So I guess unemployment isn't at 40 percent anymore?

Obama was lying to the American people about unemployment.

He didn't include the millions of people that had given up looking for work nor did he account for the massive underemployment. People that use to have good paying jobs are now working part time for lower wages.
How is that "lying?" No one has ever included people not trying to get a job as unemployed. Neither Obama nor anyone else has ever claimed the unemployment rate did include people not trying to work. And no one has ever included people with jobs as unemployed.

But please, point out a specific lie.

Obama lied by omission. There are millions of Americans that have either given up looking for jobs or are underemployed because of the Kenyan Catastrophe's piss poor failed Left economic policies. His unemployment figures omit many Americans that have been harmed by his policies and that becomes a major lie to the American people.

Obama cooked the book on unemployment to make it look like he was successful when he was a failure.

Just think a little bit. How can he have real lower unemployment when during his administration poverty increased, the welfare rolls increased, family income decreased, the worker participation rate is at a 40 year low and he did not achieve even one year of 3% economic growth?

Obama tried to stimulate the economy with the typical Left stupid idea of redistribution of wealth and income and like always is a failure. He stifled capitalistic growth and that is why the economy did so poorly during his administration. The Moon Bats were idiots to elect him.

By the way, the method that the BLS uses to determine unemployment is by calling up a few people in a poll. Have they ever called you up?
Obama was lying to the American people about unemployment.

He didn't include the millions of people that had given up looking for work nor did he account for the massive underemployment. People that use to have good paying jobs are now working part time for lower wages.
How is that "lying?" No one has ever included people not trying to get a job as unemployed. Neither Obama nor anyone else has ever claimed the unemployment rate did include people not trying to work. And no one has ever included people with jobs as unemployed.

But please, point out a specific lie.

Obama lied by omission. There are millions of Americans that have either given up looking for jobs or are underemployed because of the Kenyan Catastrophe's piss poor failed Left economic policies. His unemployment figures omit many Americans that have been harmed by his policies and that becomes a major lie to the American people.

Obama cooked the book on unemployment to make it look like he was successful when he was a failure.

Just think a little bit. How can he have real lower unemployment when during his administration poverty increased, the welfare rolls increased, family income decreased, the worker participation rate is at a 40 year low and he did not achieve even one year of 3% economic growth?

Obama tried to stimulate the economy with the typical Left stupid idea of redistribution of wealth and income and like always is a failure. He stifled capitalistic growth and that is why the economy did so poorly during his administration. The Moon Bats were idiots to elect him.

By the way, the method that the BLS uses to determine unemployment is by calling up a few people in a poll. Have they ever called you up?

Fucking nonsence, U3 has always been the official unemployment measure.

There are also alternate measures that BLS provides like U6 which counts everything you "DAY KOOKED DA BOOKZ!" idiots are bitching about including discouraged and underemployed.


It is way down along with standard U3 measurement with very little remaining slack after Obama's 8 years of stable growth.
If Trump continues to use the method Obama used to cook the books on unemployment the rate will be 1% when Trump stimulates the economy.

However, I suspect Trump won't do that. He is not the lying scumbag like Obama.

Yup and of course his administration takes credit for good news. Its what all administrations do.
Obama was lying to the American people about unemployment.

He didn't include the millions of people that had given up looking for work nor did he account for the massive underemployment. People that use to have good paying jobs are now working part time for lower wages.
How is that "lying?" No one has ever included people not trying to get a job as unemployed. Neither Obama nor anyone else has ever claimed the unemployment rate did include people not trying to work. And no one has ever included people with jobs as unemployed.

But please, point out a specific lie.

Obama lied by omission. There are millions of Americans that have either given up looking for jobs or are underemployed because of the Kenyan Catastrophe's piss poor failed Left economic policies. His unemployment figures omit many Americans that have been harmed by his policies and that becomes a major lie to the American people.

Obama cooked the book on unemployment to make it look like he was successful when he was a failure.

Just think a little bit. How can he have real lower unemployment when during his administration poverty increased, the welfare rolls increased, family income decreased, the worker participation rate is at a 40 year low and he did not achieve even one year of 3% economic growth?

Obama tried to stimulate the economy with the typical Left stupid idea of redistribution of wealth and income and like always is a failure. He stifled capitalistic growth and that is why the economy did so poorly during his administration. The Moon Bats were idiots to elect him.

