So I guess unemployment isn't at 40 percent anymore?

If Trump continues to use the method Obama used to cook the books on unemployment the rate will be 1% when Trump stimulates the economy.

However, I suspect Trump won't do that. He is not the lying scumbag like Obama.


He's ALREADY taking credit for Obama's economy. Is there any room for shame among Trump and the Trumpanzees?

well funny how jobs went up and so did unemployment figures.

Whats not funny is that you have no idea where the numbers come from and why they can diverge on month-to-month basis without contradiction.
sure we do, all of them including the 95 million who aren't in the figures. it's called the participation number. go look it up Sherlock

Why the fuck would you include kids and retired people in unemployment figures? Stupid much?
White House claims credit for January jobs report

The White House is taking credit for January’s robust jobs report, saying that companies ramped up hiring amid optimism that President Trump would be more friendly to businesses than President Obama.

The economy added 227,000 new jobs in January, far greater than the 175,000 jobs economists had expected.

The report, the first since Trump took office on Jan. 20, also found the unemployment rate tick up to 4.8 percent because more Americans were looking for work.

Here's what Trump USED to say about jobs reports....way back when he was only 70 and a half....

The unemployment rate, he said in December, is “totally fiction.” He claimed at one point during the campaign that the real jobless rate was not the number below 5 percent widely cited by economists, but something like 42 percent.

What is your point? He said the jobless rate is under counting the jobless, it is. He said it improved, it did. What are you seeing as a contradiction in that?

The point is Trump is using very same report, with very same numbers he said were fiction during the campaign.

So now you know who is actually full of BS.

A distinction without a difference. He said it's BS because it's undercounting, he didn't say it's fabricating numbers. He said the interpretation of them is BS. It is. Imagine a bunch of people find jobs and the unemployment rate supposedly goes up. It's stupid.

That number even went up because more people started looking for jobs so he wasn't even basing his argument on that number.

Butt hurt just flames you people to meet every comment from Trump with stupid


“The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction."
— Donald Trump, remarks at an rally in Des Moines, Dec. 8, 2016

"Our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent,"

What's poor know nothing like Flash to think when his dear leader says something like that?

You say "bullshit" then don't contradict me, or Trump.

Do you seriously not grasp that the unemployment rate went UP? Trump did not use that to support his claim real unemployment went down. He used hiring to show that. Explaining the obvious to you is a full time job
If Trump continues to use the method Obama used to cook the books on unemployment the rate will be 1% when Trump stimulates the economy.

However, I suspect Trump won't do that. He is not the lying scumbag like Obama.


He's ALREADY taking credit for Obama's economy. Is there any room for shame among Trump and the Trumpanzees?

well funny how jobs went up and so did unemployment figures.

Whats not funny is that you have no idea where the numbers come from and why they can diverge on month-to-month basis without contradiction.
sure we do, all of them including the 95 million who aren't in the figures. it's called the participation number. go look it up Sherlock

Why the fuck would you include kids and retired people in employment figures? Stupid much?
so you didn't go look it up. so you wish to be uninformed. too bad for a you
Imagine a bunch of people find jobs and the unemployment rate supposedly goes up. It's stupid.

That number even went up because more people started looking for jobs so he wasn't even basing his argument on that number.

It is not stupid at all, you even explained WHY it is not stupid right after you claimed it is.

Show the quote from Trump you think is contradictory with his earlier statement
sure we do, all of them including the 95 million who aren't in the figures.
And what will you say when that 95 million rises every year of Tramp's dictatorship?
All of a sudden the Right will admit Boomers are retiring!!!!
Obama was lying to the American people about unemployment.

He didn't include the millions of people that had given up looking for work nor did he account for the massive underemployment. People that use to have good paying jobs are now working part time for lower wages.
How is that "lying?" No one has ever included people not trying to get a job as unemployed. Neither Obama nor anyone else has ever claimed the unemployment rate did include people not trying to work. And no one has ever included people with jobs as unemployed.

But please, point out a specific lie.

Obama lied by omission. There are millions of Americans that have either given up looking for jobs or are underemployed because of the Kenyan Catastrophe's piss poor failed Left economic policies. His unemployment figures omit many Americans that have been harmed by his policies and that becomes a major lie to the American people.

Obama cooked the book on unemployment to make it look like he was successful when he was a failure.

