So how many of you folks blasting Napolitano and Co. right now...

Interesting that it takes Obama more than two days to even acknowledge that a terrorist attack occured within our borders and that's justified, yet when Bush was in front of a bunch of children and delayed reaction for a few minutes, that's unjustified.

Actually it was reported that the President considered this a terrorist attack directly after the attempt occurred. I don't know where you get your news, but on CNN it was on the ticker immediately.

The critics here never tune to CNN, are you kidding? Not only that, but Obama learned early on that to "immediately" appear in public on any event draws even more criticism, should he happen to use the wrong phraseology. That's what the fringe will glom onto, and not the actual meat of the matter.
"Once Abdulmutallab's dad went to the embassy November 19th and made a complaint, a report was generated and sent to NCTC.

"Once NCTC receives such a report, an intelligence analyst checks to see if the person has any other associations in the database. If it’s the first time the person’s name is coming up, NCTC creates a record under the person’s name, as was done with Abdulmutallab, and that name is added to the TIDE [Terrorism Identities Datamart Environment] list. Agencies across the federal government have access to TIDE."

What happened after NCTC got report on Abdulmutallab - Laura Rozen -

While it's true the turf war's in several Depts. still goes on, that does not excuse the Director, nor does it excuse the DOJ, or the CIA. It's my opinion that in order to be right then those individuals need to be held to the highest of standards regardless of who they are.

The multitude of hints and red flags make the "question" not only urgent, but unavoidable:

Are ANY of the folks in the Department of Homeland Security actually considering DOING their job?
"The system worked", Liability. Take the gavage from that administration and accept it like a good little drone.

The system worked like a CHARM! The guy smuggled explosives on the plane in his bikini underpants. He was ON a fucking WATCH list. His DAD had called to WARN us. He was a young Muslim male coming from YEMEN. He bought his ticket with CASH. HE boarded an international flight destined for the Great Satan without a passport. But, at least he had no luggage!

Yes. I see it now. Considering that there was not a fucking CLUE in the universe, I have to admit that I was plainly wrong!
Despite the barrage of complaints, neither Ms. Collins nor Mr. Lieberman, the Senate committee's leaders, called for Mr. Chertoff to resign. Instead, they said that decision was up to President Bush.

The White House, which has also been criticized as having exercised flawed leadership in the Hurricane Katrina crisis, has made it clear that such a move is not being considered.

The point is if you are in charge of Homeland Security , regardless of who you are or what party you belong too the actions of those around you are YOUR responsiblity as is the safety and security of this nation. If you FAIL in that responsibility then you should recognize that and resign that post. The one thing I do respect the current director for is at least admitting that her department screwed the pooch and needs work. It is still my opinion that this Director based on her previous record as Gov. of this state should never have been confirmed or considered for the post in the first place.

It appears that you believe that any time someone in any organization makes a mistake the leader of that organization must resign.

You sir are an idiot. You are also dishonest because obviously you are not concerned with bettering an organization but destroying it. Why not be a man and not a chimp by just coming out and saying what is on your mind. You want Obama to fail and are willing to do anything and say anything to advance that goal.

You hate america. That makes you a traitor to some oath you took sometime in your past.

Piss on you and yours.
Interesting that it takes Obama more than two days to even acknowledge that a terrorist attack occured within our borders and that's justified, yet when Bush was in front of a bunch of children and delayed reaction for a few minutes, that's unjustified.

Actually it was reported that the President considered this a terrorist attack directly after the attempt occurred. I don't know where you get your news, but on CNN it was on the ticker immediately.
If you provide a link to that evidence, I will admit error on that point.

I don't have a link. I was in my bedroom after a long xmas day of grazing, a LOTR Risk game and cooking..........I sleep with the TV I drifted off watching it.
The multitude of hints and red flags make the "question" not only urgent, but unavoidable:

Are ANY of the folks in the Department of Homeland Security actually considering DOING their job?
"The system worked", Liability. Take the gavage from that administration and accept it like a good little drone.

