So I guess unemployment isn't at 40 percent anymore?

If Trump continues to use the method Obama used to cook the books on unemployment the rate will be 1% when Trump stimulates the economy.

However, I suspect Trump won't do that. He is not the lying scumbag like Obama.

They aren't going to change the way statisticians calculate the unemployment rage. Trump is a much bigger liar than Obama...practically everything that comes out of Trump's mouth and twitter feed is a lie.
what has he lied about now for you. sheesh, can you all get your stories altogether so we can have one debate. what's your trump lie?
I believe the 95 million are all working age people without jobs. Of course many don't want them, such as stay at home moms. However, tens of millions of them are people who would look if they felt they could get a decent job
That is pure BS, but since that is the lie that Tramp has been spreading, I will assume it is now true for the entire Tramp dictatorship. What will you say when that number increases each and every year of the Tramp dictatorship???

JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.
dude, it's always been about the 96 million. your point is what exactly?
No it hasn't, and it will increase each and every year of the Tramp dictatorship.

You know nothing about economics, you hate Trump, and everything you've ever predicted Trump would do is wrong. Your prediction is worth nothing
Would you be willing to bet your presence on this board on it?
I will!

I've already told you my rules:

1) I won't bet presence on the board with anyone on any subject, I think it's a stupid bet

2) I won't bet anything with people I don't trust, and I don't trust you

3) I bet for fun, you're just being a dick and taunting me, that isn't "fun"

4) I don't bet without a clear standard that is easy to measure

Your offer violates every one of my four rules
If you think 96 million retired young, then you are STUPID enough to support Tramp!!!
Now you're just being a moron. I said nor implied any such thing
Actually you did!!!
I believe the 95 million are all working age people without jobs.
What the fuck? That doesn't say the 95 million are "retired." It says they are "without jobs." What is wrong with you?
I know, the pathological liar is INCLUDING the retired, who are part of his 96 million, as "really wanting a job."
Get it???
then why is it called the participation numbers if they are retired?
One more time:
The Adult Civilian Noninstitutional Population (aka: the population) is everyone in the U.S. age 16 and older who is not in the military, in prison, or in an institution (nursing home, mental hospital etc).

The Labor Force is everyone in the population who is either working (Employed) or currently looking for work and available for work (Unemployed).

The Labor Force Participation rate is the percent of the Population that is in the Labor Force.

Someone who has retired and is not looking for a new job is in the Population, but not the labor force.

So if we have a population of 145 people, 90 working, 10 looking for work, (labor force of 100) and 45 not working or trying, then the participation rate is 100/145 = 69% and the unemployment rate is 10/100 = 10%

IF 10 people retire and nothing else changes, then the population is still 145, there are still 10 unemployed, but only 80 working. Labor force is now 90, and the participation rate has dropped to 62% and the UE rate has gone up to 11.1%
Actually you did!!!
What the fuck? That doesn't say the 95 million are "retired." It says they are "without jobs." What is wrong with you?
I know, the pathological liar is INCLUDING the retired, who are part of his 96 million, as "really wanting a job."
Get it???

I was explaining the number to you, moron. I said 95 million working age people don't have jobs. That is what Trump is referring to.

I did not draw any conclusions on that number. I said some want jobs and some don't. Stop being such a stupid fuck or I'm dropping out of this discussion with you. You're being a serious idiot right now, you're just making shit up
Actually, that's not true. The 95 million are only those age 16 plus not working and not trying to work EXLUDING people in prison or institutions (nursing homes, mental health facilities etc.)

