So how many of you folks blasting Napolitano and Co. right now...

So Ms. Mondo if the pilot of your next flight is hitting on you at the airport bar one hour before your flight you would not board the plane, EVEN if he promised to let you ride first class on his lap?
I don't have enough information, really. I would need to know what he had to drink and how good looking he was. :)

What if he looked like me?:eusa_angel:
So Ms. Mondo if the pilot of your next flight is hitting on you at the airport bar one hour before your flight you would not board the plane, EVEN if he promised to let you ride first class on his lap?
I don't have enough information, really. I would need to know what he had to drink and how good looking he was. :)

What if he looked like me?:eusa_angel:
That's only 50% of the requirements. You like Dr. Pepper too much, so that would rule you out. ;)
What if he looked like me?:eusa_angel:
That's only 50% of the requirements. You like Dr. Pepper too much, so that would rule you out. ;) feelings are officially hurt now.
Would a cookie help?

Bits of information?????? :lol: It was the terrorist own father.
Sometimes it just better to remain silent Rinata, you wouldn't look so foolish.

What a jerk you are!!! All the father knew was that his son's ideas were off, you moron. What do you think the father said?? That his son was plannng to blow up a plane very soon??

We actually had a lot more warning before 9/11 that a terrorist attack was imminent. A month before 9/11 Bush received a Presidential Daily Briefing titled, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." Remember that?? Of course you don't.

There IS somebody that looks very foolish right now, but it sure isn't me!!! You tea bagging nuts are getting dumber by the day, I swear.

And when Bush received that daily Brief, just what is it that he could have done to prevent the attacks? How loud would have been the cries for impeachment because people were held up for security reasons when there was no danger? Remember the people did not see the brief and if Bush had done anything it would have been fear mongering and unconstitutional. If you deny that you lie.

Who made you the last word?? I'll deny what I think is untrue. And you are such a hypocrite. You're asking what poor Bush could have done?? Oh, he gets a pass, but you're blaming this administration because they should have known what to do, right?? Why are you holding Bush and Obama to two different standards??
What a jerk you are!!! All the father knew was that his son's ideas were off, you moron. What do you think the father said?? That his son was plannng to blow up a plane very soon??

We actually had a lot more warning before 9/11 that a terrorist attack was imminent. A month before 9/11 Bush received a Presidential Daily Briefing titled, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." Remember that?? Of course you don't.

There IS somebody that looks very foolish right now, but it sure isn't me!!! You tea bagging nuts are getting dumber by the day, I swear.

And when Bush received that daily Brief, just what is it that he could have done to prevent the attacks? How loud would have been the cries for impeachment because people were held up for security reasons when there was no danger? Remember the people did not see the brief and if Bush had done anything it would have been fear mongering and unconstitutional. If you deny that you lie.

Who made you the last word?? I'll deny what I think is untrue. And you are such a hypocrite. You're asking what poor Bush could have done?? Oh, he gets a pass, but you're blaming this administration because they should have known what to do, right?? Why are you holding Bush and Obama to two different standards??
This administration not only did not screen a terrorist on the watch list, but granted that terrorist a visa to our country. Those are the facts.
I'm not mad, you called me a jerk with !!!, and a teabagger, seems you are the one with the 'tude.
For the rest of your drivel in this's no more than a big projection on your part. I don't hate obama, and yes I am against his policies....but hate?? projection
I'm not blaming obama for what happened overseas...I'm blaming that we didn't have him on a no fly list. There was plenty of heads up on him, and that is undeniable, yet you denied it.
The rest of your pathetic drivel is just your pathetic opinion and doesn't even warrant more of a response than I have already given. You have been an epic fail with me on this thread, and really should remain silent on the subject. :lol:

Oh, no you don't!!!! I am not going to get blamed for this. Go back and look at post number 108. You are the one that started this little name calling exchange going on between us. You could have responded to my original post in a polite manner. But no, you had to be a smart ass. So I just gave what I got. Seems you are the one with the attitude, not I.

As far as the rest of your post, I don't believe you.

As for the rest of what you just said about not hating Obama

:lol: Rinata, I was trying to give you a heads up on looking foolish, you didn't heed my call. Then you cop a 'tude. :lol:
Lighten up. :lol:
Hey believe what you want to believe....not my problem.

Oh, you don't have to worry about that. I always do. That's why your childish comments don't bother me.
And when Bush received that daily Brief, just what is it that he could have done to prevent the attacks? How loud would have been the cries for impeachment because people were held up for security reasons when there was no danger? Remember the people did not see the brief and if Bush had done anything it would have been fear mongering and unconstitutional. If you deny that you lie.

Who made you the last word?? I'll deny what I think is untrue. And you are such a hypocrite. You're asking what poor Bush could have done?? Oh, he gets a pass, but you're blaming this administration because they should have known what to do, right?? Why are you holding Bush and Obama to two different standards??
This administration not only did not screen a terrorist on the watch list, but granted that terrorist a visa to our country. Those are the facts.

