So I guess unemployment isn't at 40 percent anymore?

He said it's BS because it's undercounting, he didn't say it's fabricating numbers. He said the interpretation of them is BS. It is. Imagine a bunch of people find jobs and the unemployment rate supposedly goes up. It's stupid.
That number even went up because more people started looking for jobs so he wasn't even basing his argument on that number.
Actually, more people gave up looking for jobs in Jan. So much for Tramp giving workers new hope in finding a job!!!
Discouraged workers:
Dec 426,000
Jan 532,000
What else did Soros tell you to parrot?
Your MessiahRushie told you to parrot "Soros."
A distinction without a difference. He said it's BS because it's undercounting, he didn't say it's fabricating numbers. He said the interpretation of them is BS. It is. Imagine a bunch of people find jobs and the unemployment rate supposedly goes up. It's stupid.

That number even went up because more people started looking for jobs so he wasn't even basing his argument on that number.

Butt hurt just flames you people to meet every comment from Trump with stupid


“The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction."
— Donald Trump, remarks at an rally in Des Moines, Dec. 8, 2016

"Our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent,"

What's poor know nothing like Flash to think when his dear leader says something like that?

You say "bullshit" then don't contradict me, or Trump.

Do you seriously not grasp that the unemployment rate went UP? Trump did not use that to support his claim real unemployment went down. He used hiring to show that. Explaining the obvious to you is a full time job

"REAL UNEMPLOYMENT" did not go down, it went up, because more people entered workforce and that REALLY DOES inversely effects unemployment as there was more new people looking for jobs than new jobs created in January.

After accounting for the annual adjustments to the population controls, the civilian labor force increased by 584,000 in January, and the labor force participation rate rose by 0.2 percentage point to 62.9 percent.

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 227,000 in January

Among the marginally attached, there were 532,000 discouraged workers in January, little changed from a year earlier.

It's like talking to a wall.
What else did the government tell you to parrot?

There is a reason 1 out of 3 Americans requires aid to put food on the table.

What do you think it is?

Do you consider SS payments as "aid to put food on the table"? Because if you don't, you can proceed straight to concluding your statistic as bullshit.

43 million people receive food stamps, which is about 12% or 1 out of 8.
321 million people live in America, dufus. Stop using common core, dufus.
He said it's BS because it's undercounting, he didn't say it's fabricating numbers. He said the interpretation of them is BS. It is. Imagine a bunch of people find jobs and the unemployment rate supposedly goes up. It's stupid.
That number even went up because more people started looking for jobs so he wasn't even basing his argument on that number.
Actually, more people gave up looking for jobs in Jan. So much for Tramp giving workers new hope in finding a job!!!
Discouraged workers:
Dec 426,000
Jan 532,000
What else did Soros tell you to parrot?
Your MessiahRushie told you to parrot "Soros."

Using Rush's line, cracks me up. He started the Messiah thing for your Messiah Obama. You got nothing but using his line huh?
If Trump continues to use the method Obama used to cook the books on unemployment the rate will be 1% when Trump stimulates the economy.

However, I suspect Trump won't do that. He is not the lying scumbag like Obama.


He's ALREADY taking credit for Obama's economy. Is there any room for shame among Trump and the Trumpanzees?
Obama's economy wasn't good. No one is going to take credit for that mess.

it was good for most people.

maybe you should leave your basement occasionally and look for a job.

“The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction."
— Donald Trump, remarks at an rally in Des Moines, Dec. 8, 2016

"Our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent,"

What's poor know nothing like Flash to think when his dear leader says something like that?

You say "bullshit" then don't contradict me, or Trump.

Do you seriously not grasp that the unemployment rate went UP? Trump did not use that to support his claim real unemployment went down. He used hiring to show that. Explaining the obvious to you is a full time job

"REAL UNEMPLOYMENT" did not go down, it went up, because more people entered workforce and that REALLY DOES inversely effects unemployment as there was more new people looking for jobs than new jobs created in January.

After accounting for the annual adjustments to the population controls, the civilian labor force increased by 584,000 in January, and the labor force participation rate rose by 0.2 percentage point to 62.9 percent.

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 227,000 in January

Among the marginally attached, there were 532,000 discouraged workers in January, little changed from a year earlier.

It's like talking to a wall.
What else did the government tell you to parrot?

There is a reason 1 out of 3 Americans requires aid to put food on the table.

What do you think it is?

Do you consider SS payments as "aid to put food on the table"? Because if you don't, you can proceed straight to concluding your statistic as bullshit.

43 million people receive food stamps, which is about 12% or 1 out of 8.
321 million people live in America, dufus. Stop using common core, dufus.


good advise, you should take it yourself, nutter
Again, prove Trump said the 95 million are people "really wanting a job"
JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.

