So I guess unemployment isn't at 40 percent anymore?

I believe the 95 million are all working age people without jobs. Of course many don't want them, such as stay at home moms. However, tens of millions of them are people who would look if they felt they could get a decent job
That is pure BS, but since that is the lie that Tramp has been spreading, I will assume it is now true for the entire Tramp dictatorship. What will you say when that number increases each and every year of the Tramp dictatorship???

JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.
dude, it's always been about the 96 million. your point is what exactly?
No it hasn't, and it will increase each and every year of the Tramp dictatorship.
well yes it has. and people will always lose jobs and others will always get new jobs. It is now the participation rate that is the focus number. And it started because of obummer.

W had a big hand in it too. Obama just continued W's terrible policies which is why it kept getting worse
it got much worse under obummer though. terrible, he did absolutely nothing to inspire real jobs with obummercare.
OK, fine, I was assuming we're talking about people at retirement age. If you're counting people who retire young then sure, Trump's number would include that
If you think 96 million retired young, then you are STUPID enough to support Tramp!!!
Now you're just being a moron. I said nor implied any such thing
Actually you did!!!
I believe the 95 million are all working age people without jobs.
What the fuck? That doesn't say the 95 million are "retired." It says they are "without jobs." What is wrong with you?
I know, the pathological liar is INCLUDING the retired, who are part of his 96 million, as "really wanting a job."
Get it???

I was explaining the number to you, moron. I said 95 million working age people don't have jobs. That is what Trump is referring to.

I did not draw any conclusions on that number. I said some want jobs and some don't. Stop being such a stupid fuck or I'm dropping out of this discussion with you. You're being a serious idiot right now, you're just making shit up
the ones we're interested in today are the 95 million not counted in that 4.8% right now. That is the objective.
And that number will increase each and every year of the Tramp dictatorship, and when it does you will suddenly lose interest in it.
then he will have failed. And will be held accountable, because that what conservatives do when the ones we elected fail.
CON$ will say the not in labor force number increased because of Boomers retiring.
Well first off, you don't think some of that will be true? I'm sure some of those were in obummer's numbers as well you?
But Tramp and the Right have been claiming they ALL are people who dropped out of the work force because they gave up looking, not because Boomers retired.
[None of those have anything to do with the unemployment rate.
I don't have any reasonable expectation that my address in particular would be selected for the survey.

This is the type of dishonesty and denial we see from you stupid Moon Bats.

How can any country with increased poverty, decreased family income, dismal economic growth, very low worker participation rates and increased welfare have real low unemployment?
Why couldn't you? The UE rate is Unemployed/(Employed + Unemployed). Changes in poverty, income, GDP, participation rate, welfare, don't necessarily have any effect on that equation.

Obama's cooked books on unemployment doesn't even come close to measuring the suffering of American due to his terrible Left economic policies.
It's not supposed to measure suffering. It's kind of idiotic to complain that a measure doesn't measure something it's not supposed to measure.

The BLS reported to that asshole Obama.
Not really. There is one political appointee at BLS, the Commissioner, and the Commissioner serves a 4 year term regardless of the President. Dr. Keith Hall was appointed Commissioner by Bush in January 2008 and served until January 2012. Obama didn't get anyone he appointed in until January 2013. BLS is independent and is only administratively attached to the Dept of Labor. Neither DOL nor the President have anything to do with the actual running of BLS.

The methods they used with their polling was subject to manipulation by the dishonest administration
How? Please explain how the method is subject to manipulation. And are you claiming Obama is the only President to have manipulated it?
That is pure BS, but since that is the lie that Tramp has been spreading, I will assume it is now true for the entire Tramp dictatorship. What will you say when that number increases each and every year of the Tramp dictatorship???

JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.
dude, it's always been about the 96 million. your point is what exactly?
No it hasn't, and it will increase each and every year of the Tramp dictatorship.
well yes it has. and people will always lose jobs and others will always get new jobs. It is now the participation rate that is the focus number. And it started because of obummer.

W had a big hand in it too. Obama just continued W's terrible policies which is why it kept getting worse
it got much worse under obummer though. terrible, he did absolutely nothing to inspire real jobs with obummercare.

Fair point. Obamacare did specifically drive down labor participation as companies downsized and cut hours
the ones we're interested in today are the 95 million not counted in that 4.8% right now. That is the objective.
And that number will increase each and every year of the Tramp dictatorship, and when it does you will suddenly lose interest in it.
then he will have failed. And will be held accountable, because that what conservatives do when the ones we elected fail.
CON$ will say the not in labor force number increased because of Boomers retiring.
Well first off, you don't think some of that will be true? I'm sure some of those were in obummer's numbers as well you?
But Tramp and the Right have been claiming they ALL are people who dropped out of the work force because they gave up looking, not because Boomers retired.