By the way, the method that the BLS uses to determine unemployment is by calling up a few people in a poll. Have they ever called you up?

Fucking nonsence, U3 has always been the official unemployment measure.

There are also alternate measures that BLS provides like U6 which counts everything you "DAY KOOKED DA BOOKZ!" idiots are bitching about including discouraged and underemployed.


It is way down along with standard U3 measurement with very little remaining slack after Obama's 8 years of stable growth.

The figures used by the BLS come from a sampling of 60,000 households. A dishonest administration like Obama could cook the books by controlling the sampling population, which suppose to be representative but is subjective. Democrats are notorious for being dishonest with the American people.

Have you ever been contacted by the BLS? If so did you tell them the truth? How do you know if the person on the other end reported what you told them accurately? What if you are out of work and don't have a phone how is the BLS going to know if you are unemployed? What if you simply do not answer the phone?

How come we have had dismal economic growth, increased poverty, increased welfare, low workforce participation and decreased family income during the Obama administration but yet the asshole has been telling us that unemployment is fantastic? That doesn't even pass the snicker test except to you stupid Moon Bats. Then you wonder why we ridicule you for your stupidity so much.
Obama was lying to the American people about unemployment.

He didn't include the millions of people that had given up looking for work nor did he account for the massive underemployment. People that use to have good paying jobs are now working part time for lower wages.
How is that "lying?" No one has ever included people not trying to get a job as unemployed. Neither Obama nor anyone else has ever claimed the unemployment rate did include people not trying to work. And no one has ever included people with jobs as unemployed.

But please, point out a specific lie.

Obama lied by omission.
No. Because there was no reason to think anyone who was employed nor anyone not trying to work was included. Basically, you're saying that even though no one had ever included these groups, or claimed they were included, Obama should have and was lying by not. That's ridiculous.

There are millions of Americans that have either given up looking for jobs or are underemployed because of the Kenyan Catastrophe's piss poor failed Left economic policies. His unemployment figures omit many Americans that have been harmed by his policies and that becomes a major lie to the American people.
I'm sorry, where does it say that the unemployment figures are supposed to be a measure of harm?

Obama cooked the book on unemployment to make it look like he was successful when he was a failure.
Which is it? Lying by omission or cooking the books?

Just think a little bit. How can he have real lower unemployment when during his administration poverty increased, the welfare rolls increased, family income decreased, the worker participation rate is at a 40 year low and he did not achieve even one year of 3% economic growth?
None of those have anything to do with the unemployment rate. The UE rate is lower because a lower percent of people trying to work are unsuccessful.

By the way, the method that the BLS uses to determine unemployment is by calling up a few people in a poll. Have they ever called you up?
Actually, Census conducts the survey...60,000 households a month, where each address is in the survey for 4 months, out for 8, and then back in for 4 months.
I don't have any reasonable expectation that my address in particular would be selected for the survey.
Obama was lying to the American people about unemployment.

He didn't include the millions of people that had given up looking for work nor did he account for the massive underemployment. People that use to have good paying jobs are now working part time for lower wages.
How is that "lying?" No one has ever included people not trying to get a job as unemployed. Neither Obama nor anyone else has ever claimed the unemployment rate did include people not trying to work. And no one has ever included people with jobs as unemployed.

But please, point out a specific lie.

Obama lied by omission. There are millions of Americans that have either given up looking for jobs or are underemployed because of the Kenyan Catastrophe's piss poor failed Left economic policies. His unemployment figures omit many Americans that have been harmed by his policies and that becomes a major lie to the American people.

Obama cooked the book on unemployment to make it look like he was successful when he was a failure.

Just think a little bit. How can he have real lower unemployment when during his administration poverty increased, the welfare rolls increased, family income decreased, the worker participation rate is at a 40 year low and he did not achieve even one year of 3% economic growth?

Obama tried to stimulate the economy with the typical Left stupid idea of redistribution of wealth and income and like always is a failure. He stifled capitalistic growth and that is why the economy did so poorly during his administration. The Moon Bats were idiots to elect him.

By the way, the method that the BLS uses to determine unemployment is by calling up a few people in a poll. Have they ever called you up?

Fucking nonsence, U3 has always been the official unemployment measure.

There are also alternate measures that BLS provides like U6 which counts everything you "DAY KOOKED DA BOOKZ!" idiots are bitching about including discouraged and underemployed.