Just think a little bit. How can he have real lower unemployment when during his administration poverty increased, the welfare rolls increased, family income decreased, the worker participation rate is at a 40 year low and he did not achieve even one year of 3% economic growth?

Obama tried to stimulate the economy with the typical Left stupid idea of redistribution of wealth and income and like always is a failure. He stifled capitalistic growth and that is why the economy did so poorly during his administration. The Moon Bats were idiots to elect him.

By the way, the method that the BLS uses to determine unemployment is by calling up a few people in a poll. Have they ever called you up?
Your kind are such morons.


Grads of LifeVoice: The Real Jobs Tragedy In The US: We've Lost The Skills

There’s plenty of evidence that the middle skills jobs crisis is really a skills shortage. Even as 8.3 million Americans were unemployed in July 2015, 5.8 million job postings remained unfilled—the highest number of postings since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began collecting those statistics in December 2000. Burning Glass data show that demand remains strong for a range of well-paying middle skill jobs – from IT support staff to production managers to technical sales managers –and that many of those jobs remain open well longer than average, suggesting that employers are struggling to fill them.


Right wingers can't blame Obama because they are stupid and uneducated. If companies can't find educated Republicans, something more and more rare these days, they will bring in immigrants who have the knowledge and ambition to spend the time to make them better people.

How a typical right wingers thinks:

I have no education because that's too liberal.

I have no interest in learning because my parents didn't know anything.

I don't have a job because of Obama's economic policies, whatever they are.

Trump is promising high paying jobs that require no skills. Now here's a man who is making sense.

How long before Republicans wise up and realize they can't blame it on Obama. They have to take responsibility for themselves. Trump isn't going to do anything for them. No freebies. What ever they get, they must EARN. They need to live in this world and not Trump's fantasy world that doesn't exist and never existed.
Suddenly the lefts lie that people just got to retire earlier and did not want work dies a horrible death.
When Tramp's "not in labor force" number increases every year, the Right will raise the retirement "lie" from the dead!!!

JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.
sure we do, all of them including the 95 million who aren't in the figures.
And what will you say when that 95 million rises every year of Tramp's dictatorship?
All of a sudden the Right will admit Boomers are retiring!!!!
When you retire you are no longer in the workforce, Holmes ...
Not according to pathological liar Tramp!!!!!

JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.
Suddenly the lefts lie that people just got to retire earlier and did not want work dies a horrible death.
When Tramp's "not in labor force" number increases every year, the Right will raise the retirement "lie" from the dead!!!

JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.

You're predicting your bitter political rival who's been opening one can of whoop ass after another on you is going to not be honest in the future. Well, that must be right then ...


I'd go to the emergency room. Contrary to popular belief, butt hurt can be fatal and you have an acute case
sure we do, all of them including the 95 million who aren't in the figures.
And what will you say when that 95 million rises every year of Tramp's dictatorship?
All of a sudden the Right will admit Boomers are retiring!!!!
When you retire you are no longer in the workforce, Holmes ...
Not according to pathological liar Tramp!!!!!

JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.

OK, fine, I was assuming we're talking about people at retirement age. If you're counting people who retire young then sure, Trump's number would include that
He didn't include the millions of people that had given up looking for work
That's because there are just about half a million!!!!
i believe the number was 95 million.

I believe the 95 million are all working age people without jobs. Of course many don't want them, such as stay at home moms. However, tens of millions of them are people who would look if they felt they could get a decent job
He said it's BS because it's undercounting, he didn't say it's fabricating numbers. He said the interpretation of them is BS. It is. Imagine a bunch of people find jobs and the unemployment rate supposedly goes up. It's stupid.
That number even went up because more people started looking for jobs so he wasn't even basing his argument on that number.
Actually, more people gave up looking for jobs in Jan. So much for Tramp giving workers new hope in finding a job!!!
Discouraged workers:
Dec 426,000
Jan 532,000
sure we do, all of them including the 95 million who aren't in the figures.
And what will you say when that 95 million rises every year of Tramp's dictatorship?
All of a sudden the Right will admit Boomers are retiring!!!!
When you retire you are no longer in the workforce, Holmes ...
Not according to pathological liar Tramp!!!!!

JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.
OK, fine, I was assuming we're talking about people at retirement age. If you're counting people who retire young then sure, Trump's number would include that
If you think 96 million retired young, then you are STUPID enough to support Tramp!!!

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