So Hillary DELETES 30,000 emails on Servers Used for Classified Business and Gets Away with it

It doesn't matter if she said she didn't know the law, which is bunk. She knows the ins and outs of every nuance of those laws. A US sailor tried that excuse after taking a few unauthorized pictures of his nuclear sub for his kids. He had the book thrown at him. Intent has no role in the laws over classified.
Why did Trump let her get away with it?
Trump loves to fight. That’s what he thrives on. He would lie. Get called out, then call the news fake liars. Rinse and repeat. It’s like watching school children fighting on the playground. An embarrassment
Lol, the media has been busted lying about him more.
Yes. The truth. The facts. That which can be verified
Right now you have several facts that are indisputable.

1. Garland didn't have to do this...Trump, and team were working with the FBI openly..

2. This was a raid.

3. Leaks are coming from the FBI based on what they took, so this reeks of politics.

4. I wouldn't trust progressive liberals to clean up after my dog much less let them near any levers of power these days.
Right now you have several facts that are indisputable.

1. Garland didn't have to do this...Trump, and team were working with the FBI openly..

2. This was a raid.

3. Leaks are coming from the FBI based on what they took, so this reeks of politics.

4. I wouldn't trust progressive liberals to clean up after my dog much less let them near any levers of power these days.
1. That is certainly not Indisputable. You don’t know the facts of the case.

2. Yes, this was a raid. A legally authorized one.

3. Leaks according to the media. Not verified evidence.

4. Who you trust is irrelevant to this conversation
Can the butt hurt get any more delightful?

It's pretty delightful that Tucker and crew are reminding Hillary and the world that she should be in jail. That one was supposed to be buried. Someone didn't think this through lol.
But didn't you get the memo?

Trump is LITERALLY Hitler.


If the country is thrown into civil war, well, that's just the price that has to be paid.

Not by the elites who caused it, of course.

Rich mans' cause, poor mans' fight, as ever.

It has nothing to do with elites. It is ignorant no-nothings like you.
EVEN MORE appropriate.......

You remember the WhiteWater papers that suddenly showed up over 2 YEARS after subpoena in the Billy Jeff impeachment? That ones' that Hillary SWORE were lost? Suddenly found on random table at the White House?

This is gonna back-fire like EVERY other Dem scheme. Because here's the deal.

FBI never COMPLIED with MULTIPLE subpoenas to turn over early Russia Russia Russia papers. This IS THE OBJECT of the raid. FBI HAS them -- SUPPOSED to go to National Archives like EVERYTHING ELSE DOES. Haven't sent them over.

Trump specifically signaled that these are papers in question by saying "I declassified them and ordered them to be redacted and made public".

WHY? Because FBI does NOT WANT THEM PUBLIC. Does NOT want them to go the Nat Archives.

The RAID was to find out IF -- Trump had sent them to the Nat Archives where they cant be lost or destroyed.

FBI does not KNOW if these papers were in the 12 boxes that Trump SENT to Nat Archives. The ones at Mar a Lago are LEGAL copies of classified info that Trump LEGALLY DECLASSIFIED for public access. (supposed to have been redacted by FBI but couldn't get them to cooperate).

The PUBLIC would LOVE these papers BE PRESERVED. The FBI -=- not so much.

This is gonna get ugly when the truth is out. Because -- the FBI are the CRIMINALS refusing to turn over those documents. They have the originals. All the dirt about the dossier and who knew what and all the FOREIGN OPERATIONS where Trump people were played and induced to England and other EU countries to be spied on and dined by hot women at will.

Gonna make Trump look like a genius and a hero. And I salute him for preserving those documents.

The truth is out. You are a moron and nothing else. The FBI are not criminals. You have no clue what you are talking about. Do you morons work overtime coming up with this stupidity?
Perhaps Trump thought if he didn’t go after Hillary the Dems would not go after him when he left office. He probably believed that kind of crap only occurs in third world nations.

Now Trump realizes we live in a banana republic and the Democrats will continue to investigate and persecute him as long as he lives. Once he dies Hillary will piss on his grave and waltz away scot-free laughing.

You are the ones who want to turn this into a banana republic with head banana Trump. That is why you attack voting rights, free speech rights, women's rights the right to privacy and others. You want government telling us what to do as long as it is what you want. Trump needs to be held accountable. You smear people who try to do that.
You are the ones who want to turn this into a banana republic with head banana Trump. That is why you attack voting rights, free speech rights, women's rights the right to privacy and others. You want government telling us what to do as long as it is what you want. Trump needs to be held accountable. You smear people who try to do that.
You have you views and I have mine. Keep listening to your wonderful, lying, liberal media like a good sheeple.
No, she had her own servers….And destroyed as much as she could…is it different when it’s digital?

She destroyed it when she resigned as Secretary of State. That makes sense since she was no longer entitled to it.
It doesn't matter if she said she didn't know the law, which is bunk. She knows the ins and outs of every nuance of those laws. A US sailor tried that excuse after taking a few unauthorized pictures of his nuclear sub for his kids. He had the book thrown at him. Intent has no role in the laws over classified.
Don't you know? Most laws don't apply to dems or some of their deep state GOP stooges.
Just look at most of the two faced demrats/so called progressives on this board.

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