It is way down along with standard U3 measurement with very little remaining slack after Obama's 8 years of stable growth.

The figures used by the BLS come from a sampling of 60,000 households. A dishonest administration like Obama could cook the books by controlling the sampling population, which suppose to be representative but is subjective. .
"could?" How? And you haven't been saying Obama "could" have cooked the books, you were saying he DID. Which is it? And where's your evidence?
Obama was lying to the American people about unemployment.

He didn't include the millions of people that had given up looking for work nor did he account for the massive underemployment. People that use to have good paying jobs are now working part time for lower wages.
How is that "lying?" No one has ever included people not trying to get a job as unemployed. Neither Obama nor anyone else has ever claimed the unemployment rate did include people not trying to work. And no one has ever included people with jobs as unemployed.

But please, point out a specific lie.

Obama lied by omission. There are millions of Americans that have either given up looking for jobs or are underemployed because of the Kenyan Catastrophe's piss poor failed Left economic policies. His unemployment figures omit many Americans that have been harmed by his policies and that becomes a major lie to the American people.

Obama cooked the book on unemployment to make it look like he was successful when he was a failure.

Just think a little bit. How can he have real lower unemployment when during his administration poverty increased, the welfare rolls increased, family income decreased, the worker participation rate is at a 40 year low and he did not achieve even one year of 3% economic growth?

Obama tried to stimulate the economy with the typical Left stupid idea of redistribution of wealth and income and like always is a failure. He stifled capitalistic growth and that is why the economy did so poorly during his administration. The Moon Bats were idiots to elect him.

By the way, the method that the BLS uses to determine unemployment is by calling up a few people in a poll. Have they ever called you up?

Fucking nonsence, U3 has always been the official unemployment measure.

There are also alternate measures that BLS provides like U6 which counts everything you "DAY KOOKED DA BOOKZ!" idiots are bitching about including discouraged and underemployed.


It is way down along with standard U3 measurement with very little remaining slack after Obama's 8 years of stable growth.

The figures used by the BLS come from a sampling of 60,000 households. A dishonest administration like Obama could cook the books by controlling the sampling population, which suppose to be representative but is subjective. Democrats are notorious for being dishonest with the American people.

Have you ever been contacted by the BLS? If so did you tell them the truth? How do you know if the person on the other end reported what you told them accurately? What if you are out of work and don't have a phone how is the BLS going to know if you are unemployed? What if you simply do not answer the phone?

How come we have had dismal economic growth, increased poverty, increased welfare, low workforce participation and decreased family income during the Obama administration but yet the asshole has been telling us that unemployment is fantastic? That doesn't even pass the snicker test except to you stupid Moon Bats. Then you wonder why we ridicule you for your stupidity so much.

There is so much ignorance in your thought process it's tough to know where to start


President of the United States meddling in the Labor Statistics numbers for political gain would be a HUGE SCANDAL.

What you are proposing with your conspiracy theories is that Obama's admin faked the numbers AND established collusion between household survey process that estimates unemployment % numbers, payroll growth and layoffs reported separately by the employer surveys AND convinced Trump's admin to do the same in January to get pretty much same numbers.

You don't know much of anything about various statistics you throw out and so you live in this nonsensical alternate universe where you get to believe whatever feels good to your politico senses.
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[None of those have anything to do with the unemployment rate.
I don't have any reasonable expectation that my address in particular would be selected for the survey.

This is the type of dishonesty and denial we see from you stupid Moon Bats.

How can any country with increased poverty, decreased family income, dismal economic growth, very low worker participation rates and increased welfare have real low unemployment? You need to think about that a little bit Moon Bat. Either the figures were lies or else the figures represented a false picture.

Obama's cooked books on unemployment doesn't even come close to measuring the suffering of American due to his terrible Left economic policies. He failed at a recovery and he cooked the books on unemployment to hide the real suffering of the American people. The American peole that kicked over a thousand Democrats out of office and who elected a President running on a platform to fix what the Kenyan Catastrophe broke.

The BLS reported to that asshole Obama. The methods they used with their polling was subject to manipulation by the dishonest administration (the same administration that lied to us about Obamacare and Benghazi) and the figures didn't match the real economic health of this country. You Moon Bats have always had your head up your asses when it comes to understanding Obama's failed economy, haven't you? Any plans in the future to pull you head out of your ass?
Obama's cooked books on unemployment

Did Trump cook the books on unemployment? January numbers are completely line with what BLS has been reporting under Obama. How to explain such oddity?

