ThePuke, Flashass, Toobsteak, and whoever other slime around here to justify their endless manifestations of exactly this with their endless diarrhea dumps of "she's lying" and "she boinked 54 guys" and "sex collars" and "SHE ASKED FOR IT" and "she's paid" and "she's ugly" and "they say it didn't happen" etc etc ad nauseum, the USMB representatives of those outside who send her death threats and force her out of her home. Even Brett Kavanaugh noted that was going on. But again we're all aware of how this works; we see it here every day.

Hey Pogobutt, Nonsense, Democrats disgraced the SCOTUS appointment process by basically indicting and innocent man with accusations that have never and can never be proven all for pure political gain. Ford either has false memories or is a lying bitch.

You know what's so cool about getting in line to prove a negative?

You don't have to wait your turn. Soon as you can do it, you just step forward. Fingerboy failed. Toobsteak falied. Flashass failed. AZGal failed. ThePuke failed. And this just in --- Deno just stepped in the same hole.

Nobody's been able to do it. It's like freaking Excalibur beckoning from the rock just waiting for the true King Arthur.

Go ahead, batter up. Whatcha got?
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Also, she lied about having a recent remodel adding a second front door. Images of the house clearly show the second front door as early as 2011.



2011 is a recent remodel. Especially since she said that the remodel was a catalyst for re-opening the wounds of fear for her safety, that lead to her talk to a therapist in *GASP* 2012.


(7) years is not recent

Try something else


Really? "7 years is not recent" and yet Wisconsin trolley tracks in December is a fucking political convention in New York?
No need to seize the last word, friendo.

I'll imagine you tried to say something clever.

Sorry to disappoint; I opted to say something sincere. :)

OK, hun. Peace Out.

OK so it's a breakdown of a dynamic we all know well around here and has been at the centre of this thread and this issue. But again it's nothing we don't already know.

It sums up:

>> Like all propaganda and disinformation campaigns it is accomplished primarily through the manipulation of words and symbols. It is not used to persuade, but to punish. Although it may have cognitive elements, its thrust is primarily emotional. Ritual Defamation is used to hurt, to intimidate, to destroy, and to persecute, and to avoid the dialogue, debate and discussion upon which a free society depends. On those grounds it must be opposed no matter who tries to justify its use. <<​

All true and all readily evident. That's exactly why I keep challenging Fingerboy, ThePuke, Flashass, Toobsteak, and whoever other slime around here to justify their endless manifestations of exactly this with their endless diarrhea dumps of "she's lying" and "she boinked 54 guys" and "sex collars" and "SHE ASKED FOR IT" and "she's paid" and "she's ugly" and "they say it didn't happen" etc etc ad nauseum, the USMB representatives of those outside who send her death threats and force her out of her home. Even Brett Kavanaugh noted that was going on. But again we're all aware of how this works; we see it here every day.

Hey Pogobutt, Nonsense, Democrats disgraced the SCOTUS appointment process by basically indicting and innocent man with accusations that have never and can never be proven all for pure political gain. Ford either has false memories or is a lying bitch.

You know what's so cool about getting in line to prove a negative?

You don't have to wait your turn. Soon as you can do it, you just step forward. Fingerboy failed. Toobsteak falied. Flashass failed. AZGal failed. ThePuke failed. Nobody's been able to do it. It's like freaking Excalibur beckoning from the rock just waiting for the true King Arthur.

Go ahead, batter up. Whatcha got?
Character counts, Pogo.....just step in line with the likes of feinstein, harris and booker. You should be comfortable with your posse.
Sorry to disappoint; I opted to say something sincere. :)

OK, hun. Peace Out.

OK so it's a breakdown of a dynamic we all know well around here and has been at the centre of this thread and this issue. But again it's nothing we don't already know.

It sums up:

>> Like all propaganda and disinformation campaigns it is accomplished primarily through the manipulation of words and symbols. It is not used to persuade, but to punish. Although it may have cognitive elements, its thrust is primarily emotional. Ritual Defamation is used to hurt, to intimidate, to destroy, and to persecute, and to avoid the dialogue, debate and discussion upon which a free society depends. On those grounds it must be opposed no matter who tries to justify its use. <<​

All true and all readily evident. That's exactly why I keep challenging Fingerboy, ThePuke, Flashass, Toobsteak, and whoever other slime around here to justify their endless manifestations of exactly this with their endless diarrhea dumps of "she's lying" and "she boinked 54 guys" and "sex collars" and "SHE ASKED FOR IT" and "she's paid" and "she's ugly" and "they say it didn't happen" etc etc ad nauseum, the USMB representatives of those outside who send her death threats and force her out of her home. Even Brett Kavanaugh noted that was going on. But again we're all aware of how this works; we see it here every day.

Hey Pogobutt, Nonsense, Democrats disgraced the SCOTUS appointment process by basically indicting and innocent man with accusations that have never and can never be proven all for pure political gain. Ford either has false memories or is a lying bitch.

You know what's so cool about getting in line to prove a negative?

You don't have to wait your turn. Soon as you can do it, you just step forward. Fingerboy failed. Toobsteak falied. Flashass failed. AZGal failed. ThePuke failed. Nobody's been able to do it. It's like freaking Excalibur beckoning from the rock just waiting for the true King Arthur.

Go ahead, batter up. Whatcha got?
Character counts, Pogo.....just step in line with the likes of feinstein, harris and booker. You should be comfortable with your posse.

Character absolutely counts. That's why I trash Rump here so much. But that's not the topic here. Nor are Feinstein, Harris or Booker, all of which are proper names and as such start with uppercase letters.

In this case the poster went out on the limb of claiming a negative. Just as all the posters I named, and others, did too. And they can't prove that negative, and I know they can't prove it, and they know they can't prove it. So as long as these wackballs try to run what they pull out of their asses as if it was factual, I'm gonna hand out speeding tickets.
Character absolutely counts. That's why I trash Rump here so much. But that's not the topic here. Nor are Feinstein, Harris or Booker, all of which are proper names and as such start with uppercase letters.

In this case the poster went out on the limb of claiming a negative. Just as all the posters I named, and others, did too. And they can't prove that negative, and I know they can't prove it, and they know they can't prove it. So as long as these wackballs try to run what they pull out of their asses as if it was factual, I'm gonna hand out speeding tickets.

Yes Kavanaugh has character, Ford IS a 'character.'
Yanno what, I think I saw them lying on some wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin.

I know you know where that is.

"Yanno" that was a stupid, useless post.

Yanno what Bleaux knows exactly what it means. He started a thread a year and a half ago claiming some wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin was the Democratic convention of 1924. He was of course taken to the cleaners, and yet right down to this day has never had the balls to admit how he fucked up.

And as long as he doesn't grow them, it follows him like a shadow. That's what happens when you don't man up.

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