So Hillary DELETES 30,000 emails on Servers Used for Classified Business and Gets Away with it

Right now you have several facts that are indisputable.

1. Garland didn't have to do this...Trump, and team were working with the FBI openly..

2. This was a raid.

3. Leaks are coming from the FBI based on what they took, so this reeks of politics.

4. I wouldn't trust progressive liberals to clean up after my dog much less let them near any levers of power these days.

1. Trump was not working with the FBI. He was stalling and the FBI called him on it.

2. This was a execution of a search warrant legally obtained from a federal magistrate.

3. I thought you wanted the FBI to be transparent.

4. You right wing Nazis are the ones attacking this country. You are attacking free speech rights, voting rights, the rights of women and many others. You are the ones abusing power.
You are the weak minded member of a cult. My view was confirmed by a federal magistrate appointed by Trump.
If you are referring to Bruce Reinhardt, your wonderful liberal media got the facts wrong once again.

Perhaps it is you that is the weak minded sheeple that always believes liberal propaganda. No matter how many times the liberal media lies to you you continue to believe everything it tells you.

It doesn't matter if she said she didn't know the law, which is bunk. She knows the ins and outs of every nuance of those laws. A US sailor tried that excuse after taking a few unauthorized pictures of his nuclear sub for his kids. He had the book thrown at him. Intent has no role in the laws over classified.

ok... and she was investigated and Comey found no federal laws were broken or any wrong doing involving her correspondences. What exactly did she get away with? If anything her being a dumbass probably cost her enough votes to be the first ever female US president, instead she lost to a reality show celebrity. Now she has to live with that fact over having a dumb private email server.
Again the Trump DOJ disagrees with you. Even Barr's hitman has come up with nothing except a phony prosecution which he lost.
Dumbass the FBI lied to the FISA court it's just that simple and has already been exposed.
ok... and she was investigated and Comey found no federal laws were broken or any wrong doing involving her correspondences. What exactly did she get away with? If anything her being a dumbass probably cost her enough votes to be the first ever female US president, instead she lost to a reality show celebrity. Now she has to live with that fact over having a dumb private email server.
Yes Comey said laws were broken but intent would have to be proven
ok... and she was investigated and Comey found no federal laws were broken or any wrong doing involving her correspondences. What exactly did she get away with? If anything her being a dumbass probably cost her enough votes to be the first ever female US president, instead she lost to a reality show celebrity. Now she has to live with that fact over having a dumb private email server.
Some of Hillary’s classified email ended up an Anthony Weiner’s computer.

China hacked Hillary’s server.

She violated federal rules, but laws is something else entirely. You can prove me wrong with links to comey actually saying that though.
Statutes are LAWS
Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.
She violated federal rules, but laws is something else entirely. You can prove me wrong with links to comey actually saying that though.
Comey: "Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgement is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."

It doesn't matter if she said she didn't know the law, which is bunk. She knows the ins and outs of every nuance of those laws. A US sailor tried that excuse after taking a few unauthorized pictures of his nuclear sub for his kids. He had the book thrown at him. Intent has no role in the laws over classified.
Leave Hillary alone! How else could she gotten away with her pay to play revolving door, her hammering Black Berries, and blech bit Do you mean wiping it like with a towel. Any less of a treasonous hack how would the average dip shit voting democRat support her? Look at what Bill did in office. Did you expect anything different out of this democRat. You have a piece of shit and have that shit land under sniper fire it's still a piece of shit, Right?
Back during the 2008 Democrat Primary elections Crooked Hillary was giving The Worthless Negro (TWN) a tough time. It was pretty close but TWN was running ahead.

Crooked Hillary saw that she wasn't going to win and struct a deal with TWN to quit the race if he would appoint her Secretary of State if he won. That allowed TWN more resources in the General Election.

She knew she could use her office to sell influence to foreign countries.

They were fucking idiots when it came to policies but her and Slick Willy were masters at deceit and dishonesty. They knew they could set up a scam charity and use it as a way to launder the money they got from selling government influence. Like arranging that filthy ass Uranium deal with the Russians and then the Russians contributed millions to the scam foundation. Like the Russians giving Slick Willy over a half million dollars for a 40 minute speech.

Crooked Hillary knew that if she was going to implement the scam she needed to control the documents that were going from her office to the foreign interest. That is why she bypassed national security requirements and set up the servers in her home.

She was as dishonest as the day is long but since she was the filthy Democrat Party's Presidential nominee in 2016 there was no way The Worthless Negro, the Justice Department or the corrupt FBI were going to indict her. So they let her off the hook with the most ridiculous excuse ever; "no intent". Every crook there ever was would like to get let off the hook with that.

Democrats are the scum of this country and the Crooked Hillary incident is just another example of how smelly that scum is.
Comey: "Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgement is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."

Yep Hillary was guilty if Trump is guilty
Comey: "Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgement is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."

Ok, so no laws were broken, confirmed. Clinton is simply a dumbass. Let's move on and focus on trump and stop bringing this up ad infinitum because republicans have made it a beloved talking point around every family gathering.
Ok, so no laws were broken, confirmed. Clinton is simply a dumbass. Let's move on and focus on trump and stop bringing this up purely because it's become such a beloved republican talking point.
Look shit stain a Statute is a law.

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