How to explain job growth and LFPR statistics corresponding to unemployment% drops?

White House claims credit for January jobs report

The White House is taking credit for January’s robust jobs report, saying that companies ramped up hiring amid optimism that President Trump would be more friendly to businesses than President Obama.

The economy added 227,000 new jobs in January, far greater than the 175,000 jobs economists had expected.

The report, the first since Trump took office on Jan. 20, also found the unemployment rate tick up to 4.8 percent because more Americans were looking for work.

Here's what Trump USED to say about jobs reports....way back when he was only 70 and a half....

The unemployment rate, he said in December, is “totally fiction.” He claimed at one point during the campaign that the real jobless rate was not the number below 5 percent widely cited by economists, but something like 42 percent.

What is your point? He said the jobless rate is under counting the jobless, it is. He said it improved, it did. What are you seeing as a contradiction in that?
White House claims credit for January jobs report

The White House is taking credit for January’s robust jobs report, saying that companies ramped up hiring amid optimism that President Trump would be more friendly to businesses than President Obama.

The economy added 227,000 new jobs in January, far greater than the 175,000 jobs economists had expected.

The report, the first since Trump took office on Jan. 20, also found the unemployment rate tick up to 4.8 percent because more Americans were looking for work.

Here's what Trump USED to say about jobs reports....way back when he was only 70 and a half....

The unemployment rate, he said in December, is “totally fiction.” He claimed at one point during the campaign that the real jobless rate was not the number below 5 percent widely cited by economists, but something like 42 percent.

What is your point? He said the jobless rate is under counting the jobless, it is. He said it improved, it did. What are you seeing as a contradiction in that?

The point is Trump is using very same report, with very same numbers he said were fiction during the campaign.

This proves again (as if more was needed) that he is full of shit.
White House claims credit for January jobs report

The White House is taking credit for January’s robust jobs report, saying that companies ramped up hiring amid optimism that President Trump would be more friendly to businesses than President Obama.

The economy added 227,000 new jobs in January, far greater than the 175,000 jobs economists had expected.

The report, the first since Trump took office on Jan. 20, also found the unemployment rate tick up to 4.8 percent because more Americans were looking for work.

Here's what Trump USED to say about jobs reports....way back when he was only 70 and a half....

The unemployment rate, he said in December, is “totally fiction.” He claimed at one point during the campaign that the real jobless rate was not the number below 5 percent widely cited by economists, but something like 42 percent.

What is your point? He said the jobless rate is under counting the jobless, it is. He said it improved, it did. What are you seeing as a contradiction in that?

The point is Trump is using very same report, with very same numbers he said were fiction during the campaign.

So now you know who is actually full of BS.

A distinction without a difference. He said it's BS because it's undercounting, he didn't say it's fabricating numbers. He said the interpretation of them is BS. It is. Imagine a bunch of people find jobs and the unemployment rate supposedly goes up. It's stupid.

That number even went up because more people started looking for jobs so he wasn't even basing his argument on that number.

Butt hurt just flames you people to meet every comment from Trump with stupid
White House claims credit for January jobs report

The White House is taking credit for January’s robust jobs report, saying that companies ramped up hiring amid optimism that President Trump would be more friendly to businesses than President Obama.

The economy added 227,000 new jobs in January, far greater than the 175,000 jobs economists had expected.

The report, the first since Trump took office on Jan. 20, also found the unemployment rate tick up to 4.8 percent because more Americans were looking for work.

Here's what Trump USED to say about jobs reports....way back when he was only 70 and a half....

The unemployment rate, he said in December, is “totally fiction.” He claimed at one point during the campaign that the real jobless rate was not the number below 5 percent widely cited by economists, but something like 42 percent.

What is your point? He said the jobless rate is under counting the jobless, it is. He said it improved, it did. What are you seeing as a contradiction in that?

The point is Trump is using very same report, with very same numbers he said were fiction during the campaign.

So now you know who is actually full of BS.

A distinction without a difference. He said it's BS because it's undercounting, he didn't say it's fabricating numbers. He said the interpretation of them is BS. It is. Imagine a bunch of people find jobs and the unemployment rate supposedly goes up. It's stupid.

That number even went up because more people started looking for jobs so he wasn't even basing his argument on that number.