So the 95 million doesn't even include the actual unemployed: 8,149,000

Thanks, I knew that was roughly the size of the working age people without jobs, but I didn't have the exact definition. To Ed's point, it would include early retirees though. Though that is going to be a minuscule percent of them
And there you go "kazzing" again, attributing YOUR straw Man to me. YOU brought up "early retirees" not me!
OK, fine, I was assuming we're talking about people at retirement age. If you're counting people who retire young then sure, Trump's number would include that
He didn't include the millions of people that had given up looking for work
That's because there are just about half a million!!!!
i believe the number was 95 million.
If you think 96 million retired young, then you are STUPID enough to support Tramp!!!
Now you're just being a moron. I said nor implied any such thing
Actually you did!!!
I believe the 95 million are all working age people without jobs.
What the fuck? That doesn't say the 95 million are "retired." It says they are "without jobs." What is wrong with you?
the 95 million includes retirees, that you say "are ALL working age people."
what I say is what I said. the 95 million are those folks out of the work force after being on unemployment and never finding a job.

Why would a retiree go on unemployment?

The 95 million are specifically people not on unemployment who don't have jobs.

Do you know that older workers who get laid off can get both Social Security and unemployment at the same time? Is it a fucked up country or what?
White House claims credit for January jobs report

The White House is taking credit for January’s robust jobs report, saying that companies ramped up hiring amid optimism that President Trump would be more friendly to businesses than President Obama.

The economy added 227,000 new jobs in January, far greater than the 175,000 jobs economists had expected.

The report, the first since Trump took office on Jan. 20, also found the unemployment rate tick up to 4.8 percent because more Americans were looking for work.

Here's what Trump USED to say about jobs reports....way back when he was only 70 and a half....

The unemployment rate, he said in December, is “totally fiction.” He claimed at one point during the campaign that the real jobless rate was not the number below 5 percent widely cited by economists, but something like 42 percent.

What is your point? He said the jobless rate is under counting the jobless, it is. He said it improved, it did. What are you seeing as a contradiction in that?

The point is Trump is using very same report, with very same numbers he said were fiction during the campaign.

So now you know who is actually full of BS.

A distinction without a difference. He said it's BS because it's undercounting, he didn't say it's fabricating numbers. He said the interpretation of them is BS. It is. Imagine a bunch of people find jobs and the unemployment rate supposedly goes up. It's stupid.

That number even went up because more people started looking for jobs so he wasn't even basing his argument on that number.

Butt hurt just flames you people to meet every comment from Trump with stupid


“The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction."
— Donald Trump, remarks at an rally in Des Moines, Dec. 8, 2016

"Our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent,"

What's poor know nothing like Flash to think when his dear leader says something like that?

You say "bullshit" then don't contradict me, or Trump.

Do you seriously not grasp that the unemployment rate went UP? Trump did not use that to support his claim real unemployment went down. He used hiring to show that. Explaining the obvious to you is a full time job

But it did not go down, it went up, because more people entered workforce and that REALLY DOES inversely effects unemployment as there was more new people looking for jobs than new jobs created in January.

After accounting for the annual adjustments to the population controls, the civilian labor force increased by 584,000 in January, and the labor force participation rate rose by 0.2 percentage point to 62.9 percent.

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 227,000 in January

Among the marginally attached, there were 532,000 discouraged workers in January, little changed from a year earlier.

Obama posted 200,000 jobs on average for the last 75 moths did you see Trump using THAT as evidence? Of course not, because he is full of shit.
Last edited:
If you think 96 million retired young, then you are STUPID enough to support Tramp!!!
Now you're just being a moron. I said nor implied any such thing
Actually you did!!!
I believe the 95 million are all working age people without jobs.
What the fuck? That doesn't say the 95 million are "retired." It says they are "without jobs." What is wrong with you?
I know, the pathological liar is INCLUDING the retired, who are part of his 96 million, as "really wanting a job."
Get it???
then why is it called the participation numbers if they are retired?
It isn't called "the participation number" it is called the "not in labor force" number.
Now you're just being a moron. I said nor implied any such thing
Actually you did!!!
I believe the 95 million are all working age people without jobs.
What the fuck? That doesn't say the 95 million are "retired." It says they are "without jobs." What is wrong with you?
I know, the pathological liar is INCLUDING the retired, who are part of his 96 million, as "really wanting a job."
Get it???
then why is it called the participation numbers if they are retired?
One more time:
The Adult Civilian Noninstitutional Population (aka: the population) is everyone in the U.S. age 16 and older who is not in the military, in prison, or in an institution (nursing home, mental hospital etc).