The facts according to you?? And what were the facts when it came to Bush being warned about Bin Laden?? This should be good.
Who made you the last word?? I'll deny what I think is untrue. And you are such a hypocrite. You're asking what poor Bush could have done?? Oh, he gets a pass, but you're blaming this administration because they should have known what to do, right?? Why are you holding Bush and Obama to two different standards??
This administration not only did not screen a terrorist on the watch list, but granted that terrorist a visa to our country. Those are the facts.

The facts according to you?? And what were the facts when it came to Bush being warned about Bin Laden?? This should be good.

You tell us. What, exactly, does it mean when some Clinton-ite apologist makes the claim that they "warned" the Bush Administration that Obama was a terrorist threat? Be very specific. Cite your sources. Links, please.

Oh, and since you are so busy deflecting, try to stay on topic.

Do all of the above homework and use it to START your own thread.
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Who made you the last word?? I'll deny what I think is untrue. And you are such a hypocrite. You're asking what poor Bush could have done?? Oh, he gets a pass, but you're blaming this administration because they should have known what to do, right?? Why are you holding Bush and Obama to two different standards??
This administration not only did not screen a terrorist on the watch list, but granted that terrorist a visa to our country. Those are the facts.

The facts according to you?? ....

The facts according to news reports on this. Read some of them. Try post no. 72 for starters. Read the link. Those are the facts.

Read or continue to look like an idiot.

.... And what were the facts when it came to Bush being warned about Bin Laden?? This should be good.
WTF does that have to do with this?

Despite the barrage of complaints, neither Ms. Collins nor Mr. Lieberman, the Senate committee's leaders, called for Mr. Chertoff to resign. Instead, they said that decision was up to President Bush.

The White House, which has also been criticized as having exercised flawed leadership in the Hurricane Katrina crisis, has made it clear that such a move is not being considered.

The point is if you are in charge of Homeland Security , regardless of who you are or what party you belong too the actions of those around you are YOUR responsiblity as is the safety and security of this nation. If you FAIL in that responsibility then you should recognize that and resign that post. The one thing I do respect the current director for is at least admitting that her department screwed the pooch and needs work. It is still my opinion that this Director based on her previous record as Gov. of this state should never have been confirmed or considered for the post in the first place.
Interesting that it takes Obama more than two days to even acknowledge that a terrorist attack occured within our borders and that's justified, yet when Bush was in front of a bunch of children and delayed reaction for a few minutes, that's unjustified.

Actually it was reported that the President considered this a terrorist attack directly after the attempt occurred. I don't know where you get your news, but on CNN it was on the ticker immediately.
Despite the barrage of complaints, neither Ms. Collins nor Mr. Lieberman, the Senate committee's leaders, called for Mr. Chertoff to resign. Instead, they said that decision was up to President Bush.

The White House, which has also been criticized as having exercised flawed leadership in the Hurricane Katrina crisis, has made it clear that such a move is not being considered.

The point is if you are in charge of Homeland Security , regardless of who you are or what party you belong too the actions of those around you are YOUR responsiblity as is the safety and security of this nation. If you FAIL in that responsibility then you should recognize that and resign that post. The one thing I do respect the current director for is at least admitting that her department screwed the pooch and needs work. It is still my opinion that this Director based on her previous record as Gov. of this state should never have been confirmed or considered for the post in the first place.

It is my understanding that the FBI, the CIA, NSA and whatever other alphabet soups there are, are NOT sharing info......they are still jealously guarding it with "need to know" BS. This can't be Napolitano's fault. She doesn't control the CIA or the NSA. Some mechanism has to be altered to allow the exchange of info for us to go forward.
Most of you know , that I would never be considered as a supporter of President Obama's policies , however I think it's a bit much to assume the President was not informed, nor was the President out of touch in this matter simply because the President was on vacation. The President has the ability no matter where he is to communicate with the departments in Govt. and its an over-reach to suggest that the Presidents vacation somehow implies he was out of touch on this issue. The main focus should be on Homeland Security and if the President and the current Director are putting in place procedures to protect the nation for attack such as these, and if the current Director has the ability to do so.
Despite the barrage of complaints, neither Ms. Collins nor Mr. Lieberman, the Senate committee's leaders, called for Mr. Chertoff to resign. Instead, they said that decision was up to President Bush.

The White House, which has also been criticized as having exercised flawed leadership in the Hurricane Katrina crisis, has made it clear that such a move is not being considered.

The point is if you are in charge of Homeland Security , regardless of who you are or what party you belong too the actions of those around you are YOUR responsiblity as is the safety and security of this nation. If you FAIL in that responsibility then you should recognize that and resign that post. The one thing I do respect the current director for is at least admitting that her department screwed the pooch and needs work. It is still my opinion that this Director based on her previous record as Gov. of this state should never have been confirmed or considered for the post in the first place.

It is my understanding that the FBI, the CIA, NSA and whatever other alphabet soups there are, are NOT sharing info......they are still jealously guarding it with "need to know" BS. This can't be Napolitano's fault. She doesn't control the CIA or the NSA. Some mechanism has to be altered to allow the exchange of info for us to go forward.

"Once Abdulmutallab's dad went to the embassy November 19th and made a complaint, a report was generated and sent to NCTC.