OK, fair enough, and I Googled and confirmed your quote. There are tens of millions, but the 96 million is flat out wrong
No, it's never been tens of millions:
Same people tell you there has been no inflation the last 20 years too. It's all BS.
If Trump continues to use the method Obama used to cook the books on unemployment the rate will be 1% when Trump stimulates the economy.

However, I suspect Trump won't do that. He is not the lying scumbag like Obama.


He's ALREADY taking credit for Obama's economy. Is there any room for shame among Trump and the Trumpanzees?

No, the only person who is getting credit for OBAMA'S ECONOMY is that douchebag OBAMA.

Nobody else wants credit for it.

The economy started improving by leaps and bounds the INSTANT trump was elected. That is NOT an "Obama economy" uptick. That's an "anti-Obama" economy uptick, retard.
He said it's BS because it's undercounting, he didn't say it's fabricating numbers. He said the interpretation of them is BS. It is. Imagine a bunch of people find jobs and the unemployment rate supposedly goes up. It's stupid.
That number even went up because more people started looking for jobs so he wasn't even basing his argument on that number.
Actually, more people gave up looking for jobs in Jan. So much for Tramp giving workers new hope in finding a job!!!
Discouraged workers:
Dec 426,000
Jan 532,000
What else did Soros tell you to parrot?
Your MessiahRushie told you to parrot "Soros."
Never listen to Rush. But you quote media matters, buzzflash, mother jones, etc etc all of the time.
4) I don't bet without a clear standard that is easy to measure

Your offer violates every one of my four rules
The not in labor force is easy to measure, it is reported every month by the BLS, now, according to the Right, run by Tramp!!!
You won't bet because you KNOW you will lose, and no other reason.
Again, prove Trump said the 95 million are people "really wanting a job"
JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.

OK, fair enough, and I Googled and confirmed your quote. There are tens of millions, but the 96 million is flat out wrong
No, it's never been tens of millions:

That number isn't inclusive. It says "want a job now." It does not count people who would work if better jobs were available to them. They don't qualify as "want a job now."
How do you figure it doesn't? These are people who are not working and not trying to work who say they do want a job. Why wouldn't it include people who would work if there were better jobs?

We're getting way deeper into the nuances of this than is relevant to the basic point that unemployment is way under counted and that is reflected in the historically low labor participation rate
The low participation rate means a low number of Americans want to work. That's it. A-38. Persons not in the labor force by desire and availability for work, age, and sex
95.4 million not in the labor force.
89.5 million don't want a job.
3.6 million say they want a job but did not do one single thing to find one in all of 2016.
Only half a million who want to work, could work, stopped looking because they thought they wouldn't find a job.
You say "bullshit" then don't contradict me, or Trump.

Do you seriously not grasp that the unemployment rate went UP? Trump did not use that to support his claim real unemployment went down. He used hiring to show that. Explaining the obvious to you is a full time job

"REAL UNEMPLOYMENT" did not go down, it went up, because more people entered workforce and that REALLY DOES inversely effects unemployment as there was more new people looking for jobs than new jobs created in January.

After accounting for the annual adjustments to the population controls, the civilian labor force increased by 584,000 in January, and the labor force participation rate rose by 0.2 percentage point to 62.9 percent.

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 227,000 in January

Among the marginally attached, there were 532,000 discouraged workers in January, little changed from a year earlier.

It's like talking to a wall.
What else did the government tell you to parrot?

There is a reason 1 out of 3 Americans requires aid to put food on the table.

What do you think it is?

Do you consider SS payments as "aid to put food on the table"? Because if you don't, you can proceed straight to concluding your statistic as bullshit.

43 million people receive food stamps, which is about 12% or 1 out of 8.
321 million people live in America, dufus. Stop using common core, dufus.


good advise, you should take it yourself, nutter
Another dufus leftard who thinks 12% of 321M is 43M. :lmao:

“The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction."
— Donald Trump, remarks at an rally in Des Moines, Dec. 8, 2016

"Our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent,"

What's poor know nothing like Flash to think when his dear leader says something like that?

You say "bullshit" then don't contradict me, or Trump.

Do you seriously not grasp that the unemployment rate went UP? Trump did not use that to support his claim real unemployment went down. He used hiring to show that. Explaining the obvious to you is a full time job

"REAL UNEMPLOYMENT" did not go down, it went up, because more people entered workforce and that REALLY DOES inversely effects unemployment as there was more new people looking for jobs than new jobs created in January.