The Labor Force is everyone in the population who is either working (Employed) or currently looking for work and available for work (Unemployed).

The Labor Force Participation rate is the percent of the Population that is in the Labor Force.

Someone who has retired and is not looking for a new job is in the Population, but not the labor force.

So if we have a population of 145 people, 90 working, 10 looking for work, (labor force of 100) and 45 not working or trying, then the participation rate is 100/145 = 69% and the unemployment rate is 10/100 = 10%

IF 10 people retire and nothing else changes, then the population is still 145, there are still 10 unemployed, but only 80 working. Labor force is now 90, and the participation rate has dropped to 62% and the UE rate has gone up to 11.1%
and what? I said that the 95 million in the participation rate figures.

those are the numbers from those who gave up looking for work that came off the unemployment rate. here from.

"Participation Rate Vs. Unemployment Rate
A citizen is classified as a member of the labor force if he has a job or is actively looking for a job. The participation rate is the percentage of adult Americans, excluding those incarcerated or otherwise institutionalized, who are members of the labor force. The 21st century has seen a steady decline in labor force participation. In 2000, it was 67%; by 2013, it had fallen to 63%.

Many economist argue the labor force decline is the result of low-skilled workers losing their jobs to outsourcing or automation, having no success finding new employment and therefore dropping out of the labor force entirely. For this reason, they feel the participation rate is a more accurate measure of the state of the job market than the unemployment rate, which only considers those in the labor force. An unemployment rate of 5% means only 5 out of 100 workers in the labor force are without jobs, but it does not consider those unemployed workers who have given up looking altogether, even though they want to work."

Read more: What is the key difference between the participation rate and the unemployment rate? | Investopedia What is the key difference between the participation rate and the unemployment rate?
What the fuck? That doesn't say the 95 million are "retired." It says they are "without jobs." What is wrong with you?
I know, the pathological liar is INCLUDING the retired, who are part of his 96 million, as "really wanting a job."
Get it???

I was explaining the number to you, moron. I said 95 million working age people don't have jobs. That is what Trump is referring to.

I did not draw any conclusions on that number. I said some want jobs and some don't. Stop being such a stupid fuck or I'm dropping out of this discussion with you. You're being a serious idiot right now, you're just making shit up
Actually, that's not true. The 95 million are only those age 16 plus not working and not trying to work EXLUDING people in prison or institutions (nursing homes, mental health facilities etc.)

So the 95 million doesn't even include the actual unemployed: 8,149,000

Thanks, I knew that was roughly the size of the working age people without jobs, but I didn't have the exact definition. To Ed's point, it would include early retirees though. Though that is going to be a minuscule percent of them
And there you go "kazzing" again, attributing YOUR straw Man to me. YOU brought up "early retirees" not me!
OK, fine, I was assuming we're talking about people at retirement age. If you're counting people who retire young then sure, Trump's number would include that

OK, seriously, you will go on ignore if you continue to circle jerk with Faun, Dot Com and Syriously. A group of eight year olds repeatedly chanting "kazzing" isn't going to fly. Try me. One more and you're out. Come up with your own material. As long as it isn't spread out and chanted endlessly by inane liberals, I haven't had any issue with any other form of playing off kaz.

And I keep saying that Trump's number INCLUDES retirees but it is not ALL retirees. Seriously, how do you not grasp that?

BTW, you brought up retirees, I said early retirees would count but not other retirees. I never denied that
He didn't include the millions of people that had given up looking for work
That's because there are just about half a million!!!!
i believe the number was 95 million.
Now you're just being a moron. I said nor implied any such thing
Actually you did!!!
I believe the 95 million are all working age people without jobs.
What the fuck? That doesn't say the 95 million are "retired." It says they are "without jobs." What is wrong with you?
the 95 million includes retirees, that you say "are ALL working age people."
what I say is what I said. the 95 million are those folks out of the work force after being on unemployment and never finding a job.