"Once NCTC receives such a report, an intelligence analyst checks to see if the person has any other associations in the database. If it’s the first time the person’s name is coming up, NCTC creates a record under the person’s name, as was done with Abdulmutallab, and that name is added to the TIDE [Terrorism Identities Datamart Environment] list. Agencies across the federal government have access to TIDE."

What happened after NCTC got report on Abdulmutallab - Laura Rozen -

While it's true the turf war's in several Depts. still goes on, that does not excuse the Director, nor does it excuse the DOJ, or the CIA. It's my opinion that in order to be right then those individuals need to be held to the highest of standards regardless of who they are.
Despite the barrage of complaints, neither Ms. Collins nor Mr. Lieberman, the Senate committee's leaders, called for Mr. Chertoff to resign. Instead, they said that decision was up to President Bush.

The White House, which has also been criticized as having exercised flawed leadership in the Hurricane Katrina crisis, has made it clear that such a move is not being considered.

The point is if you are in charge of Homeland Security , regardless of who you are or what party you belong too the actions of those around you are YOUR responsiblity as is the safety and security of this nation. If you FAIL in that responsibility then you should recognize that and resign that post. The one thing I do respect the current director for is at least admitting that her department screwed the pooch and needs work. It is still my opinion that this Director based on her previous record as Gov. of this state should never have been confirmed or considered for the post in the first place.

It is my understanding that the FBI, the CIA, NSA and whatever other alphabet soups there are, are NOT sharing info......they are still jealously guarding it with "need to know" BS. This can't be Napolitano's fault. She doesn't control the CIA or the NSA. Some mechanism has to be altered to allow the exchange of info for us to go forward.

"Once Abdulmutallab's dad went to the embassy November 19th and made a complaint, a report was generated and sent to NCTC.

"Once NCTC receives such a report, an intelligence analyst checks to see if the person has any other associations in the database. If it’s the first time the person’s name is coming up, NCTC creates a record under the person’s name, as was done with Abdulmutallab, and that name is added to the TIDE [Terrorism Identities Datamart Environment] list. Agencies across the federal government have access to TIDE."

What happened after NCTC got report on Abdulmutallab - Laura Rozen -

While it's true the turf war's in several Depts. still goes on, that does not excuse the Director, nor does it excuse the DOJ, or the CIA. It's my opinion that in order to be right then those individuals need to be held to the highest of standards regardless of who they are.

The multitude of hints and red flags make the "question" not only urgent, but unavoidable:

Are ANY of the folks in the Department of Homeland Security actually considering DOING their job?
It is my understanding that the FBI, the CIA, NSA and whatever other alphabet soups there are, are NOT sharing info......they are still jealously guarding it with "need to know" BS. This can't be Napolitano's fault. She doesn't control the CIA or the NSA. Some mechanism has to be altered to allow the exchange of info for us to go forward.

"Once Abdulmutallab's dad went to the embassy November 19th and made a complaint, a report was generated and sent to NCTC.

"Once NCTC receives such a report, an intelligence analyst checks to see if the person has any other associations in the database. If it’s the first time the person’s name is coming up, NCTC creates a record under the person’s name, as was done with Abdulmutallab, and that name is added to the TIDE [Terrorism Identities Datamart Environment] list. Agencies across the federal government have access to TIDE."

What happened after NCTC got report on Abdulmutallab - Laura Rozen -

While it's true the turf war's in several Depts. still goes on, that does not excuse the Director, nor does it excuse the DOJ, or the CIA. It's my opinion that in order to be right then those individuals need to be held to the highest of standards regardless of who they are.

The multitude of hints and red flags make the "question" not only urgent, but unavoidable:

Are ANY of the folks in the Department of Homeland Security actually considering DOING their job?
"The system worked", Liability. Take the gavage from that administration and accept it like a good little drone.
Oh, no you don't!!!! I am not going to get blamed for this. Go back and look at post number 108. You are the one that started this little name calling exchange going on between us. You could have responded to my original post in a polite manner. But no, you had to be a smart ass. So I just gave what I got. Seems you are the one with the attitude, not I.

As far as the rest of your post, I don't believe you.

As for the rest of what you just said about not hating Obama

:lol: Rinata, I was trying to give you a heads up on looking foolish, you didn't heed my call. Then you cop a 'tude. :lol:
Lighten up. :lol:
Hey believe what you want to believe....not my problem.

Oh, you don't have to worry about that. I always do. That's why your childish comments don't bother me.

And your stupidity doesn't bother me, Rinata. That's why I really didn't address, your stupid accusations. I was just trying not make you look foolish with your stupid comments.
But you really can't help yourself. I bet your foot and your mouth are best of friends. :lol:
Interesting that it takes Obama more than two days to even acknowledge that a terrorist attack occured within our borders and that's justified, yet when Bush was in front of a bunch of children and delayed reaction for a few minutes, that's unjustified.

Actually it was reported that the President considered this a terrorist attack directly after the attempt occurred. I don't know where you get your news, but on CNN it was on the ticker immediately.
If you provide a link to that evidence, I will admit error on that point.

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