The system worked like a CHARM! The guy smuggled explosives on the plane in his bikini underpants. He was ON a fucking WATCH list. His DAD had called to WARN us. He was a young Muslim male coming from YEMEN. He bought his ticket with CASH. HE boarded an international flight destined for the Great Satan without a passport. But, at least he had no luggage!

Yes. I see it now. Considering that there was not a fucking CLUE in the universe, I have to admit that I was plainly wrong!

Are we in charge of Yemin or Amsterdam airline operations? Just asking. You wouldn't want our government taking over operations of all air carriers that can land in the USA would you? How else could these kind of things be prevented?
"The system worked", Liability. Take the gavage from that administration and accept it like a good little drone.

The system worked like a CHARM! The guy smuggled explosives on the plane in his bikini underpants. He was ON a fucking WATCH list. His DAD had called to WARN us. He was a young Muslim male coming from YEMEN. He bought his ticket with CASH. HE boarded an international flight destined for the Great Satan without a passport. But, at least he had no luggage!

Yes. I see it now. Considering that there was not a fucking CLUE in the universe, I have to admit that I was plainly wrong!

Are we in charge of Yemin or Amsterdam airline operations? Just asking. You wouldn't want our government taking over operations of all air carriers that can land in the USA would you? How else could these kind of things be prevented?

WE are in fact in charge of the boarding of passengers onto OUR airliners.

As we fucking well should be.

If some "sniffer" failed to work or if it didn't even exist at the boarding location, that's bad enough, but understandable in isolation.

What is NOT all that understandable is how or why a fucker ON one of our watch lists, coming from a God-foresaken cesspool like Yemen, without a passport and with no fucking luggage for a long overseas flight TO the United States who has been identified by his own FATHER to OUR people is allowed to get onto a U.S. passenger jet bound for the U.S. in the first fucking place.

How can these kind of things be prevented? A little bit of fucking common sense would have gone a mighty long way.
Actually it was reported that the President considered this a terrorist attack directly after the attempt occurred. I don't know where you get your news, but on CNN it was on the ticker immediately.
If you provide a link to that evidence, I will admit error on that point.

I don't have a link. I was in my bedroom after a long xmas day of grazing, a LOTR Risk game and cooking..........I sleep with the TV I drifted off watching it.
No offense, but your typed words mean nothing to me as far as substantiating your claim. Thus, your claim I must take as worth nothing.
Interesting that it takes Obama more than two days to even acknowledge that a terrorist attack occured within our borders and that's justified, yet when Bush was in front of a bunch of children and delayed reaction for a few minutes, that's unjustified.

Actually it was reported that the President considered this a terrorist attack directly after the attempt occurred. I don't know where you get your news, but on CNN it was on the ticker immediately.

The critics here never tune to CNN, are you kidding? Not only that, but Obama learned early on that to "immediately" appear in public on any event draws even more criticism, should he happen to use the wrong phraseology. That's what the fringe will glom onto, and not the actual meat of the matter.
Well, there is no proof that Obama even acknowledged this terrorist incident until several days later.

Do you have a link to it? That other poster failed to provide one, maybe you can.

Or, are you lying again?
Actually it was reported that the President considered this a terrorist attack directly after the attempt occurred. I don't know where you get your news, but on CNN it was on the ticker immediately.

The critics here never tune to CNN, are you kidding? Not only that, but Obama learned early on that to "immediately" appear in public on any event draws even more criticism, should he happen to use the wrong phraseology. That's what the fringe will glom onto, and not the actual meat of the matter.
Well, there is no proof that Obama even acknowledged this terrorist incident until several days later.

Do you have a link to it? That other poster failed to provide one, maybe you can.

Or, are you lying again?

In fairness to the President, when the "White House said" is used, that is pretty much a Presidential statement.

Here's a link from Christmas day:

Excerpt: "The White House said it believed it was an attempted act of terrorism and stricter security measures were quickly imposed on airline travel. Dutch anti-terrorism authorities said the U.S. has asked all airlines to take extra precautions on flights worldwide that are bound for the United States." Passengers help apprehend Nigerian man during attempted terrorist bombing of Detroit-bound flight | National News - - -
The system worked like a CHARM! The guy smuggled explosives on the plane in his bikini underpants. He was ON a fucking WATCH list. His DAD had called to WARN us. He was a young Muslim male coming from YEMEN. He bought his ticket with CASH. HE boarded an international flight destined for the Great Satan without a passport. But, at least he had no luggage!