Why would a retiree go on unemployment?

The 95 million are specifically people not on unemployment who don't have jobs.

Do you know that older workers who get laid off can get both Social Security and unemployment at the same time? Is it a fucked up country or what?
no, I did not know that. but let me take a moment and laugh my ass off at that fact then.
Again, prove Trump said the 95 million are people "really wanting a job"
JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Actually you did!!!
What the fuck? That doesn't say the 95 million are "retired." It says they are "without jobs." What is wrong with you?
I know, the pathological liar is INCLUDING the retired, who are part of his 96 million, as "really wanting a job."
Get it???

I was explaining the number to you, moron. I said 95 million working age people don't have jobs. That is what Trump is referring to.

I did not draw any conclusions on that number. I said some want jobs and some don't. Stop being such a stupid fuck or I'm dropping out of this discussion with you. You're being a serious idiot right now, you're just making shit up
Actually, that's not true. The 95 million are only those age 16 plus not working and not trying to work EXLUDING people in prison or institutions (nursing homes, mental health facilities etc.)

So the 95 million doesn't even include the actual unemployed: 8,149,000
that the number doesn't include the unemployed count you're correct. the fact is the numbers are from those who were on unemployment and gave up looking for work because of lack of jobs.
that is NOT a fact. First, classification as unemployed has nothing to do with unemployment insurance benefits. If you are not working, are looking for a job, and could start a job if offered, then you are unemployed, regardless of whether you ever had a job.

So the 95 million does include 16 year old students, disabled, retirees, anyone not trying to work for any reason.
What is your point? He said the jobless rate is under counting the jobless, it is. He said it improved, it did. What are you seeing as a contradiction in that?

The point is Trump is using very same report, with very same numbers he said were fiction during the campaign.

So now you know who is actually full of BS.

A distinction without a difference. He said it's BS because it's undercounting, he didn't say it's fabricating numbers. He said the interpretation of them is BS. It is. Imagine a bunch of people find jobs and the unemployment rate supposedly goes up. It's stupid.

That number even went up because more people started looking for jobs so he wasn't even basing his argument on that number.

Butt hurt just flames you people to meet every comment from Trump with stupid


“The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction."
— Donald Trump, remarks at an rally in Des Moines, Dec. 8, 2016

"Our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent,"

What's poor know nothing like Flash to think when his dear leader says something like that?

You say "bullshit" then don't contradict me, or Trump.

Do you seriously not grasp that the unemployment rate went UP? Trump did not use that to support his claim real unemployment went down. He used hiring to show that. Explaining the obvious to you is a full time job

"REAL UNEMPLOYMENT" did not go down, it went up, because more people entered workforce and that REALLY DOES inversely effects unemployment as there was more new people looking for jobs than new jobs created in January.

After accounting for the annual adjustments to the population controls, the civilian labor force increased by 584,000 in January, and the labor force participation rate rose by 0.2 percentage point to 62.9 percent.

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 227,000 in January

Among the marginally attached, there were 532,000 discouraged workers in January, little changed from a year earlier.

It's like talking to a wall.

What point do you think you just made? You supported that jobs were created and the labor force participation rate went up. How does that contradict Trump? You seem to have supported him
What the fuck? That doesn't say the 95 million are "retired." It says they are "without jobs." What is wrong with you?
I know, the pathological liar is INCLUDING the retired, who are part of his 96 million, as "really wanting a job."
Get it???

I was explaining the number to you, moron. I said 95 million working age people don't have jobs. That is what Trump is referring to.

I did not draw any conclusions on that number. I said some want jobs and some don't. Stop being such a stupid fuck or I'm dropping out of this discussion with you. You're being a serious idiot right now, you're just making shit up
Actually, that's not true. The 95 million are only those age 16 plus not working and not trying to work EXLUDING people in prison or institutions (nursing homes, mental health facilities etc.)