After accounting for the annual adjustments to the population controls, the civilian labor force increased by 584,000 in January, and the labor force participation rate rose by 0.2 percentage point to 62.9 percent.

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 227,000 in January

Among the marginally attached, there were 532,000 discouraged workers in January, little changed from a year earlier.

It's like talking to a wall.
What else did the government tell you to parrot?

There is a reason 1 out of 3 Americans requires aid to put food on the table.

What do you think it is?

Do you consider SS payments as "aid to put food on the table"? Because if you don't, you can proceed straight to concluding your statistic as bullshit.

43 million people receive food stamps, which is about 12% or 1 out of 8.
321 million people live in America, dufus. Stop using common core, dufus.

Yes there are, so 43/321 is the rate of food assistance or 1 out of 7.5, dummy
I was explaining the number to you, moron. I said 95 million working age people don't have jobs. That is what Trump is referring to.

I did not draw any conclusions on that number. I said some want jobs and some don't. Stop being such a stupid fuck or I'm dropping out of this discussion with you. You're being a serious idiot right now, you're just making shit up
Actually, that's not true. The 95 million are only those age 16 plus not working and not trying to work EXLUDING people in prison or institutions (nursing homes, mental health facilities etc.)

So the 95 million doesn't even include the actual unemployed: 8,149,000
that the number doesn't include the unemployed count you're correct. the fact is the numbers are from those who were on unemployment and gave up looking for work because of lack of jobs.
that is NOT a fact. First, classification as unemployed has nothing to do with unemployment insurance benefits. If you are not working, are looking for a job, and could start a job if offered, then you are unemployed, regardless of whether you ever had a job.

So the 95 million does include 16 year old students, disabled, retirees, anyone not trying to work for any reason.
dude, it goes to who has signed up for money from unemployment.

No, it doesn't. The Current Population Survey, which is where the numbers come from, doesn't even ask about unemployment benefits.

Dude, the number as it is presented is from the labor force numbers and it is from those who gave up looking for work out of the unemployment numbers.
No, it's not. From Glossary : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Not in the labor force (Current Population Survey)
Includes persons aged 16 years and older in the civilian noninstitutional population who are neither employed nor unemployed in accordance with the definitions contained in this glossary. Information is collected on their desire for and availability for work, job search activity in the prior year, and reasons for not currently searching.
And Unemployed we see in the Technical Note "
People are classified as unemployed if they meet all of the following criteria:
they had no employment during the reference week; they were available for work at that time; and they made specific efforts to find employment sometime during the 4-week period ending with the reference week. Persons laid off from a job and expecting recall need not be looking for work to be counted as unemployed. The unemployment data derived from the household survey in no way depend upon the eligibility for or receipt of unemployment insurance benefits.
A-38. Persons not in the labor force by desire and availability for work, age, and sex

it was good for most people.

maybe you should leave your basement occasionally and look for a job.

It was not good for the people in poverty. During Obama's administration poverty increased.

It was not good for the people that had their family income decreased. During the Obama administration family income decreased all over the country.

It was not good for the people that opted out looking for work because there were no jobs. During the Obama administration workforce participation was at a 40 year low.

It was not good for those people that had to go on welfare. During the Obama administration the welfare rolls increased.

A less than 3% annual GDP growth sucks for a country like America. It robs us of our wealth and income and creates poverty. Obama's dismal economy hardly kept up with population growth.

That affirmative action asshole Obama was more interested in picking the basketball playoff brackets and kissing the ass of the welfare queens, Muslims and illegals than he was in stimulating economic growth and we all pay for it someway or another.

Hopefully Trump will fix it.
"REAL UNEMPLOYMENT" did not go down, it went up, because more people entered workforce and that REALLY DOES inversely effects unemployment as there was more new people looking for jobs than new jobs created in January.

After accounting for the annual adjustments to the population controls, the civilian labor force increased by 584,000 in January, and the labor force participation rate rose by 0.2 percentage point to 62.9 percent.

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 227,000 in January

Among the marginally attached, there were 532,000 discouraged workers in January, little changed from a year earlier.

It's like talking to a wall.
What else did the government tell you to parrot?

There is a reason 1 out of 3 Americans requires aid to put food on the table.

What do you think it is?

Do you consider SS payments as "aid to put food on the table"? Because if you don't, you can proceed straight to concluding your statistic as bullshit.

43 million people receive food stamps, which is about 12% or 1 out of 8.
321 million people live in America, dufus. Stop using common core, dufus.


good advise, you should take it yourself, nutter
Another dufus leftard who thinks 12% of 321M is 43M. :lmao:

Fucktard, you just said that 33% of Americans receive food assistance and now that your bullshit got called you are going to try to nitpick a 1% difference?
You say "bullshit" then don't contradict me, or Trump.