Yes. I see it now. Considering that there was not a fucking CLUE in the universe, I have to admit that I was plainly wrong!

Are we in charge of Yemin or Amsterdam airline operations? Just asking. You wouldn't want our government taking over operations of all air carriers that can land in the USA would you? How else could these kind of things be prevented?

WE are in fact in charge of the boarding of passengers onto OUR airliners.

As we fucking well should be.

If some "sniffer" failed to work or if it didn't even exist at the boarding location, that's bad enough, but understandable in isolation.

What is NOT all that understandable is how or why a fucker ON one of our watch lists, coming from a God-foresaken cesspool like Yemen, without a passport and with no fucking luggage for a long overseas flight TO the United States who has been identified by his own FATHER to OUR people is allowed to get onto a U.S. passenger jet bound for the U.S. in the first fucking place.

How can these kind of things be prevented? A little bit of fucking common sense would have gone a mighty long way.

OK counselor...freshen me up. By what treaty or law do American companies call the shots in foreign countries? As far as I know there are no airlines owned by our government. I as a pilot know a few things but not being a commercial pilot I don't know the authority of which you speak. One thing the public may not know is that all air traffic control world wide is spoken in english.
Despite the barrage of complaints, neither Ms. Collins nor Mr. Lieberman, the Senate committee's leaders, called for Mr. Chertoff to resign. Instead, they said that decision was up to President Bush.

The White House, which has also been criticized as having exercised flawed leadership in the Hurricane Katrina crisis, has made it clear that such a move is not being considered.

The point is if you are in charge of Homeland Security , regardless of who you are or what party you belong too the actions of those around you are YOUR responsiblity as is the safety and security of this nation. If you FAIL in that responsibility then you should recognize that and resign that post. The one thing I do respect the current director for is at least admitting that her department screwed the pooch and needs work. It is still my opinion that this Director based on her previous record as Gov. of this state should never have been confirmed or considered for the post in the first place.

It appears that you believe that any time someone in any organization makes a mistake the leader of that organization must resign.

You sir are an idiot. You are also dishonest because obviously you are not concerned with bettering an organization but destroying it. Why not be a man and not a chimp by just coming out and saying what is on your mind. You want Obama to fail and are willing to do anything and say anything to advance that goal.

You hate america. That makes you a traitor to some oath you took sometime in your past.

Piss on you and yours.

What I believe is the following, that a person who is in charge of an organization that is responsible for the lives of others be that the Director of Homeland Security, or a pilot that through his or her own actions causes harm to those in their charge should resign or be fired PERIOD. There is NO room for error when you are responsible for the lives of others, it's okay to make mistakes if you work Starbucks but when you have the lives of an entire nation to be responsible for then you should accept responsibility for your mistakes and remove yourself for someone more qualified. In fact I DO NOT want the President to fail at all because when the President is successful then the rest of the nation is. You assume because of your partisanship and your blind hatred for any other view except your own what other people think. Do I disagree with the President on his policies, yes I do, but not all of them. If you had not resorted to name calling and acted in an adult manner then perhaps you would have realized that not EVERY person you speak to on here is a hyper-partisan and many are willing to have a rational discussion on the issues in an HONORABLE manner. Huggy, I've told you this before, and this will be the last time, until such time as you can act like a responsible adult and engage in an adult conversation without the need to hurl insults and dishonor yourself, you may as well not respond to any more of my posts as you will NOT get any more responses.....
The critics here never tune to CNN, are you kidding? Not only that, but Obama learned early on that to "immediately" appear in public on any event draws even more criticism, should he happen to use the wrong phraseology. That's what the fringe will glom onto, and not the actual meat of the matter.
Well, there is no proof that Obama even acknowledged this terrorist incident until several days later.

Do you have a link to it? That other poster failed to provide one, maybe you can.

Or, are you lying again?

In fairness to the President, when the "White House said" is used, that is pretty much a Presidential statement.