So the 95 million doesn't even include the actual unemployed: 8,149,000
that the number doesn't include the unemployed count you're correct. the fact is the numbers are from those who were on unemployment and gave up looking for work because of lack of jobs.
that is NOT a fact. First, classification as unemployed has nothing to do with unemployment insurance benefits. If you are not working, are looking for a job, and could start a job if offered, then you are unemployed, regardless of whether you ever had a job.

So the 95 million does include 16 year old students, disabled, retirees, anyone not trying to work for any reason.
dude, it goes to who has signed up for money from unemployment. If someone is retired, won't participate in unemployment benefits. to receive said benefits one has to be active in job opportunities.

Dude, the number as it is presented is from the labor force numbers and it is from those who gave up looking for work out of the unemployment numbers.
And I keep saying that Trump's number INCLUDES retirees but it is not ALL retirees. Seriously, how do you not grasp that?
BTW, you brought up retirees, I said early retirees would count but not other retirees. I never denied that
Yes I brought up retirees, not "EARLY retirees, YOU brought up early retirees and attributed it to me.
Tramp's number includes ALL retirees who stopped working, no matter what their age!
Trump's number also includes the nonworking disabled!
What is your point? He said the jobless rate is under counting the jobless, it is. He said it improved, it did. What are you seeing as a contradiction in that?

The point is Trump is using very same report, with very same numbers he said were fiction during the campaign.

So now you know who is actually full of BS.

A distinction without a difference. He said it's BS because it's undercounting, he didn't say it's fabricating numbers. He said the interpretation of them is BS. It is. Imagine a bunch of people find jobs and the unemployment rate supposedly goes up. It's stupid.

That number even went up because more people started looking for jobs so he wasn't even basing his argument on that number.

Butt hurt just flames you people to meet every comment from Trump with stupid


“The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction."
— Donald Trump, remarks at an rally in Des Moines, Dec. 8, 2016

"Our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent,"

What's poor know nothing like Flash to think when his dear leader says something like that?

You say "bullshit" then don't contradict me, or Trump.

Do you seriously not grasp that the unemployment rate went UP? Trump did not use that to support his claim real unemployment went down. He used hiring to show that. Explaining the obvious to you is a full time job

"REAL UNEMPLOYMENT" did not go down, it went up, because more people entered workforce and that REALLY DOES inversely effects unemployment as there was more new people looking for jobs than new jobs created in January.

After accounting for the annual adjustments to the population controls, the civilian labor force increased by 584,000 in January, and the labor force participation rate rose by 0.2 percentage point to 62.9 percent.

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 227,000 in January

Among the marginally attached, there were 532,000 discouraged workers in January, little changed from a year earlier.

It's like talking to a wall.
What else did the government tell you to parrot?

There is a reason 1 out of 3 Americans requires aid to put food on the table.

What do you think it is?
Again, prove Trump said the 95 million are people "really wanting a job"
JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.

OK, fair enough, and I Googled and confirmed your quote. There are tens of millions, but the 96 million is flat out wrong
The point is Trump is using very same report, with very same numbers he said were fiction during the campaign.

So now you know who is actually full of BS.

A distinction without a difference. He said it's BS because it's undercounting, he didn't say it's fabricating numbers. He said the interpretation of them is BS. It is. Imagine a bunch of people find jobs and the unemployment rate supposedly goes up. It's stupid.

That number even went up because more people started looking for jobs so he wasn't even basing his argument on that number.

Butt hurt just flames you people to meet every comment from Trump with stupid


“The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction."
— Donald Trump, remarks at an rally in Des Moines, Dec. 8, 2016

"Our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent,"

What's poor know nothing like Flash to think when his dear leader says something like that?

You say "bullshit" then don't contradict me, or Trump.

