So, How Come You're Still A Leftie?

If that link defines liberalism, why on earth would ANY liberal vote Democrat???

Haven't you been kicked in the groin enough by Democrats? Look around you, open your eyes. A century of Democrat abuse and legislation has led us here.

Big guns, no powder.
What abuse, what legislation, and what here???
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The fringe lunatics from the far right are an embarrassment for their master Rush and his cronies. Better tell Snerdly on them.
JFK does follow that sentence with: 'But I believe in a government which acts, which exercises its full powers and its full responsibilities.

Knowing John Kennedy, he believed that public service was the highest calling a person could aspire to. And as our President, he didn't make promises, he issued challenges.

A good point. I think there are some niches where volunteerism impresses me, like time spent with the old and young, or family members, or weekend dads for kids.

For President Kennedy it was joining the Peace Corp he created or taking a lower paying job in public service. I heard the late Ted Sorensen, JFK's adviser and speechwriter say that everywhere he traveled around the world, all these years later he would have people come up to him and tell him how President Kennedy was a personal inspiration to them. One man said it was first time a president asked him to serve his country and not have to shoot at somebody or fight a war.
Indeed. Now where did I say I was against them?

You are guilty by association ~ You are what you sleep with.

Oh, I don't really think you want to go there.

Nevertheless: Who HAS said they were against libraries and fire departments?

That usually falls under libertarian extremism. I currently live in a city that is trying to screw the firemen because of their union benefit package, and the hard times all cities are feeling. That sounds conservative to me.
Titanic Sailor, you are not mainstream. Move on, no one with a grasp of reality cares what you think.

Yup, good luck with your reality tomorrow jackass.

In the end, your dismissive arrogance has no home. Did you miss the message from Colbert and Stewart? Liberal hate, arrogance, and anger has no home here.


I am mainstream!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
It would be the best of all possible worlds if Liberals and Conservatives finally killed each other off and left America to the Independants.

^^ This...

starting with the Anne Coulters of the world.

What an utter waste of bandwidth this thread is. A rather transparent attempt to straw man for the desperate goal of partisan confrontation.

Just ask your pretentious question, and wait for response. Don't pontificate and steer the response you hope to garner before anyone has even absorbed your pretentious question.

Get over yourself.
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It would be the best of all possible worlds if Liberals and Conservatives finally killed each other off and left America to the Independants.

^^ This...

starting with the Anne Coulters of the world.

What an utter waste of bandwidth this thread is. A rather transparent attempt to straw man for the desperate goal of partisan confrontation.

Just ask your stupid question, and wait for response. Don't steer the response you hope to attain before anyone has even absorbed your stupid question.
Then, pretend to be above it all!!

Lather, rinse, repeat....:lol:
You are guilty by association ~ You are what you sleep with.

Oh, I don't really think you want to go there.

Nevertheless: Who HAS said they were against libraries and fire departments?

That usually falls under libertarian extremism.
Since I'm not a libertarian extremist, your "guilt by assosciation" charge is worthless.
I currently live in a city that is trying to screw the firemen because of their union benefit package, and the hard times all cities are feeling. That sounds conservative to me.
And it's typical of the left to demand that union benefits are untouchable, even when they're unsustainable. You'd rather the FD were shut down than cut bennies.

How stupid is that? Hint: Very.
Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence...

That's odd, considering liberals don't trust the people. They think the people are too stupid to take care of themselves and liberals must make all their decisions for them.

How many times have you and your fellow liberals used the phrase "voting against their best interests"?

Maybe not stupid, but ignorant of facts. For example, how many seniors will switch to voting Republican because they think their Medicare is going to be cut? What they don't realize (ignorance of the facts) is that it WOULD be, if a conservative majority has its way. So they are indeed voting against their best interests.

Ignorance is curable; stupidity is not.
The fringe lunatics from the far right are an embarrassment for their master Rush and his cronies. Better tell Snerdly on them.
Why don't you report us to [email protected]?

Oh, yeah, you probably already have.

You serve your masters well, and you will be rewarded.

That website turned out to be completely unnecessary. All we had to do was tune into the right wing noise machine; then do a quick fact check and take appropriate action. :eusa_whistle:
JFK does follow that sentence with: 'But I believe in a government which acts, which exercises its full powers and its full responsibilities.

Knowing John Kennedy, he believed that public service was the highest calling a person could aspire to. And as our President, he didn't make promises, he issued challenges.

A good point. I think there are some niches where volunteerism impresses me, like time spent with the old and young, or family members, or weekend dads for kids.

For President Kennedy it was joining the Peace Corp he created or taking a lower paying job in public service. I heard the late Ted Sorensen, JFK's adviser and speechwriter say that everywhere he traveled around the world, all these years later he would have people come up to him and tell him how President Kennedy was a personal inspiration to them. One man said it was first time a president asked him to serve his country and not have to shoot at somebody or fight a war.

That's the biggest problem plaguing Americans these days. NOBODY is willing to sacrifice the comfort of their own little worlds to a bigger cause. Maybe the difference in leadership today is asking for the sacrifice instead of trying to outline a requirement for it. When only 8% of all Americans sacrificed in the name of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were the troops and their families, it's a sad, sad, sad commentary on our attitudes. When Kennedy announced the Apollo project, he also made it clear that it was going to be expensive, but very few people turned away from supporting it simply because they might have to actually PAY FOR IT over the years.

That incident sickened me. And stop defending it--you just confirm that you're a robotic asshole without a conscience. What if the police didn't respond to you getting the shit kicked out of you just because you hadn't paid your property taxes yet? Same fucking thing.

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