Here's a link from Christmas day:

Excerpt: "The White House said it believed it was an attempted act of terrorism and stricter security measures were quickly imposed on airline travel. Dutch anti-terrorism authorities said the U.S. has asked all airlines to take extra precautions on flights worldwide that are bound for the United States." Passengers help apprehend Nigerian man during attempted terrorist bombing of Detroit-bound flight | National News - - -
Thank you.
The Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System (often abbreviated CAPPS) is a counter-terrorism system in place in the United States air travel industry. The United States Transportation Security Administration (TSA) maintains a watchlist, pursuant to 49 USC § 114 (h)(2)[1], of "individuals known to pose, or suspected of posing, a risk of air piracy or terrorism or a threat to airline or passenger safety." The list is used to pre-emptively identify terrorists attempting to buy plane tickets or board planes traveling in the United States, and to mitigate perceived threats.

Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At issue is Delta's test run this month of CAPPS II, the Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System. CAPPS II would require background checks on all airline passengers when they book a ticket, including checking credit reports, banking and criminal records.

Passengers would then be assigned a threat level -- red, yellow or green -- which would help authorities determine if they should be subjected to increased security checks at the airport or refused boarding.

Advocates of CAPPS II insist the system will identify terrorists while allowing law-abiding citizens to avoid the airport security shakedown. But privacy advocates like Scannell believe CAPPS II is highly intrusive and ineffective in identifying terrorists.

Delta will be trying out CAPPS II at three as-yet undisclosed airports during the month of March. It's a first step prior to potentially deploying CAPPS II screening throughout the country over the next year.

Scannell hopes that people will join in his boycott to send a message to the airline industry and the government that CAPPS II is not acceptable.

"Delta was first in line to sign up for fascism," Scannell said. "CAPPS II treats all Americans who want to board a plane as if they were thugs. It's a horribly misguided attempt to make flying safer. It's ridiculous and horrible, and it has to stop."

Privacy Activist Takes on Delta
Despite the barrage of complaints, neither Ms. Collins nor Mr. Lieberman, the Senate committee's leaders, called for Mr. Chertoff to resign. Instead, they said that decision was up to President Bush.

The White House, which has also been criticized as having exercised flawed leadership in the Hurricane Katrina crisis, has made it clear that such a move is not being considered.

The point is if you are in charge of Homeland Security , regardless of who you are or what party you belong too the actions of those around you are YOUR responsiblity as is the safety and security of this nation. If you FAIL in that responsibility then you should recognize that and resign that post. The one thing I do respect the current director for is at least admitting that her department screwed the pooch and needs work. It is still my opinion that this Director based on her previous record as Gov. of this state should never have been confirmed or considered for the post in the first place.

It appears that you believe that any time someone in any organization makes a mistake the leader of that organization must resign.

You sir are an idiot. You are also dishonest because obviously you are not concerned with bettering an organization but destroying it. Why not be a man and not a chimp by just coming out and saying what is on your mind. You want Obama to fail and are willing to do anything and say anything to advance that goal.

You hate america. That makes you a traitor to some oath you took sometime in your past.

Piss on you and yours.

What I believe is the following, that a person who is in charge of an organization that is responsible for the lives of others be that the Director of Homeland Security, or a pilot that through his or her own actions causes harm to those in their charge should resign or be fired PERIOD. There is NO room for error when you are responsible for the lives of others, it's okay to make mistakes if you work Starbucks but when you have the lives of an entire nation to be responsible for then you should accept responsibility for your mistakes and remove yourself for someone more qualified. In fact I DO NOT want the President to fail at all because when the President is successful then the rest of the nation is. You assume because of your partisanship and your blind hatred for any other view except your own what other people think. Do I disagree with the President on his policies, yes I do, but not all of them. If you had not resorted to name calling and acted in an adult manner then perhaps you would have realized that not EVERY person you speak to on here is a hyper-partisan and many are willing to have a rational discussion on the issues in an HONORABLE manner. Huggy, I've told you this before, and this will be the last time, until such time as you can act like a responsible adult and engage in an adult conversation without the need to hurl insults and dishonor yourself, you may as well not respond to any more of my posts as you will NOT get any more responses.....