Do you seriously not grasp that the unemployment rate went UP? Trump did not use that to support his claim real unemployment went down. He used hiring to show that. Explaining the obvious to you is a full time job

"REAL UNEMPLOYMENT" did not go down, it went up, because more people entered workforce and that REALLY DOES inversely effects unemployment as there was more new people looking for jobs than new jobs created in January.

After accounting for the annual adjustments to the population controls, the civilian labor force increased by 584,000 in January, and the labor force participation rate rose by 0.2 percentage point to 62.9 percent.

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 227,000 in January

Among the marginally attached, there were 532,000 discouraged workers in January, little changed from a year earlier.

It's like talking to a wall.

What point do you think you just made? You supported that jobs were created and the labor force participation rate went up. How does that contradict Trump? You seem to have supported him

Obama posted 200,000 jobs on average for the last 75 moths did you see Trump using that very same statistic he is using now as evidence? Of course not, because he is full of shit.
Actually you did!!!
What the fuck? That doesn't say the 95 million are "retired." It says they are "without jobs." What is wrong with you?
I know, the pathological liar is INCLUDING the retired, who are part of his 96 million, as "really wanting a job."
Get it???
then why is it called the participation numbers if they are retired?
One more time:
The Adult Civilian Noninstitutional Population (aka: the population) is everyone in the U.S. age 16 and older who is not in the military, in prison, or in an institution (nursing home, mental hospital etc).

The Labor Force is everyone in the population who is either working (Employed) or currently looking for work and available for work (Unemployed).

The Labor Force Participation rate is the percent of the Population that is in the Labor Force.

Someone who has retired and is not looking for a new job is in the Population, but not the labor force.

So if we have a population of 145 people, 90 working, 10 looking for work, (labor force of 100) and 45 not working or trying, then the participation rate is 100/145 = 69% and the unemployment rate is 10/100 = 10%

IF 10 people retire and nothing else changes, then the population is still 145, there are still 10 unemployed, but only 80 working. Labor force is now 90, and the participation rate has dropped to 62% and the UE rate has gone up to 11.1%
and what? I said that the 95 million in the participation rate figures.
And the 95 million are in the denominator of the participation rate.
hose are the numbers from those who gave up looking for work that came off the unemployment rate.
Untrue. The 95 million are simply everyone age 16 and older not in prison or other institution who are neither working nor trying to work. Doesn't matter if they ever had a job or ever looked for a job.
A distinction without a difference. He said it's BS because it's undercounting, he didn't say it's fabricating numbers. He said the interpretation of them is BS. It is. Imagine a bunch of people find jobs and the unemployment rate supposedly goes up. It's stupid.

That number even went up because more people started looking for jobs so he wasn't even basing his argument on that number.

Butt hurt just flames you people to meet every comment from Trump with stupid


“The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction."
— Donald Trump, remarks at an rally in Des Moines, Dec. 8, 2016

"Our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent,"

What's poor know nothing like Flash to think when his dear leader says something like that?

You say "bullshit" then don't contradict me, or Trump.

Do you seriously not grasp that the unemployment rate went UP? Trump did not use that to support his claim real unemployment went down. He used hiring to show that. Explaining the obvious to you is a full time job

"REAL UNEMPLOYMENT" did not go down, it went up, because more people entered workforce and that REALLY DOES inversely effects unemployment as there was more new people looking for jobs than new jobs created in January.

After accounting for the annual adjustments to the population controls, the civilian labor force increased by 584,000 in January, and the labor force participation rate rose by 0.2 percentage point to 62.9 percent.

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 227,000 in January

Among the marginally attached, there were 532,000 discouraged workers in January, little changed from a year earlier.

It's like talking to a wall.

What point do you think you just made? You supported that jobs were created and the labor force participation rate went up. How does that contradict Trump? You seem to have supported him

Obama posted 200,000 jobs on average for the last 75 moths did you see Trump using that very same statistic he is using now as evidence? Of course not, because he is full of shit.
Yet another outlandish lie from the left.

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