So I decided to flip on BSNBC just to see if they are race baiting. Just, to see.


Holy crap.

Please tell me that's Photoshop.

No, it is not photoshopped. She is a complete fucking moron. Same network, mind you that employs Al Sharpton.

Of course the left make fun of Fox News.

Let me put it this way. There is nothing, that a liberal ever says, that is worthy of any respect.
Texas Republicans banned tampons from the legislature during debate. As you say, "holy crap!" That's not noteworthy? Or stupid? Or worthy of reporting in a mocking way?

Of course, guns, with a concealed carry permit, are just fine. they didn't. Try again
This didn't happen??

TamponGate Texas Senate issues ban on feminine hygiene products GlobalPost

You are still not stating what it was really about, so please stop your fucking left wing jedi mind trick on me you fucking sock puppet.
Nice race-baiting thread, conservatives, with a good dash of ugly sexism thrown in. You are all truly a credit to your race/gender.

How fucking hypocritical and ironic. Should have put your absolutely worthless ass on ignore a long time ago.

Each one of your posts gives me indigestion. Stupid fucktard.

Holy crap.

Please tell me that's Photoshop.

No, it is not photoshopped. She is a complete fucking moron. Same network, mind you that employs Al Sharpton.

Of course the left make fun of Fox News.

Let me put it this way. There is nothing, that a liberal ever says, that is worthy of any respect.
Texas Republicans banned tampons from the legislature during debate. As you say, "holy crap!" That's not noteworthy? Or stupid? Or worthy of reporting in a mocking way?

Of course, guns, with a concealed carry permit, are just fine.

You're so silly. Who is going to throw a gun?
No it didn't.

They did confiscate items that might be thrown at the stage during the debate. Including jars of urine and poo. So, even though it has been twisted into a horrible thing you wussies can get your bowels all knotted up over, it was just a minor over reach to disgusting display of progressive aggression. The restrooms have supplies.
But not items that could be shot at the stage?

Don't you have a sense of irony?
No it didn't.

They did confiscate items that might be thrown at the stage during the debate. Including jars of urine and poo. So, even though it has been twisted into a horrible thing you wussies can get your bowels all knotted up over, it was just a minor over reach to disgusting display of progressive aggression. The restrooms have supplies.
But not items that could be shot at the stage?

Don't you have a sense of irony?
That's not irony, it's stupidity
They did confiscate items that might be thrown at the stage during the debate.

Anything not bolted down to the floor can be thrown. Humyn bodies can be thrown. What if one of those "evil protestors" had committed a suicide throwing attack and thrown hyrsylf at the legislators during their debate on how best to oppress strong, independent womyn?

Wrongpublicans are trying hard to get us to a fascist, totalitarian state, but thank the non-existent-all-knowing-omniscient-being that they're too fucking stupid to make much progress.
Hosted by this victim of white America, who has tampons (yes tampons) hanging from her ear lobes.

Notice her thick rimmed academia glasses.



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