You are a blowviating moron,

There is NO room for error when you are responsible for the lives of others, i By your standards MCcain should have been lined up against the USS Forestal con tower and executed.

I am not partisan. My party no longer exists..It has been highjacked by fundimentalist half wits.

you will NOT get any more responses ...Ya ...right. You will respond any time I want you to.
Last edited:
Are we in charge of Yemin or Amsterdam airline operations? Just asking. You wouldn't want our government taking over operations of all air carriers that can land in the USA would you? How else could these kind of things be prevented?

WE are in fact in charge of the boarding of passengers onto OUR airliners.

As we fucking well should be.

If some "sniffer" failed to work or if it didn't even exist at the boarding location, that's bad enough, but understandable in isolation.

What is NOT all that understandable is how or why a fucker ON one of our watch lists, coming from a God-foresaken cesspool like Yemen, without a passport and with no fucking luggage for a long overseas flight TO the United States who has been identified by his own FATHER to OUR people is allowed to get onto a U.S. passenger jet bound for the U.S. in the first fucking place.

How can these kind of things be prevented? A little bit of fucking common sense would have gone a mighty long way.

OK counselor...freshen me up. By what treaty or law do American companies call the shots in foreign countries? As far as I know there are no airlines owned by our government. I as a pilot know a few things but not being a commercial pilot I don't know the authority of which you speak. One thing the public may not know is that all air traffic control world wide is spoken in english.

I have already provided one such link.

I am tired of doing other folks' homework.

Since the fucking flights are coming into the USA, the Federal Government by laws (and rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to those laws) DOES tell the airlines what they must do.

The airlines do not need to be "owned" by the Federal Government to be obliged to abide by such laws and rules and regulations.

For example, here's an interesting tidbit of information which is (itself) more or less directly responsive to your question:

Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 49, Volume 8]
[Revised as of October 1, 2003]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 49CFR1544.207]

[Page 321]



--Table of Contents

Subpart C--Operations

Sec. 1544.207 Screening of individuals and property.

(a) Applicability of this section. This section applies to the
inspection of individuals
, accessible property, checked baggage, and
cargo as required under this part.
(b) Locations within the United States at which TSA conducts
screening. Each aircraft operator must ensure that the individuals or
property have been inspected by TSA before boarding or loading on its
aircraft. This paragraph applies when TSA is conducting screening using
TSA employees or when using companies under contract with TSA.
(c) Aircraft operator conducting screening. Each aircraft operator
must use the measures in its security program and in subpart E of this
part to inspect the individual or property. This paragraph does not
apply at locations identified in paragraphs (b) and (d) of this section.
(d) Locations outside the United States at which the foreign
government conducts screening. Each aircraft operator must ensure that all individuals and property have been inspected by the foreign
This paragraph applies when the host government is
conducting screening using government employees or when using companies
under contract with the government.

There are actually innumerable such laws, rules and regulations.
The point is if you are in charge of Homeland Security , regardless of who you are or what party you belong too the actions of those around you are YOUR responsiblity as is the safety and security of this nation.

Janet Napolitano, Secretary of the Deception of Homeland Security (DHS), was kept out of the loop:

Christmas Kamikaze

What the US official didn’t say was that the Feds often and purposely exclude terrorists from such lists. Joe Trento is an investigative journalist and the author of Unsafe at Any Altitude: Failed Terrorism Investigations, Scapegoating 9/11, and the Shocking Truth about Aviation Security Today. He reports, "At the Central Intelligence Agency and Defense Intelligence Agency certain names and aliases are kept from the airlines and off the no-fly list to protect intelligence assets who are suspected or known terrorists." Why? Because, as Mr. Trento explains in his book, "...American intelligence and counterterrorism officials ... deliberately [allow] suspected terrorist to fly among innocent passengers in the hope that a terrorist would lead them to collaborators or even a terrorist cell." The government that nicks your Neutrogena lest you blow up your flight merely winks at Terry Q. Terrorist’s boarding.

Why is there a Napolitano in DC to blast?!


A GOP President...

*drumroll please*

CREATED THAT DEPARTMENT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Despite the barrage of complaints, neither Ms. Collins nor Mr. Lieberman, the Senate committee's leaders, called for Mr. Chertoff to resign. Instead, they said that decision was up to President Bush.

