So Hillary DELETES 30,000 emails on Servers Used for Classified Business and Gets Away with it

The GQP had four years to sic the DOJ on her. That's not her fault. Go after her next year when you have the House.

This is a different story entirely.

Deflection doesn't work.
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Statutes are LAWS
Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.

I see no difference either way if it's not a prosecutable action.
I see no difference either way if it's not a prosecutable action.
Look here's what Comey said.
"Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information"
It doesn't matter if you don't see the difference a statute is a law and Comey said she potentially violated the statute (law)
Look here's what Comey said.
"Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information"
It doesn't matter if you don't see the difference a statute is a law and Comey said she potentially violated the statute (law)

Read the article I linked.
If you are referring to Bruce Reinhardt, your wonderful liberal media got the facts wrong once again.

Perhaps it is you that is the weak minded sheeple that always believes liberal propaganda. No matter how many times the liberal media lies to you you continue to believe everything it tells you.

Yes, occasionally the MSM gets something wrong. And when that happens it gets fact checked, the story gets corrected and we move one. The MSM doesn't double down on the lie, claim victimhood, or continue with the lie like all of the major right wing sources do as a matter of practice.

FOX News has apologized for the Seth Rich story, and sent Sean Hannity "on vacation" for two weeks for having manufactured the lies it contained, and they have apoligised to the Rich Family for airing the story. Rupert Murdoch has settled two law suits against FOX New for the story, and still the right wing media says that Seth Rich hacked the DNC, and multiple intelligence agencies around the world have confirmed that Russia was behind the hacking.

Donald Trump has been caught stealing top secret and super duper top secret security documents and information, and hiding it at Mar-a-lago, and he's forced to give it all back after months of stonewalling the DOJ and lying to investigators.

More democrat lies and propaganda.
Don't tell me the law was violated and do nothing. But now they're going after Trump for doing the same thing.

Trump deliberately set out to steal the most sensitive security documents and remove them from the White House. This shit didn't just magically appear in his inbox and he held onto it by mistake. The fact that he hid the stuff and refused to give it up just proves intent.

Clinton had nothing above "classified" on her server, and the handful of documents that were classified, we designated AFTER she had received them.

Trump had SDI Top Secret documents that are never supposed to be viewed outside of a secure room, locked in a basement at a public golf club which is a frequent target of international spies. There is nothing "accidental" in those boxes, there are sets of documents all stamped "TOP SECRET" across every single page.

Not to mention, Trump a long history of flashing national security documents around the dining room at Mar-a-lago, and giving sensitive information to the Russians in the Oval Office.

Last but not least, when a document is "declassified", that 'TOP SECRET' stamp is removed. Trump saying he "declassified" something when he took it, carried no legal weight whatsoever. He has to complete the paperwork before ANYTHING is declassified. This isn't a loosey goosey family firm.
You guys are so funny. Clinton’s never took classified information to their houses to.. do whatever Trump was doing… why did he have them?!?!

Deflection isn’t a good look.
Trump deliberately set out to steal the most sensitive security documents and remove them from the White House. This shit didn't just magically appear in his inbox and he held onto it by mistake. The fact that he hid the stuff and refused to give it up just proves intent.

Clinton had nothing above "classified" on her server, and the handful of documents that were classified, we designated AFTER she had received them.

Trump had SDI Top Secret documents that are never supposed to be viewed outside of a secure room, locked in a basement at a public golf club which is a frequent target of international spies. There is nothing "accidental" in those boxes, there are sets of documents all stamped "TOP SECRET" across every single page.

Not to mention, Trump a long history of flashing national security documents around the dining room at Mar-a-lago, and giving sensitive information to the Russians in the Oval Office.

Last but not least, when a document is "declassified", that 'TOP SECRET' stamp is removed. Trump saying he "declassified" something when he took it, carried no legal weight whatsoever. He has to complete the paperwork before ANYTHING is declassified. This isn't a loosey goosey family firm.
Oh so you got proof of his intent? Did he pack his property? Where is your noroof? And don't say the FBI they are liars.
You guys are so funny. Clinton’s never took classified information to their houses to.. do whatever Trump was doing… why did he have them?!?!

Deflection isn’t a good look.
No they had a private server with classified information in their house.
The GQP had four years to sic the DOJ on her. That's not her fault. Go after her next year when you have the House.

This is a different story entirely.

Deflection doesn't work.
Hillary has had a smell on her for a half century. That is a pattern.
The Trump DOJ did not disagree with that assessment as they declined any prosecution of Clinton. She was entitled to that information as Secretary of State. There was no mountain of evidence. Enough of your propaganda.
"Did not disagree," is not the same as "agreed." But you know that, or you would have saved some typing and said "agreed."

It was never the "Trump DOJ," in the sense that Trump controlled it or that they had any loyalty to Trump. No one in the DOJ was ever called Trump's "wing man."

The fault for that was Trump's. It was his biggest mistake, not simply de-capitating the top third of the DOJ, which were nearly one hundred percent Obama partisans. He won't make that mistake his second term.

As for the FBI, I don't know if that organization is salvageable. At least the top half of its leadership would have to go for Americans to even start getting our civil liberties back. Attacking political enemies with the power of the federal government is not at all new for the FBI. When did it ever not do that?

Best case would be to break them into district-sized units, each of which reports directly to the Trump-appointed U.S. Attorneys in that district. Probably better to just disband the FBI, giving the rank and file agents priority for hire by the dozens of other armed federal agencies, and letting the upper ranks find their way in the private sector, where they can keep spying and conducting dirty trick operations for the DNC, but without also getting a tax-funded paycheck.
Everyone knows the story. She didn’t “take” a single document anywhere, especially her house. Hilary had zero documents.
She had hundreds of thousands of documents on the server at her house. Are you saying that you don't know that a document can be in electronic form?

Why do you think that what you write on Word has the file extension ".doc," even before you print it? Come on, man! You're kidding, right?
She had hundreds of thousands of documents on the server at her house. Are you saying that you don't know that a document can be in electronic form?

Why do you think that what you write on Word has the file extension ".doc," even before you print it? Come on, man! You're kidding, right?
She wasn’t the storage location of any documents. She took them no where. Any confidential file would have been intended to be stored at its origination not on some email server a copy was sent to. Nothing was found to be important. But sure .. go try and lock her up. She’s been waiting and laughing at you guys for years.

"Gross negligence" does not require intent. Comey said in his original version of the announcement that Clinton acted with gross negligence.

Case re-opened.
No one has ever been prosecuted for gross negligence. Prosecuting Clinton under that would be a double standard.

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