Do you seriously not grasp that the unemployment rate went UP? Trump did not use that to support his claim real unemployment went down. He used hiring to show that. Explaining the obvious to you is a full time job

"REAL UNEMPLOYMENT" did not go down, it went up, because more people entered workforce and that REALLY DOES inversely effects unemployment as there was more new people looking for jobs than new jobs created in January.

After accounting for the annual adjustments to the population controls, the civilian labor force increased by 584,000 in January, and the labor force participation rate rose by 0.2 percentage point to 62.9 percent.

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 227,000 in January

Among the marginally attached, there were 532,000 discouraged workers in January, little changed from a year earlier.

It's like talking to a wall.
What else did the government tell you to parrot?

There is a reason 1 out of 3 Americans requires aid to put food on the table.

What do you think it is?

Do you consider SS payments as "aid to put food on the table"? Because if you don't, you can proceed straight to concluding your statistic as bullshit.

43 million people receive food stamps, which is about 12% or 1 out of 8.
321 million people live in America, dufus. Stop using common core, dufus.

Yes there are, so 43/321 is the rate of food assistance or 1 out of 7.5, dummy
So 1 of every 7 people you see today are so bad off they need aid to put food on the table is a sign of a good economy? Good Lord I am thankful Democrats are irrelevant in politics today.
Do you know that older workers who get laid off can get both Social Security and unemployment at the same time? Is it a fucked up country or what?
Nothing fucked up about it at all as retired people are allowed to continue working after collecting Social Security benefits IF THEY WANT TO KEEP WORKING. Many, like myself, reduced my hours to PT so I am forced to keep a regular schedule and not just lay around the house all day. If I earn over a certain amount, thanks to Reagan, I would have to pay taxes on my SS. If I get laid off and I look for work, I am also entitled to UI that I paid for out of my NJ payroll taxes.
"REAL UNEMPLOYMENT" did not go down, it went up, because more people entered workforce and that REALLY DOES inversely effects unemployment as there was more new people looking for jobs than new jobs created in January.

After accounting for the annual adjustments to the population controls, the civilian labor force increased by 584,000 in January, and the labor force participation rate rose by 0.2 percentage point to 62.9 percent.

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 227,000 in January

Among the marginally attached, there were 532,000 discouraged workers in January, little changed from a year earlier.

It's like talking to a wall.
What else did the government tell you to parrot?

There is a reason 1 out of 3 Americans requires aid to put food on the table.

What do you think it is?

Do you consider SS payments as "aid to put food on the table"? Because if you don't, you can proceed straight to concluding your statistic as bullshit.

43 million people receive food stamps, which is about 12% or 1 out of 8.
321 million people live in America, dufus. Stop using common core, dufus.

Yes there are, so 43/321 is the rate of food assistance or 1 out of 7.5, dummy
So 1 of every 7 people you see today are so bad off they need aid to put food on the table is a sign of a good economy? Good Lord I am thankful Democrats are irrelevant in politics today.

How many SHOULD IT BE, given that these benefits go to help low income families, students and elderly?

We just cut by more than half number of people you thought got food assistance in this country - Still no good? :rolleyes:
What else did the government tell you to parrot?

There is a reason 1 out of 3 Americans requires aid to put food on the table.

What do you think it is?

Do you consider SS payments as "aid to put food on the table"? Because if you don't, you can proceed straight to concluding your statistic as bullshit.

43 million people receive food stamps, which is about 12% or 1 out of 8.
321 million people live in America, dufus. Stop using common core, dufus.


good advise, you should take it yourself, nutter
Another dufus leftard who thinks 12% of 321M is 43M. :lmao:

Fucktard, you just said that 33% of Americans receive food assistance and now that your bullshit got called you are going to try to nitpick a 1% difference?
You forgot TEFAP............
What else did the government tell you to parrot?

There is a reason 1 out of 3 Americans requires aid to put food on the table.

What do you think it is?

Do you consider SS payments as "aid to put food on the table"? Because if you don't, you can proceed straight to concluding your statistic as bullshit.

43 million people receive food stamps, which is about 12% or 1 out of 8.
321 million people live in America, dufus. Stop using common core, dufus.

Yes there are, so 43/321 is the rate of food assistance or 1 out of 7.5, dummy
So 1 of every 7 people you see today are so bad off they need aid to put food on the table is a sign of a good economy? Good Lord I am thankful Democrats are irrelevant in politics today.

How many SHOULD IT BE, given that these benefits go to help low income families, students and elderly?

Amazing the left praise it when they claim "only" 1 out 7 Americans requiring aid to put food on the table.

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