Butt hurt just flames you people to meet every comment from Trump with stupid


“The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction."
— Donald Trump, remarks at an rally in Des Moines, Dec. 8, 2016

"Our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent,"

What's poor know nothing like Flash to think when his dear leader says something like that?

If Trump continues to use the method Obama used to cook the books on unemployment the rate will be 1% when Trump stimulates the economy.

However, I suspect Trump won't do that. He is not the lying scumbag like Obama.


He's ALREADY taking credit for Obama's economy. Is there any room for shame among Trump and the Trumpanzees?
well funny how jobs went up and so did unemployment figures. How is that exactly since when before trump took office you all were proud of that unemployment number, while the many of us told you it was higher and you slapped us and said otherwise. D'OH!

Trump is encouraging people to relook into getting a job and that my friend is Trump's to take credit for. Now you, you can't have it both ways. which way is it?
Obama was lying to the American people about unemployment.

He didn't include the millions of people that had given up looking for work nor did he account for the massive underemployment. People that use to have good paying jobs are now working part time for lower wages.

Obama's unemployment rates doesn't even pass the snicker test. Not when during his administration we had increased poverty, decreased family income. increased welfare and not even one year that had as much as a 3% GDP growth.

He was lying and only the Moon Bats believed the lies.

Dipshit, the jobs #s are provided by the BLS, not Obama. And they're STILL provided by the BLS.

But tell me more about how Trump is going to do so much better by spending $7 million in tax breaks for 300 jobs in Indiana.
hey goofball, how did the media report those numbers and did obummer ever make statements that many of the unemployed dropped out of looking for jobs, or did he want his numbers to look good so he ommited all of that?
If Trump continues to use the method Obama used to cook the books on unemployment the rate will be 1% when Trump stimulates the economy.

However, I suspect Trump won't do that. He is not the lying scumbag like Obama.


He's ALREADY taking credit for Obama's economy. Is there any room for shame among Trump and the Trumpanzees?

well funny how jobs went up and so did unemployment figures.

Whats not funny is that you have no idea where the numbers come from and why they can diverge on month-to-month basis without contradiction.
White House claims credit for January jobs report

The White House is taking credit for January’s robust jobs report, saying that companies ramped up hiring amid optimism that President Trump would be more friendly to businesses than President Obama.

The economy added 227,000 new jobs in January, far greater than the 175,000 jobs economists had expected.

The report, the first since Trump took office on Jan. 20, also found the unemployment rate tick up to 4.8 percent because more Americans were looking for work.

Here's what Trump USED to say about jobs reports....way back when he was only 70 and a half....

The unemployment rate, he said in December, is “totally fiction.” He claimed at one point during the campaign that the real jobless rate was not the number below 5 percent widely cited by economists, but something like 42 percent.

What is your point? He said the jobless rate is under counting the jobless, it is. He said it improved, it did. What are you seeing as a contradiction in that?

The point is Trump is using very same report, with very same numbers he said were fiction during the campaign.

So now you know who is actually full of BS.

A distinction without a difference. He said it's BS because it's undercounting, he didn't say it's fabricating numbers. He said the interpretation of them is BS. It is. Imagine a bunch of people find jobs and the unemployment rate supposedly goes up. It's stupid.

That number even went up because more people started looking for jobs so he wasn't even basing his argument on that number.

Butt hurt just flames you people to meet every comment from Trump with stupid


“The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction."
— Donald Trump, remarks at an rally in Des Moines, Dec. 8, 2016

"Our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent,"

What's poor know nothing like Flash to think when his dear leader says something like that?
dude again, he is spot fking on. what is it you miss here?
If Trump continues to use the method Obama used to cook the books on unemployment the rate will be 1% when Trump stimulates the economy.

However, I suspect Trump won't do that. He is not the lying scumbag like Obama.


He's ALREADY taking credit for Obama's economy. Is there any room for shame among Trump and the Trumpanzees?

well funny how jobs went up and so did unemployment figures.

Whats not funny is that you have no idea where the numbers come from and why they can diverge on month-to-month basis without contradiction.
sure we do, all of them including the 95 million who aren't in the figures. it's called the participation number. go look it up Sherlock
Imagine a bunch of people find jobs and the unemployment rate supposedly goes up. It's stupid.

That number even went up because more people started looking for jobs so he wasn't even basing his argument on that number.

It is not stupid at all, you even explained WHY it is not stupid right after you claimed it is.

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