Show the quote from Trump or the Republicans making that claim
So I guess unemployment isn't at 40 percent anymore?
I dare not read this topic. I'm afraid watching the mental contortions of Trump's Chumps would be too hilarious to bear. I might break my ribs or get an aneurysm from laughing so hard.

Well done, GaryDog. Well done, sir.
White House claims credit for January jobs report

The White House is taking credit for January’s robust jobs report, saying that companies ramped up hiring amid optimism that President Trump would be more friendly to businesses than President Obama.

The economy added 227,000 new jobs in January, far greater than the 175,000 jobs economists had expected.

The report, the first since Trump took office on Jan. 20, also found the unemployment rate tick up to 4.8 percent because more Americans were looking for work.

Here's what Trump USED to say about jobs reports....way back when he was only 70 and a half....

The unemployment rate, he said in December, is “totally fiction.” He claimed at one point during the campaign that the real jobless rate was not the number below 5 percent widely cited by economists, but something like 42 percent.
The POS is probably taking credit for NE win over Atlanta last night What a schmuck
OK, fine, I was assuming we're talking about people at retirement age. If you're counting people who retire young then sure, Trump's number would include that
If you think 96 million retired young, then you are STUPID enough to support Tramp!!!
Now you're just being a moron. I said nor implied any such thing
Actually you did!!!
I believe the 95 million are all working age people without jobs.
What the fuck? That doesn't say the 95 million are "retired." It says they are "without jobs." What is wrong with you?
I know, the pathological liar is INCLUDING the retired, who are part of his 96 million, as "really wanting a job."
Get it???

Again, prove Trump said the 95 million are people "really wanting a job"
If you think 96 million retired young, then you are STUPID enough to support Tramp!!!
Now you're just being a moron. I said nor implied any such thing
Actually you did!!!
I believe the 95 million are all working age people without jobs.
What the fuck? That doesn't say the 95 million are "retired." It says they are "without jobs." What is wrong with you?
I know, the pathological liar is INCLUDING the retired, who are part of his 96 million, as "really wanting a job."
Get it???

I was explaining the number to you, moron. I said 95 million working age people don't have jobs. That is what Trump is referring to.

I did not draw any conclusions on that number. I said some want jobs and some don't. Stop being such a stupid fuck or I'm dropping out of this discussion with you. You're being a serious idiot right now, you're just making shit up
Actually, that's not true. The 95 million are only those age 16 plus not working and not trying to work EXLUDING people in prison or institutions (nursing homes, mental health facilities etc.)

So the 95 million doesn't even include the actual unemployed: 8,149,000
the ones we're interested in today are the 95 million not counted in that 4.8% right now. That is the objective.
And that number will increase each and every year of the Tramp dictatorship, and when it does you will suddenly lose interest in it.
then he will have failed. And will be held accountable, because that what conservatives do when the ones we elected fail.
CON$ will say the not in labor force number increased because of Boomers retiring.
Well first off, you don't think some of that will be true? I'm sure some of those were in obummer's numbers as well you?
But Tramp and the Right have been claiming they ALL are people who dropped out of the work force because they gave up looking, not because Boomers retired.
well that's true right?
the ones we're interested in today are the 95 million not counted in that 4.8% right now. That is the objective.
And that number will increase each and every year of the Tramp dictatorship, and when it does you will suddenly lose interest in it.
then he will have failed. And will be held accountable, because that what conservatives do when the ones we elected fail.
CON$ will say the not in labor force number increased because of Boomers retiring.
Well first off, you don't think some of that will be true? I'm sure some of those were in obummer's numbers as well you?
But Tramp and the Right have been claiming they ALL are people who dropped out of the work force because they gave up looking, not because Boomers retired.

When did they say that? Show the quote
Now you're just being a moron. I said nor implied any such thing
Actually you did!!!
I believe the 95 million are all working age people without jobs.
What the fuck? That doesn't say the 95 million are "retired." It says they are "without jobs." What is wrong with you?
I know, the pathological liar is INCLUDING the retired, who are part of his 96 million, as "really wanting a job."
Get it???

I was explaining the number to you, moron. I said 95 million working age people don't have jobs. That is what Trump is referring to.

I did not draw any conclusions on that number. I said some want jobs and some don't. Stop being such a stupid fuck or I'm dropping out of this discussion with you. You're being a serious idiot right now, you're just making shit up
Actually, that's not true. The 95 million are only those age 16 plus not working and not trying to work EXLUDING people in prison or institutions (nursing homes, mental health facilities etc.)