The White House, which has also been criticized as having exercised flawed leadership in the Hurricane Katrina crisis, has made it clear that such a move is not being considered.

The point is if you are in charge of Homeland Security , regardless of who you are or what party you belong too the actions of those around you are YOUR responsiblity as is the safety and security of this nation. If you FAIL in that responsibility then you should recognize that and resign that post. The one thing I do respect the current director for is at least admitting that her department screwed the pooch and needs work. It is still my opinion that this Director based on her previous record as Gov. of this state should never have been confirmed or considered for the post in the first place.

It appears that you believe that any time someone in any organization makes a mistake the leader of that organization must resign.

You sir are an idiot. You are also dishonest because obviously you are not concerned with bettering an organization but destroying it. Why not be a man and not a chimp by just coming out and saying what is on your mind. You want Obama to fail and are willing to do anything and say anything to advance that goal.

You hate america. That makes you a traitor to some oath you took sometime in your past.

Piss on you and yours.
Wanting the President and/or his policies to fail is not the same as wanting the country to fail.

We've married the government and country so much this fallen, mistaken philosophy has been wrought.

WE are in fact in charge of the boarding of passengers onto OUR airliners.

As we fucking well should be.

If some "sniffer" failed to work or if it didn't even exist at the boarding location, that's bad enough, but understandable in isolation.

What is NOT all that understandable is how or why a fucker ON one of our watch lists, coming from a God-foresaken cesspool like Yemen, without a passport and with no fucking luggage for a long overseas flight TO the United States who has been identified by his own FATHER to OUR people is allowed to get onto a U.S. passenger jet bound for the U.S. in the first fucking place.

How can these kind of things be prevented? A little bit of fucking common sense would have gone a mighty long way.

OK counselor...freshen me up. By what treaty or law do American companies call the shots in foreign countries? As far as I know there are no airlines owned by our government. I as a pilot know a few things but not being a commercial pilot I don't know the authority of which you speak. One thing the public may not know is that all air traffic control world wide is spoken in english.

I have already provided one such link.

I am tired of doing other folks' homework.

Since the fucking flights are coming into the USA, the Federal Government by laws (and rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to those laws) DOES tell the airlines what they must do.

The airlines do not need to be "owned" by the Federal Government to be obliged to abide by such laws and rules and regulations.

For example, here's an interesting tidbit of information which is (itself) more or less directly responsive to your question:

Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 49, Volume 8]
[Revised as of October 1, 2003]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 49CFR1544.207]

[Page 321]



--Table of Contents

Subpart C--Operations

Sec. 1544.207 Screening of individuals and property.

(a) Applicability of this section. This section applies to the
inspection of individuals
, accessible property, checked baggage, and
cargo as required under this part.
(b) Locations within the United States at which TSA conducts
screening. Each aircraft operator must ensure that the individuals or
property have been inspected by TSA before boarding or loading on its
aircraft. This paragraph applies when TSA is conducting screening using
TSA employees or when using companies under contract with TSA.
(c) Aircraft operator conducting screening. Each aircraft operator
must use the measures in its security program and in subpart E of this
part to inspect the individual or property. This paragraph does not
apply at locations identified in paragraphs (b) and (d) of this section.
(d) Locations outside the United States at which the foreign
government conducts screening. Each aircraft operator must ensure that all individuals and property have been inspected by the foreign
This paragraph applies when the host government is
conducting screening using government employees or when using companies
under contract with the government.

There are actually innumerable such laws, rules and regulations.

I apologize. I do not always participate in a thread from the start and only read the last few replies to catch up when I get in late. Then I seldom reply to someone unfamiliar so as to have seperated wheat from chaff. Like I mistake.

Now that's the rub isn't it...forcing airlines to force a foreign government to do something.
Why is there a Napolitano in DC to blast?!


A GOP President...

*drumroll please*

CREATED THAT DEPARTMENT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah. So?

We aren't objecting to the DHS. Or, at least that's not what I'm objecting to.

I am objecting to how the ill-suited present director is performing her actual duties.

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