So how's the weather?

46 degrees in St Louis Today
50 degrees in St Louis Monday
56 degrees in St Louis Tuesday
54 degrees in St Louis Wednesday
No frost until Friday night.
Cloudy 64 F . Its got my gout acting up in the worse way. There does seem to be a connection of the two.
Same as I recall down here since 1984 or so. 72-80 and some cloud. Might rain. Might not.
Cloudy humid and 40 degrees. Off and on drizzle.

Light breeze coming from the west, as usual, 7.2 mph.

Clouds are at about 1700 feet.
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Currently 42 & cloudy but should clear up by tomorrow. For the next week or so highs in the low 40's, and low temps in the 20's. Brrrrr
46 degrees in St Louis Today
50 degrees in St Louis Monday
56 degrees in St Louis Tuesday
54 degrees in St Louis Wednesday
No frost until Friday night.
St. Louis gets weird weather. Everybody gets flood damage when the spring rains come.
5° when I woke up at about 3AM.

Piles of snow from a couple of days ago and now everything is covered with huge frosty crystals.

Beautiful variety of winter weather here in the Midwest.
A comfortable 72 degrees with light cloud cover.
Down from the 81 degrees we've been seeing for the last week.
No wind. No rain. Not a cloud can be seen. Going to a high of 75. I think I’ll get plenty of vitamin D.
So cold, and fuel is so expensive, it will cost me $1650 to heat my house one month

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