So the 95 million doesn't even include the actual unemployed: 8,149,000
that the number doesn't include the unemployed count you're correct. the fact is the numbers are from those who were on unemployment and gave up looking for work because of lack of jobs. has nothing to do with 16 year olds. they were never on unemployment.
Now you're just being a moron. I said nor implied any such thing
Actually you did!!!
I believe the 95 million are all working age people without jobs.
What the fuck? That doesn't say the 95 million are "retired." It says they are "without jobs." What is wrong with you?
I know, the pathological liar is INCLUDING the retired, who are part of his 96 million, as "really wanting a job."
Get it???

I was explaining the number to you, moron. I said 95 million working age people don't have jobs. That is what Trump is referring to.

I did not draw any conclusions on that number. I said some want jobs and some don't. Stop being such a stupid fuck or I'm dropping out of this discussion with you. You're being a serious idiot right now, you're just making shit up
Actually, that's not true. The 95 million are only those age 16 plus not working and not trying to work EXLUDING people in prison or institutions (nursing homes, mental health facilities etc.)

So the 95 million doesn't even include the actual unemployed: 8,149,000

Thanks, I knew that was roughly the size of the working age people without jobs, but I didn't have the exact definition. To Ed's point, it would include early retirees though. Though that is going to be a minuscule percent of them
Not according to pathological liar Tramp!!!!!

JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.
OK, fine, I was assuming we're talking about people at retirement age. If you're counting people who retire young then sure, Trump's number would include that
If you think 96 million retired young, then you are STUPID enough to support Tramp!!!
Now you're just being a moron. I said nor implied any such thing
Actually you did!!!
I believe the 95 million are all working age people without jobs.
What the fuck? That doesn't say the 95 million are "retired." It says they are "without jobs." What is wrong with you?
the 95 million includes retirees, that you say "are ALL working age people."
He said it's BS because it's undercounting, he didn't say it's fabricating numbers. He said the interpretation of them is BS. It is. Imagine a bunch of people find jobs and the unemployment rate supposedly goes up. It's stupid.
That number even went up because more people started looking for jobs so he wasn't even basing his argument on that number.
Actually, more people gave up looking for jobs in Jan. So much for Tramp giving workers new hope in finding a job!!!
Discouraged workers:
Dec 426,000
Jan 532,000
What else did Soros tell you to parrot?
He didn't include the millions of people that had given up looking for work
That's because there are just about half a million!!!!
i believe the number was 95 million.
OK, fine, I was assuming we're talking about people at retirement age. If you're counting people who retire young then sure, Trump's number would include that
If you think 96 million retired young, then you are STUPID enough to support Tramp!!!
Now you're just being a moron. I said nor implied any such thing
Actually you did!!!
I believe the 95 million are all working age people without jobs.
What the fuck? That doesn't say the 95 million are "retired." It says they are "without jobs." What is wrong with you?
the 95 million includes retirees, that you say "are ALL working age people."
what I say is what I said. the 95 million are those folks out of the work force after being on unemployment and never finding a job.

Why would a retiree go on unemployment?
i believe the number was 95 million.
I believe the 95 million are all working age people without jobs. Of course many don't want them, such as stay at home moms. However, tens of millions of them are people who would look if they felt they could get a decent job
That is pure BS, but since that is the lie that Tramp has been spreading, I will assume it is now true for the entire Tramp dictatorship. What will you say when that number increases each and every year of the Tramp dictatorship???

JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.
dude, it's always been about the 96 million. your point is what exactly?
No it hasn't, and it will increase each and every year of the Tramp dictatorship.

You know nothing about economics, you hate Trump, and everything you've ever predicted Trump would do is wrong. Your prediction is worth nothing
Would you be willing to bet your presence on this board on it?
I will!
If Trump continues to use the method Obama used to cook the books on unemployment the rate will be 1% when Trump stimulates the economy.

However, I suspect Trump won't do that. He is not the lying scumbag like Obama.

They aren't going to change the way statisticians calculate the unemployment rage. Trump is a much bigger liar than Obama...practically everything that comes out of Trump's mouth and twitter feed is a lie.
He didn't include the millions of people that had given up looking for work
That's because there are just about half a million!!!!
i believe the number was 95 million.
OK, fine, I was assuming we're talking about people at retirement age. If you're counting people who retire young then sure, Trump's number would include that
If you think 96 million retired young, then you are STUPID enough to support Tramp!!!
Now you're just being a moron. I said nor implied any such thing
Actually you did!!!
I believe the 95 million are all working age people without jobs.
What the fuck? That doesn't say the 95 million are "retired." It says they are "without jobs." What is wrong with you?
the 95 million includes retirees, that you say "are ALL working age people."

Right, I said it "includes" retirees. I did not say they "ALL" retired young as you claimed I did. I said it "includes" them. You seriously don't know the difference? How stupid are you? Have they built a meter capable of even measuring that vast an amount of stupid?

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